1、The Secret Garden1 Little Miss MaryNobody seemed to care about MaryShe was born in India,where her fatherwas a British officialHe was busy with his work, and her mother,who was verybeautiful ,spent all her time going to parties So an Indian woman,Kamala, was paidto take care of the little girlMary w
2、as not a pretty child She had a thin angry faceandthinyellowhair ShewasalwaysgivingorderstoKamal,a whohadtoobey Mary never thought of other people ,but only of herself In fact,she wasa very selfish, disagreeable,bad-tempered little girl One very hot morning, when she was about nine years old, she wo
3、ke up andsaw that instead of Kamala there was a different Indian servant by her bed What aryeou doing here? she asked crossly Go aw!ayAnd send Kamala tome at once! O,hI know! she cried We must leave soo!n Whats happene?d cried Marys mother wildly I think one of your servants has just diedYou didnt t
4、ell me the disease is here,in your house! Now Mary understood what was wrong The terrible disease had already killedmany people in the town ,and in all the houses people were dying In Marys houseit was Kamala who had just died Later that day three more servants died there Allthroughthenightandthenex
5、tdaypeopleraninandoutofthehouse ,shouting and cryingNobody thought of Mary She hid in her bedroom, frightenedby the strange and terrible sounds that she heard around her Sometimes she criedand sometimes she sleptWhen she woke the next day, the house was silent Perhaps the disease has go,ne she thoug
6、,ht and everybody is well againIwonder who will take care of me instead of Kamala? Why doesnt someone bring me 第 1 頁The Secret Gardensome food? Its strange the house is so quietBut just then she heard mens voices in the hall How sa!d said one That beautiful woma!n There was a child to,owasnt there?
7、said the other Although none of us eversaw herMary was standing in the middle of her room when they opened the door a fewminutes later The two men jumped back in surprise My name is Mary Lenn,ox she said crossly I was asleep when everyone wasill, and now Im hungry Itsthechil,d theonenobodyeversaw! s
8、aidtheoldermantother Theyve all forgotten her !In this strange and sudden way Mary learnt that both her mother and her fatherhad died The few servants who had not died had run away in the night No one hadrembered little Miss Mary She was all aloneBecauseshehadneverknownherparentswel,l shedidnotmisst
9、hematallShe only thought of herself ,as she had always done Where will I liv?e she wondered I hope Ill stay with people wholl let me dowhat I want AtfirstshewastakentoanEnglishfamilywhohadknownherparents Shehated their untidy house and noisy children, and preferred playing by herself in thegardenOne
10、 day she was playing her favorite game, pretending to make a garden,when one of the children ,Basil, offered to help Go awa!y cried Mary I dont want your hel!p For a moment Basil looked angry,and then he began to laugh He danced roundandroundMary , andsangafunnylittlesongaboutMissMaryandherstupidflo
11、wers ThismadeMaryverycr ossindeedNoonehadeverlaughedathersounkindlyYoure going home soo,n said Basil And were all very pleased youreleaving!Im pleatsoeod,replied Mary But wheres hom?e Youre stupid if you dont know tha!t laughed BasilEngland, of course! Youregoing to live with your uncle,Mr. Archibal
12、d Graven Ive never heard of hi,m said Mary coldly ButIknowabouthimbecauseIheardFatherandMothretalking , saidBasil Helive sinabiglonelyoldhouse,andhasnofriends, becausehessobad-temperedHes got a crooked back,and hes horrid! I dont believe yo!u cried Mary But the next day Basils parents explained that
13、shewasgoingtolivewithheruncleinYorkshire,inthenorthofEngland Marylooked bored and cross and said nothingAfterthelongseajourney,shewasmetinLondonbyMr.Cravenshousekeeper,Mrs. MedlockTogether they travelled north by train Mrs. Medlock 第 2 頁The Secret Gardenwas a large woman, with a very red face and br
14、ight black eyesMary did not like her, but that was not surprising,because she did not usually like peopleMrs. Medlockdid not like Mary either What a disagreeablech!ild thought the housekeeper But perhaps I should talkto her I can tell you a bitbaout your uncle if you like, she said aloud He lives in
15、 a bigold house, a long way from anywhereThere are nearly a hundred rooms,but mostof them are shut and lockedTheres a big park round the house, and all kinds ofgardensWell,what do you think of that ? Nothin,g replied Mary It doesnt matter to me Mrs. Medlock laughed Youre a hard little g!irl Well, if
16、 you dont care, Mr.Craven doesnt either He never spends time on anyoneHes got a crooked back,yousee,andalthough hesalwaysbeenrich, hewasneverreallyhappy until hemarried Marrie?d repeated Mary in surprise Ye,she married a sweet, pretty girl , and he loved her deeplySo when shedied O!h Did she die? as
17、ked Ma,ryinterested Ye,sshe didAnd now he doesnt care about anybodyIf hes at home, he staysin his room and sees nobody He wont want to see you,so you must stay out of hisway and do what youre told Mary stared out of the train window at the grey sky and the rain She was notlooking forward to life at
18、her uncles house Thetrainjourneylastedallday, anditwasdarkwhentheyarrivedatthestation Then there was a long drive to get to the houseIt was a cold,windy night , anditwasraingheavilyAfterawhileMarybegantohearastrange,wildnoise She looked out of the window , but could see nothing except the darknessWh
19、ats that noise? she asked Mrs. Medlock Its Itsnot the sea,is it?,Ntohats themoor Its the sound the wind makes,blowing across the moor What is a moor ? Itsjustmilesandmilesofwildlan,d withnotreesorhouses Youruncleshouse is right on the edge of the moor Mary listened to the strange,frightening sound I
20、 dont like,it she thought Idont likeit She looked more disagreeable than ever第3頁The Secret Garden2 Mary in YorkshireThey arrived at a very large old houseIt looked dark and unfriendly from theoutside Inside, Mary looked around the big shadowy hall,and felt very small andlost They wentstraightupstair
21、sMarywasshowntoaroomwhere therewasawarm fire and food on the table Thisyourroo,m saidMrs.Medlock Gotobedwhenyouvehadsomesuppr e An d rember, you must stay in your room!Mr. Craven doesnt want youto wander all over the house!When Mary woke up the next morning, she saw a young servant girl cleaningthe
22、fireplace The room seemed dark and rather strange, with pictures of dogs andhorses and ladies on the walls It was not a childs room at allFrom the window shecould not see any trees or houses,only wild land ,which looked like a kind of purplesea Who are yo?u she asked the servant coldly Marth,a miss,
23、 answered the girl with a smilenAd whats that outside ? Mary continued Thats the moo,r smiled Martha Do you like?it N,o replied Mary immediately I hateit Thats because you dont knowit You will like it I love it Its lovely in springand summer when there are flowersIt always smells so sweet The airs s
24、o fresh,and the birds sing so beautifullyI never want to leave the moor Mary was feeling very bad-tempered Youre a strange serva,nt she said India we dont have conversations with servantsWe give orders,and they obey,and thats that Martha did not seem to mind Marys crossness I know I talk too muc!h s
25、he laughed Are you going to be my serva?nt asked Mary We,ll not really I work for Mrs. MedlockIm going to clean your room andbring you your food,but you wont need a servant except for those things But whos going to dress?meMartha stopped cleaning,and stared at Mary Tha cannadress th?ysenshe ask,edsh
26、ocked What do you mea?n I dont understand your language! O,hI forgot We all speak the Yorkshire dialect here, but of course you dontunderstand that I meant to say, cant you put on your own clothes? Of course n!ot My servant always used to dress me The Secret GardenNo,w now,dont cry like that , Marth
27、a said gently Im very sorry Youre right ,I dont know anything about anythingPlease stop crying,missShe sounded kind and friendly, and Mary began to feel better and soon stoppedcrying Martha went on talking as she finished her cleaning,but Mary looked out ofthe window in a bored way ,and pretended no
28、t to listen Ive got eleven brothers and siste,rsyou know, missTheres not much moneyin our house And they all eat so much food!Mother says its the good fresh air onthe moor that makes them so hungry My brother Dickon,hes always out on themoor Hes twelve,and hes got a horse which he rides sometimes Wh
29、ere didheget?it askedMary Shehadalwayswanted animalof herown, and so she began to feel a little interest in Dickon O,h its a wild horse, but hes a kind boy,and animals like him, you seeNowyou must have your breakfast, missHere it is on the table I dont want ,it said Mary Im not hungry Wha!t cried Ma
30、rtha My little brothers and sisters would eat all this in fiveminutes! Wh?y asked Mary coldly Becausetheydontgetenoughtoea,t thatswhy , andtheyrealwayshungryYoure very lucky to have the food, miss Mary said nothing, but she dranksome tea and ate a little breadNow put a coat on and run outside to pla
31、,y said Martha Itll do you good to bein the fresh airMary looked out of the window at the cold grey sky Whyshould I go out on aday like this? she asked We,ll theres nothing to play with indoors , is there?Mary realized Martha was right But who will go with m?e she saidMartha stared at her Nobody You
32、ll have to learn to play by yourself Dickonplays by himself on the moors for hours,with the wild birds ,and the sheep, and theother animals She looked away for a moment Perhaps I shouldnt tell you th,isbut but one of the walled gardens is locked upNobodys been in it for ten years Itwas Mrs. Gravens
33、garden,and when she died so suddenly,Mr. Craven locked it andburied the keyOh,I must go, I can hear Mrs. Medlocks bell ring for me Mary went downstairs and wandered through the great empty gardensManyof the fruit and vegetable gardens had walls round them, but there were no lockeddoors She saw an ol
34、d man digging in one of the vegetable gardens, but he lookedcross and unfriendly, so she walked on How ugly it all looks in winte!r she thought But waht a mystery the lockedgarden is! Why did my uncle bury the key?If he loved his wife, why did he hate hergarden? Perhaps Ill never knowI dont suppose
35、Ill like him if I ever meet himAndhe wont like me, so I wont be able to ask him Just then she noticed a robin sing to her from a treeon the other side of awall I think that trees in the secret garde!n she told herself Theres an extra wallhere ,and theres no way in第5頁The Secret GardenShe went back to
36、 where the gardener was digging, and spoke to himAt first heansweredinaverybad-temperedway, butsuddenlytherobinflewdownnearthem , and the old man began to smile He looked a different person then,and Marythought how much nicer people looked when they smiled The gardener spoke gentlyto the robin ,and
37、the pretty little bird hopped on the ground near them Hes my frien,d he is, said the old man There arent any other robins in thegarden,so hes a bit lonely He spoke in strong Yorkshire diale,ctso Mary had tolisten carefully to understand him She looked very hard at the robin Im lonely to,o she saidSh
38、e had not realizedthis before Whats your nam?e she asked the gardener Ben Weatherstaff Im lonely myselfThe robins my only friend, you see I havent got any friends at all, said MaryYorkshire people always say what they are thinking, and old Ben was a Yorkshiremoor man Were alik,e you and me, he told
39、Mary Were not pretty to look at, and were both very disagreeableNobody had ever said this to Mary before Am I really as ugly and disagreeableas Ben? she wonderedSuddenlytherobinflewtoatreenearMaryandstartedsingtoher Benlaughed loudly We!ll he said He wants to be your frien!d O!h Would you please be
40、my friend? she whispered to the robin She spoke ina soft, quiet voice and old Ben looked at her in surprise You said that really nice!ly he said You sound like Dick,onwhen he talks toanimals on the moor Tell me about the secret gard,en she said We,ll all right then,miss,but we arent supposed to talk
41、 about it, you knowItwas Mrs. Gravens favorite garden, and she and Mr. Craven used to take care of itthemselvesTheyspenthoursthere,readingandtalkingVeryhappy,they 第6頁The Secret Gardenwere They used the branch of an old tree as a seat But one day when she wassitting on the branch,it broke ,and she fe
42、llShe was very badly hurt and the next dayshe diedThats why he hates the garden so much, and wont let anyone go in there How!sad said Mary Poor Mr. Crave!n It was thefirst time that she had everfelt sorry for anyoneJust then, as she was listening to the wind outside,she heard another noise, in the h
43、ouse Can you hear a child cryi?ng she asked MarthaMartha looked con fused . Er, she replied No I think it must bethewindBut at that moment the wind blew open their door and they heard the cryingvery clearly. I told yo!u cried Mar.yAt once Martha shut the door. It was the win,d she repeate.dBut she d
44、id notspeak in her usual natural way, and Mary did not believe her.The next day it was very rainy, so Mary did not go out. Instead she decided towander round the house, looking into some of the hundred rooms that Mrs. Medlockhad told her about. She spent all morning going in and out of dark, silent
45、rooms, which were full of heavy furniture and old pictures. She saw no servants at all, andwas on her way back to her room for lunch, when she heard a cry. Its abit like thecry that I heard last night! she thoug.htJust then the housekeeper, Mrs. Medlock, appeared, with her keys in her hand. What are
46、 you doing he?re she asked cros.sly I didnt know which wayot go, and I heard someone crying, answered Mary. You didnt hear anythin!gGo back to you room now. And if you dont staythere , Ill lock you in!Mary hated Mrs. Medlock for this. There was someone cryi,ngI knowtherewas! she said to hers.elf But
47、 Ill discovr ewho it is soon! She was almost beginningto enjoy herself in Yorkshire.第7頁The Secret Garden3 Finding the secret gardenWhen Mary woke up two days later ,the wind and rain had all disappeared, andthe sky was a beautiful blue Sprig will be here so,on saiMd artha happily Youlllove the moor
48、the,n when its full of flowers and birds Could I get to the moo?r asked Mary Youve never done much walki,nghave you? I dont think you could walk thefive miles to our cottage ! But Id like to meet your famil,y Mray saidMarthalookedatthelittlegirlforamoment SheremberedhowdisagreeableMaryh adbeenwhensh
49、efirstarrivedButnow ,Marylookedinterested and friendly IllaskMothe,r saidMartha ShecanalwaysthinkofagoodplanShessensible and hardworking and kindI know youll like her I like Dicko,nalthough Ive never seen him I wonder what Dickon will think ofyo?u He wont like m,e said Mary No one does But do you li
50、ke yourse?lf Thats what Mother would ask N,o not reallyIve never thought of that We,ll I must go now Its my day off , so Im going home to help Mother with thehouseworkGoodbye, missSee you tomorrowMary felt lonelier than ever when Martha had gone ,so she went outside Thesunshine made the gardens look
51、 differentAnd the change in the weather had evenmade Ben Weatherstaff easier to talk toI will replied MaOr,yhtheres the robin ! The little bird hopped on to Bensspade Are things growing in thegarden where he liv?es What garde?n said Be,nin his bad-tempered voice You kno,w the secret garden Are the f
52、lowers dead there? She really wantedto know the answer Ask the rob,in said Ben crossly Hes the only one whos been in there for thelast ten yearsTen years was a long time,Mary thought She had been born ten years agoShewalked away, thinkingShe had begun to like the gardens,and the robin ,and Marthaand
53、Dickonandtheirmother BeforeshecametoYorkshire, shehadnotlikedanybodyShewaswalkingbesidethelongwallofthesecretgarden,whenamostwonderful thing happened She suddenly realized the robin was following herShefelt very pleased and excited by this,and cried out, You like m,edont you ? And Ilike you too ! As
54、 he hopped along beside h,ershe hopped and sang too,to show himthat she was his friend Just then he stopped at a place where a dog had dug a holein the ground. As Mary looked at the hole, she noticed something almost buried 第 8 頁The Secret Gardenthere She put her hand in and pulled it outIt was an o
55、ld key Perhaps its been buried for ten yea,rs she whispered to herselfPerhaps itsthe key to the secret garden!She looked at it for a long timeHow lovely it would be to find the garden, andsee what had happened to it in the last ten years!She could play in it all by herself, and nobody would know she
56、 was thereShe put the key safely in her pocketThe next morning Martha was back at Misselthwaite Manor, and told Mary allabout her day with her familyI really enjoyed myselfI helped Mother with the whole weeks washing andbakingAndItoldthechildrenaboutyou Theywantedtoknowaboutyourservants , and the ship that brought you to England, and everything! I can tell you some more for next tim,e offered Mary T
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