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1、2020 屆高三年級第一學(xué)期第六次周練第二部分:閱讀理解第一節(jié):閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)(A、B C和D) 中,選出最佳選項(xiàng),并在答題卡上將該項(xiàng)涂黑。 (共 15小題,每題 2 分,滿分 30分)AYou knowwhat it's like.You've just arrived in Toronto after a long flight, and all you really want to do is to lie down and relax in your hotel room.But first you have to make a few quick

2、notes for tomorrow's meeting, then check your e-mails, and perhaps print out a few things.And you need to make a few local telephone calls, and one call home to your family.And what do you usually get? Your desk is just about big enough for a cup of coffee; there's no desk lamp; the statione

3、ry (辦公用品) is a couple of sheets of headed notepaper; and a pen doesn't work.Printing has to be arranged with the Reception, and when you try to use your cell phone you find that it won't work in Canada.Well, Harmonyis different.Just tell us in advance what you're going to need, and we

4、9;ll see that it's waiting for you when you arrive.There will be a printer in your room if you want one, and a cell phone that really works.All you have to pay for is the calls you make Wecan also arrange a room for business meetings, and using the very best employment agency, even supply a secr

5、etary to take notes.All we ask is a few days' notice.All our-rooms are of the same high standard,and we guarantee not to increase prices in the next twelve months.But book now,because we're already filling up fast,and we'd hate to disappoint you Harmony-the hotel you 've always wante

6、d; but never been able to find-untilnow.21 The advertisement is intended for?Aairline staffB business people C secretaries Dtourists22 What must the guest do if he wants a secretary?A Inform the hotel in advance B Tell the Reception on arrivalC Call an employment agency D Put up a notice in the hote

7、l23.Why is it best to book now?A The best rooms go first B Prices might increase soonCIt ensures high standard rooms D Rooms may become unavailable 24 What is special about Harmony?AIt offers telephone calls for free BIt provides printing at the Reception CIt gives high standard information services

8、 DIt makes arrangements to meet guests' needs BIt was a dangerous period for Nancy when her own fortunes were concerned.She had to rely on freelance(自由撰稿 ) work for six months afterQuality Weekly Magazine folded.The regular salary cheque had always seemed very small, but now it was like lost ric

9、hes.She sent many articles to other magazines. Sometimes she struck it lucky and got a task. She once wrote a short article of a politician who appreciated her fair-minded approach and gave her some secret information. Her article was noticed by an editor in search of something sharp and fresh. And

10、Nancy was getting a name for sharp comment.In this trade,she saw,you didn't need so much to be up to date with things as ahead of them,lying in wait for circumstance,ready to jump.Then one day she walked into the offices of National Daily.It had taken her article and its editor had looked kindly

11、 upon her.Having handed over a piece on the latest educational theories she'd written,she fell into conversation with a woman she had known before.She learned that one of the paper's regular columnists( 專欄作家 ) had quitted the job.So Nancy madethe necessary phone call to apply for the job.And

12、 then,the phone call came.She'd have a weekly column with her photograph next to it. There'd be a salary cheque,and perhaps fame and success to follow that.She realized that the job presented her with a wonderful opportunity.Later, whenshe was alone.Nancy thought that her appointment had pro

13、bably been a piece of good fortune.However,she refused to allow the word '"luck".She must have got the job because she was good and experienced.What she never knew was that in fact the editor had been at the point of offering the column to another writer,Alex.When he was about to pick

14、up the phone to call Alex,the colleague he most disliked walked into his office,and spoke with satisfaction of the possibility of closer association with this old friend of his.As soon as the colleague was out of the room,he reached for the phone, and rang Nancy.25 Why did Nancy spend a dangerous pe

15、riod?ABecause freelance work was difficult to do B Because she reported some secret information C Because her regular salary cheque was too smallDBecause she lost the job in Quality Weekly Magazine26 Nancy thought the secret of success as a journalist was to Amake positive commentsB wait and grasp t

16、hechanceCget along well with editorsD keep up with thelatest information27 In the last paragraph, the underlined part "this old friend of his" refersto .A. the colleague B . the editor C . Alex D . Nancy28. What can we in ter from the passage?A. The newjob presented Nancy with pressure . B

17、. Nancy got the job in NationalDaily by cha neeC. Regular columnists are better than freelanee writers.D. Working hard is the key to gaining popularity for a writer.CEtymology,the study of words and word roots, may sound like the kind ofthing done by boringlibrarians in small,dusty rooms.Yet etymolo

18、gistsactually have a uniquely interesting job. They are in many ways just like archaeologists ( 考古學(xué)家)digging up the physical history of people and eve nts.The special aspect of etymology is that it digs up history,so to speak,through the words and phrases that are left behi nd.The English Ianguage,i

19、n particular,is a great field to explore historythrough words.As a Ianguage,Englishhas an extraordinary number ofwords.This is partly due to its ability to adapt foreign words so readily.For example, “English ” words such as kindergarten (from German), croissant (from French),and cheetah (from Hindi

20、) have becomepart of the Ianguage with little or no change from their original sounds and spellings.So En glish-la nguage etymologists have a vast world of words to explore.Another enjoyable thing about etymology for most word experts is solving word mysteries( 謎).No,etymologists do not go around so

21、lving murders,like the great detective Sherlock Holmes.What these word experts solve is mysterious orig ins of some of our most com mon words.One of the biggest questi ons En glish Ian guage experts have pursued is how English came to have the phrase OK.Though it is one of the most commonly used exp

22、ressi on s,its exact beg inning is a puzzle eve n to this day. Eve n its spelli ng is not en tirely con siste nt uni ess you spell it Okay,it is hard eve n to call it a word.Etymologists have been able to narrow OK s origindown to alikely,although not certa in, source .It became widely used around t

23、he time of Marti n Van Bure n ' s run for preside nt in 1840. His nickn ame was Old Kin derhook.What troubles word experts about this expla natio n is that the phrase appeared in some newspapers before Van Buren becamewell known.lt is likely that Van Buren could be called its primary source. Ety

24、mologists will doubtlessly keep searching for the initial source.However,it is clear thatOK s popularity and reputati onhave topped those of the America n preside ntto whom it has bee n most clearly lin ked.29. The author mentions the words like“croissant ” in Paragraph 2 toin dicate.A. words have c

25、hanged a lot in the two IanguagesB. what En glish-la nguage etymologists are explori ng nowC. En glish has absorbed many words from other foreig n Ian guagesD. the English vocabulary is difficult to the non-English-speakingpeople30. The underlined word “ pursued ” in Paragraph 4 means.A. looked upon

26、B. dug upC. put inD. set dow n31. What is the main purpose of the passage?A. To present the history of English words. B.To explain the procedureof an etymologist ' s job.C. To introduce the pleasure of the study of words and word roots.D. To teach readers how to dist in guish En glish and non-En

27、 glish words.D(Reuters) A Malaysia Airli nesflight carry ing 227 passe ngers and 12 crew was presumed to have crashed off the Vietnamese coast on Saturday, and European officials said two people on board were using false identities.There were no reports of bad weather and no sig n of why the Boe ing

28、 777-200ER would have vani shed from radar scree ns about an hour after it took off from Kuala Lumpur for Beiji ng.“We are not ruling out any possibilities,” Mala ysia Airlines CEOAhmad Jauhari Yahya told a n ews conferen ce.By the early hours of Sun day, therewere no con firmed sig ns of the pla ne

29、or any wreckage, well over 24 hours after it went missing. Operations will continue through the night, officials said.There were no indicationsof sabotage (蓄意破壞)nor claims of an attack.But the passe nger list issued by the airli ne in cluded the n ames of twoEuropea nsAustria nChristia nKozel and It

30、alia nLuigi Maraldi who,according to their foreign ministries, were not in fact on the plane.A foreign ministry spokesman in Vienna said:“Our embassy got theinformation that there was an Austrian on board. That was the passenger list from Malaysia Airlines. Our system cameback with a note that this

31、is a stolen passport. ”Austria n police had found the man safe at home. The passport was stole n two years ago while he was travelli ng inThaila nd, the spokesma n said.The foreign ministry in Rome said no Italian was on the plane either, despite the in clusi on of Maraldi' s n ame on th e list.

32、 His mother, Ren ataLucchi, told Reuters his passport was lost, presumed stole n, inThaila ndin 2020.U.S. and European security officials said that there was no proof of any terrorist link and there could be other expla nati ons for the use of stole n passports.32. What was Ahmad Jauhari Yahya '

33、 s attitude? A. Uncertain.B.Negative. C. Positive. D. Con fide nt.33. Accord ing to the passage, the foreig n mini stry spokesma n in Vienna hadmade sure .A.two passports had bee n stole n by two Europea ns B.Christia n Kozel was the man who kid napped the planeC.the Austrian on board was actually a

34、t home D.ChristianKozel lied to thepolice34. Which of the followi ng is true about Maraldi?A. He was from Austria. B. He was found safe at home.C. His mother was sad when she saw his nameon the list. D. His passport was lost in Thaila nd.35. Who should be resp on sible for the miss ing of the pla ne

35、 accordi ng to the passage?A. Terrorists.B. Two people using falseiden tities.C. We are not sure.D. Christian Kozel and LuigiMaraldi.第二節(jié):根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從短文后的七個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。(共10分)The iPon Gen erati onToday it is common。see people who walk about with colored wires hanging from their ears wherever they go.

36、They move about in their personal bubbles, sometimes unaware of what's happening around them.36 Outside life is shut out.So are you one of them"?For me walki ng around in my own pers onal bubble is perfect.37 What's一 eve n better, weari ngearph ones seems to give a sig nal to people whi

37、ch says;"I'm not available for chatting at the moment "Suppose, you're at work and about to make an in credible breakthrough?but a colleague sudde nly tur ns up.At this precise mome nt, the slightest disturba nee would break your concen trati on.38 nee aga in, those wireshanging fr

38、om your ears would be sure to give that "Go away!" sig nal39 It's probably part of the grow ing up stage whe n they just want to ignore their whole family.While their mothers give them lectures about why they should do their“ Yes.Mum.” problem solved .Pretty soon, not only will we have

39、 pretty colored wires hanging from our ears-but also our brains will be directly plugged into some new high-tech in strume nt.We'll be in a virtual(虛擬的) world, com muni cati ng withevery one else, or choos ing not to, as we like. In this world, we will allbe permanently plugged in.40 And they ar

40、e changing our social habits along the way.In the end, there is a th in line betwee n using tech no logy as a tool for making life better and being a slave to it! It's so strange-suddenly,I don'tfeel like weari ng my earpho nes anymoreA. Our instruments are changing quickly. B. I also have w

41、ires hanging frommy ears .C. In the home situation, teenagers love these wires.D. I don't have to deal with the noise from the environmentE. After all, I am listening to my favorite music and would rather not bedisturbed .F. Listening to music through earphones is the perfect way to ignore suchi

42、n terrupti onsG. They walk around in their own spaces, with their personal“digitalnoisereducti on systems第三部分:完形填空(共20小題;每小題1.5分,共30分)In high school I had a math teacher, Mrs. Davies, who took her job seriously and expected her students to put forth the samedegree of commitment. Strict but fair, she

43、 held our attention with her time-proven approach. One of her 41 was for stude nts who were more adva need academically. I chose to 42 it and soon realized that the course was a bit over myhead. I 43 with the complex problems that others seemed to lear n without much effort.On eFriday we were tested

44、 44 our ability to use a theorem (定理) that no one in the class thoroughly understood. The teacher would 45 our papers based on our ability to progress through the problem which easily filled two pages of formulaic notations (公式符號).I was absolutely 46 . Finally, I did n ' t use the required theor

45、em .In stead, I decided to use more familiar theorems to arrive at an 47 . I knew I had failed because I hadn' t donethe 48 assig nment. I became resig ned to my fate.Our test papers were 49 back the follow ing Mon day. Every one received a “C except for me. To my surprise, I received an“A . I 5

46、0 thatthere must be a mistake. I watched 51 as the teacher approached my desk, smiled, and asked for my test 52 back.She then went back to copy my workonto the blackboard, 53 the class how I had arrived at the correct answer.“ Mathematics is meant to be a creative tool, pushi ng our mi nds to a rewa

47、rdi ng an swer, ” she said with con fide nee.54 I did n ' t use the required theorem,she seemedgenuinely proud of how I ' d worked through the problem. The class saw her fold my test paper and put it into her textbook. She announ ced that it would be 55 with future classes.My teacher would h

48、ave bee n justifiedin giving me a 56 grade.In stead,she used the57 to deeply in flue nee a stude nt who ofte n struggled. And after forty years,I still cherish the58 .It helped cha nge my self-image. I 59 up to a broad boun dary of possibilities which has made my life an adve nture. She un derstood that teach ing went bey ond stri


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