



1、bluefin mutli strategy fund spckarasel enhanced portfolio spsuspension of redemption noticedear investorsas you well know, the global equity markets are in disarray, caused largely by the ensuring credit crunch and technical forced liquidations plaguing all in the industry. we have managed to weathe

2、r the storm considerably well to this point reflected in the funds performance, which must be viewed in a global context as world markets have suffered some of the largest drawdown s in history.year to date*karasel enhanced sp+%*s&p 500 index%dj euro stoxx 50 index%nikkei 225 index%hang seng index%c

3、s/tremont hedge fund index% * ytd performance up to august 2008.* ytd performance up to 21 august 2008.credit markets are expected to improve over the coming months, signs of which are beginning to form, after the global co-operation and efforts institutedover the last several weeksby international

4、governments. large-scale collaboration was imperative to restore order after the worldwide panic and monumental market meltdowns, which are still working their way through the system. for now, we have been informed by a considerable portion of our underlying funds that they are suspending redemption

5、s due to the current environment and liquidity therein.many of these funs have received overwhelming redemptions and with the shortage of credit and buyers in many sectors, have deemed it prudent to not liquidate assets at fire sale prices, which would be to the detriment of not only redeeming inves

6、tors, but of courseto those who remain as well. in most instances, we actually welcome this decision as we have always set out to attempt to preserve investor capital and believe our results are testament to that. with global indices down 30-60%+, we have managedto produce positive returns in an env

7、ironment not seen for decades. in so doing and favoring certain more stable asset class though, we have fallen victim to liquidity along with many others and therefore as a conduit fund or fund of funds, have no choice but to suspend redemptions ourselves. as the market condition allows, hopefully,

8、by the end of this year, we willstart accepting investor s redemption request. we can assure you this will be done with your best interests at heart and as quickly as possible without forcing inopportune liquidations and thereby resulting in losses for the investor.wehave taken this course of action

9、 as we need to protect all our investors and not merely pay out what we can now, leaving those who remain invested in our fund with a less liquid portfolio and hence more onerous restrictions.we trust you will respect and appreciate this position. we reiterate that the portfoliois performing well an

10、d the steps taken are being done for investor s protection. in the future, the fund itself will continue to publish the fund nav and monthly factsheet to update you latest market and fund situations.best regards,the bluefin investment team藍(lán)鰭多重策略基金-karasel enhanced分離式組合暫停贖回通知正如大家所知道,目前全球資本市場的混亂,主要原因是

11、信貸緊縮和投資部位技術(shù)性被迫非理性出 清造成的。本基金已盡所能在此次金融風(fēng)暴襲擊下,維持穩(wěn)定的基金投資績效。從全球各大股市指數(shù)表現(xiàn)觀察,我們可以看到大多知名指數(shù)皆下跌30%! 45%等,相較之下,本基金表現(xiàn)相當(dāng)不錯。年初至今*監(jiān)鰭多重策略基金 -karasel enhanced sp+%*美國標(biāo)準(zhǔn)普爾500指數(shù)%道瓊歐洲50指數(shù)%日本日經(jīng)255指數(shù)%香港恒生指數(shù)%cs/tremont避險基金指數(shù)% *年初至8月份的基金表現(xiàn)*年初至10月21日的指數(shù)表現(xiàn)在國際政府單位全力合作和努力之下,信貸市場可望在今彳麥的幾個月里獲得改善,這些跡象已開始 形成。在全世界的恐慌和巨大的市場崩潰,大規(guī)模的合作是必

12、要方式,此將有助於市場恢復(fù)秩序。這些合作方案與效應(yīng)已持續(xù)進(jìn)入整體市場中。在現(xiàn)階段,我們被多數(shù)的子基金告知他們將暫停接受贖回,主要原因是目前市場環(huán)境與市場流通性不足。在市場欠缺足夠的買家,信貸短缺的環(huán)境下,許多基金已決定不接受贖回要求,主要是避免將資產(chǎn)用不合理的價格被迫賤賣出場,導(dǎo)致對整體基金投資人或是不愿出場的基金投資者不公平。 我們對這些子基金的決定表示歡迎,因為我們認(rèn)為保護(hù)投資人的資本是首要任務(wù)。 當(dāng)全球股票指數(shù)下跌 30 至 60%,我們?nèi)匀豢梢栽谶@百年一次世紀(jì)金融風(fēng)暴下創(chuàng)造正報酬率! 我們誠希望各位投資人可以注意到我們年初至今的績效,并且體會我們過去的努力維持資本與創(chuàng)造正報酬率。 本基金是組合式基金 ,旗下部分的基金停止接受贖回,我們也別無選擇需要停止接受投資人的贖回要求。 當(dāng)市場情況允許之下,希望落在今年年底,我們將重新接受投資人贖回要求。 我們可以確定這決定是對你的投資利益最佳化,在基金不被強(qiáng)迫賤賣資產(chǎn),導(dǎo)致其他投資人的投資利


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