已閱讀5頁,還剩13頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、奧運英語一、眼部檢查1您好,請問有什么能幫你?Good morning/afternoon! Can I help you? (What can I do for you?)2請問您是檢查眼睛還是配眼鏡?Would you like to see eye doctor or optometrist?3這是裂隙燈,檢查眼睛的時候會有比較強的光照射眼睛,請堅持一會兒。向前看,向上看,向下看,眨眨眼。眼睛有慢性結(jié)膜炎(角膜炎,倒睫,結(jié)石,濾泡,乳頭,角膜異物)。This is slit-lamp. It will send strong light on your eyes. Keep your e

2、yes open, please. Look straight, look up, look down, and blink your eyes. You have chronic conjunctivitis (keratitis, trichiasis, concretion, follicle, papilla, cornea foreign body). you should see an eye doctor.4您眼睛有沒有如下癥狀:閃光、有漂浮物、光暈、復視、時?;驀乐氐念^痛,眼痛、眼紅、流淚或沙礫感?Do you have any of these problems with y

3、our eyes: flashes of light, floaters, halos around lights, double vision, frequent or severe headaches, eye pain, redness, tearing, or a gritty feeling in your eyes? 5癥狀從什么時候開始的?一般持續(xù)多長時間?When did this happen? How long has it lasted? 6您曾經(jīng)檢查過眼睛嗎?有沒有做過手術(shù)、受過外傷或嚴重的感染?Have you ever had any medical examina

4、tions of your eyes? Any surgeries, injuries, or serious infections of your eyes? 7您曾經(jīng)用過眼藥嗎?若有,什么藥,您服用了多長時間,它用來治療什么病,劑量如何?Have you ever used any medication for your eyes? What medication have you used? How long have you been taking the medication, what is it for, and what is the dosage?8您的眼睛現(xiàn)在發(fā)炎了,目前不

5、適宜配戴隱形眼鏡,請去眼科檢查治療,痊愈后才能繼續(xù)配戴隱形眼鏡。Your eyes have inflammation now. Contact lens is not good for you. You had better see an eye doctor. When your inflammation heals, you may use contact lens.9眼部手術(shù)后不宜馬上配鏡,因為眼睛還處于恢復期,屈光度不穩(wěn)定。通常三個月后可以配鏡.You should not take glasses immediately after your eye surgery, becaus

6、e the eye is in convalescence and the diopter isnt stable. Usually you may have optometry and dispense spectacles after three months.二、驗光1請跟我來。請坐?,F(xiàn)在先給您電腦驗光。This way please! Have a seat, please. Let me test your vision first by computer optometry equipment.2請把下巴放在托上,把腦門貼靠在擋板上。請注視里面的小紅房子。Please put yo

7、ur chin on the chinrest and your forehead against the board. Please look at the red house on the screen. 3這是氣壓式眼壓計,像剛才一樣坐好。將有一股氣吹在眼睛上,對眼睛不會有影響。睜大眼睛。眼壓正常(眼壓高)。This is the eye pressure meter. Please be seated like before. A puff of air will blow on your eyes. It wont hurt you. Open your eyes. Your eye

8、 pressure is normal (high).4現(xiàn)在幫您檢查裸眼視力。請您讀出視標的缺口方向。Next I will test your eyesight. Please read out the open direction of the letter on the eye chart.5您之前戴過眼鏡嗎?我先幫您檢測下您自己的眼鏡度數(shù)Have you worn eyeglasses before? I would like to check the power of your own glasses.6您戴隱形眼鏡嗎?您以前戴什么牌子的隱形眼鏡?Do you wear contac

9、t lenses? Which brand did you wear?7您戴鏡有多長時間了?眼鏡是用來看遠、看近還是兩者都是?How long have you been wearing glasses? Are they for distance, near, or both? 8您戴鏡清楚和舒適嗎?Can you see clearly and comfortably with glasses?9現(xiàn)在給您戴上試鏡架進行進一步驗光。請您注意視屏幕上面的視標。先檢查右眼后查左眼。Now please wear the trial eyeglasses for further optometry

10、 test. Please look at the eye chart. Right eye first, then the left one.10請您睜大眼睛不要瞇眼看。Please open your eyes widely, do not narrow your eyes.11. 您覺得加上這個鏡片后是變清晰了還是模糊了還是一樣?這兩個鏡片哪個更清晰還是一樣?Do you see more clearly or blurred after I add this lens? Or is it the same? Which lens makes you see more clearly o

11、r are they the same?12. 現(xiàn)在請注視紅色和綠色里面的數(shù)字“8”是否一樣清晰?哪個“8”顏色更黑?更清晰?Now look at the figure “eight” in the red background and the green background. Are the two figures equally clear? Which figure is darker? Which one is clearer?13您通過鏡片上的小孔向前看,視標是變清晰了還是模糊了?Look forward through the pinhole on the lens. Do t

12、he letters become more clearly or blurred?14請注視第一行視標,遮檔一只眼然后再擋另一只您覺得哪邊眼睛更清楚?或者兩眼差不多?Look at the first line of the letters, cover one eye first, then the other. Which eye sees more clearly or are they almost the same?15請您戴上試鏡架在外邊走一會兒,十分鐘左右適應一會,剛戴上可能會有點暈。Please put on the trial eyeglasses and walk out

13、side for about ten minutes. You may feel a little dizzy at first, but it is normal. Usually it will take your eyes several minutes to adapt to the new lenses.16請您看十分鐘報紙,放在您習慣的閱讀距離。Please read the newspaper for ten minutes and keep it at your habitual reading distance. 17您的眼睛是近視(遠視,散光)。你右眼100度近視50度散光

14、,左眼150度近視(遠視)You have myopia (hyperopia, astigmatism). The power of your right eye is minus one diopter and two quarters cylinder, and the left eye is minus (plus) one point fifty diopter.18請您注視我的鼻子。我?guī)湍鷻z測瞳距。Please look at my nose and I will measure your pupil distance.19您的散光度數(shù)比較小,隱形眼鏡不用刻意加散光,可以通過鏡片和

15、淚液進行矯正。但是對于視力仍有一些影響,如果您對這樣的視力效果滿意,就按這個度數(shù)配鏡。You have a little astigmatism, but it can be neutralized by lens and tear film, so you only need sphere lens. Surely the astigmatism may have slight influence on your eyesight, but if you can accept it, I will write you the prescription.20. 您的散光度數(shù)比較大,需要配戴散光

16、隱形眼鏡,這種鏡片比較厚,舒適度差一些,而且配戴時鏡片要按刻度進行配戴。You have high astigmatism and need the toric contact lens. As the lens is thicker, it feels less comfortable. When you wear this lens, you should follow the marker.21. 您的鏡片需要訂做,鏡片訂做好以后會馬上通知您。You need custom-made lenses. We will call you as soon as the lenses are m

17、ade.22. 您還需要隱形眼鏡的護理用品嗎?包括護理液,潤眼液,鏡盒。Do you need any care system for contact lenses, solution, rewettings or cases?23 .您會使用隱形眼鏡嗎?如果不會請先學習隱形眼鏡的使用方法。Do you know how to use contact lenses? If not, please learn the proper use before you wear them.三、柜臺1您喜歡無框、半框、還是無邊的眼鏡?What kind of glasses would you like?

18、 Full-frame, half-frame or without frame?2您想選擇一副金屬鏡框還是板材框架?板材鏡架不易調(diào)整,金屬鏡架比較容易調(diào)整。What kind of frame would you like, metal or plastic? Plastic frame is not easy to adjust, while metal frame is easier.3樹脂鏡片也根據(jù)折射率的不同薄厚有所差異,折射率越大鏡片越薄,您的度數(shù)選擇中等折射率的鏡片就可以了。The thicknesses of resin lenses are different due to

19、different refractive index. The more the refractive index is, the thinner the lens is. According to your glasses diopter, it is fine for you to choose the glasses with medium refractive index. 4因為您的瞳距比較小,所以不適合配這么寬的鏡架。A wide frame is not suitable for you because your pupil distance is narrow. 5. 樹脂鏡片

20、比較輕,但是表面不耐磨,加膜的鏡片硬度會好一些,更耐磨而且比普通鏡片的透光率高,清晰度高些。Resin lenses are light, but not wearable. But lenses with coatings enjoy higher hardness and wearability. Whats more, the transmittance and definition are better than ordinary lenses.6漸進多焦點鏡片的上部分用來看遠,下部分用來看近,中間是過渡帶,周邊是變形區(qū),它比普通眼鏡更方便,但是它的視野范圍比較小,而且您必須學習如何使

21、用這種鏡片。If you wear progressive lenses, you could see the far through the upper part of the lenses, and see the near through lower part. The middle part is transition area and the transmission part is located around. They are more convenient than ordinary lenses, but the range of vision is limited and

22、 you have to learn how to use the lenses.7雙光鏡片有遠近兩個焦點也比較方便,但外觀不是很美觀可以看到近用區(qū)的分界線。Bifocal lenses with far and near two focuses are convenient too, but they dont look beautiful because you can see the demarcation line.8遮光用的鏡片分為兩種,一種是染色鏡片,一種使變色鏡片。 染色鏡片是室內(nèi)室外同樣深的顏色,變色鏡片是光線強時是有色的鏡片,光線弱時是無色的鏡片。There are two

23、kinds of sunglasses: dyeing lenses and photochromic lenses. Dyeing lenses keep same color no matter indoors or outdoors. Photochromic lenses can change colors under different light.9染色鏡片有不同的顏色,包括生理灰綠,生理灰,生理茶色。 變色鏡片分為加膜和加硬兩種。相同折射率的加膜鏡片相對加硬鏡片價格高一些。There are three colors for dyeing lenses, including ph

24、ysiological green, physiological grey and physiological brown. Photochromic lenses have film coating or hard coating. Film coating lens is more expensive than hard coating lens in the same index. 10您最快兩天后可以來取眼鏡。請寫下您的姓名,聯(lián)系方式,眼鏡做好后我們打電話通知您。You could take your lenses in two days. Please write down your

25、 name, phone number and we will contact you as soon as the eyeglasses are ready.11這種鏡片需要特殊訂做所以需要十天您才可以取到眼鏡。This kind of lenses needs to be customized and processed in a particular way, so you cannot take the eyeglasses until ten days later.12請您到收款臺交費。購買商品可以刷卡。Please pay at the cashier. You may pay c

26、ash or credit card.四、取鏡1您平時最好用雙手摘眼鏡這樣眼鏡不易變形。Youd better put on and take off eyeglasses with both of your hands, in this way, they are not easy to be transformed. 2樹脂鏡片不易放在高溫的地方。Resin lenses doesnt stand heat, ,so please keep away high temperature places.3調(diào)整(修理)眼鏡。用水清洗眼鏡、鏡腿、鼻托、螺絲。Adjust (repair) glas

27、ses. Clean eyeglasses, eyeglasses leg, nose pad and screw with water.4. 鏡腿和鼻托是否合適,舒服?Are you comfortable with the eyeglasses leg and nose pad?5. 您最好每兩年驗一次光,如果發(fā)現(xiàn)眼鏡度數(shù)已經(jīng)不合適了就需要馬上更換鏡片,這樣可以更有效的保護視力。Youd better have a visual test every two years. If the vision is not good, youd better change glasses in ti

28、me.6. 新眼鏡戴了之后都會有點兒別扭需要幾天的適應時間,即使是相同的度數(shù)。You might feel a little bit uncomfortable when you wear the new glasses. Dont worry, it is normal. Usually it will take you several days to adapt to new glasses even if the power is same as your previous one.7. 如果您的框架眼鏡不合適,您要到專業(yè)的地方進行調(diào)整,不要自行調(diào)整,避免損壞眼鏡。If your spe

29、ctacles need adjustment, please go to the optician. Dont adjust them by yourself in case of brokenness. 8. 擦鏡片時要把鏡片上的浮塵撣干凈,再順著鏡片擦干凈,否則鏡片容易被磨花。Dusting the spectacles first, and then continue rubbing the lenses in the same direction. Otherwise lenses are easy to be damaged.9. 您的鏡架斷裂了,需要焊接修理。但是焊接后會出現(xiàn)變色

30、的情況, 影響外觀。如果您的鏡架是鈦金屬材質(zhì)的,更不容易修理。The frame of your spectacles is broken and needs welding. However, weld will cause discoloration and affect the appearance. If it is a pure titanium frame, repair becomes harder.10. 您的眼鏡螺絲掉了,需要安裝一個螺絲就可以了The frames screw is lost and requires new one.11. 您的鏡片已經(jīng)磨壞了,您需要更換一

31、副新鏡片,如果只更換一只,兩只鏡片的顏色不同,戴上可能不舒服。Your lenses are outworn. You need a new pair. If you only change one lens instead of a pair, different colors may cause discomfort.12. 很高興為您服務,歡迎您下次再來.Its my pleasure, we are looking forward to your arrival next time.五、隱形眼鏡1摘戴隱形眼鏡之前要先剪短指甲,洗凈雙手。Wash (a non-perfumed soap

32、 is preferred), rinse & dry your hands before touching contact lenses. Clip your fingernails and do not touch your lenses with fingernails.2 首先,分清鏡片的正反面。形狀象碗狀時是正面。形狀象盤子時是反面。戴鏡時,要戴正面。否則戴上后視力不好,感覺不舒服。First, be sure the lens is in right side ,the right side like a bowl, the incorrect side like a pl

33、ate. If the lens is inside out, reverse it before proceeding. Incorrect wearing will make you feel uncomfortable and cause a poor eyesight. 3 每天戴鏡時間為810個小時。不能戴鏡睡覺,洗臉,洗澡,游泳。鏡片使用壽命是一個月,請按時更換新鏡片。You could wear your contact lenses with 8-10 hours a day. Never wear lenses while sleeping, bathing or swimm

34、ing. The optimized duration of the lens is below one month and please replace a new lens according to the suggestion.4您以前用什么牌子的護理液?如果沒有任何不適您可以繼續(xù)使用。這種品牌的殺菌效果比較好,但是有些人使用后反應刺激性也比較強 。偶爾有不適感.Which brand of solution for contact lens did you use before?If it does not result in discomfort, you could continu

35、e using it. This brand has better sterilization effect, but some people feel uncomfortable after using it.5 鏡片必須清洗干凈后才能放入鏡盒內(nèi)儲存,不戴鏡時一定放在護理液里浸泡。Contact lenses should be cleaned before keeping them in the cases. Please make sure to dip them in the solution when you do not wear them.6隱形眼鏡戴鏡不適時,有可能是因為鏡片沒

36、有洗干凈,鏡片上附著臟東西,或者是鏡片戴反了,鏡片摘下來沖洗干凈后再戴就會好轉(zhuǎn)。Unclean surface or incorrect wear may cause discomfort sometimes. Reclean it and wear again.7護理液開封后三個月之內(nèi)用完,如果沒有用完也不能繼續(xù)使用。如果沒開封按照瓶上的有效期內(nèi)使用。潤眼液開封后必須在一個月之內(nèi)用完,如果沒有用完也不能繼續(xù)使用。鏡盒建議每三個月更換一個。Please use up the solution in 3 months after you open it. If you havent unseal

37、ed it, properly use it before expire time. The suggested duration for the eye drop is 1 month after the first use. The cases should be replace each 3 months.8 隱形眼鏡屬醫(yī)療用品,要在醫(yī)生的監(jiān)督和指導下使用。The contact lenses belong to medical treatment and should be used properly under the inspection and direction of doctors.9 在不丟失和破損的前提下軟性隱形眼鏡的壽命是1年,RGP的使用壽命是1.5年左右。鏡片到期后要及時更換,否則會引起眼睛發(fā)炎或視力下降。The life span of soft contact lens is one year and tha


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