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1、annual straw consumption is about 300 (15x20) million tons to 450 (15x30) million tonnes. around each plant to town for curing center straw briquette factory, about 30, curing each straw briquette factory production capacity of 10,000 tons per year, production of major products supply power plants a

2、nd the rest as ordinary fuel. chapter iii, section i industry investment analysis investment benefit analysis, industry profitability industry benchmark yield to 12%, more than a moderate level of profitability, have higher profitability. secondly, solvency, with good profitability and, hence, have

3、enough liquidity. three biomass energy resource in china, industry growth prospects are very experienced and bright prospects for development of biomass power generation industry. on one hand, the sown area of 1.8 billion mu of crops, the year produces 700 million tons of matter. apart from the part

4、s used in papermaking and livestock feed, and the rest will be done fuel use. the other hand, chinas current forest area of about 175 million hectares, the forest coverage rate of 18.21%, every year through normal bush stumping rejuvenation, forest thinning, hedgerow fruit trees and the collection o

5、f forest felling, bucking, processing residues, biomass resources available at about 800 million to 1 billion tons. theory of biomass energy resource in china close to 1.5 billion tons of standard coal. by 2020, the biomass energy development and utilization of capacity of 500 million tons of standa

6、rd coal, equivalent to more than 15% supplies. and extremely low sulphur content of the biomass 0.3%, 1/4 not to the sulphur content of the coal. development of biomass solid fuels, implement coal alternatives, significantly reduces the carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide emissions, have a significant

7、 environmental benefit. second section industry investment opportunities for promoted health material energy of steadily development, september 2006, treasury, and national development and reform committee, and ministry of agriculture, and national tax general, and national forestry council joint in

8、troduced has on development biological quality energy and biological chemical tax support policy of implementation views, in risk avoid and compensation, and raw materials base grants, and model grants, and tax relief, aspects for development biological quality energy and biological chemical develop

9、ed has specific of tax support policy. in addition, since the renewable energy law came into effect on january 1, 2006, making a complete set of administrative rules and regulations also promulgated. on october 4, 2006 of the ministry of the interim measures for the administration of special funds f

10、or renewable energy development, the approach of special funds to support key, application and approval, financial management, checking and supervision of comprehensive provisions. the regulations: development of special funds established by the financial departments of the state council, the use of

11、 special funds for the development include free grants and subsidized loans, through the central financial budget. according to the role of biomass energy and the countrys status quo, is currently focused on the development of the project are as follows: (1) recent development priorities: biomass ga

12、sification and gas, biomass gasification power generation, large biogas, biomass direct combustion heating (2) medium-and long-term development projects: height of biomass gasification power generation project (big/cc), the production of hydrogen from biomass such as resource in china close to 1.5 b

13、illion tons of standard coal. by 2020, the biomass energy development and utilization of capacity of 500 million tons of standard coal, equivalent to more than 15% supplies. and extremely low sulphur content of the biomass 0.3%, 1/4 not to the sulphur content of the coal. development of biomass soli

14、d fuels, implement coal alternatives, significantly reduces the carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide emissions, have a significant environmental benefit. second section industry investment opportunities for promoted health material energy of steadily development, september 2006, treasury, and national

15、development and reform committee, and ministry of agriculture, and national tax general, and national forestry council joint introduced has on development biological quality energy and biological chemical tax support policy of implementation views, in risk avoid and compensation, and raw materials b

16、ase grants, and model grants, and tax relief, aspects for development biological quality energy and biological chemical developed has specific of tax support policy. in addition, since the新建云桂鐵路云南段ygt-3標段 編號:014 基床表層瀝青混凝土防水層施工作業(yè)指導書單位: 編制: 審核: 批準: 年 月 日發(fā)布 年 月 日實施目 錄1.適用范圍22.作業(yè)準備22.1內業(yè)技術準備22.2外業(yè)技術準備23

17、.技術要求34施工程序及工藝流程34.1施工程序34.2施工工藝流程圖35施工要求45.1施工準備45.2基床表層瀝青混凝土配合比設計55.3施工工藝55.3.1基床表層瀝青混凝土拌制55.3.2基床表層瀝青混凝土運輸55.3.3基床表層瀝青混凝土攤鋪65.3.4基床表層瀝青混凝土碾壓76.勞動組織87.材料要求88.設備機具配置89.質量控制及驗收99.1質量控制99.2質量檢驗910.安全及環(huán)保要求1010.1 安全要求1010.2 環(huán)保措施10基床表層瀝青混凝土防水層施工作業(yè)指導書1.適用范圍適用于新建鐵路云桂線云南段站前三標段路基基床表層瀝青混凝土防水層施工。2.作業(yè)準備2.1內業(yè)技術


19、數(shù)應滿足施工設計要求。4施工程序及工藝流程4.1施工程序施工準備 瀝青混凝土配合比設計 瀝青混凝土拌制 瀝青混凝土運輸 瀝青混凝土攤鋪 瀝青混凝土碾壓 瀝青混凝土接縫。4.2施工工藝流程圖基床表層瀝青混凝土防水層施工工藝框圖如下:n基床表層級配碎石驗收機械選型及安裝料場選擇機械檢修測量放樣材料性能鑒定機械試運轉配合比設計配合比試驗施工準備批準配合比試機拌和試驗段施工混合料生產拌和混合料攤鋪抽提試驗壓 實壓實度檢測路面成型檢測制定改進措施混合料運輸報監(jiān)理單位確認y基床表層瀝青混凝土防水層施工工藝框圖5施工要求5.1施工準備施工前應做好瀝青混凝土用原材料的備料工作,原材料各項指標應符合規(guī)范和設計的


21、-1 熱拌瀝青混凝土的施工溫度()施工工序石油瀝青的標號50號70號90號110號瀝青加熱溫度160170155165150160145155礦料加熱溫度間歇式拌合機集料加熱溫度比瀝青溫度高1030連續(xù)式拌合機礦料加熱溫度比瀝青溫度高510瀝青混凝土出料溫度150170145165140160135155瀝青混凝土儲料倉儲存溫度儲料過程中溫度降低不超過10瀝青混凝土廢棄溫度200195190185運到現(xiàn)場的溫度不低于150145140135瀝青混凝土攤鋪溫度不低于正常施工140135130125低溫施工160150140135開始碾壓的瀝青混凝土內部溫度不低于正常施工135130125120低

22、溫施工150145135130碾壓終了的表面溫度不低于鋼筒式壓路機80706560輪胎式壓路機85807570振動式壓路機75706055可通車的表面溫度不高于505050455.2基床表層瀝青混凝土配合比設計瀝青混凝土的礦料級配應符合設計要求。采用馬歇爾試驗配合比設計方法。瀝青混凝土的馬歇爾穩(wěn)定度、流值、孔隙率、瀝青飽和度等指標應符合設計要求,并具有良好的高溫穩(wěn)定性、水穩(wěn)定性、低溫抗裂性能、防滲水性能等,其技術指標應符合設計要求。 瀝青混凝土配合比設計通過目標配合比設計、生產配合比設計及生產配合比驗證三個階段,確定礦料級配、最佳瀝青用量。5.3施工工藝5.3.1基床表層瀝青混凝土拌制a拌合廠

23、的設置必須符合國家有關環(huán)境保護、消防、安全等規(guī)定。b考慮交通堵塞等因素,盡可能縮短拌合廠與工地的運輸距離,確?;旌狭蠝囟认陆挡怀^要求,且不致因顛簸造成混合料離析。c各種集料必須分隔儲存,細集料場地應設防雨頂棚,料場和場區(qū)道路應硬化,嚴禁泥土等污染集料。拌合廠應做好完整的排水設施。瀝青混凝土采用間歇式拌合機,拌合機的拌合能力應滿足施工進度要求。 瀝青混凝土的生產溫度宜符合熱拌瀝青混凝土施工溫度表中的有關規(guī)定。烘干集料的殘余含水量不得大于1,每天開始幾盤集料應提高加熱溫度,并干拌幾鍋集料廢棄,再正式加瀝青拌合混合料。瀝青混凝土出廠時應逐車檢驗其重量和溫度,記錄出廠時間,簽發(fā)運料單。5.3.2基床



26、控制方式。瀝青混凝土的松鋪系數(shù)應按工藝試驗確定。在局部機械作業(yè)不能到位部分可采用人工攤鋪。人工攤鋪混合料應符合下列要求:a瀝青混凝土宜卸在鐵板上,攤鋪時應扣鍬布料,不得楊鍬拋甩。鐵鍬等工具宜沾防粘劑或加熱使用。b 邊攤鋪邊用刮板整平,刮平時應輕重一致,控制次數(shù),嚴防集料離析。c 攤鋪不得中間停頓,并加快碾壓。如不能及時碾壓時,應停止攤鋪,并對卸下的瀝青混凝土覆蓋保溫。d 低溫施工時,每次卸下的混合料應及時覆蓋保溫。5.3.4基床表層瀝青混凝土碾壓應配備適合于貴廣鐵路tj-13基床表層瀝青混凝土防水層結構特點的壓路機,選擇合理的壓路機組合方式及初壓、復壓、終壓的碾壓步驟,以達到最佳的碾壓效果。低

27、溫、風大、薄層碾壓時壓路機數(shù)量應適當增加。壓路機應以慢而均勻的速度碾壓,壓路機碾壓速度應符合下表中的要求,壓路機的碾壓線路、方向不應突然改變,導致混合料推移。瀝青混凝土碾壓速度(km/h)壓路機類型初 壓復 壓終 壓適 宜最 大適 宜最 大適 宜最 大鋼筒式壓路機234356366輪胎式壓路機234356468振動式壓路機23靜壓或振動4靜壓或振動35振動5振動36靜壓6靜壓壓路機的碾壓溫度應符合熱拌瀝青混凝土施工溫度表中的有關要求。在不產生嚴重推移和裂縫的前提下,碾壓在盡可能高的溫度下進行,不得在低溫狀況下作反復碾壓。壓路機不得在未碾壓成型的路段轉向、掉頭、加水或停留。初壓應緊跟攤鋪機進行,




31、施。9.1.7基床表層瀝青混凝土施工采用人工配合小型機具攤鋪時應特別注意對混合料溫度的控制,它是保證壓實度的關鍵,因此要注意對施工工序的合理安排,并盡可能安排在氣溫較高時施工。 9.2質量檢驗9.2.1認真按照要求的質量檢測項目、頻率進行檢驗和控制。9.2.2準確控制施工配合比,通過每天檢測數(shù)據(jù)分析及時調整配合比。9.2.3主控項目基床表層瀝青混凝土原材料品種、各項技術質量指標應符合設計要求。檢驗方法:拌和廠取樣,按客運專線鐵路有關瀝青混凝土技術條件的要求進行檢驗?;脖韺訛r青混凝土的瀝青含量、礦料級配和馬歇爾技術指標應符合設計要求。檢驗方法:拌和廠取樣,按客運專線鐵路有關瀝青混凝土技術條件的

32、要求進行檢驗?;脖韺訛r青混凝土的壓實質量應符合設計要求。檢驗方法:按客運專線鐵路有關瀝青混凝土技術條件的要求進行檢驗。9.2.4基床表層瀝青混凝土厚度允許偏差、檢驗數(shù)量及檢驗方法應符合下表的規(guī)定基床表層瀝青混凝土厚度允許偏差、檢驗數(shù)量及檢驗方法 序號項 目允 許 偏 差檢驗數(shù)量檢驗方法7瀝青混凝土厚度不小于設計值沿線路縱向每100m抽樣檢驗3點水準儀測量10.安全及環(huán)保要求10.1 安全要求10.1.1施工區(qū)域應設警示標志,嚴禁非工作人員出入;10.1.2施工中應對機械設備進行定期檢查、養(yǎng)護、維修;10.1.3為保證施工安全,現(xiàn)場應有專人統(tǒng)一指揮,并設一名專職安全員負責現(xiàn)場的安全工作,堅持班

33、前進行安全教育制度。10.1.4防水層施工中,現(xiàn)場設專人指揮、調度,確定合適的機械車輛走行路線,并設立明顯標志,防止相互干擾碰撞,機械作業(yè)要留有安全距離。制訂作業(yè)程序和運行路線,確保協(xié)調施工,安全生產。瀝青混凝土拌和站應遠離居民區(qū)并符合當?shù)丨h(huán)保要求。瀝青場地嚴禁煙火,并備有防火設施和警示牌。施工時注意與無碴軌道支撐層道床的側面及電纜槽內側的銜接,防止雨水下滲。10.2 環(huán)保措施10.2.1瀝青混凝土施工中,容易造成對環(huán)境的污染。是防水層施工中應注意的首要問題。為了保護自然環(huán)境,在瀝青混凝土防水層過程中,減少甚至瀝青混凝土施工對周圍環(huán)境的污染,需從兩個方面著手,一是思想上高度重視,管理上加強監(jiān)督


35、性質影響較大,所以必須做好雨、雪天施工防護措施。施工前在路基(路塹)邊坡范圍外挖臨時排水溝使雨水能及時排走,施工過程中,應保持排水臨時排水系統(tǒng)的完善和暢通,同時應備適量的隔水膜(布),能滿足雨、雪天氣時,對受雨水影響大的部位的面覆蓋,使雨停后能立即恢復生產,把雨雪天氣對施工的影響降到最低程度added. finally, foreign investment risk, there are also opportunities. financial crisis caused the stock and corporate bond prices plummeted, early chines

36、e banks foreign exchange assets in the foreign exchange reserves investment and losses, but at present the international prices of many financial assets in a low, to promote foreign mergers and acquisitions in china and promoting enterprise going out diversified cooperation, actively explore oversea

37、s resources and markets and opportunities. meanwhile, in response to the adverse impact of world economic crisis on china, the state council announced 10 measures to expand domestic demand and promote growth over the next two years the implementation of these measures will take about 4 trillion yuan

38、 central budget support. the 4 trillion yuan investment has an inkling, transportation, forestry, water conservancy, peoples livelihood, environmental protection and other areas will be skewed. increased investment will play a significant role in promoting chinas economic growth, at the same time, t

39、here should be other pro-growth measures rolled out. a series of positive measures by the state and function of 4 trillion the central treasury, our economy will be sustained, stable and rapid development gradually. section ii market analysis of technical feasibility of biomass fuel shaping technolo

40、gy and equipment is the core of industrialization of biomass briquette fuel. biomass briquetting technology refers to a certain temperature and under pressure, will be scattered and various shapes of biomass raw materials into high density, with a variety of fuels technology. biomass briquetting equ

41、ipment including screw-extrusion molding machines, mechanical piston stamping forming machine, ring die-roll and hydraulic piston stamping molding machines. mechanical piston forming and hydraulic piston forming machine total up production efficiency low energy high, former of productivity low, actual productivity in 100-200 kg, main work parts life low not for industrialization production; which main work parts life long, but highest production capacity lower energy high; from technology index view, ring die roll pressure type fo


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