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1、國家開放大學(xué)電大??朴⒄Z閱讀(3)2026-2027期末試題及答案(試卷號:2157)part 1raid pasmikc i and decide lhe meaning of the following words with lhe help of the contcxt> the pamgraph in which the word appears h indicateti in brucket). write a t b. or c on your answer sheet. (20 poinut 3 points oich)p心呷1communication and gcndv

2、r in business1 according to popular ?xrnerican linguist. drbornh tfinncne communication habits *ary depending on individual prra()n«lityf culture, nnd mong other(hrtors. gender since male ways of commururmiing nrc standard in business* women way6 of talking nre oilen ignored or misunderstexx) i

3、n lhe workplace. trtnnrn emphasizes that female and male styles arc >h)lh valid. here are wme of l annerr* rnnin pointy2 conversaugnal styles in boys and girls show up «>rly. evttn 5-year old boys care about their rank in the groups while 5-yrar-old girls care more about being in or out u

4、f the group. rhrrrorc> men 1 s conversational myles often use competition while women try to keep the nppeurance ul equality.3 women fentl to apoiogit<- marr than men. as an attempt to restore the power bnhncr in con versa! ioru when men 'imply accept the apology rather than part nl the rm

5、pcrxibilhy. women (cd unjumiy blamed-i western women favor indirect ways of speaking, which is interpreted by western rneri 115 showing tnsreurity nnd lack of curdidrnc仁 however, this gender dtfffcrrncr a ruliura! chlfcrcncc! jnpnnese business culture demnnds indircctnesst and the direct pproarhused

6、 hy wcxtcm bubinessmen is often seen as rude by the japanese5 in biainrsst women arr often bhmed if they mtalk like a wonunm <5(jt indirecte catnious) hut arc aj»o blamed if they “talk like a mnnw (bo5§y ugsressive).6 w< hnvc strung negative imagcm uf women in authority: wicked witch

7、 a nd mother# 的 women lx?s<e> are judged not ns bosses but as women.gender dihcrcnccs show most strongly not in ind)v)dunis bur in group ettingxe hi a rroup of men arid womens women tend to become silent hy>tjimivrs< while men are activr piirticipantm.8 males and females in wchtrrn cultu

8、re hpcjik different body lbngungc?t. mrn oflrn spread out their limbsf taking up h lot of space> gesture widely t spriek in laud tones and engnge in direct eye contact. these behaviors communicxifc power and high *tntuht women hold in their limbn. tnkc up little »pace. mnkr hmall krsturest m

9、peak in soft mm. rmd lower their eyes frcqurntly. these behaviors givr rtwny power and rtnnouncr low tnius.9 males interrupt (emnle* much more thnn they intcrrupl wthrr mnlrat and more oftenthan fernnkn interrupt rithrr mntm nr knhiir10 rrjicnrch ha* shew口 that there i* nnthing *nnturftlm nlvout nul

10、» ar ivrivdrbut that chw krndrr hnbitft "imply »how the jumenyped role in whii h suc iciy pin mm nmlwomen.quc«llon!i i10 arc bawl on passarc i.i. vury (pnraktaph 1)art different< «rr universal2. vnlid (parnkrnph 1)at ncreptablr(oolinhc. different3. nhow up (pnragraph 2)a&

11、gt; chnngc/ire thr meet nppr/ir1. restore (putagraph 3)a. ovrrpowrrrrvetige(:. bring bnck to thr urikhinl point tun漢 unjustly (ptiragriiph 3)a. unfairlyimknonly(:. umqurlybe niferprrtrd (pnragraph i)a. trainhltilutwirr-tukxi( repentrdl wrreivf (pmmph 5)a> unwillinx to .rec with at hem( ready tu m

12、tuck othrni& byniandcrn (paragraph 7)a. outsidersc. parncipnnts9. limbs (paragraph 8)a. in心 and i*,c. idcmb10. interrupt (paragraph 9)a. pu*ht cut into ihr convrration11 rawy to get aiofik withb- onlookerb(*u#)b. ncwspftpernb. npoloxixe tokr»d2 and ch<k»sc either a. b or c to comple

13、te cacti of the following matenients. wriuat b or c on your answer sheet. (30 points. 3 points cmh)passage 2translating fashion1 h'、cv<n oe clock in thr morning and natassia antipova a brsautiful ruhsinnfinancial conynltnntr is geneng up in the moseow aparlmcnt where she lives alone ond nsktn

14、g hcrcli: "what nhll i wr«r “xhy?” a decade ago her choicer were nimplrr. then, there was one kind of mascara> one color rye 而dow. nowt nafassias bathroom nltclve arr stocked with avon> etee luiudef> find nina ried. her clone!s contain levis and armanis* as well as locnl brand nar

15、ncs> her ftwareneri ol whax makes a beautiful woman has been vastly expnded in tokyo< on the »anir dny> m«ki ko is doing a presentation (or her public rrliitian companye i ler tnm size 8 figure is zipped into an italian suit. in her enxbsh pntkrt bchik elixabcth arden rosmetics *h

16、arc space with pruduct from shiirdot the tokyob&5td beauty conipany. 1>am ywir maki had japan mo$t popular cornrtic mirgrry proccdurce n rhtnopluty to make her button nose look more western. the list goes on( theklobaliiation of (ttshiun x ont ol thr phrnornenn of our urnc. n vn«t niiirk

17、ct (or iho<r compnnieji who nurnrhow h«vr look ihnt iranutrn warldwidc.3 there 、nothing new> <4 courfir« riboui the proccsifl of inahionwiik irniiniion in rotnnn britain proiipcroua riativea wore togan> this (iinhion rrmnmed populnr for on>r time. mlikcwi»c< nfrer ih

18、r nnrman mvnhion of hntnin in 1()66# frrnch *iylr brrwrnc chic. thm kind <>( fashion trend hn» brrti happenirik for centunrn. hut what it new in the >hcrr and depth ol prnrtnition nl thm hioijai (anhion*3 (joiuidrr levi jcarts« 4i company with « brnml imprint cnrrieci hy 2. k

19、oo retail rotnpnnirb in i)countnr. worldwide mi (or 1996 were i is $ 7. i billion or etcc l/iu<lrr which hinde it went irttcrnahnnal in 11)6(). han pcnetrntetl 100 mark<?ts find racked up nlcs ol $ 3. 4 hilhon in )997 ()r tnkr ch,nn. whose women wvrr forbidden 心 rrrrnlly 10 yeitrn nga to powdt

20、ir ihcir noww in recent yrarn. the (*9ihiori and coarnrlieii fnarkcl im* rxpnndr<i by 20 in 30 prfcrnt >iniuihlly» buf i> thim nil n |)lot hy «rrrdy <lesi|(nrr»« niariu(ar<urrrs and fanhion editom to clone ihr world into one image? alison lune< author of i hr lh

21、ku4kr of clofhce think!* not. shr my、people nnd cultutrn thrmrlvm tlrridr an whnt tw fashion fhcnc duys».i ( )1 fat tnorr irnport/ince (o fnnhicn trendnt according tn marr haurgrry< an ftdveruring conjiuh/inv. in the qupanon of how n country rntcrtninji itnvll. hr givri chr rxnrnplr of jupar

22、u m tduntry that h,“ n lave nffuir wilh gulf und« marc recentlyt with anirncan hituntion cornrdio. w!ttp«ncmc people now wnnt tn he drfincii hr witty urccitful nnd afflurntt und mi thut mtylr hun brconir cocil and ou/hl uftcr.5 lknn«rry. who tmvvh the world in or<lrr to mlvijir cli

23、ent* on which iningcn 5<?ll bci*f in which countries thinks that rhhul (a*hio»» m nut oboui fhr wc*t(lii:tnting to the ear!, ridhrri if i,about 口 new feeling of intcrnalianalistn. "armnni. for rxrnplrt dc>r> not rt 01h to look n uthrtitically ilfllnitu any more than ( hnnel w

24、nnts to look npccificrtlly french m i)b%m flnurwuy. m irintcml thrir (<x>tprint in n icwik whi< h myn e i rn elegntit> miphisiticntrdt nucccmfiil 1 and ihnt trnntunteii worldwide °6 whm it all mhk up tu in , world of conunirr dreihion rnnktr a miximl-rnnrch world where ronnumcr* ofr

25、en inkr what ib b(mt from i heir own country and combine ih worldwidr mitvcyii ol hcnihy prrtriicr* conlinn thi% |>oint. rumsinn women confide fhftt not nil o( rhtni nrc crazy abuut tin? ra w roarnrfic irnp<ir!s rnvironrncntally conbcioun tccnm twenty lhing>t w«rr mnd (or rhe nrwesif l

26、ine ol ruiiin skin cnrc> cjrrrn mnmu mndr ex< inmvrly from hrrbn nnd fniiin found in the altat region of sinrrin. h benuiy*consdoub syrum> rtlxo chim thni i heir traditional oils nnd uccntk ure (or them a treasure trove of iwnuty »ct rrt>. in f hnr dninak us luiibroornmt alonk*iclr

27、thr tuihlrrn coamrtirnt are pewtrr bowh winch to mix i icnnn nnd hny leaf, honey ami ohvr nil noapm nr vials a i pcrfunied oih.7 i hr cruel truth nlwhit whft! (ftrhianxible i» ihn1 n c/iii # t br rkuirly (icfinedt 1 oduy1» uinrrpt of li、hk”b clrnw from n far widvr ethnic ntul nattonnl pool

28、 than ever hefarr. and it * krowifik day hy dny>qurntlonm 112(> wre l»usc<l on i蝦mi歡 2i 1 i<u<%i«n women h/ivifnnhion ciumcta coni|kirr<j to a tlccnde ngofta. the ramvb more(*. fewer12. rhmopluirv is |x)glinnmonji women.a. jnpunencr. eurupran( ?(rkahil alter ihr nrnum mvm

29、inn <j( itrifniiu】yls been me pupuliir.a. jupunmrik frenchc« bnnvhlit 1 hr ililfrfrrivr lit lunhion lodhy is i hr . .a. trend h crcntea*b. choiee of nlylei< wizr nnd pcnvuntion15t levi jvnn.% hw bumre、in rount ricrt.a. 100b. 2.800c. in16. ah&on lune arc making decisions on fanhian the

30、se days.a. demignern nnd companiesb. people nnd culturesc. edit or» and manufacturers17. mmtc ikiurgery thinks dictates what rlobnl fashion ea. the eastb. the wemce internationalism18. armani 19 mom! probably n ( n ) brand(商彌 >mm(a. italianb* frenchc japanese19. today the makes fnshion choic

31、em<a. consumer& designerc. internalicnnl market20« fashion ia today.a, stpecifkdiversec. expensivepart 皿read pamsarc 3 und decide whether the following statements arc true or false. write i feir true und h for false on your answer sheet. (20 pointst 2 poinu cjich3advrrtlsing| in a cotnpc

32、titivr economy lhe consumer ununlly lus the choice of several dtffrrrni bronds of the ?nmr product. yd underneath ihnr inbeg. the pnulucu ate ofirn nearly identical one manufaclurrr f » toothphtc tend« to ilirfer very link from nnolhcr maiiufneturrr j m?itiu(acturer* nrc confronted with h

33、problem h“w to keep m)iz high enough to sny in butiiness. mftnufarluren* sulvr rhn problem by ndvertlfiink. they try to ap(>eal to canntirnrrn in vahou ways. in fod. udvertisement nmy he classifunl into three type* according to the kind of appeals they iw.2 (,nc vp© of «tlvcrtimernrtil

34、trim to upprol to the < uniunirr'» rentanmg mind, h may ourr a rln,m ,hn,心mu ivientifir. for ewunplr, it nmy miy the ckmlm rrcammmtl flmh toothp«mr. in mclhng a product, thr truth of (hr ndvenimink may he lenn ivrijwrtont thnn the ppeorance of truth.3 ani>th< r typr of ftdvcni

35、hcmrnt tries to arnir the |»a!ential buyer. products thnt »rr tmneneial baring buch as insecticide arc often ndvertiaed in an atnusing way. ono way of 山“叫 thm h tn mnk( fhr phklurtji appear ohw. for cxrtmp!r< the hdvmligc brhcvr th/tt fnnmimrr* arc likely (o renirinhrr nnd buy products

36、thnt the connunirr nnyioantr with fun4 aumkiatinft thr product with something pleaiwnt m the technique of the third type ofnppejil. hl i ilin < xrr ruin ihnt nuggesr thal thr product will satisfy m>mc banic hutnnn dmm one wrh demre in i he wish to be ndmircxl by nthrr people. many automobile m

37、clvrrli!m?mrnt?»in fhii* cntrgciry. they imply llml other people will odmirr you rnnyze !><when ihvy *er you driving lhe hot. new artrdvark cor. anofhrr powcrltildesirr to which odvcritrcrs upped h the desire for kwe this adn for bundy are unlikely to emphtmiae thr way the handugea ure ma

38、de or their luw costi inatcad ihr dn may *how n rriothw tenderly bmtlifig up nnd then kimnin« lirr »rnall hoy1* cut (ingcr« in fhr picture vhrrr (nirn open packugc of ouch bandagm. the advertiser hopes the consumer will menuhy nsvrl iiri rqiud <i«n to i rentr thr eqiiafion )ur

39、h hundngru lave."5 ()nr only need* to look through a tnaguziiic or w/itch an hour of i v in ordvr to <<cr exampie of tlirhr three diffrrrni fidvertikitig 5lrategicqae«tionv 2130 arc baved on piumiirt 3.21. ('unhiirntt iinunlly hnn the rhoicr of srvrrnl dlffrrrnl pnxluctn of thr n

40、nrue brand in h cornprtiftvc ccunofny,22. the product ?< nre more or iosm i hr same nlthuuhh they have different |jibr)mt23. mnnuliumurrr huvr lo aidvrrtiwr (heir products in order to may in bumino»>21. according to lhe pnnaagct them nrr mainly four type of a(lvrrtimrmrnt».:3 a !<

41、rirntific 4t|>pro«rh z ucd tn prove the true vnluc of thr produce26. in milling product« appearance o( truth may be more imprntint thnn ihr irnih df advcrtiminr.27. ad« amsochted with lun ere likely ui mtrnct poientinl buyer!*.28> according tci ihr pmmre many automnbilr nd* try

42、to “pei to lh( ronntimit f rcanonink mind.29. thr picture of a mother trndrrly ki時er hrr %rn«ll buy z i»i ohnw ihv itme(ulnr*< <u bandnges.30. pcuplr* dmx enn hr more irttisfird by the iniprnvcd advrrtincmrnln.part wraid 4 and an»wcr lhe follnwlni: question*. mukc youra* uwe und

43、 dear m|xi««ible< (20 pnlnut polntt each)pnmarc 4umdon1 london im an intcrrming and exciting city. it i fujihionublr and full of lile< nrntly third ol londons populntion today are young people with a modern oullook on lde< mnf>i ol them cam good rnciney and therefore they have

44、much rnorr freedom nnd indrprmlriu< th/m young people um;d to h*vr. i hey »et their own fnhioi in cloihcfii nnd they jqwd n im 3 money on lheir entertwinment.2 iztndon ik also more cotunopolifan iochy> and rhin< tuo> hclpcil to give nrw li,to the capit«l people of nil nalionn.小

45、心 and religion* live unci work in london. tlxh>xnti(i)i o( foreign miidcnu arc inudying nr london university and n( othrr rducwtionnl l<ntrv% nrl every year -vcv<?rn| mtllioh visitors from mh of the world viait i ainrlonf tntlirr on bumne or (ar a holidfty. indeed if somctnnrm grnu if there

46、 wrn almost moreihnnlondoner* in lx)n<lun93 marc thnn three million people live in inner londont nnd ntwrly liv< niillton 心仙live in the surrounding muburban tirrn> which is tnndc up of formerly mrparateihnihave rnrrgrd ta lorni what now culled outer l.ondan. rhus. tin totnl fkipulntiori ol

47、(,加,/ uinclon is over eight mtllion<1fhr petipir living ni london thounnndm of rnen nnd women (ornt town* andvilug« niirrnundinr the rnpiinl work in london arid irnvcl to their ofhccft(hi|y by train or by rnr. mom of thrnc pcoph live in the auburbs. within hmm" ten to twenty mtlen of ce

48、ntral londnru but rn«ny live in the country, pcrhhpn an much 財 thirty or forty milr uwuye thene ilhhimiimu <4 pvoplv irrnin into london like nn ntiaticing nrrny between 8(30 and 9130 in the niornmm nnd thru they gk into ihr crowded trninn. or their cm. iind ntrcnm home ngain brcw»rii nhaui 1 j30 nn<l 6*3。in thr cvcninh<5 項小小very buy mid ovrr i pw(md. thrrt i* n >ntinuou!< nuisr of tndrir in all thv mninthe trnffic nw mm. to w>p. rvm during thr ni|(ht. and pctiplr nlwaynmviu 1u he in u hurry. th<,y 叩gr to do everything in m ru»hi


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