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1、unit11、發(fā)言人明確表示總統(tǒng)在任何情形下都不會取消這次旅行the spokesmanmadeitclearthatthe presidentwould not cancel the trip under any circumstances.2、杰克對書架上那些書一本也不明白所以他的挑選是很隨便的;jackdidntknow anythingaboutanyofthebookson the bookshelf, so his choice was quite arbitrary.3、隨后發(fā)生的那些大事再次證明白我的猜疑是對的;the subsequent events confirmed m

2、y suspicions once again.4. 、我認(rèn)為我們應(yīng)當(dāng)勉勵中同學(xué)在暑假找臨時工作;ithinkwe shouldencouragehighschoolstudentstofind temporary jobs / employment during their summer holidays.5、令我們驚訝的是這位常被贊為非常正直的州長竟然是個貪官;to our surprise, the governor who had often been praised for his honesty turned out to be a corrupt official.6、少數(shù)工人得

3、到提升與此同時卻有數(shù)百名工人被解雇;a few workers were promoted, but meanwhile hundreds of workers were dismissed.7、假如有機會約翰或許已成為一位杰出的畫家了;giventhechance,johnmighthavebecome anoutstanding painter.8. 、數(shù)小時后有人觀察那個男孩在林子里瞎轉(zhuǎn);severalhours later,the boy was found wandering around inthe woods.unit31、很多美國高校生申請政府貸款交付學(xué)費;many ameri

4、can students apply for government loans to pay for their education / tuition.2、除閱讀材料外使用電影和多媒體會激發(fā)同學(xué)學(xué)習(xí)的愛好;besides readingmaterials,the use of filmsand multimediacan stimulate students interest in a subject.3、這位律師試圖說服陪審團他的當(dāng)事人是無辜的;the attorney/ lawyer triedto convince the juryof his clients innocence.4、

5、提問經(jīng)常會引發(fā)制造的火花;asking questions often generates the spark of creativity.5、我已經(jīng)把我的簡歷寄往幾家公司但尚未收到回復(fù);i have sent offmy resume to severalcorporations,but havent yet received a reply.6、她的結(jié)論是建立在對當(dāng)前國際情形進行了仔細的分析的基礎(chǔ)上的;her conclusion isbuilt / based on a careful analysis of current international affairs.7、我們滿懷期望地

6、來參與會議離開時卻大失所望;we came to the meeting full of expectations, yet we left very disappointed.8、臨時他只得接受了一份給一家化妝品公司發(fā)促銷傳單的活兒;at the moment he has to take the job of distributing leaflets to promote products for a cosmetic company.unit81. 、就才能而言 , 我確定他能勝任這件工作;as far as ability is concerned, i am sure he wil

7、l qualify forthe job.2. 、認(rèn)為約翰會由于他的失禮而向他們正式賠禮那就錯了;itis wrong to assume thatjohn willformallyapologizeto themfor being impolite.3、這一丑聞對正在力爭贏得大選的工黨來說無疑是一件尷尬的事;thisscandalwillundoubtedlybe anembarrassmenttothe labour party, which is trying hard to win the election.4、我正在努力地寫學(xué)期論文但我的小妹卻不斷沖進我的房間打攪我;i washar

8、datworkonatermpaper,butmy babysisterkept interrupting me by bursting into my room.5、我問了她數(shù)次可她拒絕回答我的問題;i asked her several times, but she refused to respond to myquestion.6、在西方人們經(jīng)常郵購商品這可以節(jié)約很多時間;in the west, people oftensend away formail-ordergoods, whichcan save a lot of time.7、愧疚,時間不多了我建議我們跳到最終一章;sor

9、ry time is running out,i suggest we skip to the lastchapter.8、既然你決心盡快完成碩士課程,那就別讓社交生活阻礙你的學(xué)習(xí);since you have set your mind to finishingyour mastersprogram as soon as possible, dont let your social life stand in theway of your studies.1、裝了假肢他起初走路走不穩(wěn)但經(jīng)過錘煉他的步伐穩(wěn)了;fittedwiththe artificialleg,he walked unste

10、adily/ shakily at first, but with practice his steps became steady.2、醫(yī)生說我得了重感冒給我開了四種藥三種是藥片飯后服另一種是藥水睡前服;the doctor said i had caught a severe cold and she prescribedmefourdifferentmedicines.three of them are pillsto be taken after meals and the other is liquid to be drunk before goingto bed.3、我妹妹的愛犬被

11、人偷走后她心里難過了好幾個星期;my sister felt miserable for weeks after she had her pet dog stolen.4、汽車早已開走看不見了珍妮仍站在大門口注視著路的終點;jenny was still standing at the gate gazing at the end of the road long after the car was out of sight.5、就我所知他們相互感情上疏遠已有一些時間了;as faras i know, they have been emotionallydetached from each

12、other for some time.6、一般來說通過增加供應(yīng)或削減需求可以降低物價;in general,pricesmay be broughtdown by increasingsupply or decreasing demand.1. 像平常一樣,他在開頭洗漱前,將收音機調(diào)到早晨七點新聞聯(lián)播;as usual, he tuned his radio for the 7 a.m. news broadcastbefore he began to get washed.2、有很多文件要簽,但緊急的只有這份合同there are a lot of papers to sign, but

13、the only urgent one isthis contract.3、在該市,因吸毒和賭博而引發(fā)的罪行在進展,當(dāng)?shù)卣孟裾也怀鰬?yīng)付這一問題的方法;in that city crime born of drug abuse and gambling is on therise,and the localgovernment seemsunable to figureout a way to cope with it.4、在那些日子里,我能弄到什么就看什么, 只要是英文寫的;those days iwould readeverything i couldget my hands on as

14、long as it was written in english.5、我敢確定那座樓在空襲中肯定被完全炸毀了;i bet the building must have been completely destroyed in theair raid.6、她被這突如其來的打擊嚇得好幾分鐘講不出一句話來;she was so scared by the unexpected blow thatshe could not speak a word for several minutes.scared by the unexpected blow, she could not speak a wor

15、d forseveral minutes.7、幸好驚恐中她抓住了他的外套,否就她會從欄桿上掉下去luckyenough shegrabbedholdofhisovercoatinpanic, otherwise she would have fallen over the hill.1、我們不贊成他認(rèn)為自己應(yīng)得到特別待遇的態(tài)度;wedidntlikehis attitudethathe deserved specialtreatment.2、即使你是班上最好的同學(xué)之一要保住成果也得經(jīng)常溫習(xí)功課才行;even if you are one of the best students in clas

16、s, in order tomaintain your grades you must review your lessons often.3. 、過去有關(guān)太空時代的某些幻想已經(jīng)成為現(xiàn)實;some of the old fantasies about the space age have come true.4、情形的確是如此有些人一生中很早就獲得勝利而另一些人就要工作很長時間方能實現(xiàn)自己的目標(biāo);itis truethatsomepeople achievesuccess very earlyin life, whileothersmust work a long time before at

17、tainingtheirgoals.5. 、他堅持認(rèn)為這次試驗的失敗主要由于預(yù)備不足;he maintained that the failure of the experiment was largely due to inadequate preparation.6、如今討論人員提倡我們應(yīng)當(dāng)每天花些時間將自己想要達到的目標(biāo)投射到心靈的屏幕上;researchers now recommendthatwetake time every day to project our desired goals onto the screen in our minds.unit1.and so i do

18、 not have a criminal record. but what was most shocking at the time was the things my release from the chargeso clearly depended on. i had the “right ” accent, respectablemiddle-class parents in court, reliable witnesses, and i could obviously afford a very good solicitor. given the obscure nature o

19、f the charge, i feel sure that if i had come from adifferent background, and had really been unemployed, there is every chance that i would have been found guilty. whileasking for costs to be awarded, my solicitors case quiteobviously revolved around the fact that i had a“brilliant academic record ”

20、.unit3these are the real reasons i teach, these people whogrow and change in frontof me. being a teacheris being present at the creation, when the clay begins to breathe.a “promotion ” out of teachingwould give memoneyandpower. but i have money. i get paid to do what i enjoy:reading,talking with peo

21、ple, and asking questions like, ” what is the point of being rich. ”and i have power. i have the power to nudge, to fan sparks, to suggest books, to point out a pathway. what other power matters.but teaching offers something besides moneyand power: it offers love. not only the love of learning and o

22、f books and ideas, but also the love that a teacher feels for that rarestudentwho walks intoa teacher s lifeand begins to breathe.perhaps love is the wrong word: magic might be better.i teach because, being around people who are beginning to breathe, i occasionally find myself catching my breath wit

23、h them.unit5my shock and embarrassment at finding mother in tears on wednesday was a perfect index of how little i understoodthe pressureson her.sittingbeside her on the couch, ibegan very slowly to understand.“i guess we all have to fail sometime,” mother saidquietly.i could sense her pain and the

24、tensionof holdingback thestrongemotionsthatwereinterruptedbymy arrival.suddenly, something inside me turned. i reached out and put my arms around her.she broke then.she put her face againstmy shoulderandsobbed. iheld her close and didnt try to talk.i knew i was doing what i should, what i could, and

25、 that it was enough. inthat moment, feeling mothers back racked with emotion, iunderstoodforthe firsttime her vulnerability.she was still mymother ,butshe was something more: a person likeme, capable of fearand hurtand failure.i couldfeelher pain as she must have feltmine on a thousand occasionswhen

26、i had sought comfort in her arms.unit6“ why dontyou trytosleep. illwake you up forthemedicine. ”“i d rather stay awake.”aftera while he said to me,” you dont have to stay in here with me, papa, if it bothers you.”“it doesnt bother me.”“no,i mean you don t have to stay if its going to bother you. ”“y

27、our temperature is all right ,” i said.“it s nothing to warry about.”“i dont worry, ” he said, “but i cant keep from thinking.”“don t think” i said,“just take it easy”“i m taking it easy,” he said and looked straight ahead. he was evidently holding tight onto himself about something.“take this with

28、water”“do you think it will do any good.” “of course it will.”unit7harlowe with phony laughter desperately trying to relievesituation block partys not a bad idea. looking around at others anything to get back to normal.stockton looks from face to face and slowly shakes his headnormal. a pause i dont

29、 know. i dont know what“normal ” is. i though i did, but i dont any more.harlowe i told you we d pay for the damages-stockton stairs at him the damages. he nods i wonder ifwe realizejustwhat those damagesare. he looksfrom face to face againmaybe the worst of them was findingout justwhat were likewhen were normal.the kindof people we are. just underneath the surface. i meanallof us. a lotof naked animals who attachsuch great importance to staying alive that they claw theirneighbors to death just for the privilege. he leansagainstthe stairwaywall,suddenly desperatelyti


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