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1、摘要:總結了近年來地源熱泵系統的模擬和設計方面的研究和進展。首先給出了地源熱泵系統各部件建模方面的進展,包括豎直埋管地熱換熱器、單井循環(huán)系統以及在地源熱泵混合系 統中采用的幾種輔助散熱裝置。其次,討論現場測定深層巖土熱物性的技術。第三,介紹豎直埋管地熱換熱器的設計方法。最后,給出在設計地源熱泵系統中采用系統模擬的幾個應用 實例。關鍵詞:熱泵;地熱換熱器;熱物性;混合系統;模型;設計;模擬1.簡介從熱力學的觀點來看, 在空調系統中利用地源熱作為熱源或者冷源是吸引人的。這是因為,從全年來看,其溫度比環(huán)境干球或濕球溫度更接近于室內(所需要)的溫度?;谶@個 原因,地源熱泵系統較之空氣源熱泵系統在高效

2、率上更具有潛力。在實際情況中,源熱泵系統由于沒有設備暴露在外部的環(huán)境中,花在維修方面的費用是比較低的(Ca ne, et al. 1998).雖然已經有一些地源熱泵系統技術在斯堪的那維亞半島得到發(fā)展,但是其商業(yè)上的開發(fā)利用卻是在美國做得最好。 這是主要是因為在美國已經存在著一個很大的住宅空調系統市場。其系統由于有著較低的能耗和低運行費用已經證明吸引了很多業(yè)主。在美國很多地區(qū)用電峰值取決于空調用電量。對于這個原因使得一些電力設備公司對這個系統很感興趣,他們希望通過使用這樣的系統來減少對電力的需求。一些小型商業(yè)機構和公共部門已經研究出這種技術的應用。地源熱泵系統由于其較低的運行費用而吸引一些學校主

3、管,并有越來越多的學校使用。在美國關于地源熱泵技術實際應用的一些實例研究細節(jié)已經交給GHPC。在論文接下來的部分中我們首先會給出地源熱泵系統各部件建模方面的進展,包括豎直埋管地熱換熱器、水源熱泵、單井循環(huán)系統以及在地源熱泵混合系統中采用的幾種輔助散熱裝置。由于要設計地下換熱器首先就要了解地熱的屬性,這篇論文的第二部分簡要介紹了確定深層在論文的第巖土熱物性的模型,這種方法是由對測試孔溫度反應的現場測試法引申而來的。三部分,將會介紹一下用軟件來設計豎直埋管地熱換熱器的方法。最后,給出在設計地源熱泵系統中采用系統模擬的幾個應用實例,其中包括混合 GSHP系統和防凍GSHP系統的設計。2.GSHP系統

4、模型構成GSHP系統一般由水源熱泵和地下換熱器組成,對于混合GSHP系統,還包括幾種輔助散熱裝置。這些模擬的設備在下面被覆蓋。2.1閉循環(huán)地下換熱器閉循環(huán)雙管系統可采用水平埋管或垂直埋管。垂直埋管系統由于其較高的換熱效率而被人們較多的采用。這種類型的閉式循環(huán)換熱器由一根根置入直徑為75MM150MM 鉆孔的U型管組成。這些鉆孔在置入U型管后用鉆出來的土回填或者,更普遍,整個孔都用薄泥漿填塞。灌漿通常是避免地下水的污染而且使換熱管道與完全接觸以達大良好的換熱效果。常用于系統埋管的是直徑為 22MM33MM 的高密度聚乙烯管 (HDPE)。打孔深度一般在 30M120M 之間。兩種模擬的復雜性很有

5、意思。首先,測量地下換熱器在單位時間內用戶的最小輸入的設計方法是可取的。其次,其能預測數小時內(或較短的時距)由于建筑物負荷的連續(xù)變化對地下換熱器造成何影響的模擬模式也是也是可取的。這一理論允許對系統能量消耗和用電需求預 測。因為兩者的方法以被Eskilson(1987)發(fā)展的模型為基礎在這論文中呈現了,Eskison的方法將會首先被討論,接著是對被Yavuzturk和Spitler發(fā)展的模擬模式的描述.(1999)2.1.1 Eskison 的研究方法Eskis on (1987)針對地耦孔周圍溫度分布的確定問題的解決辦法是采用邏輯分析和數學解析相結合的辦法。對于初始條件和邊界條件恒定的均勻

6、土壤中的單個地耦孔的相關數值建立 徑向-軸向坐標,使用瞬態(tài)有限差分方程進行二維數值計算。像管壁和泥漿等個別鉆孔要素 的熱容量是被忽略的。單個鉆孔的溫度場通過重疊來獲得整個鉆孔范圍。整個鉆孔范圍的溫度回應被轉換到一組非線性的溫度反饋因數,被稱做G-函數。這個 G-函數使得與某一時間內的特定熱量輸入相應引起的地耦孔壁的溫度變化情況的計算成為可能。一經鉆孔范圍的反饋對階梯熱量的反饋用G-函數來表示,任何的任意熱反饋函數能被藉由在一系列的階梯函數之上讓熱反饋/輸出決定,而且疊加對每個梯度函數的反饋。這一過程對于四個月的熱反饋以圖示的方法在圖1中表示。基本的熱脈沖(從零到 Q1 )是指歷經整個過程4個月

7、后的熱量峰值,其值Q1=Q1。次級脈沖 Q2=Q2-Q1,為3個月期間后的峰值。同理, Q3=Q3-Q2 為兩個月期末峰值,最后, Q4=Q4-Q3指一個月后的熱量峰值。因此,任何時間地耦孔壁的溫度都能夠由這四個階梯函數計算確定。從數學角度來看,在第nth時期的末期,受位置因素影響的地耦孔壁的溫度如下:Tborehole?Tgrou nd?i?1 n(Qi?Qi?1)t n?ti?1rbg(,) 2?ktsH其中:t =時間(s)ts?時間范圍?H2/(9a)H =孔井深度(m)k=巖土導熱系數(W/(m.k)Tborehole= 孔井平均溫度(C)Tground=巖土穩(wěn)態(tài)溫度(C)Q=階梯熱

8、反饋脈沖(W/m)rb= 孔徑(m)i=時間梯度結束指數2.1.2仿真模型這里所說的仿真模型的大部分細節(jié)已經由Yavuzturk 和Spitler所介紹。在2.2垂直圓形孔井垂直圓形孔井用于直接與巖土進行熱交換。一種用來研究垂直圓形孔井性能的數據模型已經研發(fā)了,它由兩部分組成:地耦孔構成的節(jié)點模型,附近地下水流動和巖土中熱傳遞定容模型。這種模型的運用包括對地下水流動導致的熱傳遞的明確處理(Rees,etal.2003)。這種模型可以考察垂直圓形孔井的性能在使用中的影響和重要意義。其性能在 以下幾個參量中是最具敏感的:流量,地耦孔長度,巖土熱傳導率和水壓傳導率。2.3水源熱泵Jin和Spitle


10、裝置主要用于制冷建筑物中。在這種巖土的導熱性差,鉆孔條件簡陋的地方,水源熱泵系統的成本的比較昂貴。盡管如此,我們可以采取初次成本與能效折中的辦法,縮小耦孔范圍, 在熱泵水管內安裝輔助散熱裝置。這樣的系統稱為混合型地源熱泵系統?;旌舷到y的水管中有各種不同類型的散熱裝置,比如冷卻塔,帶換熱器的淺水池,液壓加熱面或者叫橋層。Chiasso n(2002a)發(fā)明了淺水池模型,其原理是:由于閉循環(huán)換熱器,需要Chiass on (2000b)同時還發(fā)明在水層表面安裝天然熱傳遞裝置的基礎上安裝對流換熱裝置。了一種適用于液壓加熱面或者叫橋層的有限差分模型。這種模型甚至能夠模仿積雪融化過程。以上這些模型使用試

11、驗性的輔助散熱裝置,在俄克拉荷馬州大學得到認可。3土壤熱量特性的現場測定測量深層巖土的熱傳導性對于地源熱泵系統來說至關重要。地耦孔的寬度長度主要取決于深層巖土的熱物性。測定深層巖土的熱傳導性的傳統方法是首先確定地耦孔周圍巖土的類型。確定后,可以通過雙管熱泵系統設計手冊中關于巖土類型的資料來測定其熱傳導性(EPRI1989)。據報道,巖土信息中的熱傳導性有更廣泛的價值,因此能找到一種更精確地測定巖土熱傳導性的方法就更好了。深層巖土的熱傳導性不能直接測定,只能通過溫熱變換測定法來推斷,還需利用一些地熱傳遞模式,比如線形水源法(In gersolland Plass1948;Moge nse n19

12、83)或者柱形水源法(Carslaw and Jaeger1947)。有趣的是它們還有相反的用途由巖土的性能來測定其熱物性,而不是由巖土的熱物性來測定其性能。雖然線形水源法和柱形水源法可以反過來運用于測算巖土熱傳導性,但是仍然需要做一些簡單假設,因為其影響結果是不易測定的。采用地耦孔詳細數據模型,對地耦孔幾何學和熱流體,管道。泥漿以及巖土的熱物性進行詳細描 述,可以減少簡單假設造成的不確定因素。這樣,對地熱傳導性就會有一個更精確的估算。巖土溫度反應的分析步驟有兩中基本類型:分析法(Witte,et al.2002)和參量估算法(Austin1998;Austin et al.2000;Shon

13、der and Beck1999)。Witte et al(2002)用線形水源法和不確定分析法對巖土熱傳導性進行現場測試。Aust in et al(2000)的參量估算法是用垂直鉆孔的瞬態(tài)二維數據定容模式來測算一個已知的變時間的熱流量輸入的巖土溫度反應。Nelder Mead的單工運算法則被用來發(fā)掘巖土和泥漿熱傳導性的最有價值的用途,那就是把實驗測量的溫度反應和估算的溫度反應之間的差值減小到最低限度。Austin et al.(2000)發(fā)明的測試系統的示意圖。實驗裝置放在一個可以拖動的拖車里。地耦孔安裝被一個長達 50小時的試驗證明是滿意的。一個較短的試驗時間是非常合人心意的 而且可能是

14、將來研究的主題。外文文獻:Source heat pump system simulati on and desig n abstractSummarized the recent years source heat pump system simulati on and the desig naspect research and the progress.First has given the source heat pump system various parts modelling aspect progress,includingthe vertical pipe installa

15、tiongeothermy heat in tercha nger, the si ngle well circulatory system as well as several kind of assista nee heat dissipat ing arran geme nt which uses in the place source heat pump mix system.Next, discusses the sce ne determ in ati onin-depth gro und hotn aturaltech no logy.Third,in troduct ionve

16、rtical pipe in stallati on geothermy heatin tercha nger desig n method. Fin ally, gives in the desig n source heat pump system uses the system simulatio n several applicati on example.Key word: Heat pump; Geothermy heat interchanger;Hot nature;Mix system;Model; Desig n; Simulati on1. syno pses looke

17、d from thermody namics viewpo int that, uses the source hot workin the air-c on diti oning system for the heat source or the heat sink is appeali ng.Thisis because, looked from the whole year, its temperature ratio environment dry bulb or the wet-bulb temperature approach (n eeds) in the room the te

18、mperature.Based on this reas on, the source heat pump system has the pote ntial compared with the air source heat pump system in the high efficie ncy.ln actual situati on, source heat pump system because does not have the equipment to expose in exterior en viro nment, the flower in the service aspec

19、t expe nse is quite low (Ca ne, et al. 19982. Although already had some source heat pump system tech no logy to obta in the developme nt in the Scandin avia n penin sula, but i n its commercial developme nt use was actually does well in US.This is mai nly is because already has a very big hous ingai

20、r-conditioningsystem market in US.Because its system has the low energycon sumpti on and the low operati ng cost already proved has attracted very many own ers.Uses electricity the peak value in America n very many areas to be decided by the air conditioning electricityconsumption.Enables some power

21、 equipmentcompanyregardingthis reason to be interestedvery much to this system, theyhoped through uses such system to reduce for the electric power dema nd.Some small bus in ess orga ni zati on and the public departme nts already studied this kind of tech no logy the applicati on. The source heat pu

22、mp system attracts some schoolmanager as a result of it low operating cost, and has the more and more many school use.Already gave GHPC in US about the place source heat pump tech no logy practical applicati on some example research detail.3. Meets down in the paper in the part we first can give the

23、 source heat pump system various parts modell ing aspect progress, in cludi ng the vertical pipe in stallati on geothermy heat in tercha nger, the water source heat pump, the sin glewell circulatory system as well as several kind of assistanee heat dissipating arran geme nt which uses in the place s

24、ource heat pump mix system.Because mustdesig n the un dergro undheat in tercha ngerfirst to have to un dersta ndthegeothermy the attribute, this papersec ondpart in troduced briefly thedeterm in ati on in-depth gro und hot n atural model, this method is by to measured the test hole temperature resp

25、on ded the sce ne test method expa nds comes .In the paper third part, will be able to in troduce will desig n the vertical pipe in stallati on geothermy heat in tercha nger with the software the method. Fin ally, gives in the design source heat pump system uses the system simulation several applica

26、tion example, in cludi ng mixes the GSHP system and the frostproof GSHP system desig n.4. The 2.GSHP system model con stitutes the GSHP system gen erally is composed by the water source heat pump and the un dergro und heat in tercha nger, regard ing mixes the GSHP system, but also in cludes several

27、kind of assista nee heat dissipat ing arran geme nt.These simulati on equipme nt is covered in unde shuts the circulati on un dergro und heat i ntercha nger to shut the circulati on double barrel systems to be possible to use the horiz on tal pipe in stallati on or the vertical pipe in stallati on.

28、Vertical pipe in stallati on system as a result of it high heat tran sfer efficie ncy by people many uses.This kind of type closed cycle heat in tercha nger sets at i nto the diameter by a root is 75mm150mm the drill hole U tube is composed.These drill holes after set at into the U tube with the ear

29、th backfill which drills or, more uni versal, the en tire kondow pads with the thin mud.ls in the milk usually is avoids the gro und water the pollutio n moreover caus ing the heat tran sfer pipeli ne with to con tact completely reaches the greatly good heat tran sferden sityeffect .Iscom monlyused

30、the diameter is the 22mm33mmhighpolyethyle neman ages(HDPE) in the system pipein stallati on.Punchdepthgen erally betwee n 30m120m.Two kind of simulatio n complexity are veryin teresti ng.First,the surveyun dergro und heat in tercha nger users smallest in put desig n method is may take in the un it

31、time.Next, its can forecast in for several hours (or short time curve) because the buildi ng load con ti nu ously cha nge has what in flue nee to the un dergro und heat in tercha nger the simulatio n pattern also is also is may take.This theory permissi on and uses electricity the dema nd forecast t

32、o the systemen ergycon sumpti on .Because both method take has bee n prese nted by Eskils on (1987) developme nt model as the foun datio n in this paper, the Eskis on method could first discuss, then will be to by Yavuzturk and the Spitler developmentsimulationpattern descriptio n. (1999)2.1.1 Eskis

33、 on research tech niq uesEskis on (1987) aims at the pair hole the ambie nt temperature distributi on defi nite questio n soluti on uses the means which the logic an alysis and the mathematical an alysis uni fy.Regard ing the in itial con diti on and in the boun darycon diti oncon sta nt eve n soil

34、the pair hole related value establishme nt radial directi on - axial coord in ates,the use tran sie ntstate fin ite differe neeequati oncarries on thetwo-dime nsional value computatio n in dividually.The pipe wall and the mud and so on the in dividual drill hole esse ntial factor calorific capacity

35、is likely is n eglected.The single drill hole temperature field through overlaps obtainsthe entire drill hole scope.The entire drill hole scope temperatureresponseis transformedto a group ofnon-I in ear temperature feedback factor, was called makes the G- fun ctio n.This G- function possibly causes

36、the place pair ope ning wall temperature cha nge situati on computati on which the specific heat in put causes corresp ondin gly with some time in in to.As soon as passes through the drill hole scope the feedback to in dicate to the steps and ladders quantity of heat feedback with the G- functiontha

37、t, anyran dom temperature feedback fun cti on can because of let above a series of step function the temperature feedback/output decision, moreover superimposes to each gradie nt function feedback.This process expressed regard ing four mon th-l ong temperature feedbacks by the graphical represe ntat

38、i on method in Figure simulati on model here said the simulati on model majority of details alreadyintroducedby Yavuzturk and Spitlernthis paper will be able to give its briefdescriptio n. This model esse ntial target is the applicatio n in the con struct ion en ergy an alysis, this model ca

39、n forecast the system en ergy con sumpti on take each hour as the un it.This model n ati on ality will con summate by the Eskils on theory develops is discussed in here.The Master G- fun ctio n in creased the forecast freque ncyto anhour several times.Eskils on uses for to determ ine the G- fun cti

40、on the data model not to be suitable for the short time curve survey, uses ano ther kind of data modelto survey a place pair hole short time internal heat feedback/outputpulse thetemperature resp on se.Regard ing the short time in hot pulse, in side and outside theradial direct ionpositi onpair hole

41、 hot shift affects the axial positi onhot shift isradialmuch bigger than.From this, has produced one kind of two-dimensional directio n con sta nt volume model.The details see also Yavuzturk, et al. (1999).2.2 vertical circular hole well vertical circular hole well uses in directly carry ing onthe h

42、eat cha nge with the gro und.One kind used for to study the vertical circularhole well performaneethe data model already to research and develop, it wascomposed by two parts: Pair hole con stituti on node model, i n n earby ground waterflowing and ground heat transfer constantvolume model.Thiskind o

43、f modelutilizati on in cludi ng the heat tran sfer which causes to the ground water flow ing isclear about processing (Rees, et al.2003).This kind of model may inspect vertical circular Kong Jing the performa nee in the use in flue nee and the vital sig ni fica nce.lts performanee is most has in fol

44、lowingseveral parameters sensitively:Currentcapacity, pair hole len gth,ground heat con ductivity and hydraulic pressurecon ductivity.2.3 water source heat pump Jin and Spitler(2002a) has inven tedone kind ofparameter estimate water source heat pump model.This kind of model carries onthe thermod yn

45、amic an alysis to the freez ing circulati on, the specific heat excha nge model is simpler, simultaneouslyis more precise than the freezingcirculationcompressor model.l n the sec ond paper (Jin, et al.2002b), carries on the expa nsionto this model,includingmaneuver type air compressor sub-model and

46、usean tifreeze step .In the manu facture manu facturer table of contents data n arrated in model each kind of parameter which the multivariable optimization algorithmestimates.Jin(2002) in detailnarratedthe parameter which the multivariableoptimizati on algorithm and estimates.Compares the equatio n

47、 - being suitable type model which before then produces, the water source heat pump model is more precise.Jin(2002) also introduced one kind of similar water source heat pump model.In 2.4 mixed style GSHP system thermal compe nsati on source heat pump system the pair hole cost is the system cost imp

48、orta nt part, but it mainly is decided by the local geology con diti on. This kind of equipme nt mainly uses in refrigerati ng in the building.ls bad in this kind of ground thermal conductivity, drill hole condition crude place, water source heat pump system cost quite expe nsive.For all this, we ma

49、y adopt the primary cost with to be able the effect compromise means, reduces the pair hole scope, in stalls the assista nee heat dissipati ng arran geme nt in the heat pump water pipe.Such system is called the mixed source heat pump system.In the mix system water pipe has each kind of differenttype

50、 heat dissipatingarran geme nt, for in sta nee the cooli ng tower, brings the heat i ntercha nger shallow pool, the hydraulic pressureheati ngsurface or is called the bridgelevel.Chiass on(2002a) has inven ted the shallow pool model, its prin ciple is: Because shuts the circulati on heat in tercha n

51、ger, n eeds to in stall the coun ter-flowheattransfer installment in the water level surface mountingnaturalheat transferin stallme nt foun dati on. Chiass on(2000b) simulta neously also inven ted one kind to be suitable in the hydraulic pressure heat ing surface or is called the bridge level the fi

52、nitediffereneemodel.This kind of model even can imitate the snow meltingprocess.The above these model use experimentalassistaneeheat dissipating arran geme nt, obta ins the approval in Oklahoma State Uni versity.1. soil qua ntity of heat characteristic scene determ in ati on survey in-depthground he

53、at con ductivityregard ing the place source heat pump system veryimportant.The pair hole width length mainly is decided by in-depth ground hot n ature.The determ in ati on in-depth ground heat con ductivity traditi onal method isfirst defi nitearound the pair hole the gro undtype.After the determ in

54、 ati on,maydeterm ine its heat con ductivity through Double barrel Heat pump System desig nHan dbook about the ground type material (EPRI1989).Accord ing to the report, inthe gro und in formatio n heat con ductivity has a more widespread value, thereforecould find one kind of more precisesurveyingto

55、 decide the groundheatcon ductivity method to be better. The in-depth ground heat con ductivity cannot the immediate determ inant, only be able to infer through the tepid tran sformatio n measuri ng method, but also must use some geothermy tran smissi on patter n, forin sta nee lin ear water source law (In gersoll and Plass1948; Moge nsen 1983)orcyli ndrical water source law (Carslaw and Jaeger1947).I nterest ing is they also hasthe opposite use - - to determ ine its hot n ature by the ground performa nee, but isnot determ ines its performa nee by the gro und hot n


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