1、1、How many games did Nintendo limit for third-party publishers to produce on the NES(Famicon) per year?A、3B、5C、25D、100Answer:B 2、Which animated television show was canceled after 3 seasons but brought back after high DVD sales?A、American Dad!B、Family GuyC、FuturamaD、The SimpsonsAnswer:B 3、The additio
2、n of two numbers results in theA、average.B、difference.C、product.D、sum.Answer:D 4、In the United States, how many states start with the word New?A、2B、3C、4D、5Answer:C 5、Which of the following inventions was the first to be patented?A、Cash RegisterB、Chewing GumC、DishwasherD、Rubber BandAnswer:D 6、Which i
3、nstrument is not a member of the woodwind family?A、BassoonB、ClarinetC、SaxaphoneD、TrumpetAnswer:D 7、How many notes are in a chromatic scale?A、5B、7C、8D、12Answer:D 8、How many points is a orange worth in the original Pac-Man game?A、100B、500C、1,000D、5,000Answer:B 9、Which of the following is a good source
4、 of vitamin K?A、MilkB、Green VegetablesC、FatsD、GrainsAnswer:B 10、Where is the headquarters of the International Olympic Committee, the IOC?A、SydneyB、Los AngelesC、LausanneD、LondonAnswer:C 11、In which country is it legal to marry a dead person?A、JapanB、FranceC、IranD、ThailandAnswer:B 12、In the NES game
5、Bucky OHare, where do you first rescue Jenny?A、Blue PlanetB、Green PlanetC、Red PlanetD、Yellow PlanetAnswer:A 13、Which programming language is used to write operating systems?A、JavaB、COBOLC、AssemblyD、CAnswer:D 14、What is the greatest common factor of 6 and 12?A、2B、3C、4D、6Answer:D 15、Who was the first
6、third-party publisher of video games?A、AccoladeB、ActivisionC、CapcomD、Electronic ArtsAnswer:B 16、Which rock bands drummer lost an arm from a car accident?A、Def LeopardB、ForeignerC、Van HalenD、WingerAnswer:A 17、Which period of pregnancy does lactation begin?A、BirthB、1st trimesterC、2nd trimesterD、3rd tr
7、imesterAnswer:C 18、Which of these sports was invented in 1950?A、PaintballB、RacquetballC、BadmintonD、VolleyballAnswer:B 19、Sony debuted the Walkman cassette player in which year?A、1979B、1981C、1985D、1986Answer:A 20、In the 1994 movie Forrest Gump, what was Forrests football jersey number?A、00B、12C、23D、4
8、4Answer:D 21、What is the Unix command to show a list of files in a directory?A、mvB、lsC、cpD、pwdAnswer:B 22、Which item is not a weapon in the first Streets of Rage?A、Baseball BatB、BottleC、KatanaD、Pepper ShakerAnswer:C 23、Like this game, which other game has a Mania mode?A、Earthworm JimB、Final DoomC、Ma
9、rio Kart 64D、Streets Of Rage 2Answer:D 24、In the sport of polo, how many riders make up each team?A、3B、4C、8D、12Answer:B 25、What is the atomic number of oxygen?A、2B、6C、8D、20Answer:C 26、The relaxation of any heart chamber is calledA、ventricular ejection.B、stroke volume.C、systole.D、diastole.Answer:D 27
10、、Who is known as the Father of Computer Science?A、Bill GatesB、Bjarne StroustrupC、Alan TuringD、Albert EinsteinAnswer:C 28、In which year were the very first modern Olympic Games held, and where?A、1892, AthensB、1900, ParisC、1896, AthensD、1904, St. LouisAnswer:C 29、Which of these is the bone of the heel
11、?A、CalcaneusB、TalusC、ClavicleD、SternumAnswer:A 30、What is the ASCII code for the letter A?A、1B、48C、65D、97Answer:C 駕駛員之家 B1駕駛證能開什么車31、Who swatted 54 homers the first year the spitball was banned?A、Babe RuthB、Barry BondsC、Frank RobinsonD、Sammy SosaAnswer:A 32、Which portable video game system was conne
12、ctable to the Sega Dreamcast?A、Game Boy AdvanceB、Neo Geo Pocket ColorC、Game GearD、WonderSwanAnswer:B 33、What was the first game to have an easter egg?A、AdventureB、BattlezoneC、Jungle HuntD、Super Mario Bros.Answer:A 34、What is the unit of currency in Russia?A、DrachmaB、LevC、LiraD、RubleAnswer:D 35、In Th
13、rees Company, what was Jacks restaurant called?A、Jacks CafeB、McJacksC、Jacks BistroD、Jacks PlaceAnswer:C 36、By area, which country is the largest?A、BrazilB、CanadaC、GreenlandD、RussiaAnswer:D 37、Toastmaster is a term associated withA、chess.B、public speaking.C、writing.D、orchestras.Answer:B 38、In what ye
14、ar was Barbie introduced?A、1955B、1957C、1959D、1961Answer:C 39、What is Europes longest river?A、DanubeB、ElbeC、RhineD、VolgaAnswer:D 40、Nintendos first coin-operated game, Sheriff, was later reanimated for which game system?A、Game Boy AdvanceB、NESC、N64D、WiiAnswer:A 41、Connecting two 6V batteries in paral
15、lel will result inA、3V.B、6V.C、12V.D、36V.Answer:B 42、From the 2011 movie, Limitless, NZT gave a person the ability toA、use all of their brain power.B、teleport.C、predict the future.D、read minds.Answer:A 43、What do you call an area of land that is elevated and has a relatively level surface?A、HillB、Mou
16、ntainC、PlainD、PlateauAnswer:D 44、What berry has the highest anitoxidant content?A、BlackberryB、BlueberryC、RasberryD、StawberryAnswer:A 45、Going by size, which instrument is the smallest?A、BassB、ChelloC、ViolaD、ViolinAnswer:C 46、Who was the first host of Show Me The Money?A、Regis PhilbinB、Alex TrebekC、P
17、aul ReubensD、William ShatnerAnswer:B 47、Which video game had Baron Aloha has the bad guy?A、Ape EscapeB、Crash BandicootC、Jumping Flash!D、Sonic the HedgehogAnswer:C 48、What is a famous George Washington Carver invention?A、Air ConditioningB、Assembly LineC、Cottin GinD、Peanut ButterAnswer:D 49、Which coun
18、try gave Florida to the USA in 1891?A、FranceB、GermanyC、MexicoD、SpainAnswer:D 50、What is the primary language spoken in Brazil?A、SpanishB、PortugueseC、FrenchD、DutchAnswer:B 51、When did Mattel start making collectible Barbies?A、1986B、1980C、1974D、1954Answer:A 52、23, 56, 89, 122, _A、154B、165C、171D、176Ans
19、wer:B 53、A software application that you can try for free for a limited time is calledA、adware.B、freeware.C、shareware.D、software.Answer:C 54、Which is the worlds larger container port?A、ChinaB、RussiaC、SingaporeD、United StatesAnswer:C 55、In the Y2K Family Guy episode titled Da Boom, what did Stewie tu
20、rn into?A、ButterflyB、DogC、OctopusD、ZebraAnswer:C 56、Which two player game featured one player as a helicopter and the other as a jeep?A、ContaB、Double DragonC、SalamanderD、SilkwormAnswer:D 57、Which is not a primary color?A、BlueB、GreenC、RedD、YellowAnswer:D 58、Which type of virus that replicates itself,
21、 causing your computer to slow down or even crash?A、AdwareB、SpywareC、TrojanD、WormAnswer:D 59、Which word is misspelled?A、CemeteryB、OccurrenceC、PreceedeD、SeparateAnswer:C 60、What is Walmarts best selling product?A、BananasB、BreadC、EggsD、MilkAnswer:A 61、When did Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart write his opera I
22、domeneo?A、1786B、1783C、1780D、1816Answer:C 62、Which NASCAR driver had the nickname The Intimidator?A、Dale EarnhardtB、Jeff GordonC、Richard PettyD、Tony StewartAnswer:A 63、Which is the largest of the Baleric Islands?A、CabreraB、IbizaC、MajorcaD、MenorcaAnswer:C 64、Which is Scotlands largest city?A、AberdeenB
23、、EdinburghC、GlasgowD、StirlingAnswer:B 65、Johnny Cashs 2002 cover of Hurt was originally performed byA、Nine Inch NailsB、Pearl JamC、The Smashing PumpkinsD、SoundgardenAnswer:A 駕駛員之家 D駕駛證能開什么車66、What is the atomic number for nickel?A、38B、48C、13D、28Answer:D 67、What is Earths largest continent?A、AfricaB、A
24、ntarcticaC、AsiaD、EuropeAnswer:C 68、Who won Athlete of the Decade honors for the 1960s?A、Mickey MantleB、Wilt ChamberlainC、Arnold PalmerD、Johnny UniatasAnswer:C 69、What show did MTV introduce in 1988 to feature rap/hip-hop music and news?A、Rap N RockB、Night TracksC、Headbangers BallD、Yo! MTV RapsAnswer
25、:D 70、3x + 3x = 24A、x = 3B、x = 4C、 x = 5D、x = 6Answer:B 71、What yachting race was called the Hundred-Guinea Cup until a team from the U.S. won in 1851?A、The Admirals CupB、The Stanley CupC、The Americas CupD、The Gascoigne CupAnswer:C 72、By what name is the University of Texas Longhorn mascot known?A、T
26、exB、BevoC、BuckD、BessieAnswer:B 73、In the Disney animated film Cinderella, what is the cats name?A、TigerB、LuciferC、WhiskersD、JackAnswer:B 74、Which fast food restaurant says that you can Have it your way?A、Burger KingB、Papa JohnsC、SubwayD、WendysAnswer:C 75、In what movie was Freddie Highmore not in?A、C
27、harlie and the Chocolate FactoryB、August RushC、Finding NeverlandD、EnchantedAnswer:D 76、In what song did the Beatles say take a sad song and make it better?A、The Long and Winding RoadB、Penny LaneC、Let It BeD、Hey JudeAnswer:D 77、What does the Italian musical term adagio mean?A、SlowB、LoudC、SoftD、FastAn
28、swer:A 78、What were the ancient forms of written communication in Mesopotamia called?A、CuneiformB、HieroglyphicsC、PapyrologyD、TomographyAnswer:A 79、Which of these Romans were not responsible for stopping Julius Caesars rise to power on the Ides of March?A、CassiusB、CascaC、BrutusD、PompeyAnswer:D 80、Wil
29、liam Shakespeare invented the wordA、beast.B、aristocrat.C、assassination.D、illiterate.Answer:C 81、Where did Aladdin find the Genies lamp in Disneys Aladdin?A、Cave of WondersB、Tavern of TreasuresC、Grotto of GoldD、Valley of SecretsAnswer:A 82、Which Legend of Zelda game was released on the Wii launch?A、L
30、ink to the PastB、Sacred StonesC、The Minish CapD、Twilight PrincessAnswer:D 83、What do you call a group of ruffs?A、HaremB、HillC、PungentD、RookeryAnswer:B 84、What is the national icon of Canada?A、BeaverB、LeafC、BigfootD、Gold CoinAnswer:A 85、What Chicago Bears runningback was known as The Galloping Ghost?
31、A、Harold GrangeB、Walter PaytonC、Gale SayersD、Brian PiccoloAnswer:A 86、Which U.S. state did Rod Blagojevich govern?A、New YorkB、IllinoisC、CaliforniaD、VirginiaAnswer:B 87、What is the real name of Posh Spice?A、Geri HalliwellB、Victoria BeckhamC、Emma BuntonD、Melanie ChrisholmAnswer:B 88、What sport has a h
32、ooker in a scrum?A、FencingB、GymnasticsC、PoloD、RugbyAnswer:D 89、What color is Mace Windus lightsaber in Episode II: Attack of the Clones?A、BlackB、BlueC、GreenD、PurpleAnswer:D 90、Poland is situated on the southern end of what sea?A、Aegean SeaB、Baltic SeaC、Black SeaD、Norwegian SeaAnswer:B 91、Unlike most other fist, sharks have noA、bones.B、gills.C、heart.D、liver.Answer:
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