BS EN 14351997 A1A22003 焊縫的無(wú)損試驗(yàn)焊接點(diǎn)的輻射檢驗(yàn)可編輯_第1頁(yè)
BS EN 14351997 A1A22003 焊縫的無(wú)損試驗(yàn)焊接點(diǎn)的輻射檢驗(yàn)可編輯_第2頁(yè)
BS EN 14351997 A1A22003 焊縫的無(wú)損試驗(yàn)焊接點(diǎn)的輻射檢驗(yàn)可編輯_第3頁(yè)
BS EN 14351997 A1A22003 焊縫的無(wú)損試驗(yàn)焊接點(diǎn)的輻射檢驗(yàn)可編輯_第4頁(yè)
BS EN 14351997 A1A22003 焊縫的無(wú)損試驗(yàn)焊接點(diǎn)的輻射檢驗(yàn)可編輯_第5頁(yè)
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1、bs en 1435-1997+a1a2-2003 焊縫的無(wú)損試驗(yàn)-焊接點(diǎn)的輻射檢驗(yàn) bs en british standard1435:1997incorporating corrigendum no. 1 and amendments nos. 1 and 2non-destructive testing of welds ? radiographic testing of welded joints焊接的無(wú)損試驗(yàn)?焊接點(diǎn)的輻射檢驗(yàn)the european standard en 1435:1997, with the incorporation of amendments a1:200

2、2 and a2:2003, has the status of a british standardics 25.160.40 /.bs en 1435:1997national forewordthis british standard is the english language version of en 1435:1997, including amendments a1:2002 and a2:2003. it supersedes bs 2600-1:1983, bs 2600-2:1973, bs 2910:1986 and bs 7257:1989, which are w

3、ithdrawn.the start and finish of text introduced or altered by amendment is indicated in the text by tags !. tags indicating changes to cen text carry the number of the cen amendment. for example, text altered by cen amendment a1 is indicated by !.as agreed by cen/tc 121/sc 5 resolution 134/2000 and

4、 in accordance with amendment a1:2002, the term “examination” has been replaced by “testing” throughout the document.the uk participation in its preparation was entrusted to technical committee wee/46, non-destructive testing, which has the responsibility to:? aid enquirers to understand the text;?

5、present to the responsible european committee any enquiries on the interpretation, or proposals for change, and keep the uk interests informed;? monitor related international and european developments and promulgate them in the uka list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained

6、on request to its secretary.cross-referencesthe british standards which implement international or european publications referred to in this document may be found in the bsi catalogue under the section entitled “international standards correspondence index”, or by using the “search” facility of the

7、bsi electronic catalogue or of british standards online.this publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. users are responsible for its correct application.compliance with a british standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations.summary of p

8、agesthis document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, the en title page, pages 2 to 33 and a back cover.the bsi copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document was last issued.this british standard, having been prepared under the amendments issued since publicatio

9、ndirection of the engineering sector board, was published under the authority of the amd. no. date commentsstandards board and comes into effect on 10616 august 1999 correction to table 215 december 1997corrigendum no. 1bsi 15 march 200413985 15 november 2002 see national foreword14938 15 march 2004

10、 changes to foreword and deletion of annex zaisbn 0 580 28913 3/.european standarden 1435august 1997norme europ?enne+ a1may 2002europ?ische norm+ a2december 2003ics 25.160.40descriptors: welded joints, fusion welding, butt welds, quality control, non-destructive tests, radiographic analysis, setting

11、-up conditionsenglish versionnon-destructive testing of welds ? radiographic testing of welded jointsincludes amendments a1:2002 and a2:2003contr?le non destructif des assemblages zerst?rungsfreie prfung vonsouds ? schwei?verbindungen ?contr?le par radiographie des assemblages durchstrahlungsprfung

12、von souds schmelzschwei?ungeninclut les amendements a1:2002 et a2:2003 enth?lt ?nderungen a1:2002 und a2:2003this european standard was approved by cen on 1997-08-02. amendment a1was approved by cen on 2002-05-05; amendment a2 was approved by cenon 2003-11-20. cen members are bound to comply with th

13、e cen/cenelecinternal regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this europeanstandard the status of a national standard without any alteration.up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such nationalstandards may be obtained on application to the central secretariat or to

14、 anycen member. this european standard exists in three official versions english,french, german. a version in any other language made by translation underthe responsibility of a cen member into its own language and notified to thecentral secretariat has the same status as the official versions.cen m

15、embers are the national standards bodies of austria, belgium, czechrepublic, denmark, finland, france, germany, greece, hungary, iceland,ireland, italy, luxembourg, malta, netherlands, norway, portugal, slovakia,spain, sweden, switzerland and united kingdom.ceneuropean committee for standardizationc

16、omit europen de normalisationeurop?isches komitee fr normungcentral secretariat: rue de stassart 36, b-1050 brussels1997 cen ? all rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for cen national members.ref. no. en 1435:1997 + a1:2002 + a2:2003 e/.en 1435:1997foreword forewor

17、d to amendment a2this european standard has been prepared by this document en 1435:1997/a2:2003 has been technical committee cen/tc 121, welding, the prepared by technical committee cen/tc 121, secretariat of which is held by ds. welding, the secretariat of which is held by ds.this european standard

18、 shall be given the status of this amendment to the european standard a national standard, either by publication of an en 1435:1997 shall be given the status of a national identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by standard, either by publication of an identical text february 1998, and confl

19、icting national standards or by endorsement, at the latest by june 2004, and shall be withdrawn at the latest by february 1998. conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by june 2004this document has been prepared under a mandate given to cen by the european commission and the

20、this document has been prepared under a mandate european free trade association. given to cen by the european commission and the european free trade association.according to the cen/cenelec internal regulations, the national standards organizations according to the cen/cenelec internal of the follow

21、ing countries are bound to implement regulations, the national standards organizations this european standard: austria, belgium, czech of the following countries are bound to implement republic, denmark, finland, france, germany, this european standard: austria, belgium, czech greece, iceland, irela

22、nd, italy, luxembourg, republic, denmark, finland, france, germany, netherlands, norway, portugal, spain, sweden, greece, hungary, iceland, ireland, italy, switzerland and the united kingdom. luxembourg, malta, netherlands, norway, portugal, slovakia, spain, sweden, switzerland and the united kingdo

23、m.foreword to amendment a1this document en 1435:1997/a1:2002 has been prepared by technical committee cen/tc 121, welding, the secretariat of which is held by ds.this amendment to the european standarden 1435:1997 shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identica

24、l text or by endorsement, at the latest by november 2002, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by november 2002.this document has been prepared under a mandate given to cen by the european commission and the european free trade association, and supports essential requi

25、rements of eu directives.annex a and annex b are normative.according to the cen/cenelec internal regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this european standard: austria, belgium, czech republic, denmark, finland, france, germany, greece, ic

26、eland, ireland, italy, luxembourg, malta netherlands, norway, portugal, spain, sweden, switzerland and the united kingdom.2bsi 15 march 2004/.en 1435:1997pagecontents6 recommended techniques for makingpage radiographs 8foreword 26.1 test arrangements 81scope 56.2 choice of tube voltage and radiation

27、 2 normative references 5 source 153 definitions 56.3 film systems and screens 173.1 nominal thickness, t 56.4 alignment of beam 193.2 penetrated thickness, w 56.5 reduction of scattered radiation 193.3 object-to-film distance, b 66.6 source-to-object distance 193.4 source size, d 66.7 imum area for

28、 a single exposure 203.5 source-to-film distance sfd 66.8 density of radiograph 213.6 source-to-object distance, f 66.9 processing 223.7 diameter, d 6e6.10 film viewing conditions 224 classification of radiographic techniques 67 test report 225general 6annex a normative recommended number 5.1 protec

29、tion against ionizing radiation 6 of exposures which give an acceptable testing of a circumferential butt weld 235.2 surface preparation and stage of manufacture 6 annex b normative minimum image quality values 285.3 location of the weld in the radiograph 65.4 identification of radiographs 75.5 mark

30、ing 75.6 overlap of films 75.7 types and positions of image quality indicators iqi 75.8 evaluation of image quality 85.9 minimum image quality values 85.10 personnel qualification 83bsi 15 march 2004/.blank4/.en 1435:19971 scopethis european standard specifies fundamental techniques of radiography w

31、ith the object of enabling satisfactory and repeatable results to be obtained economically. the techniques are based on generally recognized practice and fundamental theory of the subject.this standard applies to the radiographic testing of fusion welded joints in metallic applies to th

32、e joints of plates or pipes. besides its conventional meaning, “pipe” as used in this standard should be understood to cover other cylindrical bodies such as tubes, penstocks, boiler drums and pressure vessels. this standard complies with en 444.this standard does not specify acceptance levels of th

33、e indications.if lower test criteria !are permitted by specification, the quality achieved may be significantly lower than when this standard is strictly applied.2 normative referencesthis european standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publicationsthese normative

34、 references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed hereafter. for dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this european standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. for undated reference

35、s the latest edition of the publication referred to applies.en 444, non-destructive testing ? general principles for the radiographic examination of metallic materials using x- and gamma-rays.en 462-1, non-destructive testing ? image quality of radiographs ? part 1: concepts, image quality indicator

36、s wire type, determination of image quality value.en 462-2, non-destructive testing ? image quality of radiographs ? part 2: concepts, image quality indicators step/hole type, determination of image quality value.en 462-3, non-destructive testing ? image quality of radiographs ? part 3: image qualit

37、y classes for ferrous metals.en 462-4, non-destructive testing ? image quality of radiographs ? part 4: experimental evaluation of image quality values and image quality tables.en 473, qualification and certification of non-destructive personnel ? general principles.en 584-1, non-destructive testing

38、 ? industrial radiographic film ? part 1: classification of film systems for industrial radiography.en 584-2, non-destructive testing ? industrial radiographic film ? part 2: control of film processing by means of reference value.en 25580, non-destructive testing ? industrial radiographic illuminato

39、rs ? minimum requirements iso 5580:19853 definitionsfor the purpose of this standard, the following definitions apply.3.1nominal thickness, tthe nominal thickness of the parent material only. manufacturing tolerances do not have to be taken into account3.2penetrated thickness, wthe thickness of mate

40、rial in the direction of the radiation beam calculated on the basis of the nominal thicknessfor multiple wall techniques the penetrated thickness is calculated from the nominal thickness.5bsi 15 march 2004/.en 1435:19973.3object-to-film distance, bthe distance between the radiation side of the test

41、object and the film surface measured along the central axis of the radiation beam3.4source size, dthe size of the radiation source3.5source-to-film distance sfdthe distance between the radiation source and the film measured in the direction of the beam3.6source-to-object distance, fthe distance betw

42、een the radiation source and the source side of the test object measured along the central axis of the radiation beam3.7diameter, dethe nominal external diameter of the pipe4 classification of radiographic techniquesthe radiographic techniques are divided into two classes:? class a: basic techniques

43、;? class b: improved techniques.class b techniques will be used when class a might be insufficiently sensitive.!better techniques compared to class b are possible and may be defined by specification of all appropriate test parameters.the choice of radiographic technique shall be !defined by specific

44、ation.if, for technical reasons, it is not possible to meet one of the conditions specified for class b, such as type of radiation source or the source-to-object distance, f, it may be !defined by specification that the condition selected may be that specified for class a. the loss of sensitivity sh

45、all be compensated by an increase of minimum density to 3,0 or by the choice of a higher contrast film system. because of the better sensitivity compared to class a, the test specimen may be regarded as tested within class b. this does not apply if the special sfd reductions as described in 6.6 for

46、test arrangements 6.1.4 and 6.1.5 are used.5 general5.1 protection against ionizing radiationwarning notice. exposure of any part of the human body to x-rays or gamma-rays can be highly injurious to health. wherever x-ray equipment or radioactive sources are in use, appropriate legal requirements mu

47、st be applied.local or national or international safety precautions when using ionizing radiation shall be strictly applied.5.2 surface preparation and stage of manufacturein general, surface preparation is not necessary, but where surface imperfections or coatings might cause difficulty in detectin

48、g defects, the surface shall be ground smooth or the coatings shall be removed.unless otherwise specified, radiography shall be carried out after the final stage of manufacture, e.g. after grinding or heat treatment.5.3 location of the weld in the radiographwhere the radiograph does not show the wel

49、d, high-density markers shall be placed on either side of the weld.6bsi 15 march 2004/.en 1435:19975.4 identification of radiographssymbols shall be affixed to each section of the object being radiographed. the images of these symbols shall appear in the radiograph outside the region of interest whe

50、re possible and shall ensure unambiguous identification of the section.5.5 markingpermanent markings on the object to be tested shall be made in order to accurately locate the position of each radiograph.where the nature of the material and/or its service conditions do not permit permanent marking,

51、the location may be recorded by means of accurate sketches.5.6 overlap of filmswhen radiographing an area with two or more separate films, the films shall overlap sufficiently to ensure that the complete region of interest is radiographed. this shall be verified by a high-density marker on the surfa

52、ce of the object which will appear on each film.5.7 types and positions of image quality indicators iqithe quality of image shall be verified by use of iqi in accordance with en 462-1 or en 462-2.the iqi used shall be placed preferably on the source side of the test object at the centre of the area of interest on the parent metal beside the weld. the iqi shall be in close contact with the surface of the object.its


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