1、瀾南育摩枕高等教育自學(xué)我學(xué)生畢業(yè)論文題 目淺談肢體語(yǔ)言在教學(xué)中的應(yīng)用學(xué)生姓名莫育英考號(hào)專業(yè)英語(yǔ)(外貿(mào)英語(yǔ)方向)助學(xué)點(diǎn)湖南民族職業(yè)學(xué)院通訊地址益陽(yáng)市赫山區(qū)聯(lián)系電話150737829552010年3月contenschapter 1 body language use in cannon i ife31. 1smile31. 2eye contact31. 3upright posture41. 4 gesticulate with open palme 41. 5sit with solesshoes showing5chapter 2 the necessity and importance
2、of using body language in engl ishteaching5chapter 3 the concrete appl ication of the body language in i istening, speaking,reading and writing72. 1bodylanguagehelpstoimprovelistening72.2bodylanguagehelpstoimprovespeaking 82. 3bodylanguagehelpstoimprovereading92.4 body languagehelps to improve writi
3、ng10conclusion10references11abstractwith the continual reform and opening of china, english is becoming more and more important in many fields. for instance, in economy > sportsscience> business and so on. the developing society is greatly in need of a large number of people whom with rich eng
4、lish knowledge. the widest use of english is to communicating, so the students5 english ability must be improved, teachers are also in great demand to organize the classes in english and create english-leaming atmosphere. however, with the limitation of the students1 vocabulary and understanding abi
5、lity and english-learning situation, teachers have to simplify their teaching language with the help of facial expressions and body movements. in this article, the possibility and the effect of using body language in listening, speaking, reading and writing and understanding will be further discusse
6、d.keywordsbody language; necessity; importance; improvebody languageintroductionbody language is an important media through which people communicate with each other. it refers to the patterns of facial expressions and gestures that people use to express their feelings and meanings in communication.
7、the specialist on body language research, fen lafel angles, once said, 0nce it was lost, a baby couldn" t have grown into a normal person'7. it's also true to the juveniles.one of the most important ways for students learning english is the classroom teaching. as far as the english teac
8、hing in middle schools is concerned, teachers have to attract and improve the students, interest so that they may learn better. there are many ways to arouse the students' interest and help them to learn better and more efficiency, body language used in english teaching is one of them. in school
9、 education, body language plays an important active role in cultivating the students' characters. teachers are usually respected, and factually, what or how the teachers say and do wi 11 be possibly imitated by the students. in a word, teachers, graceful body language helps to improve the studen
10、ts' artistic-appreciation and moral character. if the students develop a wonderful body language, which will possibly leads them to form an optimistic and active feelings. they will surely become easygoing.the affection of teachers" body language is reflected not only by establishing a good
11、 example, but also shortening the teacher-student estrangement by which a more harmonious studying atmosphere is created. as a matter of fact, teachers' friendly attitude can greatly encourage the students, studying enthusiasm. furthemiore, the characteristics of theoretic and abstraction of kno
12、wledge also requires the vivid, dramatic and an accessible gestures to make it specific and figurative. as a result, the students' interest is motivated and the effect of teaching also is greatly.body language comes in many forms, as you have seen above. different people have their own ability t
13、o recognize body language and they will recognize it with different meanings to other people. so, when you use body language, one person may see it differently to the other.when we don' t know someone, we use their body language to get first impressions of them. in most cases, the impressions we
14、 make are wrong, as a positive form of body language may mean something negative about them. for example, someone who moves around a lot may be seen as energetic and efficient. in some cases, this may be correct, but it can mean that they are uncomfortable in the situation and also nervous.use body
15、language to make you appear more confident, powerful, trusting, etc depending on what the situation may require from you. if you give off negative signs, then it could be the difference of achieving your goal (e. g. a successful presentation, proposing an idea in a meeting, discussing a task with an
16、 employee, etc).also, try to recognize other people" s body language. by doing so, it could mean that they are/aren' t interested or that they feel threatened by your presence: in which case you can change your body language to make them feel more at ease. if you ever get the opportunity to
17、 have a presentation by you video taped, you may see things you would never have believed!chapter 1 body ianguage use in common iifeeach of the following responses give a general guide to cultural differences in the meaning of gestures.1. smilethis gesture is universally understood. however, it vari
18、ous cultures there are different reasons for smiling. the japanese may smile when they are confused or angry. in other parts of asia, people may smile when they are embarrassed. people in other cultures may not smile at everyone to indicate a friendly greeting as we do in the united states. a smile
19、may be reserved for friends. it is important not to judge students or their parents because they do not smile, or smile at what we would consider inappropriate times.you have to make the female feel at ease and comfortable that you are a friendly and fun guy and you are not a psycho as quick as poss
20、ible. especially when talking to her for the first time. you also need to let her know that you are confident and comfortable around women. a big and genuine smile is the best way to do this. it works. in fact, if you ever get an ice queen that you can tell is about to give you the udead eye: give h
21、er a big smile. practice smiling at random people. you' 11 be surprised by how many people smile back and at how many doors open to you. smiling works. just don't make it a cheesy, fake smile ;)2. eye contactas you know there" s nothing worse than staring at a woman" s chest or eve
22、n looking. it makes you just like all the other guys who drool over her. if anything you should use all your skill to not look at her chest -she" 11 wonder why her womanly powers don't work with you and she' 11 seek your attention and subconsciously try to get you to look!when talking t
23、o her, try to maintain eye contact. not too much because it can be intimidating, but if you aim to have eye contact with her around 70% of the time you are talking, this should be comfortable for most women. don" t stare like a crazy man, just be natural but if you naturally look away or are sl
24、ightly shy when it comes to eye contact, make a conscious effort to have a lit tie more. eye contact can make serious connec tions within people- they say the eyes are a window to the soul and 1 think there may be some truth to that. there are even speed dating type events being run that involve jus
25、t staring into each others eyes and from what i hear, they are pre tty successful. maintain eye contact. not too much, about 70% of conversation time. be natural.3. upr ight postureguys can get away with a bit of a hunch, but women really do prefer men with straight, upright postures. look at all th
26、e big film actors like pitt, cruise etc. they all have good posture. it says to a woman you are confident, healthy, and strong (at least in mind). it's just generally more attractive and says lots about who you are. plus iv s good for your back and will help strengthen your back muscles making i
27、t easier to maintain.4. gesticulate with open pa i meyou will not hear this tip anywhere else (or if you do, it was almost certainly copied from this course).i" ve gone into in depth studies of body language and this one is a good one to use in many circumstances v ve adapted it here after soli
28、d testing to picking up women however, some people suggest that when combined with a few other verbal and non-verbal techniques it can even give you a 50/50 chance of getting out of speeding fines!anyway, basically, when you are talking to a woman and trying to make a point (that puts you in a posit
29、ive light) or defend yourself (for example, a girl suggests you might be a player) you talk and using your hands you have open palms facing upwards. keep your arms in front of your body with your palms facing the sky and smile as you talk, sign with your palm facing away from you. if you face your p
30、alm in, the same gesture means shove it.5. sit with soles shoes showing.in many cultures this sends a rude message. in thailand, japan and france as well as countries of the middle and near east showing the soles of the feet demonstrates disrespect. you are exposing the lowest and dirtiest part of y
31、our body so this is insulting.doing one thing may mean another as the case may be. these are things that we should look out for, as it can easily give things away about both yourself and the observer. a simple touch of the nose could mean that you/they aren being truthful.a lot of us move our heads
32、when we are talking to get approval from others. if you want to look powerful, then you should try to keep your head movements to a minimum.how much you show your underbelly (your front) is a way of showing how confident, secure or trusting you are. the less you cover up your underbelly with folding
33、 arms, crossed legs, raised hands, etc, the more appropriate the qualities may be. folding your arms may look as if you are trying to defend yourself and will look bad to the other person. if you talk to someone who originally has folded arms, crossed legs and perhaps turning away slightly, you may
34、think that they are uninterested and also feeling detached from your conversation. if they start to unfold their arms, uncross their legs, etc, it may be a sign that they are accepting your issue.another gesture that we use is called gmirroring you may not know it, but we are attracted to those peop
35、le who are similar to ourselves. a case may be where you are with an employee to discuss an issue and you both take a similar sitting/standing position. the discussion goes well, but if you had taken a different position, it may not have gone as well as it did. this gesture is often taken on by sale
36、s people who sit in a similar position as their customer.a more common gesture is perhaps the one that is most annoying. it is known as 'displacement activity' and is used to get rid of physical tension in the body. examples of this may include nail-biting, playing with hair, chewing gum, an
37、d teeth grinding.grooming gestures are those things we do to reassure ourselves. this may involve you perfecting your hair or fiddling with your clothes. we normally do this when we are around people we don't know, and so we groom ourselves to make us look more presentable to lift our confidence
38、.finally, our hands are used to emphasize what we say, from pointing and saying “over there: to waving someone away and saying ugo awayn. hands that are made into a pyramid shape (fingers and thumbs on both hands touching, with palms wide apart) mean power. if someone sitting across a desk from you
39、talks to you with the pyramid gesture pointing to you,this will either be your boss, or your future boss!chap ter 2 the necessi ty and importance of using body language in engl i sh teachingenglish teaching is an important part of the school education. with the english teaching methods reformed, mor
40、e and more english teachers organize the teaching process in english so that they may realize the communicated english. the communicated english means that teachers instruct the students and explain questions basically in english, and the students are also required to use english in class. after stu
41、dy three years in the middle school t hey can't speak very well; neither can they understand, their vocabulary and expressive ability are limited too. these limitations made it difficult to realize the communicated english in class, neither can they understand why they should use different tones
42、 in different time or situation; their vocabulary and expressive ability are limitecl too. these limitations make it difficult to realize the communicated english in the classes. according to the students' present level and practical situation, body language is required. for example, when a teac
43、her gives an instruction: "you two, please come to the blackboard. z/ the students can easily understand it if the teacher looks at (or points to) some two students. then, the teacher points to the blackboard. the students will carry out the order without obstacle even if they don,t hear the ke
44、y words ublackboard" clearly. furthermore, teachers usually have to explain some language points, and at this time, they have to differentiate the classroom expressions and the examples.take it for example, we ought to use the form "have done” such as "have you finished that job yet?
45、to make the students understand clearly, a teacher has lots of ways. to do it by speed, he uses a common speed when reading we ought to use the form 'have done": and reads slowly when giving examples; he can also get the effect by repeating the example "have you finished that job yet&q
46、uot; a more frequent way is to use gestures to lay emphasis on the key points when he saidhave done (emphasizing it in voice at the same time), he reaches out his index finger, pauses in the air, and then gives out the example. this action will usually give the students a deep impression. from the a
47、bove we can learn, the use of body language in english teaching is necessary and practical. in the english teaching, body language is frequently used to improve the teaching effect and the students' ability.body language is made up of a whole range of features, many of which we combine together
48、without ever thinking about what it is we are doing or what we are expressing. facial expression is one of the most obvious and flexible forms of communication and can easily convey mood, attitude, understanding, confusion and a whole range of other things. facial expression is a very common way tha
49、t we use to communicate every day. when speaking english, it's generally good to smile at your listener from time to time, especially when he or she has made an interesting comment. also nod your head up and down to show you are really interested. from time to time, you can add a sound of agreem
50、ent,such as uh huh" or even just mm,z, to show you are listening. according to the students' present level and practical situation, body language is pretty necessary. for example, when a teacher gives an instruetion, you two, please stand up. the students can easily understand it if the tea
51、cher looks at (or points to) some two students. then, the teacher moves his hand up. the stuclents will carry out the order without obstacle even if they don,t hear the key words stand up clearly. furthermore, teachers usually have to explain some language points, and at this time, they have to diff
52、erentiate the classroom expressions and the examples. take it for example, we should use the form listen carefully, to make the students understand clearly and easily, a teacher has lots of ways. one is to do it by speed, the teacher uses a common speed when he is reading we should use the form list
53、en carefully, and reads slowly when giving examples, he can also get the effect by repeating the example ulisten carefully! v a more frequent way is to use gestures to lay emphasis on the key points when he said listen carefully (emphasizing it in voice at the same time), he reaches out his index fi
54、nger, pauses in the air, and then gives out the example. this action will usually give the students a deep impression. from the above we can learn, the use of body language in english teaching is necessary and practical. in the english teaching in middle schools, body language is frequently used to
55、improve the teaching effect and the students, ability.did you know that body language accounts for over 90% of a conversation! body language can be used to help conduct an interview, give a presentation or make that important sale: a conversation stretches so much further than speech.body language i
56、s the reason why selling face-to-face has a huge advantage over selling by phone.usually when we communicate with or see people, we only respond to what is being said, heard or generally seen. there is so much more involved and most of us do not pick up on it: it,s our body language and it can expre
57、ss a thousand wordsour body language will give others an impression of ourselves or show our emotions. you" re probably using it right now to read this article (you will either be alert and interested, or baffled and un-interested). our body language is an important aspect of running a successf
58、ul business as we cannot always say what we really feel- this means we have to act positive in negative situations (and vice-versa of course). you can also identify other people" s body language and know what they really mean: whatever they may be saying.chapter3. the concrete application of th
59、e body language in iistening, speaking, reading and wr iting1. body ianguage helps to improve i i steningthe greek philosopher epictetus ever wittily said: zznature has given man one tongue and two ears that he may hear twice as much as he speaks." from the saying we can learn how important the listening is in our daily life. to understand others is a basic purpose in english teaching, and teachers often train the students' listening abilities. in this process, if the body language is used, the effect will be better. when beginning a new lesson, the teacher narrates the story outli
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