1、 從飄看美國內(nèi)戰(zhàn)影響下南方貴族的價值觀變化 AcknowledgementsThis thesis would not have been completed without numerous peoples invaluable help and support. To whom, I would like to take this opportunity to show my heart-felt gratitude.First of all, I am especially grateful to my supervisor, Mr. Li Geyong. He gave me kind
2、 encouragement and useful instructions during the process of thesis writing. Mr. Li supplied me with reference materials of great value, and patiently read and revised my draft for several times.Moreover, I would like to express my appreciation to Professor Li Qiang and every teacher who has helped
3、me with useful suggestions and comments.Finally, I wish to extend my appreciation to my parents and my teachers who helped me in my undergraduate study years.AbstractAs the only civil war in the United States, American Civil War maintained national unity and eliminated slavery, which has a great his
4、torical significance. Gone with the Wind is a novel with the background of the Civil War and the author describes the war scenes and characters meticulously. By comparing the transform of values of the upper class in southern American, this thesis analyzes the impacts of peoples thought and activiti
5、es during American Civil War. Besides, this paper discusses how peoples social values are affected by war so as to have a comprehensive understanding of American history and culture.Key words: American Civil War; upper class in southern America; transform of values 摘 要南北戰(zhàn)爭作為美國歷史上唯一一次內(nèi)戰(zhàn),其維護了國家統(tǒng)一,消除了奴
6、隸制,具有極偉大的、世界歷史性的意義。而飄是一部以南北戰(zhàn)爭為背景的小說,作者將戰(zhàn)爭場面及人物形象描寫的極為細(xì)致。通過小說對比戰(zhàn)爭前后南方貴族的價值觀轉(zhuǎn)變,分析美國內(nèi)戰(zhàn)格局下南方貴族的思想及活動所受的影響,探究戰(zhàn)爭對人性社會價值觀的影響,更加全面地了解美國歷史文化。關(guān)鍵詞:南北戰(zhàn)爭;南方貴族;價值觀改變Contents云南民族大學(xué)畢業(yè)論文(設(shè)計)原創(chuàng)性聲明iAcknowledgementsiiAbstractiii摘 要ivI.Introduction11.1 American Civil War11.1.1 Background of American Civil War11.1.2 Impa
7、ct of American Civil War21.2 Gone with the Wind & American Civil War41.3 Gone with the Wind & Margaret Mitchell61.3.1 Introduction of Margaret Mitchell61.3.2 Main content of Gone with the Wind7II. Transform of Values of the Upper Class in Southern America during the Civil War.102.1 From authoritaria
8、n to democratic102.2 Fromconservatism to reform and openness .112.3 From idealism to pragmatism12III. Conclusion14References15iv1. IntroductionGone with the Wind takes place in the southern United States in the state of Georgia during the American Civil War (18611865) and the Reconstruction Era (186
9、51877). The novel unfolds against the backdrop of rebellion wherein seven southern states initially, Georgia among them, have declared their secession from the United States (the Union) and formed the Confederate States of America (the Confederacy), after Abraham Lincoln was elected president. The U
10、nion refuses to accept secession and no compromise is found as war approaches.1.1 American Civil WarAmerican Civil War, as the only civil war in the United States, maintained national unity and eliminated slavery, which has a great historical significance.1.1.1 Background of American Civil War With
11、the 19th century industrial revolution spread to the United States, the rapid economic development of the United States make them acquired a large territory in the west. Bourgeoisie and the peasantry in the north advocated the prohibition of slavery and their requiring the authority to identifying s
12、tate as a free nation. Southern slave owners sought to expand slavery to the west, advocated the new state to allow the existence of slavery in the state.Because of the different policies pursued by the North and the South, the religious congregation also faced severe challenges. The Church of the N
13、orth has been more flexible in its understanding of the Bible and has continually tried to defend the liberation of the black slaves through the interpretation of the Bible.After the independence of the United States, the South and the North developed along two different roads. In the north, the cap
14、italist economy developed rapidly, from the 1820s onwards, the northern and central states began the industrial revolution, the northern industrial production ranks fourth in the world since 1860.At same time there has 400 million black slave in the south and slavery was a neoplasm that grew up in A
15、merican society. It seriously stifled the development of the industry and commerce in the north. The contradictions between the North and the South have been intensifying since the early 19th century.The struggle mainly revolved around the western land. The North calls for the development of capital
16、ism in the western region, restricting and prohibiting the expansion of slavery; the South is trying to expand slavery in the west even the whole country. People of the north launched a massive abolitionist movement, the Southern slaves also continue to riot.In 1857, the slave owners attempted to ex
17、tend slavery to the entire territory of the United States by using Scotts judgment, leading to the John Brown uprising.In 1860 Lincoln was elected president as Republican leader, the southern slaveowners launch to rebellion. Southern slave states want segregation, seven southern states out of the Un
18、ion, build United States of America Union, Richmond as the capital and the war outbreak in the same year on April Impact of American Civil WarAmerican Civil War was a civil war in the United States fought from 1861 to 1865.The Union faced secessionists in eleven Southern states grouped toge
19、ther as the Confederate States of America. The Union won the war, the Norths victory decisively proved the durability of democratic government. On the other hand confederate independence would have established an American model for reactionary politics and race-based repression that would likely hav
20、e cast an international shadow into the 20th century.The victory of the North while consolidating the unity of the country at the same time established the northern bourgeoisie in the countrys dominant position. Therefore, at the end of the 19th Century, United States became the worlds most advanced
21、 industrial and agricultural capitalist situation. Civil war eliminated slavery, thus clearing the way for the rapid development of American capitalism. During the post-Civil War reconstruction period, the black slaves were still subject to many forms of discrimination and exploitation by landowners
22、, but they were granted political and civil rights and the right to vote and were liberated from slavery. Therefore, the American Civil War is an epoch-making influence in the development of American history.The war had its origin in the factious issue of slavery, especially the extension of slavery
23、 into the western territories. The Confederacy collapsed and slavery was abolished in the entire country. The Reconstruction Era (18631877) overlapped and followed the war, with its fitful process of restoring national unity, strengthening the national government, and granting civil rights to the fr
24、eed slaves.The Civil War solved the land problem of the peasants well, maintained the national unity, abolished the slavery system, further removed the obstacles of the capitalist development, paved the way for the take-off of the American capitalist economy, and made the United States quickly becom
25、e an industrialized power. The use of a large number of new weapons in the American Civil War demonstrated the power of modern industry and promoted the development of military industry. The railway and telegraph played a major role and a modernized mode of war. But the American Civil War did not co
26、mpletely eliminate racial discrimination, blacks are still unequal treatment.In the ideological and cultural aspects, the mainstream culture and ideology of the United States are democracy, openness, progress and freedom. Because of this ideological and cultural atmosphere, there will be abolitionis
27、t movement, there will be on the further development of capitalism, the extreme desire to pursue progress. The entire capitalist United States eager to free labor, the desire for freedom to promote the rise of the black liberation movement, so the outbreak of the American Civil War is the national s
28、pirit in the political and economic development, the spirit of thought into the political economy.The economic base determines the superstructure, politics is the tool of economic change and the representative of the economy. Therefore, it is necessary to use political means to change the economy mo
29、de. The inherent demands of the capitalist economic development fueled the outbreak of the war because the backward plantation economy was a stumbling block and war was the cornerstone of Americas advance. This is a unified war, a rising war, everything from capitalism, all for capitalism.1.2 Gone w
30、ith the Wind & American Civil War Gone with the Wind is an American novel written by the author Margaret Mitchell which wrote in 1936, the publishing of the novel immediately in the world caused a boom Dynamic effect, has reached 50,000 a days sales, sold 2 million copies over the year. The critics
31、comments on it are different. Some people think it was a masterpiece but some people think that just was a popular novel. This book take the Civil War as the background, with the protagonist Scarlett O Haras life as the main line of the novel, to show us the destruction and reconstruction of the sou
32、thern American land. The uniqueness of the position and the perspective makes this work quite different from the common slave fiction such like Uncle Toms Cabin, White Slave, etc. Readers and critics from all over the world have criticized tirelessly on it .View of social and historical criticism of
33、 its research; some think Mitchells biography such as Tara Road; some use Feminist criticism, think it is a reflection of feminist novels; there also having people from the ecological point to analysis human attachment to nature.Even in the domestic discussion of the value of this novel is divided i
34、nto two opinions, such as Yang Jingyuan think that Gone with the Wind was a reactionary novel. The author lists many examples, such as in early 1940s, Gone with the Wind can not enter the US high school and universitys English literature courses.This work has not been able to enter the mainstream li
35、terature, it has never exceeded a status of a popular novel, after all, it didnt have a formal recognition of literary history. Gone with the Wind has not been recognized, why? The author thinks that one reason is that the content is too reactionary - it blatantly expressed the American slavery syst
36、em can make the sense. Another reason may be that it is not art in a main flow. The author believes that Gone with the Wind is written solely on the standpoint of slave owners in the south. American slavery is not a slavery in general sense. It is a deformed product under the special conditions when
37、 the society has developed to the capitalist stage. It can be said that it is a kind of social reversion phenomenon. It has the duality of slavery and capitalism. Malignant and more reactionary like that. Only eliminating the slavery, American society can step for a progress. The Gone with the Wind
38、has pull back the history in some way; no wonder it has been disapproved by some scholars and academic authority.(Yang Jingyuan,1981:3)Professor Xiao Mu said :“ The understanding of American Civil War among the Gone with the Wind was to created a storm which destroyed by the Civil War, and unwilling
39、 to destroy, struggling from a typical bourgeois Southern American plantation female and the slave. Through her life experience, she saw everything, not only her actions and thoughts, but also from one aspect which reflects the life of pre-war slave factories in the Southern America, as well as the
40、influence of the war to the Southern society and a variety of peoples way of life. Moral concepts brought about by values transforming”. (XiaoMu,1981:3) Specific to our evaluation of the Gone with the Wind, it depends on whether it describes the character is typical, both look at it describes the ch
41、aracters living environment is typical. If character depicts is typical and the protagonist of the living environment is typical, its consistent with historical truth, it can be said that it is realist, it was successful. Although the work is from the Southerners position to describe the war, but we
42、 cannot deny the value of this book.The success of this book could attribute to its infinite richness and the reader read the novel from all angles with any new interpretation. After reading the number of times, I think this book is not a popular novel with the general sense, the author did not slap
43、 on the southerners complaint, it cannot explain the author does not objectively describe the war, as a southerners perspective from slavery to every black slaves, from men to women, from women to young girls, and from the thriving before the war of the American South to the wartime destruction and
44、after wars reconstruction of the south, the description of the process is extremely deep.Because of the richness of the method and interpretation, I would like to elucidate the individuals understanding of Gone with the Wind from a new angle.The American Civil War was the only civil war in American
45、history, The Union faced secessionists in eleven southern states grouped together as the Confederate States of America. At the beginning of the war, the North in order to safeguard national unity and fight for the war, and later evolved into a revolutionary war to eliminate slavery. The Civil War wa
46、s the first large-scale war since the Industrial Revolution, and the Civil War left a deep impression on the European observer, the war had a great, world-historical, progressive, and revolutionary significance, the slavery was destroyed by the Civil War. The Civil War was the second bourgeois revol
47、ution in American history, but it solved the land problem of the peasants well, maintained the national unity and cleared the way for the accelerated development of American capitalism. It helping the United States laid the foundation to become a powerful country.1.3 Gone with the Wind & Margaret Mi
48、tchellGone with the Wind is a novel written by Margaret Mitchell, first published in 1936, it was popular with American readers from the outset and was the top American fiction bestseller in the year it was published and in 19 Introduction of Margaret Mitchell Margaret Mitchell, the famous m
49、odern authoress from United States of America, received a doctorate in literature, has been served as Atlanta News reporter. In 1937 she won the Pulitzer Prize then won the New York Southern Association Gold Medal in 1939. In 1949, she was killed by a car accident. She did not leave too many literat
50、ure pieces in her life, but Gone with the Wind is excellent enough to state her unshakable position in the history of world literature.In the history of English and American literature, Margaret Mitchell is a little-known writer. But from readers view, Mitchell is a very well-known writer. She was b
51、orn in a family lawyer in 1900 at Georgia, Atlanta. At the age of ten in the Atlanta public school, and later entered the Washington Theological Seminary, and then study at Smith College for a year, then dropped out of school. In the early 1920s she became an editor of the Atlanta Journal. Mitchell
52、had the interesting of Civil War and the history of the South American in her growth, she has read a lot of historical data about the Civil War. Use a decade of effort to write the novel Gone with the Wind and won the Pulitzer Prize and the title of the Bachelor.The social convention of the South Am
53、erica and Mitchells family had a direct influence on Mitchells novel creation. At the time of her birth, her hometown of Atlanta was still immersed in the pain and bitterness of the Civil War defeat. Grandmother told her the heroic story in the Civil War, teach her songs to sing the Southern Army fr
54、om Margarets childhood, her mother often tells her story of how the wealthy people from the prosperity to the decline. Mitchell clearly exposed her prejudice of political when she saw the conflict in the South. She regarded the KKK as an elite. However, on the whole, Mitchell is a true reflection of
55、 the face of social life in the South. Its political biases are just an individual view of writer, but rather contemporary with a social phenomenon of a historical phenomenon. During her writings, the political situation in the south was retrogressive, the social status of blacks was almost the same
56、 as before the Civil War, and the number of KKKs was as high as 3 million. Showing the deep roots of racial discrimination, which directly restricts the ideological level of the writers creation. 1.3.2 Main content of Gone with the WindGone with the Wind is a novel depicting the American Civil War a
57、nd post-war reconstruction, the plot is vivid with the humorous narrate, with the South romantic legendary tradition, Mitchell use her female-specific delicate language, accurately grasp the young womans complex psychological activities in the process of love pursuit, successfully shaping the Scarle
58、tts complex character with more objective to restore the situation during the Civil War.The story of Atlanta City and plantations, depicting the Southerners life before and after the Civil War in the United States. The works depict the image of many southerners of that era, like Scarlett, Rhett, Ash
59、ley, Melanie, and others. Their customs, rituals, behaviors, political attitudes, expressing through the entanglement love of Scarlett and Rhett, successfully reproduced the southern Americans social life.Scarlett OHara is the daughter of a wealthy and well-established plantation owner , Her father Gerald is an Irish immigrant, h
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