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1、INT. WELTON ACADEMY HALLWAY - DAYA young boy, dressed in a school uniform and cap, fidgets as his motheradjusts his tie.MOTHERNow remember, keep your shoulders back.A student opens up a case and removes a set of bagpipes. The youngboy and his brother line up for a photographPHOTOGRAPHEROkay, put you

2、r arm around your brother.Thats it. And breathe in.The young boy blinks as the flash goes off.PHOTOGRAPHROkay, one more.An old man lights a single candle. A teacher goes over the oldmans duties.TEACHERNow just to review, youre going tofollow along the procession until youget to the headmaster. At th

3、at pointhe will indicate to you to light thecandles of the boys.MANAll right boys, lets settle down.The various boys, including NEIL, KNOX, and CAMERON, line up holdingbanners. Ahead of them is the old man, followed by the boy with thebagpipes with the two youngest boys at the front.MANBanners up.Th

4、e boys hoist the banners and the bagpipes begin to play loudly. Thesmall group marches out of the room and down a set of stairs into achurch. The pews are filled with students and parents while theteachers, all dressed in robes, are seated at the front of the churchbehind the headmaster.The boys bre

5、ak off to either side at the front of the church. Thebagpipes cease and the headmaster, MR. NOLAN, walks over to the oldman carrying the candle.MR NOLANLadies and gentlemen, boys, the lightof knowledge.An organ begins to play as the old man goes forward with shaking handsto the young boys in the fro

6、nt pew. Each boy is holding a candle andhe bends over to light the first one. Each boy in turn lights thecandle of the boy next to him.MR NOLANOne hundred years ago, in 1859, 41 boys sat in thisroom and were asked the same question that greetsyou at the start of each semester. Gentlemen, whatare the

7、 four pillars?All throughout the pews, uniformed boys rise to their feet. TODD, whois not wearing a uniform, is urged by his father to stand with them.BOYSTradition, honor, discipline, excellence.The boys quickly return to their seats.MR NOLANIn her first year, Welton Academy graduated fivestudents.

8、 Last year we graduated fifty-one. Andmore than seventy-five percent of those went on tothe Ivy League. This, this kind of accomplishment isthe result of fervent dedication to the principles taughthere. This is why you parents have been sending usyour sons. This is why we are the best preparatorysch

9、ool in the United States.Mr. Nolan soaks up the applause from the audience.MR NOLANAs you know, our beloved Mr. Portius of the Englishdepartment retired last term. You will have theopportunity later to meet his replacement, Mr. JohnKeating, himself a graduate of this school. And who,for the past sev

10、eral years, has been teaching at thehighly regarded Chester School in London.The crowd applauds once again.EXT. SCHOOL GROUNDS - DAYThe school lawn is a filled with luggage, students, and parents mullingabout in every direction.INT CHURCH ENTRANCE - DAYMr Nolan stands by the entrance, speaking with

11、each family as they leave.MR NOLANGlad you could come by.MR ANDERSONThrilling ceremony as usual Dr. Nolan.MR NOLANYouve been away too long.MRS ANDERSONHello Dr. Nolan.MR NOLANGood to have you back.MRS ANDERSONThis is our youngest, Todd.MR NOLANMr. Anderson.You have some big shoes to fill,young man.

12、Your brother was one of our finest.TODDThank you.Todd and his parents leave while others file past Mr. Nolan.WOMANLovely ceremony.MR NOLANThank you. So glad you liked it.MR PERRY approaches with his son Neil. He shakes Mr. Nolans hand.MR PERRYGaleMR NOLANTomMR PERRYGood to see you again.NEILHello Mr

13、. Nolan.MR NOLANNeil. We expect great things from you this year.NEILThank you, sir.MR PERRYWell he wont disappoint us. Right Neil?NEILIll do my best sir.EXT SCHOOL GROUNDS - DAYA bell tolls. Parents begin wishing their boys farewell.FATHERHey, come on son.MOTHERChin up.FATHERNo tears now.BOYOkay.MOT

14、HERChin up.Another boy hugs his mother.BOYI dont want to go here.MOTHERYou be a good boy and do your lessons.EXT SCHOOL GROUNDS - DAYNeil emerges from a building and sees Todd.NEILHey, I hear were gonna be roommates.He shakes Todds hand.NEILIm Neil Perry.TODDTodd Anderson.NEILWhyd you leave Balincre

15、st?TODDMy brother went here.NEILOh, so youre that Anderson.INT DORMATORY - DAYDR. HAGER is standing in his room doorway while SPAZ and his father aregoing over some last minute precautions over the boys allergies. Spazsfather hands Hager various bottles.FATHERThis is for sinuses. Oh, and if he cant

16、swallow yougive him one of these. And if he had trouble breathingyou can give him some of those.HAGERAll right fine.Dr. Hager takes the bottles and quickly backs into his room, shuttingthe door.FATHER (to son)Did you remember your vaporizer?SPAZYes, I put it in my room.Spazs father tries to say some

17、thing else to Dr. Hager but realizes hehas already gone.INT HALLWAY - DAYNeil pushes his way through a crowd of boys, carrying two suitcases. Ashe enters his room, Knox quickly passes by.KNOXHey, hows it going Neil?NEILHey Knox.Cameron comes by and leans against the doorway.CAMERONNeil, study group

18、tonight?NEILYeah, sure.CAMERONBusiness as usual, huh? Hey, I hear you got the newkid. Looks like a stiff!He begins laughing when he notices Todd coming into the room.CAMERONOops!Cameron quickly leaves. Neil tries to keep from laughing as Todd entersthe room and sets his luggage down on his bed.NEILL

19、isten, dont mind Cameron. He was born with hisfoot in his mouth. You know what I mean?He pulls some papers from his blazer pocket and playfully whacks Todd across the back with it.CHARLIE comes to the door with a smug expression on his face. Knox andMEEKS are close behind him. He points at NeilCHARL

20、IERumor has it, you did summer school.NEILYep. Chemistry. My father thought I should get ahead.How was your summer Slick?CHARLIEKeen.The boys enter the room. Charlie turns around and looks at Meeks who isjust entering. CHARLIEMeeks. Door. Closed.MEEKSYes sir.NEILGentlemen, what are the four pillars?

21、BOYSTravesty. Horror. Decadence. Excrement.Charlie makes himself comfortable on Neils bed and lights up a cigarette.Meanwhile, Todd is by his bed unpacking his luggage.CHARLIEOkay, study group. Meeks aced Latin. I didnt quiteflunk English. So, if you want, weve got our studygroup.NEILSure. Cameron a

22、sked me too. Anyone mindincluding him?CHARLIEHmm, whats his specialty, boot-licking?NEILCome on, hes your roommate.CHARLIEThats not my fault.Meeks seems to notice Todd for the first time.MEEKSOh, Im sorry, my name is Steven Meeks.Neil quickly gets up from his spot by the window.NEILOh, this is Todd

23、Anderson.Todd turns around and shakes hands with Meeks.MEEKSNice to meet you.TODDNice to meet you.CHARLIECharlie Dalton.Charlie continues to lay on the bed, looking smug. Knox extends a hand.KNOXKnox Overstreet.NEILTodds brother was Jeffrey Anderson.CHARLIEOh yeah, sure. Valedictorian. National meri

24、t scholar. MEEKSOh well, welcome to Hell-ton.CHARLIEIts every bit as tough as they say, unless youre agenius like Meeks.MEEKSHe flatters me. Thats why I help him with Latin.CHARLIEAnd English, and Trig.Charlie begins coughing. There is a knock at the door. Charlie quicklystamps out his cigarette on

25、the floor and Neil tries to wave the smokefrom the air.NEILIts open.The door opens and Mr. Perry walks into the room. Neil quickly rises fromthe window.NEILFather, I thought youd gone.The other boys stand up when he enters.BOYSMr. Perry.MR PERRYKeep your seats fellows, keep your seats. Neil, Ivejust

26、 spoken to Mr. Nolan. I think that youre takingtoo many extra curricular activities this semester, andIve decided that you should drop the school annual.NEILBut Im the assistant editor this year.MR PERRYWell Im sorry Neil.NEILBut Father, I cant. It wouldnt be fair.MR PERRYFellas, would you excuse us

27、 for a moment?Mr. Perry walks towards the door and Neil hesitantly follows. Mr. Perrypauses by the door and smiles to the other boys.INT. HALLWAY - DAYThe smile has gone from Mr. Perrys face. He grabs a hold of Neils arm.MR PERRYDont you ever dispute me in public. Do youunderstand?NEILFather, I wasn

28、t disputing-MR PERRYAfter youve finished medical school and youre on your own, then youcan do as you damn well please. But until then, you do as I tell you.Is that clear?NEILYes sir. Im sorry.MR PERRYYou know how much this means to your mother,dont you?NEILYes sir. You know me, always taking on too

29、much.MR PERRYWell, thats my boy. Now listen, you need anything,you let us know, huh?NEILYes sir.Mr. Perry slaps his son on the shoulder and leaves. Neil leans his headback against the wall as the other boys emerge from the room.CHARLIEWhy doesnt he let you do what you want?KNOXYeah Neil, tell him of

30、f. It couldnt get any worse.NEILOh, thats rich. Like you guys tell your parents off, Mr.Future Lawyer and Mr. Future Banker.CHARLIEOkay, so I dont like it any more than you do.NEILWell just dont tell me how to talk to my father. Youguys are the same way.KNOXAll right, all right, Jesus. So what are y

31、ou going to do?NEILWhat I have to do. Drop the annual.CHARLIEWell I wouldnt lose much sleep over it. Its just abunch of jerks trying to impress Nolan.NEILI dont care. I dont give a damn about any of it.MEEKSWell, uh, Latin, eight o clock in my room?NEILYes.MEEKSTodd, youre welcome to join us.KNOXYea

32、h, come along pal.Todd looks up from his desk where he is setting his alarm clock.TODDThanks.EXT. FIELDS - DAYA clock bell chimes five oclock. Enormous flocks of birds, apparentlydisturbed by the noise, take to the sky.INT. STAIRCASE - DAYThe sound of squawking birds merges into the sound of noisy b

33、oys as theydescend the stairs in a long spiralling line.MR. MCALLISTER tries to make it upstairs against the steady stream.MCALLISTERSlow down boys, slow down you horriblephalanx of pubescense.INT CHEMISTRY LAB - DAYA teacher walks up and down the aisles, handing out books.TEACHERPick three laborato

34、ry experiments fromthe project list and report on them everyfive weeks. The first twenty questions atthe end of chapter one are due tomorrow.The students let out a collective groan.INT. LATIN CLASSROOM - DAYMr. McAllister paces back and forth in front of the blackboard and getsthe students to repeat

35、 everything he says.MCALLISTER (students repeat after each word.)Agricolam. Agricola. Agricolae.Agricolarum. Agricolis. Agricolas.Agrilcolis.Again, please.Agricola.INT. MATH CLASSROOM - DAYDr. Hager walks up the classroom aisles with his arms behind his back.HAGERYour study of trigonometry requires

36、absolute precision.Anyone failing to turn in any homework assignment willbe penalized one point off their final grade. Let me urgeyou now not to test me on this point.INT. KEATINGS CLASSROOM - DAYStudents enter Keatings classroom, talking and acting up. Keatingglances out from his room off to one si

37、de.KNOXHey Spaz, Spaz.Spaz turns around in time to be hit by a ball of crumpled up paperwhile Cameron smacks him on the shoulder.CAMERONBrain damage.The students quickly quiet down as Keating emerges from the other room,whistling the 1812 Overture. He walks up the length of the classroom andout the

38、door without a word. The students look around at one another,uncertain of what to do. Keating pokes his head back in the doorway.KEATINGWell come on.He gestures them to follow and the students, after some hesitation, grabtheir books and follow Keating out into the main entranceway. INT. ENTRANCEWAY

39、- DAYKeating stands before the schools trophy cabinets and waits until allthe boys arrive.KEATINGOh Captain, My Captain who knows wherethat comes from?Todd looks up as if he knows the answer, but says nothing. Spaz blows hisnose a little too close to Meeks for his liking.KEATINGNot a clue? Its from

40、a poem by WaltWhitman about Mr. Abraham Lincoln. Now inthis class you can call me Mr. Keating. Or,if youre slightly more daring, Oh Captain,My Captain.The students laugh slightly.KEATINGNow let me dispel a few rumors so theydont fester into facts. Yes, I tooattended Hell-ton and survived. And no,at

41、that time I was not the mental giantyou see before you. I was the intellectualequivalent of a ninety-eight poundweakling. I would go to the beach andpeople would kick copies of Byron in myface.The boys laugh once again, while Cameron, obviously trying to write allthis down, looks around confusedly.

42、Keating looks down at papers in hishand.KEATINGNow, Mr Pitts. Thats a ratherunfortunate name. Mr. Pitts, where areyou?Pitts raises his hand while everyone around him snickers.KEATINGMr. Pitts, would you open your hymnal to page 542 and read the firststanza of the poem you find there?PITTSTo the virg

43、ins, to make much of time?KEATINGYes, thats the one. Somewhat appropriate,isnt it.PITTSGather ye rosebuds while ye may, oldtime is still a flying, and this sameflower that smiles today, tomorrow willbe dying.KEATINGThank you Mr. Pitts. Gather ye rosebudswhile ye may. The Latin term for thatsentiment

44、 is Carpe Diem. Now who knowswhat that means?Meeks immediately puts his hand up.MEEKSCarpe Diem. Thats seize the day.KEATINGVery good, Mr.-MEEKSMeeks.KEATINGMeeks. Another unusual name. Seize theday. Gather ye rosebuds while ye may.Why does the writer use these lines?CHARLIEBecause hes in a hurry.KE

45、ATINGNo, ding!Keating slams his hand down on an imaginary buzzer.KEATINGThank you for playing anyway. Because weare food for worms lads. Because, believeit or not, each and every one of us inthis room is one day going to stopbreathing, turn cold, and die. Keating turns towards the trophy cases, fill

46、ed with trophies, footballs,and team pictures.KEATINGNow I would like you to step forward overhere and peruse some of the faces fromthe past. Youve walked past them manytimes. I dont think youve really lookedat them.The students slowly gather round the cases and Keating moves behind them.KEATINGThey

47、re not that different from you, arethey? Same haircuts. Full of hormones,just like you. Invincible, just like youfeel. The world is their oyster. Theybelieve theyre destined for great things,just like many of you. Their eyes are fullof hope, just like you. Did they wait untilit was too late to make

48、from their liveseven one iota of what they were capable?Because you see gentlmen, these boys arenow fertilizing daffodils. But if you listenreal close, you can hear them whisper theirlegacy to you. Go on, lean in.The boys lean in and Keating hovers over Camerons shoulder.KEATING (whispering in a gru

49、ff voice)Carpe.Cameron looks over his shoulder with an aggravated expression on his face. KEATINGHear it? (whispering again)Carpe. Carpe Diem. Seize the day boys,make your lives extraordinary.The boys stare at the faces in the cabinet in silence.EXT. SCHOOL STEPS - DAYThe boys emerge from the school

50、, loaded down with numerous books.PITTSThat was weird.NEILBut different.KNOXSpooky if you ask me.CAMERONThink hell test us on that stuff?CHARLIECome on Cameron, dont you get anything?CAMERONWhat? What?INT. LOCKER ROOM - EVENINGA coach sticks his head around the corner into the room.COACHLets go boys, hustle up in here. Thatmeans you Dalton.Meeks emerges from the showers, drying himself off.MEEKSOkay, whos up for a trig study grouptonight guys?PITTSMe.NEILMe.CHARLIE(still annoyed


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