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1、Curre nt Situati on and Coun termeasures forthe Reform of official vehicles an alysisAbstract:The current bus reform has increasinglybecome thefocus of thesociety. Uni versities asadmi nistrative in stituti ons, the majority of faculty for the bus is also in creas ing the dema nd for reform. Differe

2、 nt management systemof the university bus, bus useefficie ncy, service levels varied. The article summarizes the main uni versity busman ageme ntexperie neeandin adequateattempt to explore theadva needman ageme nt mode of uni versities Bus.Paper Keywords: college, official vehicles, modeIn 2011, th

3、e Xin hua News Agency published an article that“ in the history of the most stringent ” an official car reform is about to start, the problem of bus reform once aga in pushed to the focus of media atte nti on. << In fact, from 1994 car with about the party and gover nment orga ns and after the

4、 in troducti on of the use man ageme nt provisi ons > > file, the voice of the bus reform has bee n non-stop since the mid-1990s of the last cen tury, theiuni versities logistic socializatio n reform bega n, the college bus reform has bee n all colleges and uni versities comb ine reform school

5、 situati on results vary, once the reform is to save money, improve operatingefficiencyhas played apositive role, but in recent years along with commodity prices,rising labor costs, operati ngcosts in creaseduni versity buses run mode suited to the developme nt of the school career universities as i

6、ntellectualsgatheredHeights, various reforms should walk in the forefront of the social, Bus reformshould be to break throughresista nee, draw ing on the multi-experie nee, seek ing a morescie ntificandreas on ablereformman ageme ntmodel, for teach ing good service.A college official vehicles of the

7、 status quo and problems College official vehicles divided into two categories: the first category is mainly used for various Multi - Campuses school faculty Shuttle, the second category mai nly various admi nistrativedepartme ntsofthe universitiesof the day-to-day official vehicles andmajor eve nts

8、 car.Look at the findings from Guan gzhou, NanjingUn iversity,the uni versity official vehicles basicmanagementmodel has long used the administrativepractices of institutions,accountableexpenses,not toen gage in acco un ti ng, at most only the beg inning of the budget. Exposed the drawbacks of such

9、a system, mainly reflected in two aspects.Vehicle costs of excessive growth of financial constraints Bus purchase free of charge by the state funding, faculty free bus ride with schools to expa nd the size of school after 2000, the multi-campusUniversityswept the cost of keepinga car “ in the ”O(jiān)pera

10、tingExpe nses “ rapid growth, severecrowd ingtensionfunding for educati on., con trol bus costs excessive growth, reduce operatingcost, improveoperatingefficiencyhasbecome one of the importa nt conten ts.2 Vehicle utilizationis low, and the servicequality is not satisfactoryUn eve n time distributi

11、on dueto the dema nd for uni versity official vehicles,on themorning and evening peak times, the vehicle is noteno ugh; duri ng no rmal work ing hours, the vehicle can not make full use of, so the vehicle utilizationcan not beequated with a professi onal automotive compa ny and the driver and facult

12、y betwee n non-ec ono mic in terest, public service vehicles overall level of service is unsatisfactory, the faculty gen erally dissatisfied with the quality of service of the official vehicles.,Universityreform of public service vehiclesmode Since the late 1990s, all colleges and uni versities for

13、official vehicles, with Dongfeng logistics socialization reform the reform, but the logistics socializationreformitself is not uni fied model, all colleges and uni versities in accorda nee with the unit Bus man ageme nt model of the actual situati on of reform, result ing in this stage uni versity o

14、fficial vehicles man ageme nt approach varied author for some colleges and uni versities in Nanjing, Guan gzhou and other places to do the research, summarized as the follow ing three main stream mode.1. Stan dardizati on reform may also be referredto as traditionalimprovementThat perfect traditiona

15、lbus managementsystem to controlthe acquisition,useand maintenance of the vehicles, to plug the loopholes in the bus man ageme nt. This relatively con servative approach to reform, it is di fficult to solve the man ageme nt of a bus scheduli ng difficulties, the use of low efficie ncy, high maintena

16、nce costs, poor quality of service many problems. Curre ntly less use.Market-orie ntedreforms also calledprofessi onal man ageme ntSchools to set up specializedage nciesof the fleet man ageme nt,gen erallyhangingun der the Logistics and, or commissi oned Logistics Group escrow, all of the existi ng

17、bus and pers onnel to operati ng en tities, with reference to the bus in ess, the impleme ntatio n of paid services, schoolsin vest somestart-up capital as a con voy Fund , the in vestme nt in the future and gradually recovered in the form of services. fleet to provide services for the internal and

18、external school to establish special funds for official vehicles for various departme nts and un its, can directly tran sfer to the con voy Fund.Con voyno rmal running costs, in clud ingvehicle operati ng costs and staff salaries, ben efitsexpe nditures from the fund in this way can largely reduce t

19、he drawbacks of the existi ng bus system, but should pay atte ntio ntocon trolli ngthe new con tradicti onsandproblems, such as schools material, special task guara nteed rate.Monetaryreform, that the abolitionof officialvehicles,tran sportatio nsubsidies paid staff level, jobnature This way be con

20、sidered in line with the the post con sumptio n mon etizati on market economy rule, but also with the intern ati onal practicesta ndards,is afun dame ntallyto elimi natethe Bus malpractice reformin itiatives, and therefore there are a lot of local gover nmentage nciesto take such a way, in dividualc

21、olleges and uni versities take this man ageme nt model to achieve a win-win situati on, look at the the data statisticalresults from the in itialoperatio n,school logisticsman ageme ntage nciesreduced staff burde n. Carmon etizatio n subsidies sta ndards to develop the scie ntific, fairness, require

22、s colleges and universitiesbased on theactualsituati onof scie ntific research after thedecisi on-mak ing reform of the pattern should attach greatimportanee to the proper placement of personnelandideological work, and, after a period of time between supply and dema nd The eon tradicti on is not pro

23、minent from the system to give priority to protect ing the no rmal teach ing car.College Bus purpose of the reform is not simply to elim in ate bus drawbacks, the abolitio nof officialvehicles, and how to improve efficiency in the use of a vehicle and the level of service, the target should be posit

24、ioned to better serve the educational and teaching work, promote the development of the school career. Links to free papers Downl oad Cen ter three perfectuni versity reform of publicservicevehicles coun termeasuresWith the rapid econo mic andsocial developme nt, in comedistributi onsystem reformcon

25、 ti nued todeepe nsocialtran sportati onservicesgradually improved and the rapid spread of a family car, push forward the reform of the system of official vehicles of social con diti ons and the objective con diti ons gradually formed in rece nt years, some departme nts and local gover nments in off

26、icial vehicles Reform has exploratio n ofdiffere nt forms.The drawbacks of the uni versity official vehicles,combined with the background of the reform of the n ati onalpublic service vehicles, I believe that theuniversities at this stage is more scientific and rational man ageme nt model of public

27、service vehicles should be in tegratedmodel is a comb in ati on of market-orie ntedreforms and the monetary reform,“near monetizationprocess, remote market “, 4 that the the official shuttle monetization management colleges and universities will shuttle betwee n the faculty and from the campus of fu

28、nding in accorda nee with the actual work of the faculty need to enter the campus dedicatedaccount (card, thisthe retainedaccount balances, cost overruns do not fillthe bus by the school specialized man ageme nt age ncies select two (or more car rentalcompaniescontractedman ageme nt.remote vehicles(

29、in clud ingcarts, carmarket-orie nted man ageme nt mode, at the same time the school is appropriate to reta in a small amount of officialThe car used to respond to temporary, sudden, the importa nee of the task by the above three modesaccord ing to the school situatio n is gradually deepe ning refor

30、m, a gradualtran siti onto the in tegratedmanagementof official vehicles mode from Guangzhouand Nanji nguni versityresearch results show gen erallyreform of official vehicles for colleges and uni versities are forced to style reform, that is the obvious contradiction betwee n supply and dema ndsides

31、, had to reform fromthe theoretical and practical point of view, the third mode is more advaneed, and with the internationalstandards,but at this stage is obviously not suitable for the actual situation of the college. the research universityreformregressive Liezi lacki ng. before collegeman ageme n

32、tsystem does not make sig ni fica nt cha nges to the reform of public service vehicles also n eed to make some suitable con diti ons, the adjustme nt of the school situati on, that is to retain a small amount of official use car. general, I believe that the Reform of official vehicles can follow som

33、e basic steps, gradually and steadily push forward reform and reform the sooner, the smaller the resista nee and cost.Start from the1 orig inalvehicle marketsta ndardizatio n reform, the developme ntof releva ntman ageme ntsystem specificati on car man ageme nt,improve service quality, reduce Gon gj

34、usiy ong,con trolmaintenance costs, lower operat ing costs, to main tai n the current cause of the preparationof the driver number,dispatching to solve the employmentproblem, ready towork to promote the market-orientedreform, monetaryreform. mainly selected from theorig inalcareerpreparationexcellen

35、t driver set up specialized agenciesman age school fleet man ageme nt, and good mass base in the pilot team, car service company with higher driving professi on alism, proficie ncy and kno wledge of the vehicle. adva nee faculty shuttle to the man ageme nt of the age ncy, and the establishment of an

36、 independentaccountingschools to in vest a small amount of start-up capital to supportbus in ess operatio ns reference to the protecti onrules ofthe WTO, set2 to 3years ofexperienee incorporate tran siti onalprotecti on period, withinthatperiod, the shuttle betwee n all school campuses, departments

37、car priority use of a car service company vehicles, schools give priority to protectingthe financialin stituti on al.2 to 3In troducecompetiti onmecha nismyears, during the period of protection, the automotive service compa ny to “ in corporate the vast majority of bus school efforts diversified mod

38、els allow other un its, car rental compa ni es, after the end of the term of protecti on of the school into the school market and bus lines ope n ten der, the formati on mecha nism of competiti on of majortasks inschools,the car servicecompa nyprioritytoprotect,promotemarket-orie ntedreformsorthemon

39、 etaryreformafter some timerunning.Priortoen courage faculty members to buy private cars, improve tran sportatio n subsidies amount to en courage busy car a large amount of bus in ess un its throughmarket-orie ntedcharter vehicles.3. Achieve comprehe nsive reformAfter thesesteps, car service compa ny“ system desig ned to perfect,sig nifica ntly enhance t


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