1、2021大學(xué)心理學(xué)留學(xué)申請書 國內(nèi)報考研究生時大多仍然要求有本科同專業(yè)的背景,而去國外讀碩士則比較靈活,不需要學(xué)術(shù)考試,而且轉(zhuǎn)專業(yè)比較方便。這里給大家分享一些2021大學(xué)心理學(xué)留學(xué)申請書,歡迎閱讀! 2021大學(xué)心理學(xué)留學(xué)申請書 dear _, i first realised i wanted to study psychology when studying drama, becausein order to portray characters i had to understand their mind and develop theirpersonality. i found the
2、 differences in characters were so vast that it made mewant to understand these variations. since beginning the course in college ihave been truly captivated by all areas of psychological theory and research,and am eager to contribute to the understanding we have about the behaviour ofhuman and non-
3、human animals. in particular, i am fascinated by the fundamentaldebates in psychology, for example the nature nurture debate. a forensic andinvestigative psychology conference i attended, presented by professor davidcanter, caught my attention as i found it intriguing that people can behave insuch a
4、 way that will offend others and often feel little or no remorse. afterreading his book, “mapping murder”, my interest in abnormality andpsychopathology rapidly increased, as his book and conference allowed me tounderstand the psychology behind this type of behaviour, amplifying my interestin the su
5、bject. i enjoy reading about different studies that have been conductedin the past, which i can analyse and evaluate to obtain a more advancedunderstanding of behaviours exhibited. as a peer mentor, my job was to attend to the needs of younger or morevulnerable students and to offer them full suppor
6、t. this job requires patienceand compassion, along with willingness to help and motivate others. i havereceived certificates and awards for good behaviour, attendance, punctuality andperforming arts, demonstrating my enthusiasm in everything i do. my workexperience in the retail industry has given m
7、e the chance to develop criticalskills which are essential such as; good communication with others, a strongdetermination to achieve my best and dedication to all work i undertake. as ana2 psychology student, i received the student of the month award for myoutstanding enthusiasm, effort and achievem
8、ent. drama theatre studies hasgiven me an alternative perception of human behaviour, the intensity of emotionsand the variations inherent in that. music technology has helped me develop myanalytical and concentration skills. i am also a member of the student council,where i represent my fellow stude
9、nts and have a great responsibility to ensurethat their views are heard and acted upon. i enjoy reading a range of books from novels to biographies as well asbooks to support my academic studies. currently i am reading “the selfish gene”by richard dawkins to support my understanding of evolutionary
10、psychology. ifind it fascinating that natural and sexual selection can provide ultimateexplanations for the behaviour of animals, including humans. i also enjoysports, such as swimming, cricket, tennis and hockey, resulting in mycompetitive nature and desire to succeed. i have had a variety of part
11、time jobsin which i have had to work with the public and satisfy their needs whilstworking under pressure to complete assorted tasks. although i am looking forwardto going to university, i have decided to take a gap year and hopefully attendcamp america, where i would work with young people as a cou
12、nsellor, ensuringtheir health and safety, and keeping them entertained. my role will depend on myability to have strong authority but also an approachable manner at all timesand i am confident i can carry out the role with the utmost professionalism. iam eager to study psychology in as much depth as
13、 possible, and i intend topractise a career in the fields i am particularly interested in - clinical andpathological psychology. i believe that i will make an outstanding undergraduatewho will appreciate having the opportunity to study and expand my knowledge in areputable learning environment. your
14、s sincerely, xuexila 出國留學(xué)俄羅斯受歡迎的四大城市 一、莫斯科 首都自然是首選,這里擁有的背景和環(huán)境,大家在準備的時候,是可以進行接受到一流教育的環(huán)境,在進行準備的時候大家也會有比較多的經(jīng)驗可以進行借鑒,可選擇的院校也會多一些。 這里不僅教學(xué)的資源齊全,而且接受到的投資也是會比較多的,基礎(chǔ)的設(shè)施完善了,學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)的熱情也會變高,而且也更容易進入到生活中開始正式的留學(xué)進程,首都各方面還是比較有保障的。 二、圣彼得堡 僅次于莫斯科的俄羅斯一流城市,這座城市的歷史同樣悠久,曾經(jīng)也是經(jīng)濟和政治的發(fā)展中心,所城市的整體氛圍還是很不錯的,畢竟這是對大家會有積極的影響的,選擇的時候會更有
15、保障。 而且在城市的經(jīng)濟發(fā)展起來之后,將一些企業(yè)進行了遷移,并且重視起了文化的發(fā)展,以及教育的提升,各大院校的資金投入也增加了,再加上經(jīng)驗的積累,這樣會對大家的學(xué)習(xí)帶來更多的選擇。 三、新西伯利亞 作為遠離東部經(jīng)濟區(qū)的城市,它是在政府的扶持下發(fā)展起來的一座新興城市,年輕而且具備活力,而且有官方的支持,在政策上享受著優(yōu)勢,這樣對大家來說是非常有幫助的選擇。 比較出色的專業(yè)是計算機,學(xué)府國大是一所新院校,在扶持下建立起來,也同樣吸引了大量的學(xué)生和老師,而且在這里學(xué)習(xí)的費用比較便宜,還有大量的補貼,性價比是非常高的。 四、托木斯克 是俄羅斯規(guī)模最小的城市之一,由于優(yōu)越的地理位置,這里的國際化程度非常
16、高,在本地的大學(xué)中,留學(xué)生的數(shù)量幾乎占到了一般,這對學(xué)生來說有利于更快的融入新生活。 而且受教育的程度也很高,本地居民的整體素質(zhì)也得到了提升,其中托國大和托理工,就能夠為學(xué)生提供比較全面的教學(xué),而且這里還有充足的實習(xí)崗位可以選擇。 俄羅斯留學(xué)生活常識解讀 一、衣 1.俄羅斯冬期較長(11月到次年4月),但室內(nèi)溫度都在20度左右,只需穿薄衣,外出的話需要套上羽絨服; 2.夏天的溫度不高,30度左右,所以空調(diào)較少使用,但夏天日照較強,女生帶把遮陽傘; 3.攜帶服裝建議:羽絨服長款、短款,毛衣、羊毛衫、秋衣秋褲、長短t恤;風(fēng)衣、防雨夾克、運動服等; 4.女生可以多帶自己的內(nèi)衣,嬌小的女生在國內(nèi)多帶衣
17、服,因國外尺碼較大; 5.建議女生帶上一套合理、輕便的禮服;男生可攜帶一套修身西服,在一些重要場合穿著使用; 6.運動鞋、皮鞋、拖鞋帶一雙即可,其他可在當(dāng)?shù)刭徺I。 二、食 關(guān)于俄羅斯蔬菜瓜果的價格總的來說,俄羅斯的蔬菜種類偏少,冬季個別種類蔬菜水果價格偏高,但各種肉類的價格卻相對便宜。例如牛肉,五十多人民幣就能買到很好的一公斤牛肉;十多塊人民幣就可以買到一整只雞 如果你去到市場中購買,價格則會更加的便宜!如果是選擇外出就餐,在莫斯科和圣彼得堡這樣的大城市,人均消費大約在60100人民幣就能吃到很不錯的一頓飯。而像肯德基麥當(dāng)勞等這樣的快餐,當(dāng)然價格也比較實在;并且學(xué)校內(nèi)都會有食堂供餐人均大約在2
18、0人民幣左右。 三、住宿 1、俄羅斯學(xué)生宿舍 住在學(xué)校宿舍沒有私人公寓那么舒適,優(yōu)勢在于費用比較低,也給學(xué)生之間去了解對方、交朋友的機會。學(xué)生生活在同一走廊里,可能有非常不同的文化背景、不同的生活習(xí)慣和如何去做事情的想法。但是也是不同的生活習(xí)慣往往很難適應(yīng)。 宿舍一般分為四人間,三人間,雙人間,單人間,一般熱門的學(xué)校,宿舍會比較難預(yù)定。需要排隊。想住宿舍的同學(xué)們建議提前準備。 2、在校外租房 有一定的經(jīng)濟能力,或者可以比較喜歡獨立的生活,你可以選擇私人公寓。但是租房需要注意的事項也有很多,可以找中介,也可以通過網(wǎng)上的租房信息,大學(xué)也可以幫助你選擇最適合你需要的。最后提醒大家最重要的還是要注意安全。 另外找到最適合的地方可能需要花一段時間,所以同學(xué)們一定要提前做好準備,給自己充足的時間,在出發(fā)去俄羅斯之前作好一切必要的安排。 四、交通 如果你不是經(jīng)常乘坐 交通工具出行,那么可以購買“三駕馬車”卡:單次乘坐公交車或地鐵僅需35盧布。如果用現(xiàn)金支付,則每次乘坐需要支付55盧布。 乘車出行是一種更便捷但卻并不總是節(jié)約時間的方法。據(jù)立思辰留學(xué)了解,在市中心打車的平均費用為150-300盧布,但前往機場或郊區(qū)則需要支付1000-2000盧布)。租車的每日費用為2000盧布,豪華車的單日租金更是高達35000盧布。 五、學(xué)習(xí) 只有基礎(chǔ)打好了,才可以找到入門的道路,總結(jié)出最適合自己的學(xué)習(xí)方法
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