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1、lis building, modifying, or repairing something without the aid of experts or professionals. The popular culture phrase do it yourself had come into common usage (in standard English) by the 1950s, in reference to the emergence of a trend of people undertaking home improvement and various other smal

2、l craft and construction projects as both a creative-recreational and cost-saving activity. lIn the 1970s, DIY spread through the North American population of college- and recent-college-graduate age groups. In part, this movement involved the renovation of affordable, rundown older homes. But it al

3、so related to various projects expressing the social and environmental vision of the 1960s and early 1970s. lDIY as a subculture could be said to have begun with the punk movement of the 1970s .lHome DepotlIKEAlWhat do you think are the causes of self-service?lIn primitive society it was often the c

4、ase that the producer of a product and the consumer were the same one person. Can you thus regard the ever-spreading DIY phenomenon as an indication of some kind of social regression?lSection 1 (para. 1-4): the development of the convention of self-service, according to time sequencelSection 2 (Para

5、. 5-7): elaboration on the phenomenon externalizing labor costlSection 3 (Para. 8-10): the Whirlpool example of instructing the customer in fixing a refrigerator by self-service, and an introduction to how their “Cool-line” runslNB: Whirlpool has initiated cool-line, which is a nationwide toll-free

6、number available to customers with problems and complaints.lSection 4 (Para. 11-12) clarification of a pattern a transfer of activity from the exchange sector to the prosumption sectorsqueeze (n.): a situation in which it is difficult to borrow money because of strict controls,usually imposed by the

7、 governmentle.g. a credit squeezel another squeeze on borrowingbonanza:lSpielbergs movie ET was a box office bonanza.oddity:lea shop devoted to oddities: rubber fruit, explosive cigarslA career woman is still regarded as something of an oddity.embargo lThe states imposed an embargo on oil shipments.

8、l to lift the oil embargol to enforce a trade embargo embargo (v.)lto embargo arms sales to South AsialThey embargoed five more Sicilian ships carrying 6.6 million gallons of wine. lament: - He laments the changing pattern of life in the countryside. few and far between: lJobs are few and far betwee

9、n at the moment.perceptivelIm not really perceptive as far as literature goes.l a perceptive criticl a very perceptive commentEmanate:lThese ideas are said to emanate from Henry Kissinger.lHe emanates concern.lA dim glow of light still emanated from the roomcut across:lThe drug problem cuts across a

10、ll social classes. l中國人勤勞勇敢,在世界各地闖天下。lThe Chinese, who are a brave and industrious people, seek their fortune in all parts of the world.lThe Chinese, a brave and industrious race, seek their fortune in all parts of the world. 他是個敏銳的旁觀者,隨時注意周圍的一切壞人壞事。 lAs he is a keen spectator he is always ready to

11、watch for every evildoer and evil deed around him.l A keen spectator noun phrase, he is always ready to watch for every evildoer and evil deed around him.l環(huán)繞花園,圍著一圈高墻,但我從來無心去問墻外都有些什么。lRound the garden ran a lofty wall, but I never cared to ask what lay beyond it l桌子下面躺著一個半省人事的年輕人:喝多了。 lUnder the table was lying a half-conscious young man, whod had a drop too much.lIn an armchair sat the strangest lady I have ever seen, or shall ever see.lOn top of the hi


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