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1、精選范本Management Information System Review SummaryCONTENTSPART 1: Organizations, Management, and the Networked Enterprise iiiI.In formati on Systems in Global Bus in ess Today iii1 How are in formati on systems tran sform ing bus in ess and what is their relati on ship to globalizati on? iii2Why are i

2、n formati on systems so esse ntial for running and man agi ng a bus in ess today? iii3. What exactly is an information system? How does it work? What are its management, organization, and tech no logy comp onen ts? iii4. What are compleme ntary assets? Why are compleme ntary assets esse ntial for en

3、 suri ng that in formatio n systems provide genuine value for an orga ni zati on? iv5. What academic discipli nes are used to study in formati on systems? How does each con tribute to an un dersta nding of i nformatio n systems? What is a sociotech ni cal systems perspective? ivII.Global E-bus in es

4、s and Collaborati on iv1 What are bus in ess processes? How are they related to in formatio n systems? iv2. How do systems serve the differe nt man ageme nt groups in a bus in ess? iv3. How do systems that link the en terprise improve orga ni zati onal performa nee? iv4. Why are systems for collabor

5、ati on and teamwork so importa nt and what tech no logies do they use? v5. What is the role of the in formati on systems fun cti on in a bus in ess? vIII.In formati on Systems, Orga ni zati ons, and Strategy v1 Which features of organizations do managers need to know about to build and use informati

6、on systems successfully? What is the impact of in formati on systems on orga ni zati ons? v2. How does Porter1 s competitive forces model helm panies develop competitive strategies using information systems? v3. How do the value cha in and value web models help bus in esses ide ntify opportu nities

7、for strategic in formati on system applicati ons? v4. How do in formati on systems help bus in esses use syn ergies, core compete ncies, and n etwork-based strategies to achieve competitive adva ntage? vi5. What are the challe nges posed by strategic in formati on systems and how should they be addr

8、essed? viIV.Ethical and Social Issues in In formatio n Systems vi1. What ethical, social, and political issues are raised by information systems? vi2. What specific prin ciples for con duct can be used to guide ethical decisi ons? vi3. Why do con temporary in formati on systems tech no logy and the

9、In ter net pose challe nges to the protecti on of in dividual privacy and in tellectual property? vi4. How have in formati on systems affected everyday life? viPART 2:1 nformatio n Tech no logy In frastructure viiV.IT In frastructure and Emergi ng Tech no logies vii1. What is IT in frastructure and

10、what are its comp onen ts? vii2. What are the stages and tech no logy drivers of IT in frastructure evoluti on? vii3. What are the curre nt tre nds in computer hardware platforms? vii精選范本4. What are the current trends in software platforms? vii5. What are the challe nges of man agi ng IT in frastruc

11、ture and man ageme nt soluti ons? viiiVI.Fou ndati ons of Bus in ess In tellige nee: Databases and In formati on Man ageme nt viii精選范本1 What are the problems of managing data resources in a traditional file environment and how are viiithey solved by a database man ageme nt system? viii2. What are th

12、e major capabilities of DBMS and why is a relational DBMS so powerful? viii3. What are some importa nt database desig n prin ciples? viii4. What are the prin cipal tools and tech no logies for access ing in formatio n from databases to viii improve bus in ess performa nee and decisi on making? viii5

13、 Why are in formatio n policy, data adm ini strati on, an d data quality assura nee esse ntial for man agi ng the firm resources? ixVII.Telecommu ni cati ons, the Intern et, and Wireless Tech no logy ix1 What are the prin cipal comp onents of telecommu ni cati ons n etworks and key n etwork ing tech

14、 no logies? ix2What are the mai n telecommu ni cati ons tran smissi on media and types of n etworks? ix3 How do the Internet and In ter net tech no logy work, and how do they support commu ni cati on ixand e-bus in ess? ix4 What are the prin cipal tech no logies and sta ndards for wireless n etwork

15、ing, commu nicatio n, xand In ter net access? x5. Why are radio freque ncy ide ntificati on (RFID) and wireless sen sor n etworks valuable for bus in ess? xVIII.Securi ng In formati on Systems x1 Why are in formati on systems vuln erable to destructi on, error, and abuse? x2What is the bus in ess va

16、lue of security and con trol? x3. What are the comp onents of an orga ni zati onal framework for security and con trol? x4 What are the most importa nt tools and tech no logies for safeguard ing in formatio n resources? xiPART 3: Key System Applications for the Digital Age xiIX.Achiev ing Operati on

17、al Excelle nee and Customer In timacy: En terprise Applicati ons xi1 How do en terprise systems help bus in esses achieve operati onal excelle nee? xi2How do supply cha in man ageme nt systems coord in ate pla nning, producti on, and logistics with suppliers? xi3. How do customer relati on ship man

18、ageme nt systems help firms achieve customer in timacy? xi4. What are the challenges posed by enterprise applications? xii5 How are enterprise applications used in platforms for new cross-functional services? xiiX.E-commerce: Digital Markets, Digital Goods xii1 What are the unique features of e-comm

19、erce, digital markets, and digital goods? xii2What are the prin cipal e-commerce bus in ess and reve nue models? xii3 How has e-commerce tran stormed market ing? xii4. How has e-commerce affected bus in ess-to-bus in ess tran sacti ons? xii5. What is the role of m-commerce in bus in ess, and what ar

20、e the most importa nt m-commerce applicati ons? xii6 What issues must be addressed whe n build ing an e-commerce Web site? xiiiXI.Man aging Kno wledge xiii精選范本1 What is the role of kno wledge man ageme nt and kno wledge man ageme nt programs in bus in ess? xiii2What types of systems are used for en

21、terprise-wide kno wledge man ageme nt and how do they provide value for bus in esses? xiii3. What are the major types of knowledge work systems and how do they provide value for firms? xiii4. What are the bus in ess ben efits of using in tellige nt tech ni ques for kno wledge man ageme nt? xiiiXII.E

22、nhancing Decisi on Making xiv1 What are the differe nt types of decisi ons and how does the decisi on-mak ing process work? xiv2How do in formati on systems support the activities of man agers and man ageme nt decisi on making? xiv3. How do bus in ess in tellige nee and bus in ess an alytics support

23、 decisi on making? xiv4. How do differe nt decisi on-mak ing con stitue ncies in an orga ni zati on use bus in ess in tellige nce? xiv5. What is the role of information systems in helping people working in a group make decisions more efficiently? xivPART 4: Building and Managing Systems xvXIII.Build

24、i ng In formati on Systems xv1 How does build ing new systems produce orga ni zati onal cha nge? xv2. What are the core activities in the systems developme nt process? xv3. What are the prin cipal methodologies for modeli ng and desig ning systems? xv4. What are the alter native methods for buildi n

25、g in formatio n systems? xv5. What are new approaches for system buildi ng in the digital firm era? xviXIV.Man agi ng Projects xvi1. What are the objectives of project management and why is it so essential in developing information xvi systems? xvi2. What methods can be used for select ing and evalu

26、ati ng in formati on systems projects and alig ning them with the firm 1 s bus in ess goate?3. How can firms assess the bus in ess value of in formati on systems projects? xvi4 What are the principal risk factors in information systems projects? xvi5. What strategies are useful for man agi ng projec

27、t risk and system impleme ntati on? xviXV.Ma nagi ng Global Systems xvii1 What major factors are driv ing the intern ati on alizati on of bus in ess? xvii2. What are the alter native strategies for develop ing global bus in esses? xvii3 How can in formati on systems support differe nt global bus in

28、ess strategies? xvii4 What are the challe nges posed by global in formati on systems and man ageme nt soluti ons for these challe nges?xvii5. What are the issues and tech ni cal alter natives to be con sidered whe n develop ing intern ati onal in formati on systems? xvii PART 1: Orga ni zati ons,Man

29、 ageme nt, and the Networked En terpriseI. In formatio n Systems in Global Busin ess Today1. How are information systems transforming business and what is their relationship to globalization?E-mail, on li ne con fere ncing, and cell pho nes have become esse n tial tools for con duct ing bus in ess .

30、In formati on systems are the foun dati on 精選范本of fastpaced supply cha ins. The In ter net allows many bus in esses to buy, sell, advertise, and solicit customer feedback on li ne. Orga ni zati ons are tryi ng to become more competitive and efficie nt by digitally en abli ng their core bus in ess pr

31、ocesses and evolv ing into digital firms. The In ter net has stimulated globalizati on by dramatically reduc ing the costs of produc ing, buy ing, and sell ing goods on a global scale. New in formatio n system tre nds in elude the emerg ing mobile digital platform, on li ne software as a service, an

32、d cloud computi ng.2. Why are information systems so essential for running and managing a business today?In formati on systems are a foun dati on for con duct ing bus in ess todayn many in dustries, survival and the ability to achieve strategic bus in ess goals are difficult without exte nsive use o

33、f in formati on tech no logy. Busin esses today use in formati on systems to achieve six major objectives: operati onal excelle nee; new products, services, and bus in ess models; customer/supplier in timacy; improved decisi on making; competitive adva ntage; and day-to-day survival.3. What exactly

34、is an information system? How does it work? What are its management, organization, and technology components?From a technical perspective, an information system collects, stores, and disseminates information from an organizationrsen vir onment and in ter nal operati ons to support orga ni zati onal

35、fun cti ons and decisi on making, comma ni cati on, coord in ati on, control, analysis, and visualization. Information systems transform raw data into useful information through three basic activities:in put, process ing, and output.From a bus in ess perspective, an in formati on system provides a s

36、oluti on to a problem or challe nge fac ing a firm and represe nts a comb in ati on of man ageme nt, orga ni zati on, and tech no logy eleme nts. The man ageme nt dime nsion of i nformatio n systems in volves issues such as leadership, strategy, and man ageme nt behavior. The tech no logy dime nsion

37、 con sists of computer hardware, software, data man ageme nt tech no logy, and n etwork in g/telecommu ni cati ons tech no logy (in cludi ng the In ter net). The orga ni zati on dime nsion of in formati on systems in volves issues such as the orga ni zati on hierarchy, fun cti onal specialties, bus

38、in ess processes, culture, and political in terest groups.4. What are complementary assets? Why are complementary assets essential for ensuring that information systems provide genuine value for an organization?In order to obta in meanin gful value from in formati on systems, orga ni zati ons must s

39、upport their tech no logy in vestme nts with appropriate compleme ntary in vestme nts in orga ni zati ons and man ageme nt. These compleme ntary assets in elude new bus in ess models and bus in ess processes, supportive orga ni zati onal culture and man ageme nt behavior, appropriate tech no logy st

40、a ndards, regulati ons,and laws. New in formati on tech no logy in vestme nts are un likely to produce high retur ns uni ess bus in esses make the appropriate man agerial and orga ni zati onal cha nges to support the tech no logy.5. What academic disciplines are used to study information systems? Ho

41、w does each contribute to an understanding of information systems? What is a sociotechnical systems perspective?The study of in formati on systems deals with issues and in sights con tributed from tech ni cal and behavioral discipli nes. The discipli nes that con tribute to the tech ni cal approach

42、focus ing on formal models and capabilities of systems are computer scie nee,management scienee, and operations research The disciplines contributing to the behavioral approach focusing on the design, impleme ntati on, man ageme nt, and bus in ess impact of systems are psychology, sociology, and eco

43、no mics.A sociotech ni cal view of systems con siders both tech ni cal and social features of systems and soluti ons that represe nt the best fit betwee n them.II. Global E-bus in ess and Collaborati on1. What are business processes? How are they related to information systems?A bus in ess process i

44、s a logically related set of activities that defi nes how specific bus in ess tasks are performed, and it represe nts a uni que way in which an orga ni zati on coord in ates work, in formati on, and kno wledge. Man agers n eed to pay atte nti on to bus in ess processes because they determ ine how we

45、ll the orga ni zati on can execute its bus in ess, and they may be a source of strategic adva ntage There are bus in ess processes specific to each of the major bus in ess fun cti ons, but many bus in ess processes are cross-fu ncti on al. I nformati on systems automate parts of bus in ess processes

46、, and they can help orga ni zati ons redesig n and streamli ne these processes2. How do systems serve the different management groups in a business?Systems serv ing operati onal man ageme nt are tra nsacti on process ing systems (TPS), such as payroll or order process ing, that track the flow of the

47、 daily routi ne tra nsacti ons n ecessary to con duct bus in ess. Man ageme nt in formati on systems (MIS) produce reports serv ing middle man ageme nt by condensing in formati on from TPS, and these are not highly an alytical. Decisi on-support systems (DSS) support management decisions that are un

48、ique and rapidly changing using advaneed analytical models All of these types of systems provide bus in ess in tellige nee that helps man agers and en terprise employees make more in formed decisi ons. These systems for bus in ess in tellige nee serve multiple levels of man ageme nt, and in elude ex

49、ecutive support systems (ESS) for senior man ageme nt that provide data in the form of graphs, charts, and dashboards delivered via portals using many sources of internal and exter nal in formati on.3. How do systems that link the enterprise improve organizational performance?En terprise applicati o

50、ns are desig ned to coord in ate multiple fun cti ons and bus in ess processes.En terprise systems in teg rate the key internal bus in ess processes of a firm into a si ngle software system to improvecoord in ati on and decisi on making. Supply cha in man ageme nt systems help the firm man age its r

51、elati on ship with suppliers to 精選范本optimize the pla nning, sourc ing, man ufacturi ng, and delivery of products and services. Customer relati on ship man ageme nt (CRM) systems coord in ate the bus in ess processes surrou nding the firm1 s customers. Kno wledge man ageme nt systems ertable firmsopt

52、imize the creati on, shari ng, and distributi on of kno wledge. Intran ets and extra nets are private corporate n etworks based on Inter net tech no logy that assemble in formatio n from disparate systems. Extra nets make porti ons of private corporate in tra nets available to outsiders.4. Why are s

53、ystems for collaboration and teamwork so important and what technologies do they use?Collaborati on is worki ng with others to achieve shared and explicit goals. Collaborati on and teamwork have become in creas in gly imports nt in bus in ess because of globalizati on, the dece ntralizati on of deci

54、si on making, and growth in jobs where interaction is the primary value- adding activity. Collaboration is believed to enhance innovation, productivity, quality, and customer service. Effective collaborati on today requires a supportive orga ni zati onal culture as well as in formatio n systems and

55、tools for collaborative work. Collaborati on tools in elude e-mail and instant messaging, wikis, videocconferencing systems, virtual worlds, social n etwork ing systems, cell pho nes, and In ter net collaborati on platforms such as Google Apps/Sites, Microsoft SharePo int, and Lotus Notes.5. What is

56、 the role of the information systems function in a business?The in formatio n systems departme nt is the formal orga ni zati onal un it resp on sible for in formati on tech no logy services. It is responsible for maintaining the hardware, software, data storage, and networks that comprise the firm1

57、s IT infrastructure. Thedepartme nt con sists of specialists, such as programmers, systems an alysts, project leaders, and in formati on systems man agers, and is ofte n headed by a CIO.III. Information Systems, Organizations, and Strategy1. Which features of organizations do managers need to know a

58、bout to build and use information systems successfully? What is the impact of information systems on organizations?All modern organizations are hierarchical, specialized, and impartial, using explicit routines to maximize efficiency. All organizations have their own cultures and politics arising fro

59、m differences in interest groups, and they are affected by their surrou nding en viro nment. Orga ni zati ons differ in goals, groups served, social roles, leadership styles, incen tives, types of tasks performed, and type of structure. These features help explain differences in organizations1 use o

60、f information systemIn formati on systems and the orga ni zati ons in which they are used in teract with and in flue nee each other. The in troducti on of a new in formati on system will affect orga ni zati onal structure, goals, work desig n, values, competiti on betwee n in terest groups, decision


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