已閱讀5頁,還剩11頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、青,取之于藍而青于藍;冰,水為之而寒于水小學英語教案格式范文三篇 【導語】寫教案不能千篇一律,要發(fā)揮每一個老師的聰明才智和創(chuàng)造力,老師的教案要結(jié)合本地區(qū)的特點,因材施教。我準備了以下內(nèi)容,供大家參考! apostcard from new york 教學目標: 1.daming has got a chinese kite and we fly it in the park. 2.ive got some chopsticks, but they are difficult. 3. 通過不同國家的人們使用的物品進行文化對比,復習have got的用法。 教學過程: 一、warmer take

2、fine objects that belong to you and put them on the table. the students must see clearly that they are your things. now pick up one of the things and introduce it using have got e.g.: t: (pick up a book)have got a book. repeat this activity with the rest of the objects. practice “i have got。and ive

3、got” 二、listen, point and find have got。 write on the board daming has got laura has got。 ask the students to close their students books. before they listen, ask them to guess what objects laura and daming have got. then, play the recording and ask the students to listen and check if their guesses ar

4、e correct. 三、listen and say. after practicing the phrases, encourage the students to ask each other question. do an example by asking a student. examples t: have you got a kite? s1: no, i havent. t: have you got a pair of chopsticks? s2: yes, i have. then, divide the class into pairs and ask them to

5、 ask each other question. 四、make sentences from the boxes, using andor but。 use the activities in the vocabulary extension list from module 5 to play a game. write the words from the vocabulary list on the board swim dance play table tennis play football speak english speak chinese cook sing songs p

6、lay the guitar tell the students that they have to point at two activities, say the verbs and then make a sentence with andand but。 ask the students to practice the dialogue in pairs. 五、homework read the dialogue. meet my family 教學目標: 新課程強調(diào)知識與技能、過程與方法、情感態(tài)度與價值觀三個角度的有機結(jié)合,本著這樣的認識,我制定如下教學目標。 認知目標 學生能聽、說

7、、讀短語及單詞:family,parents,aunt,uncle,babybrother能運用 how many.進行口語交際。 能力目標 能用英語交流在假日中的活動,部分同學能用英語流利介紹節(jié)日的有關(guān)情況。 情感目標 通過活動、游戲使學生產(chǎn)生學習英語的興趣;讓學生敢于、樂于開口,積極參與交流。并讓學生在學習的過程中,培養(yǎng)他們的合作意識和競爭意識。 教學重點: 讓學生掌握詞組,能運用詞組進行交流,初步鍛煉學生運用詞組描述節(jié)日的能力; 教學難點: 讓學生認識時態(tài)的變化,及意識到詞組的不同運用能造就語言的豐富性。 教學方法: 1. 教法設(shè)計 根據(jù)英語這門課本身的特點及四年級學生的興趣,我通過設(shè)計

8、具體形象的情景,以舊帶新,不斷滾動知識點,以此來分散教學難點,讓學生直觀地感知與理解。同時創(chuàng)設(shè)數(shù)個任務(wù)活動,從單詞到短語到句子到對話到片斷,使學生在師生、生生之間的多向交流中進行有意義的練習與實踐,充分發(fā)揮他們的學習主體性,培養(yǎng)他們學習致用的能力。 2. 學法指導 引導學生通過比較、觀察、猜測的方法逐漸感悟新語言項目的功能,讓學生在多層次的練習中體會到學習英語時“運用”的必要性,鼓勵學生積極思維,大膽嘗試。 3. 教學手段 根據(jù)本課的教學內(nèi)容、教學目標、學生的年齡特征和心理特征,為了更好地激發(fā)學生學習興趣,從而能積極主動參與學習。教學中運用多媒體課件、圖片等教學輔助手段,置抽象的句型于一個個生

9、動的情景、游戲之中,不僅使學習過程自然輕松,更能較好地啟智開思。 教學過程: 1.熱身( warm up) 一中外不同家庭全家福為背景,播放中文歌曲讓愛住我家開頭曲,讓學生靜靜閉上眼睛感受家的氛圍。 再此過程中有老師進行話語引導“同學們,家是溫馨的港灣,每個人都有一個家,歌曲中唱到,我愛我的家弟弟爸爸媽媽,那么同學們知道這幾個詞語用英語怎樣表達嗎?” 2. 單詞學習(word learning) 第一步,先由大屏幕學習本科單詞,有老師詳細解釋; 第二步,反復領(lǐng)讀與自我練習; 第三,拼寫階段,四線格練習; 第四,memory game的游戲。 設(shè)計意圖 該部分有兩處亮點,一是,依然重視四線格的書

10、寫,為我的學生打下一個良好的英語基礎(chǔ)。 3. 單詞游戲(memory game) 設(shè)計意圖 既增添課堂氣氛又爭取讓我的學生限度的當堂掌握新學的單詞。記不過不要緊,目的不是必須當堂掌握,而是限度的提升課堂效率,并限度的挖掘?qū)W生潛能。 最后誰答對了還會有獎勵,即道具“卡片魚”,這樣道具也不會被浪費。 4.課文學習 (text learning) 以問題導入“我們知道ammy 的家庭有六位成員,可ammy卻說有七位,這是為什么呢?” 接下來利用視頻學習課文并找出答案。 設(shè)計意圖 讓學生帶著問題學課文找答案,增強目的性。本環(huán)節(jié)有兩處特色,第一是,所選視頻是實景實人視頻而不是動畫,增強真實感,限度的再現(xiàn)

11、英語環(huán)境。第二是,由老師進一步解釋ammy為什么把狗也看作是家庭成員,以此培養(yǎng)跨文化意識。 5.語法學習(grammer learning) 此環(huán)節(jié)學習方式:小組競賽。以座位分成四個參賽小組,按每個同學的課堂表現(xiàn)為本組加星,課末評出winner。本節(jié)課所教授的句子是“how many people are there in your family?” 設(shè)計意圖 學習方式的宣布讓學生對本節(jié)課充滿了興趣,激起了他們的斗志和為本組爭星的表現(xiàn)欲。提高他們的表達能力,反復練習語法知識,學以致用。 6. 知識拓展(extra tips) 由老師補充搜集課本上沒有的知識,如,本課中其實爸爸媽媽在英語國家還有

12、其他的口語化叫法mammy dady等。 設(shè)計意圖一是,讓學生開眼界。二是,為我下一步的作業(yè)布置鋪路子。 7.課后作業(yè)(homework today) (1) “說出你的愛”:回家后用英語稱呼你的家人,如“mom,i love you! (2) “我學我用”:準備下節(jié)課帶自己的全家福一張,向你的同學介紹你的家庭成員。 設(shè)計意圖 鞏固所學,將課內(nèi)的學習延伸到生活。 8. 結(jié)束(the ending) 最后以i love my family 歌舞表演結(jié)束本課。 設(shè)計意圖 第一,號召同學們stand up and move your body! 讓同學們站起來一起唱一起跳。因為這首歌曲是精心挑選的,

13、并且會配以動作教學。第二,從另一個側(cè)面向孩子們昭示,只要課堂上認真聽課,四十五分鐘過后必定會有輕松的一刻。第三,使本節(jié)課在一個輕松愉快的氛圍中結(jié)束,讓每個人被這首歌所感染,心中充滿濃濃的愛意,體會到英語的魅力,使思想境界得到升華。 on the farm教學課題: 譯林版牛津小學英語6a第五單元parta(listen,read and say) 教材分析: 本課是江蘇譯林版牛津英語6a unit5的中第一教時的內(nèi)容,這是學生初次接觸過去時,只要求學生能在教學過程中,掌握其時態(tài)結(jié)構(gòu)和過去分詞的構(gòu)成,并能對自己在過去做的一些事情進行描述。由于之前已經(jīng)學過一般現(xiàn)在時,所以在制定教學步驟的過程中,通

14、過和一般現(xiàn)在時進行比照,來掌握一般過去式的結(jié)構(gòu)。 教學方法: 我將采用情景法、游戲教學法、直觀演示法、交際法等教學方法,以學生為主體,以過去式話題為核心,以語言功能為主線,以任務(wù)型活動為媒介,從學生的學習興趣、生活經(jīng)驗和認知水平出發(fā),使學生通過感知、體驗、實踐、參與、合作與交流的方式實現(xiàn)任務(wù)目標,使課堂活起來,讓學生動起來,從而達成上述的知識與技能目標。 教學目標: 1. 能正確的聽、說、讀、寫詞匯holiday, last, early, meet, before 能正確的聽,說, 讀詞匯 fun, national day, a film, wonderful 2. 能正確的聽、說、句型h

15、at (else) did you do??we/i? 3. 能正確地運用對話中的日常交際用語和三會句型 did you like the film? it was a funny cartoon. we all liked it very much. were there any fruit trees on the farm? there were apple trees, orange trees and pear trees. 4. 能正確地理解、掌握對話內(nèi)容,并能朗讀、初步表演對話。 5. 能運用本課所學語言談?wù)撨^去所做的事情。 教學重點: 能正確地理解、掌握對話內(nèi)容,并能朗讀、初步

16、表演對話。 教學難點: 能比較流暢的朗讀對話,并能在掌握對話的基礎(chǔ)上運用本課所學語言談?wù)撨^去所做的事情。 課前準備: 1.教具準備 a.單詞,句型卡片。 b.練習題紙。(每人一張) c.設(shè)計并制作多媒體教學課件,準備多媒體教學的設(shè)施。 2.板書準備 預(yù)先寫好課題unit 5 on the farm 教學過程: step 1 greeting and warming-up 1. t-ss greet.(師生問好,活躍課堂,拉近師生距離) 2. t: look at this man, whats his job? ss: he is a farmer. t: his name is macdon

17、ald. he has a beautiful farm. before class, lets listen to a song, its about macdonald and his farm. step 2 presentation and practice 1. teach: national day ,holiday, last t: what day/date is it today? 出示cai指名回答 these seven days is this week.(cai出示 this week) these seven days was last week.( cai出示 l

18、ast week) t: what date was it? 指名回答 t: yes. it was the first of october. and it was the national day. (cai出示national day領(lǐng)讀) when national day comes ,we usually have a long holiday . i had a wonderful holiday. 2 .t:do you want to know what i did this national day holiday? you can ask me what did you

19、do? 指名幾個學生提問,可提醒學生看黑板上早已貼好的句子。 再次要求學生一起提問,師回答。 3.活動: washed clothes, played computer games, watched a funny cartoon, went to my fathers farm. 幻燈片呈現(xiàn),讓學生了解老師的活動 t:ok, boys and girls. do you want to go to the farm? ss: yes. cai 出示農(nóng)場里人們干活的場景 t:ok,here we are. now were on the farm. what can we do on the

20、farm?can you guess? 指名回答 cai 出示 s1:milk cows. t:great. i cant milk cows. can you teach me? 示意學生動作。 教師邊動作邊帶領(lǐng)學生朗讀milk cows 同時出示詞組 貼到黑板上 t:what can we do?指名學生回答 s2:? t:good. collect eggs. (cai出示)師帶領(lǐng)學生邊做動作讀詞組。同時出示詞組 貼到黑板上 t:what else can we do?指名回答 s3:? t:right. water flowers. 帶領(lǐng)學生讀短語。 t:what else can w

21、e water? its big and green. ss:water trees. t: good. 出示詞組 water trees 帶領(lǐng)學生朗讀,并將詞組貼到黑板上。 t:what else can we water? its on the ground. 指名回答 ss: water grass. 看cai, t :what are these? theyre carrots. 領(lǐng)讀carrot 出示單詞圖片 pull up carrots t: lets pull up carrots.師帶領(lǐng)學生做動作讀詞組,并將詞組貼到黑板上。 t:what else can we do? s4

22、:? t:boys and girls, lets pick oranges. boys ,youre tall and strong, please stand up and pick oranges. 師帶領(lǐng)男學生們做動作讀詞組,并將詞組貼到黑板上。 出示一籃子橘子。 t:what are these? ss:theyre oranges. t: do you want to taste my oranges?問幾組學生,do you want to taste my oranges? 給學生分發(fā)橘子 出示 taste oranges 單詞圖片 lets learn how to read

23、 it.帶領(lǐng)學生讀/ei/,/ei/,taste. step 3 listen, read and say 1 .t: helen was on the farm last week. what did she do last week? lets ask her together, ok? cai 出示問題,引導學生提問,what did you do last week? cai 出示答案。 t: what did she do last week? ss: she visited a farm?。 t: yes, helen visited a farm with her family

24、on monday and tuesday. do you want to visit a farm? 出示詞組 visit a farm 領(lǐng)讀數(shù)遍,并將詞組貼到黑板上。 t:helen visited a farm. here ed is pronounced /id/,領(lǐng)讀 visited,將ed貼到黑板上visit后面。 2. t:what did helen do on monday? who can ask? cai出示,指名學生提問。 t: what did helen do on monday? 引導學生一起回答,she watered trees. 拿出ed/d/,領(lǐng)讀短語數(shù)遍

25、。并將后綴貼到黑板原詞組后面。 t: what else did helen do? let me ask her. 師問what else did you do on monday, helen?,please listen ! cai出示答案。 3. t: what else did she do? together answer. ss: she pulled up carrots. 師出示ed/d/,領(lǐng)讀單詞,并將后綴貼到原來單詞后面。 t: helen visited a farm on monday. she pulled up carrots and watered trees.

26、 貼圖mon. how about tuesday? can you ask her? boys have a try. 要求男生齊問。cai出示答案。 4. t: what did she do on tuesday? ss: she milked cows. 出示 ed/t/ 領(lǐng)讀該詞組,并將ed貼到原單詞后面。 5. t: what else did she do on tuesday? ss: she collected eggs. t: here ed is pronounced /t/,/d/ or/id/?which one? 引導學生一起復述,helen visited a f

27、arm. on monday she watered trees and pulled up carrots. t: how about tuesday? ss: he milked cows and collected eggs. 6. t: helen did a lot of things on a farm. what else did she do on the farm? lets watch the cartoon. 出示cai, t: what else did helen do on the farm? 再次出示cai,提醒學生看屏幕。 ss: she picked oran

28、ges. 師拿出ed, t:who can add ed for us?指名,stick for us.領(lǐng)讀picked oranges t: she picked oranges and tasted them.師做動作表明品嘗。which one?指名回答。 here ed is pronounced /id/ ,who can add for us?指名加后綴。 7. t:were there any fruits on the farm? ss:yes. t: were there any apple/pear/banana trees on the farm? 學生齊答。 引導學生齊

29、說 ss: there were apple trees, orange trees and pear trees. t: nancy wants to go to the farm. so i think the farm is wonderful.(出示wonderful一詞,領(lǐng)讀) 8. t: helen did a lot of things on the farm. she had a wonderful holiday. but her friend nancy also had a good time, what did she do last week? lets listen

30、, read and choose. cai出示,學生聽。 提供問題,what did nancy do last week? ok, you can choose. cai出示選項。師讀三條選項。指名學生回答。 出示 watch a film.詞組領(lǐng)讀。 here ed is pronounced /t/.指名讀音素。并將單詞卡片貼到黑板上。 9. t: nancy watched a film with her family. did she like the film? did her family like the film? yes, they all like the film v

31、ery much. t: lets enjoy the whole cartoon.播放整篇課文錄音。 do you like the cartoon? ss: yes. t: its interesting. cai出示課文前言。 t:please read the narration and try to answer the questions. read by yourself. 學生自讀前言。 t:attention please. ok, show time. is the first day of school after the holiday today? 指名回答,帶領(lǐng)學生讀體現(xiàn)該答案的原句。 10. t: take out your books and turn to p38,lets read after the ta


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