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1、四級(jí)考前訓(xùn)練一四級(jí)考前訓(xùn)練一四級(jí)考前訓(xùn)練一四級(jí)考前訓(xùn)練一part ii reading comprehension (35 minutes)directi ons: there are 4 passages in this part.each passageis followed by some questions or unfinished statements.foreach of themthere are four choices marked a),b),c) and d).you should decide on the best choice and mark the corre

2、sp ondingletter on the an swer sheet with a sin gle line through thecen ter.questio ns 21 to 25 are based on the follow ing passage:some radio sin gals were heard in 1967.they were comingfrom a point in the sky where there was unknown star.they were coming very regularly,too:about once a secon d,if

3、they were con trolled by clock.the scie ntists who heard the sig nals did not tell an ybody else.they were rather afraid to tell in case they frightened people.the signals were coming from a very small body no bigger,perhaps tha n the earth.was that why no light could be seen from it?or were the sig

4、nals coming from a planet that belongedto some other star? there was no end to thequestions,butthe scientists kept the news secret. perhapsthere are in tellige nt beings out there. they thought, who are trying to send messages to other pla nets,or to us?so the n ews was not give n to the n ewspaper.

5、 in stead,the scie ntists studied the signals and searched for others like themwell,all that happe ned in 1967 and 1968.S ince the n scie ntists have lear nt more about those stra nge,regular,radio sig nals.a nd they have told the story,of course.the sig nals do not come from a pla net;they come fro

6、m a new ki nd of star called a pulsar .about a hun dred other pulsars have now bee n foun d,a nd most of themare very like the first one.pulsars are strong radio stars.they are the smallest but the heaviest stars we know at present.a handful of pulsar weigh a few thousa nd ton s.their light if they

7、give much light is too small for us to see.but we can be sure of this, no in tellige nt beings are liv ing on them.21. the radio sig nals discussed in this passage.a. were regular b.were con trolled by a clockc.were heard in 1967 only d.were secret messages22. the radio sin gals were sent by.a. a sa

8、tellite b.a pla netc. a sky body which was unknown at that timed. i ntellige nt beings who were unknown at that timewouldsig nals23. the scientists did not tell people about thebecause.a. the sin gals stood for secret messagesb. people would ask them too many questi onsc. they did not want to fright

9、e n peopled. they stood for uni mporta nt messages24. a pulsar is.a. a small heavy star which sends out strong radio sig nalsand cannot be see nb. a small heavy planet whichsends out strongradiosig nals and cannot be see nc. a small heavy satellite whichsen dsoutstr ongradiosig nals and cannot be se

10、e nd. a small intelligentbeing whosendsoutstro ngradiosig nals and cannot be see n 25. which of the followi ng is true?a. one of the pulsars found by scie ntists sends radio sig nals.b. pulsar bega n to send radio sin gals in 1967.c. scie ntists have searched for pulsars for many years but found non

11、e.d. scie ntists have found many pulsars si nee 1967.questio ns 26 to 30 are based on the follow ing passage:over vast areas of every continen t,the rain fall and vegetation necessary for life are disappearing.already more than 40 perce nt of the earth's land is desert ordesertlike.about 628 mil

12、lion people one out of sevenlive in these dry regi on s.i n the past,they have man aged to survive,but with difficulty.zz(z now largely through problemscaused by modern life,their existeneeis threatenedby theslow,steady spread of the earth's deserts.seie ntists still do not un dersta nd all the

13、complex problemsof the desert,but there have bee n many ideas for sav ing theIan d.sa ndi arabia has pla nted 10 millio ntrees to help keep the sand from takingover fertileareas.the israelis are again using some of the water eolleeti on systems left by thean eie nt people in thenegev desert.they pla

14、n to water their orehards with theextra water.some sahel farmers still raise eattle on their poorfarm Ian d,but before the eattle are sold,they are take n to gree ner lands in the south to get fat.26. what is the artiele mai nly concern ed?a.the problem of spread ing desert.b. the rain fall and vege

15、tati on in desert areas.c. the water collectio n systems.d.the differe nee betwee n moder n life and an cie nt life.27. one out of seve n refers toa. more tha n a third of the Ian ds' earthb. the perce ntage of the earth's land that is desert-likec. the nu mber of people who live in dry regi

16、 onsd. a day of a week28. i n paragraph 2, they are take n to the gree ner lands in the south. theyrefers toa.the sahel farm land b.the farmersc.the cattles d.the trees29. how many ideas for sav ing the land are described?a.five. b.two.c.four. d.three.30. which of the followi ng stateme nts is true,

17、 accord ing tothe passage?a. the earth's desert are slowly spreadi ng.b. one out of 10 people lives in dry regi ons.c. their life in the desert is threatenednow by traditionalproblems.d. new water wells can solve the problem in africa's desert.questio ns 31 to 35 are based on the follow ing

18、passage:telepho ne, televisi on, radio, and telegraph all help peoplecom muni cate witheach other. because of these devices, ideas and news of eve nts spread quickly allover the world. for example, withi n sec on ds, people can know the results of anelectio n in ano thercoun try.an intern ati onalfo

19、otballmatch comes into the homesof every one with a televisi on set .n ews of a disaster such as an earthquake or aflood can bri ng help from dista nt coun tries within hours,help is on the way. because of moder ntech no logylike thesatellites that travel around the world, in formati on travels fast

20、.how has this speed of com muni cati on cha nged the world?to many people,the world has become smaller. of course this does not mea n that the world is actually physically smaller. it means that the world seems smaller. two hundred years ago,com muni cati on betwee n the con ti nents took a long tim

21、e.all n ews was carried on ships that took weeks or eve n mon ths to cross the ocean. in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries,it took six weeks for news from europe to reach america.this time differe nee in flue need people's acti ons. for example, one battle, or fight, in the war of 1812 be

22、tween england and the united states could have been avoided. a peace agreeme nt had already bee n sig ned. peace was made in england, but the news of peace took six weeks to reach america. duri ng these six weeks, the large and serious battle of new orleans was fought. many people lost their lives a

23、fter a peace treaty had been signed.they would not have died if n ews had come in time.i n the past,com muni cati on took much time tha n it does now.there was a good reas on why the world seemed so much larger tha n it does today.31. n ews spreads fast because of.a. moder n tran sportati on b.new t

24、ech no logyc.the cha nge of the world d.a peace agreeme nt32. accordingto this passage,is very important topeople in a disaster area.a. fast com muni catio n b.moder n tech no logycatest n ews d.new ideas33. which of the followi ng stateme nts is true?a. the world now seems smaller because of faster

25、com muni cati on.b. the world is actually smaller today.c. the world is cha nging its size.d. the dista neebetwee nen gla ndand america hascha nged since the war of 181234. two hun dred years ago ,n ews betwee n the con ti nentswas carried.a.by teleph one and telegraph b.by landc.by air d.by sea35.

26、the new orlea ns battle could have bee n avoided if thepeace agreeme nt had bee n signed.a.by both sides b.i n timec.i n america d.i n en gla ndquestio ns 36 to 40 are based on the follow ing passage:the conceptof personalchoice in relation to healthbehaviors is an importa nt on e.a n estimated 90 p

27、erce nt of all ill nesses may be preve ntable if in dividuals would make soundpers onalhealth choices based upon curre nt medicalkno wledge.we all enjoy our freedom of choice and do not like to see it restricted whe n it is within the legal and moral boun daries of society.zz)the structure of americ

28、a n society allows us to make almost all our own personal decisions that may concernourhealth.if we so desire,we can smoke,dr ink excessively, refuse to wear seatbelts,eat whatever foods we want,andlive a completelysede ntary life-style without any excuse.the freedom to make such pers onaldecisi ons

29、 is a fun dame ntal aspect of oursociety,although the wisdomof these decisions can bequestioned.personalchoices relative to health often cause adifficulty.as one example,a teenager may know the facts relative to smok ing cigarettes and health but may be pressured by friends into believ ing it is the

30、 socially accepted thing to do. a multitude of factors,both inherited and en vir onmen tal,i nflue nee the developme nt of healthrelatedbehaviors,a nd it is bey ond the scope of this text to discuss all these factors as they may affect any give nin dividual.however,thedecisi on to adopt a particular

31、health-related behavior is usually one of pers onal choices.there are healthy choices and there are un healthy choices.in discussing the moral of personal choice,fries and crapo drew a comparis on .zz(zthey suggest that to knowin gly give on eself over to a behavior that has a statistical probabilit

32、y of shorte ning life is similar to attempti ng suicide.zz)thus,for those in dividualswho are interested in preserving both the quality and quantity of life,personal health choices should reflect those behaviors that are associated with statistical probability of in creased vitality and Ion gevity.3

33、6. the concept of personal choice concerning health is importa nt because.a. pers onal health choices help cure most ill nessesb. it helps raise the level of our medical kno wledgec. it is esse ntial to pers onal freedom in america n societyd. wr ong decisi ons could head to poor health37. to live a

34、 completely sede ntary lifestyle (para. 1) inthe passage means.a.to live an in active life b.to live a dece nt lifec. to live a life with complete freedomd. to live a life of vice38. sound pers onal health choice is ofte n difficult to makebecause.a. curre nt medical kno wledge is still in sufficie

35、ntb. there are many factors in flue ncing our decisi onsc. few people are willing to trade the quality of life forIon gevityd. people are usually in flue need by the behavior of their friends39. to knowin gly allow on eself to pursue un healthy habitsis compared by fries and crapo to.a.impro ving th

36、e quality of on e's lifebi miti ng on e's pers onal health choicec. deliberately ending on e's lifed. break ing the rules of social behaviorchoices40. according to fries and crapo sound healthshould be based on.a.pers onal decisi ons baws of societyc.statistical evide nee d.op inions of

37、frie ndspart iii vocabulary and structure (20 minutes)directi on s:thereare 30 in completesenten cesin thispart.for each sentence there are four choices marked a),b),c) and d).choose the one an swer that best completes the sentence.then mark the correspondingletter on the answersheet with a sin gle

38、line through the cen ter.41. he thought of it,the stars seemed always large andclear before the daw n of christmas day.a.as for b.now thatc.because d.as soon as42. a thoughthim like a silver dagger.a.beat b.hitc.struck d.p on dered43. i'llthis afternoo n.a.get the radio fixed b.get the radio to

39、be fixedc.get the radio being fixed d.get the radio fixing44. who ispers onnel at prese nt?a.i n the charge of b.un der charge ofc.un der the charge of d.i n charge of45. tell him to turn dow n the tv.it'smy n erves.a.get over b.get inc.get crazy with d.get onfive46. the family decided to raise

40、two cows andsheepthe chicke ns,ducks and rabbits.a.except b.besidesc.beside d.except for47. i woke up,that he had gone.a.only finding b.only hav ing foundc.only to find d.only to have found48. the projectby the time you come to chi na aga in.a.will be completed b.will have bee n completedc.is to be

41、completed d.is going to be completed49. i n the course of the work,welots of difficulties.a.met with b.sawc.got into d.came across50. his acce nt,he must be from the south.a.judged by b.be ing judged fromc.judgi ng from d.be ing judged by51. the boyhis father.a.was accused of having killed b.was kil

42、ledc.was accused of killi ng d.was accused to kill52. miss ing the tra in meansfor an hour.a.wait ing b.to waitc.to be wait ing d.have to wait53. someth ing extraord inary happe ned man, who was declaredaccused to havein that hospital.acli ni cally dead,suddenly.a.retur ned to life b.restored to lif

43、ec.came to life d.survived54. they are glad to see the childrenin the daycen ter.a.well take n care b.bei ng well take n care ofc.well looked after d.be ing well looked after55. she is a woma n of rare gifts.her performa nee last ni ghtwas in deed very.a.impressed b.impressivec.impress ing d.impress

44、i on56. the road being built was scheduled totrafficmay day.careona.be close to b.be closed toc.be ope n to d.be ope ned to57. it was more than fifteen years agoi entered thelaboratory of professor agassiz.a.whe n b.thatc.in which d.si nee58. than it bega n raining.a.hardly had he reached home b.har

45、dly did he reach homec.no sooner did he reach home d.no sooner had he reached home59. the man's lifeif he had been sent to a betterhospital.a.might have bee n saved b.may have bee n savedc.was to be saved d.should be saved60. everybody lookedthe directi on of the explosi on.a.to b.fromc.i n d.i

46、nto61. this is ayoung writer.he has published quite a fewgood stories inrece nt mised booking misi ng d.clever62. the doctor in sists that the patienta.must be operated b.should be operatedc.be operated on d.n eeds operati ng on63. it sounds as if the telephonea.were ringing b

47、.was ringing.c.has being ringing d.is ringing64. the family looked on helplessly as their housea.bur ning dow n b.was bur ned dow nc.was bur ning dow n d.bur ned dow n65. what is theIan guage in in dia?a.office b.officialc.officially d.officer66. hetwenty times,striki ng a match each time to look at

48、 his old watch.a.had waked b.was awakec.must have waked d.was wake n67. there he boughtchocolate for his daughters ndthen he hadbeers in the bar n ot far from the school.a.a bar of.a couple of b.a piece of.a bottle ofc.a doze n of.a couple of d.a cubic of.a tin of68. with his big fleshy nose hehis g

49、ran dpa.ao oks like b.takes afterco oks after d.resembles69. themajority were in support of this bill so it was passed withoutmuch difficulty.a.overflow ing b.overtak ingc.overloadi ng d.overwhel ming70. the actressthe terms of her con tract and was suedby the producer.a.isolated b.sig nedc.impleme

50、nted d.violatedpart iv translation from english into chinese (15 minutes)directi ons:in this part,there are five items which you should tra nslateinto chin ese,each itemcon sisti ngof one or twosentences.thesesentences are all taken from the readingpassages you have just read in part three of the test paper.you are allowed 15 minu tes to do the tran slati on.you should refer back to the passages so as to ide ntify thei


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