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1、第二章問答題3O.What flag is hoisted when the pilot has arrived on board? Flag H ”.第五章問答題1. why does a ship n eed maintenance? for safety sake.2. who is a charge of the maintenance work? C/O and C/E.3. can you list some type of repair? voyage repair, major repair, dock repair etc.4. what is a voyage repair

2、?voyage repair is the repair un dertake n at the end of voyage for minor items.5. what is a major repair?major repair is the repair carried out in the shipyard for major items.6. what is a annual repair?annual repair is the repair carried out every year.7. what is a repair list?repair list is the li

3、st of the items to be repaired and otherreleva nt in formatio n.8. what repair attention should be paid to when writing a repair list ?the description on the items to be repaired should be written in detail and clear.9. can you list at least five kinds of paint? Bottom paint, anti-corrosive paint; p

4、rimer; an ti-fouli ng paint; bitu minous paint, etc.10. can you list some classification societies in the world ? NK; CCS; ABS etc.11. what kind of pain t is usually give n to the ship?s bottom?ship?s bottom should be applied with one coat of anti -corrosive paintand one coat of tropical an ti-fouli

5、 ng paint.12. what kind of pain t is usually give n to the place such as radiators, pipes and funn els? an ti-corrosive paint.13. what kind of coati ng is usually applied to an chors and cha ins? bitu minous soluti on.14. what is the differe nee betwee n“ repair list ” and “ repair billrepair list i

6、s a list of all the items to be repaired, while repair bill is a list of charges.15. what is used to measure the thick ness of hull plates? with ultras onic wave.16. could you list some differe nt kinds of ship?s survey?special survey; annul survey; voyage survey; periodical survey.17. what should b

7、e done before appl ying a prim ing coat of paint?De-rust and clea n it.18. what kind of coati ng is usually applied in the double bottom tank?an ti-corrosive paint.19. What must be con sidered whe n stow ing away syn thetic ropes ?The follow ing must be con sidered: keep it dry and clea n, protect i

8、t from weather, keep it away from heat, and the compartment which stowing it should be kept ven tilati on freque ntly, and so on.第七章問答題1. what is your purpose to prepare the confirmation of collision occurrence to the captain of the other vessel?to make the fact clear and avoid possible disputes.2.

9、what shall be usually attached to the report on the collisi on accide nt?Abstract of Log Book, wit nesses, and photo pictures if n ecessary.3. when should a sea protest be submitted to and endorsed by the authorities concerned? Whe n the ship encoun tered the bad weather, the ship and the cargo coul

10、d be damaged.4. gen erally speak ing, which is resp on sible for the damage after a collisi on betwee n a vessel moored and a vessel un derway?the vessel un derway is resp on sible for the damage.5. what is the sound sig nal to warn a vessel of the immediate dan ger of collisi on?five short and rapi

11、d blasts.6. what acti on will you take after a collisi on with ano ther vessel?Report to the authorities concern ed; make con tact with the ano ther vessel and inquire the related in formati on.7. as a chief officer, what is your resp on sibility in damage con trol operatio n?a chief officer is on -

12、seene-commander.8. what does “ SOPEP meani? Oil Pollution Emerge ncy Pla n.?. whom shall be reported to in case of an oil polluti on in cide nt?the authorities of the coastal coun tries.10. what is the first step in han dli ng the cargo damage caused by the stevedores?report the incident to the Chie

13、f Officer and ask the foreman to confirm the cargo damage.11. what anti-stowaway precaution should you take before the vessel sails from a port? patrol the ship and check all the possible places.12. what is your first response when you detect a fire ?(1) sound fire alarm nearby(2)report to the bridg

14、e.13. what can de used to handle an oil spill? Floating booms, oil dispersants14. what are the ways to re-float a grounded vessel?(1)wait for high tide (2)transfer some cargoes ,bunkers or ballasts from the grounded area to the end of the other side(3)ask tug for assistanee.15. can you list some way

15、s of correcting listing?yes ,l can. (ballast or de-ballast to adjust the list. (2)shift some cargo from listing side to the other side.16. what will you first do if you find some oil near your vessel while bunkering? stop bunkering and report to Coastal Guard.17. what will you fist do if a crewmembe

16、r was seriously injured?take some due measures a nd ask for emerge ncy medical assista nee from shore or other ships if possible.18. what will you do first if your vessel is under attack by pirates?Start the ship security alarm system.19f some one retur ns to the ship very drunk , should he be left

17、alone to sleep it off ”? No, he can? be left alone.20. If you see a person collapsed who is in contact with electricity what is the first thing you must do before attempting to switch off the supply?To separate the person with the electricity.21f you suspect some one has in haled (吸入)a dan gerous su

18、bsta nee what can you do to help even if you are not trained?Take the person to an open space with clear air and good ventilation.22n what circumstances do you give artificial respiration and mouth to mouth ven tilati on?When the person has no breathing but heart beating.23. How should you try to st

19、op bleeding at first?Make the cause and position of blooding clear, then take the proper measures to stop bloodi ng.24f you suspect some one has bee n pois oned what is the first thing you should try to do?Firstly, remove the man away from the poisonous place, make clear the poisonous substanee, the

20、n, take proper measures.25. What is the most important thing to consider when treating a wound?The most important thing is stop bleeding.第八章問答題1 .what kind of fire extinguisher can you use for an electric fire?CO2 or dry powder.2. what cannot be used for electric fire? water and foam.3. what are the

21、 three comp orients of fire? oxyge n ,fuel and ignition.4. How often is a fire drill required to be carried out on cargo ships?once a month .5. what must you do first if you find a fire on board?sound the alarm and report to the bridge at once.6. what do the muster lists show?Grew?s statbn and liabi

22、lity in fire-fighting and boat drills.7. what will you first do if you see a person falls overboard?throw a lifebuoy to him , keep him in sight, turn hard over to the side from which the man has fallen.8. How often is a boat drill required to be carried out on board a cargo ship?once a month.9. Can

23、you list at least three different kinds of fire extinguishers?CO2, dry powder, foam extinguisher.10. In general, what parties are involved in a fire drill?Fire-fighting party, separation party, engine room party, rescue party.11. Where should fire control plan be located?in the water-tight boxes mar

24、ked fire control plan on both sides of the accommodation quarters.12. How ofte n should the lifeboat be laun ched into water? every 3 mon ths.13. what does“ retreat sigreain? To order the team return to its base.14. what isgeneral alarm signal ” ?general alarm signal is the signal announced by the m

25、aster to all crewmembers in the imminent dan ger, and gen eral alarm signal is seve n short blasts and long proIon ged blast.115. what does “ fire paibnelan? ”Round the vessel for preve nti ng the fire from break ing out.16. what is damage con trol team?damage control team is a group of crewmembers

26、trained for fighting flooding .17. How do you check fixed in stallati on?Check the weight and the pressure.18. Can you list two main reasons for electrical fire?Short circuit, Electric spark or overload.19. What is the minimum number of motor lifeboats fitted on board?At least one.20. Could you list

27、 some apparatus in an ope n lifeboat?Fire Axe, fire bucket, pain ter, compass, sea-a nchor, whistle and so on.21. Would a cargo with a high“ flash point ” be of more conramnDtoeywith alow “ flash point? No, it wouldn ?t.22. What is meant by “ starving ” a fire?Fire ext in guishme nt with suffocati o

28、n method.23. Before you enter into an “enclosed space. What safety precautions should you take?Check the content of oxygen and ventilation, put on self-contained air breathing apparatus.24. What is supposed to be tran sferred over the Intern ati onal Shore Connection?Water for fire-fighti ng.25.If a

29、 person who has no authority to be on board attempts to enter the ship.Where should he be stopped? At the gangway.26. How ofte n should an“ emerge ncy fire pump ted7Atbeasts once a mon th.27. What is the most effective fire ext in guisher for the galley on board ship?dry powder.28. For ship at sea w

30、hat is the gen eral procedure to follow for fires in cargo holds?Withdraw pers ons if any, close all the ven tilators, put out the fire with CO 2.29. What is the absolute minimum nu mber of lifejackets required on board ship?The absolute minimum nu mber of lifejackets required on board a ship is the

31、 same as the nu mber of crewmembers.30. You are a survivor at sea when an SAR(Search and Rescue)aircraft drops a red container. What is in it? Life savi ng apparatus.第 九 章問答題1. what doesin itial course” mean in search and rescue operati on?initial course refer to the course directed by the OSC or CS

32、S to be steered at the begi nning of a search.2. what does “ jettilsoargo ” mean?jettison cargo: to deliberately throw cargo overboard for ship?s safety sake.3. what is the difference between heel and list?heel means an in cli nati on to port or to starboard due to outside reas ons such as strong cu

33、rre nt, wind etc.list means an in cli nati on to port or starboard due to in side reas ons such as loadi ng discharg ing etc.4. what does“ EPRIB” stand for?EPIRB sta nds for emerge ncy positi on in dicati ng radio beac on.5. what does SAR sta nd for? SAR sta nds for search and rescue.6. what is INMA

34、RSAT short for?INMARSAT stands for international maritime satellite organization.7. what does UTC stand for?UTC stands for universal time coord inated.8. what does RCC stand for?RCC stands for rescue coord ination center.9. what is SART? SART sta nds for search and rescue transpon der.10. Can you li

35、st three or more search patter ns?square search patter n, sector search patter n, parallel search patter n and ship/air craft coord in ated search patter n.11. what does a “ hampered vessel ” mean?a hampered vessel means a vessel restricted in her ability to mano euvre.12. what does MMSI sta nd for?

36、 MMSI sta nd for maritime mobile service ide ntity.13. what is “ muster list ”?muster list is a list showing crew?s station and liability in fire fighting and boat drills.14. what does OSC sta nd for? OSC sta nds for on-scene comma nder.15. what does VHF sta nd for? VHF sta nds for very high freque

37、ncy.16. What is the sound alarm for aba ndoning vessel?seve n short blasts and one prolong blast.17. When will a parallel sweep search usually be used?It can be used with one or more ships .18. When will a sector search patter n usually be used?Whe n the lost pers on is close to the base point and i

38、t can be used with one ship.19. When will the expa nding square search usually be used?When the lost pers on is father to the base point and it can be used with one ship .20. List some visual and audible distress sig nals for attract ing atte nti on whe n in distress? Smoke sig nal, rocket parachute

39、 flare sig nal, fog sig nal and so on.21. Would you please pronounce the correct international code words for A , B , Cand ,D?Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, Delta.22. By regulation, what is the minimum amount of water required per person in thelifeboat?3 Litres.23.,Smothering? is a way of dealing with fire.

40、How does it work?It removes the oxyge n and effectively suffocates the flames.24. What reason would you think is Justified for postponing the fire drill to a more suitable time?When han dle with cargoes in port, or whe n in bad weather, it is not safe to carry out fire-fighting drill.25. A ship anch

41、ored close to your ship hoists the flag ,I? what action should you take? Stop and keep clear of the an chored vessel.26. What altitude must a ,rocket parachute flare? reach to comply with regulation? 300m.27. What acti on would you take if you were on duty on deck and you observe oil leak ing from t

42、he ship?s side?Cut off the leaking source, and at the same time sound the emergency alarm and no tify the bridge.28. When would you need a “ resuscitator(人工呼吸器)?When I don ?; have breathing and consciousness.29. A ship ahead hoists the flag D and gives one long blast followed by two short blasts.Wha

43、t is the message?I am not un der comma nd and man euveri ng with difficulty.30. What does 2182 kHz mean to you?It can be used as teleph one to tran smit distress messages.第十章問答題1. what does MAYDAY calli ng mea n in marine com muni cati on?It mea ns the vessel is in distress or in critical dan ger.2.

44、 what should be in clude in MAYDAY message?it may include the sh ip?s name ship?s position, nature of distress, the assistanee she n eeds and so on.3. what does PAN-PAN calli ng mean in marine com muni cati on?it means in urge nt dan ger.4. what does SECURITE calli ng mea n in marine com muni cati o

45、n?it means message about safety of n avigatio n.5 What are passe ngers advised to put on while aba ndoning the vessel?the passe ngers are advised to put on lifejackets.6. what is the gen eral emerge ncy alarm?gen eral alarm sig nal is the sig nal announ ced by the master to all crewmembers in the im

46、minent dan ger, and gen eral alarm sig nal is seve n short blasts and long proIon ged blast.7. Can you give a briefing on how to put on lifejackets?put it on and tie fast with the reflect ion belt outside, and check if the whistle and the self-ig nit ing light in good order.8. what can be used to at

47、tract attention after abandoning the vessel?by smok ing sig nals, whistles, etc.9. How many portable radios must be fitted on a survival craft? one.10. What is the minimum requirement for a line-throwing applianee?The throwi ng dista nee must be more tha n 230m.11.If you should fall overboard , what

48、 would you do?Shout loudly, and swim away from the vessel quickly.12. Ca n you list some risks to crew while aba ndoning vessels?Yes, I can. Such as thirsty, hun gry, Drow ning etc.13. Where are explosi ons most commo nly encoun tered on board ship? Fuel oil tank.14. How is it possible to find safet

49、y equipme nt in a room full of smoke?Seal your mouth and nose with a wet cloth, and crawl( 匍匐)along the ground.15. What type of oil is used in certa in rescue operati ons to preve nt the seas break ing? Vegetable oil.16. Coastal radio stati ons keep a con sta nt watch on distress freque ncies What f

50、reque ncies are they? 2187.5 and 8414.5khz.17. A ship is signalling you with his ,Aldis lamp? (Morse lamp) the letter,U? .What is the message for you? You are running into dan ger.18. When launching an inflatable life raft into the sea , what is it most important to secure?4To secure the painter.19.

51、 What type of engine must a lifeboat have?Marine 4-stroke diesel engine.20. Why should you not take high protein food with you in a lifeboat?Because it can consume much water in your body.21f you are in a lifeboat without an imminent prospect of being rescued,how soon should you issue food and water

52、? 24 hours later.22.When there is a muster for an emergency there are several things that must be closed. Give three examples.Such as the hatch covers, watertight door, Ventilator.23n tidal waters what would be the best time to ,beach?the ship in an emergency? One hour before high water.24f you see

53、a small, con trolled fire on board ano ther ship while at sea , what is the signal from the ship?The ship require immediate assistanee.25. What should be done to make sure that medicines are on board each lifeboat?There should be a medicine box of each boat. And check regularly, if necessary, renew

54、them in time.26f you have no rockets, flags, signals or radio, how can you in di cate toa ship in sight that you need assistanee?During day time, use gesture or smoke, and at night, use fire flame.27f the anchor is reported dragging, what would be your first action?Drop another anchor.第十一章問答題1. Can

55、you list some items to be checked for load line requirements in PSC inspections? the validity of load-line certificate, the complianee of the draft, plimsoll mark.2. Can you list some items to be checked for navigational equipment in PSC in specti ons?the working condition of ARPA, gyro, magnetic co

56、mpass, steering gear and RPM indicator, etc.3. Can you list some items to be checked for life-saving appliances in PSC inspections? the lifeboats and their riggings, life-rafts, lifejackets, signals and record of life-savingdills.4. Can you list some items to be checked for fire-fighting arrangement

57、 in PSC in specti ons?the fix CO2 fire-fightingsystem, extinguishers, fire mains, fire hose, nozzle,international shore connectors and the record of fire-fighting drills.5. Can you list some items to be checked for radio equipment in PSC inspections?Radio Safety Equipment certificate, Radio License,

58、 the working and checking record of radio equipment.6. Can you list some items to be checked for accommodation in PSC inspections?the sanitary condition of accommodation area, effectiveness of escape routes , alleyways and stairways of the accommodation etc.7. Can you list some items to be checked for MARPOL & Chemical in PSC inspections?


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