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1、gmdss題庫 (2004)單選題閱讀理解英文縮寫英譯漢電文翻譯20010099100303010531一、單選題:1. _is a generic term meaning, as the case may be uncertainty phase, alert phase or distress phase.a. emergency phase. b. distress phase c. alert phase. d. uncertainty phase.answer: a (m)2. when approaching the sar scene, ships should make fu

2、ll use of any radio direction-finding facilities to _ and to locate any transmissions from epirb.a. find b. search c. home d. transmitanswer: c (h)3. it is important that _ for indicating the position of ships in distress or survival craft should be properly used.a. communication methods b. signalin

3、g methods c. rockets and hand flares. d. all are rightanswer: d (m)4. the broadcast of msi will be made _.a. continuously b. on terrestrial communication system c. on satellite communication system d. both b and c.answer: d (l)5. the inmarsat space segment consists of the satellite and support facil

4、ities operated by inmarsat. these satellites _.a. arent moving b. are stationary c. are in geostationary orbits d. are in the polar orbits.answer: c. (l)6. _ is an area within the radiotelephone coverage of at least one vhf coast station in which continuous dsc alerting is available.a. sea area a1.

5、b. sea area a2. c. sea area a3. d. sea area a4.answer: a.(l)7. _is an area, excluding area a1, within the radiotelephone coverage of at least one mf coast station in which continuous dsc alerting is available.a. sea area a1. b. sea area a2. c. sea area a3. d. sea area a4.answer: b.(l)8. _ is an area

6、 excluding sea area a1 and a2, within the coverage of an inmarsat geostationary satellite in which continuous alerting is available.a. sea area a1. b. sea area a2. c. sea area a3. d. sea area a4.answer: c.(l)9. _ is safety communication between ships from the position from which the ships are normal

7、ly navigated.a. vhf communication. b. mf communication. c. inmarsat communication. d. bridge-to-bridge communication.answer: d.(m)10. _ includes navigational and meteorological warnings, meteorological forecasts and other urgent safety related messages broadcast to ships.a. distress traffic. b. urge

8、ncy communication. c. public correspondence. d. maritime safety information.answer: d.(l)11. _ is a unit responsible for promoting efficient organization of sar services and for coordinating the conduct of sar operations with a sar region.a. ncc. b. rcc. c. nsc. d.lut.answer: b. (m)12. _ is a radioc

9、ommunication service in which transmissions are intended for direct reception by the general public.a. receiving service. b. am service. c.fm service. d. broadcasting service.answer: d.(h)13. _ is a satellite-aided sar system based on low-altitude near polar orbiting satellites and designed to locat

10、e distress beacons transmitting on the frequencies 121.5 mhz and 406mhz.a. gps system. b. inmarsat system. c. nnss system. d. cospas-sarsat system.answer: d.(l)14. _is the coordinate broadcast and automatic reception on 518khz of msi be means of nbdp using the english language.a. international navte

11、x. b. national navtex. c. broadcast of msi reception of msi. d. hf msi broadcast.answer: a. (l)15.mcc is the abbreviation for mission _ centre.a. correction b. certificate. c. control d. calling.answer: c.(l)16. idd is the abbreviation for international _ dialing.a. data. b. datum. c. direct. d. dis

12、tress.answer: c. (l)17. the letter g in gmdss is the abbreviation for the word _.a. global. b. general. c. ground. d. group.answer: a.(l)18. the second letter s in ssb is the abbreviation for the word_.a. single. b. side. c. shipyard. d. safety.answer: b. (l)19. d/f is the abbreviation for direction

13、/_.a. finding. b. found. c. find. d. first.answer: a.(m)20. fec is the abbreviation for forward _correction.a. east. b. error. c. earth. d. easy.answer: b.(l)21. the world wide navigational_ service, is a coordinate globe service for the broadcast by radio of vital information on hazards to marine n

14、avigation.a. weather. b. watch. c. warning. d. wire.answer: c.(l)22. vdu is the abbreviation for visual _ unit.a. data. b. direct. c. digital. d. display.answer: d.(m)23. the distress alert may also contain information regarding the_, the type of assistance required, the course and speed of the ship

15、 and the time at which the information was recorded.a. nation of distress. b. series of distress. c. degree of distress. d. nature of distress.answer: d.(m)24.choice of hf bands will depend on the position of the ship in distress, the geographical area to be alerted and current_.a. communication con

16、gestion. b. day and night characteristics. c. propagation characteristics. d. equipment conditions.answer: c. (h)25. in gmdss, msi broadcasts will be made on two _ which provide near continuous automated reception on board ships.a. dedicated systems. b. associated systems. c. different systems. d. v

17、arious systems.answer: a. (m)26. the coverage area for a satellite is defined as the area on the earths surface within which _ can be made with the satellite.a. line of sight communication. b. service communication. c. two-way communication. d. locating signal.answer: a. (h)27. the service of msi pr

18、ovides a combined news broadcast suitable for _ in all principal waters of the globe.a. a vessel. b. some vessels. c. all ships. d. some specific ships.answer: c. (l)28. before an inmarsat-a ses can be used in the inmarsat system, it must have been properly _.a. fixed and tried. b. performed and con

19、firmed. c. observed and surveyed. d. installed and commissioned.answer: d (m)29. cospas-sarsat consists of_ satellites in polar orbit and a network of earth stations.a. a b. a few of. c. 4. d. a constellation of.answer: d. (m)30. distress beacons transmit signals that are detected by cospas-sarsat s

20、pacecraft in _.a. polar orbit. b. geostationary orbit. c. equator. d. clouds.answer: a. (l)31. every ship, while at sea, _ maintain continuous watch on vhf dsc channel 70.a. will b. / c. shall d. should.answer: c. (m)32. the appropriate certificate related to the gmdss _by the administration concern

21、ed.a. is sold. b. is given or allowed. c. is kept and edited. d. issued or recognized.answer: d.(m)33. the communication arrangements are designed to enable distress alerting to be performed in _ directions in all sea areas.a. one. b. two. c. three. d. four.answer: d (l)34. the sart should provide a

22、 _ indication of its correct operation and also inform the survivors when it is interrogated by radar.a. visual. b. audible. c. smelling. d. a or b.answer: d. (l)35. warnings are transmitted at specified times and remain in force _ the information is valid.a. so that. b. even if. c. as long as. d. o

23、ther than.answer: c. (m)36. dsc will form the basis for distress alerting and safety calling. the abbreviation dsc means_.a. distress safety control b. difficult standard communication. c. digital selective calling. d. different system communication.answer: c.(l)37. the _is the nerve center of inmar

24、sat system, and it is located in the inmarsat headquarters building in london.a. ses. b. ces. c. occ. d.ncs.answer: c. (l)38. the _ consists of two parts: the above deck equipment (ade) and the below deck equipment (bde).a. ses. b. ces. c. occ. d.ncs.answer: a (m)39. the term_ is included in the gen

25、eric name land earth station (les), which applies to earth stations used for either maritime or land-based communication.a. ses. b. ces. c. mes. d.rcc.answer: b. (m)40. technical code ( b1 b2 b3 b4) in navtex appears in the_.a. starting of each message. b. ending of each message. c. preamble of each

26、 message. d. framework of each message.answer: c. (m)41.in technical code ( b1 b2 b3 b4), the _is a single unique letter which is allocated to each message transmitter.a. b1. b. b2. c. b3 b4. d. b1 b2.answer: a. (m)42. each ship station has its own unique _mmsi which is included automatically in eac

27、h dsc call.a. 4-digit. b. 5-digit. c. 7-digit. d. 9-digit.answer: d.(m)43. the _ responsible for controlling a sar operation shall also coordinate the distress traffic.a. ncs. b. ces. c. occ. d.rcc.answer: d. (l)44. the urgency traffic shall be sent only on the authority of the _ responsible for the

28、 mobile unit.a. chief engineer. b. master. c. duty officer. d. telegrapher.answer: b. (l)45. there are at present three types of beacons, namely elts, epirbs and plbs. _ is usually used on board ship.a. elts. b. epirbs. c. plbs. d. gps.answer: b (l)46. on range of vhf, those transmitters and receive

29、rs within radio sight _automatically guarantee that an acceptable signal will be received at the point.a. / . b. do. c. dont d. does not.answer: c.(m)47. the gmdss will be fully implemented in _, when except for a few remaining stations, use of morse radiotelegraphy by ships will cease.a. 1995. b. 1

30、999. c. 2001. d.2010.answer: b (l)48. _ is the automatic repetition request which is used in nbdp mode.a. fec. b. selcall. c. arq. d. rc.answer: c. (l)49. _ is rapid and successful reporting of a distress incident to a unit which can provide or coordinate assistance.a. distress channel. b. distress

31、alerting. c. distress call. d. distress priority.answer: b. (l) 50. all ships, according to the requirements for radiocommunication under_, should be fitted with rediotelephone equipment.a. stcw. b. imo. c. solas. d. marpol.answer: c. (m)51. although satellites will play an important role in the gmd

32、ss, they will not completely replace the _.a. global system. b. signaling system. c. terrestrial system. d. transmitting system.answer: c. (l)52. the gmdss includes three sub-systems: inmarsat system, cospas-sarsat system and_.a. gps system. b. navtex system. c. terrestrial radio system. d. dsc syst

33、em.answer: c. (l)53. coastal vessels will only have to carry minimal equipment if they do not operate beyond the range of shore-based _ radio station.a. vhf. b. mf. c. hf. d. uhf.answer: a. (l)54. the transmission of a _ indicates that a ship is in distress and requires immediate assistance.a. urgen

34、t traffic. b. distress alert. c. routine traffic. d. safety traffic.answer: b. (l)55. the satellites of inmarsat are placed in a _, 35700km over the major ocean regions.a. polar orbit. b. geostationary orbit. c. the milky way. d. the moon.answer: b. (l)56. a ses can communicate via that satellite wi

35、th any ces that is also pointed at _.a. the same direction. b. the moon. c. the same satellite. d. the other satellite.answer: c. (m)57. for ships equipped with an inmarsat ses, sending a distress alert is _.a. both special and slow. b. both complex and certain. c. both general and giant. d. both si

36、mple and certain.answer: d.(l)58. there are based currently on _ operational regions, each with its own operational satellite, with back-up satellite in the event of failure.a. two. b. three. c. four. d. five.answer: c. (l)59. one of the shortcomings of the using radio is that radio waves travel in

37、_.a. curve. b. triangle lines. c. square lines. d. straight lines.answer: d. (h)60. the present inmarsat system isnt available in_.a. atlantic ocean region. b. pacific ocean region. c. india ocean region. d. north polar ocean region.answer: d. (l)61. for distress traffic by radiotelephony, calls sha

38、ll be _by the distress signal mayday.a. suffixed. b. prefixed. c. behind of. d. in the front.answer: b. (m)62. _ is commonly used in distress communication if it is not occupied by a distress message.a. channel 06. b. channel 12. c. channel 16. d. channel 08.answer: c. (l)63. when using vhf, the use

39、rs should avoid _ signals.a. necessary. b. important. c. superfluous. d. sound.answer: c. (m)64. _ equipment may achieve bridge-to-bridge communication?a. hsd. b. hf. c. vhf. d. lf.answer: c. (l)65. a distress signal transmitted from which epirb is relayed by an inmarsat satellite to cess?a. a-band

40、epirbs. b. l-band epirbs. c. c-band epirbs. d. 406mhz epirbs.answer: b. (h)66. the sart is required to have sufficient battery capacity to operate in the stand-by mode for what period of time?a. eight hours. b. three days. c. four days. d. forty-eight hours.answer: c. (m)67. the ships operate in all

41、 sea areas must carry _equipment.a. vhf. b. mf. c.hf. d. satellite epirb.answer: a. (l)68. _ is not available in the inmarsat system.a. automatic calling. b. radiotelephone. c. direct-printing telegraphy. d. hf msi.answer: d.(l)69. _ is not available in the vhf, mf and hf terrestrial systems.a. dsc.

42、 b. direct-printing radiotelegraphy. c. safetynet msi d. navtex.answer: c.(l)70. the distress alerting information includes all of the below except the _.a. the recorded date. b. course and speed of the ship. c. name or call sign of the ship. d. names of the crew members.answer: d.(l)71. the functio

43、nal requirements of the gmdss include transmitting and receiving _distress alerts.a. ship to ship. b. ship to shore. c. shore to ship. d. a, b and c.answer: d. (l)72. the _ provide the link between the satellites serve as ncss.a. sess. b. cess. c. occs. d. csss.answer: b. (h)73. the cospas-sarsat sy

44、stem is available to_.a. canada only. b. the former ussr and usa. c. china. d. all countries.answer: d. (l)74. the _shall have absolute priority over all other messages.a. navigational warning. b. medical message. c. urgency message. d. distress call.answer: d.(l)75. the gmdss can make sure the prom

45、ulgation of distress alert in_ directions.a. 5. b. 4. c. 3. d.2.answer: c. (l)76. coastal area of china lies in navaera_.a. 6. b. 8. c. 11. d.16.answer: c. (m)77. international navtex must be carried out in _.a. chinese. b. english. c. spanish. d. german.answer: b. (l)78. each radiotelegram should b

46、e transmitted _ by the sending station. a. twice a day. b. once only. c. as many times as possible. d. continuously. answer: b. (m)79.every ship. while at sea, shall be capable of transmitting those as listed below except _.a. ship to ship distress alerts. b. shore to ship distress alerts. c. ship t

47、o shore distress alerts. d. on- scene communication.answer: b.(l)80. _ is used for locating of the ship or survival craft by searching ships and aircraft when near the distress position.a. vhf equipment. b. navtex equipment. c. sart. d. epirb equipment.answer: c. (m)81. the equipment required to be

48、carried by a ship will be determined by the ships _.a. area of operation. b. size. c. date of building. d. type.answer: a. (l)82. for communications between a coast station and a ship station, the _shall finally decide frequency or channel to be used.a. station called b. calling station c. coast sta

49、tion d. ship stationanswer: c.(m)83.on hearing an urgent signal, every station shall take care _interfere with transmission of the message which follows it.a. do not b. to c. mustnt to d. not to answer: d. (m)84. the equipments of the gmdss required on a ship depend on _in which they operate.a. its tgt b. its engine type c. its trade areas d. its work conditionanswer: c. (l)85. distre


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