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1、小學音標與辨音、英語國際音標。_元音長元音短元音雙元音 r清輔音/t 7/tr/濁輔曰:輔音/I鼻音: 半元音: 邊音:/ a :/ /?/?:/i:/ /u:/? /?/ /? /? / ?/e/ /?/e ? /a?/ ? /?/ /e7 / ?/ /p/ /t/k/ /f/e / /s/ /b/ /d/g/v/ /e/ /z/ /m/ /n/?/j/ /w/l/?/ /a? /? /r/?/h/ /ts/dz/ /d?/26個字母發(fā)音規(guī)律。A a/e ?:name; cake ; table;/?/ :apple ; cat ; map; am/ a :/:want ; dance ;/

2、o/ ;what ; watch ;B b/b/:book; big ; bag ;box ;C c/k/:cat ; cake ; cup ;clock ; car ;/s/ :face ; nice ; pencil;books ;D d/d/:desk ; doll ; dog ;dad;E e/i:/:he; she ; meet ;me/e/ :elephant ; egg; bed; pen;F f/f/:fine ; friend ; fly;foot ; fan ;G g/g/:gun; glass ; glad;glove ;/d 7 :age; orange ;H h/h/

3、:hat; he; house;han d;I I/a ?: fine ; bike ; five;ice ;/?:is ; sit ; miss ; pig ;picture ;J j/d 7 :jeep ; jam ; jacket ; jar ;K k/k/ :kite ; cake ; black ; thank ;L l/I/ :leg ; left ; ruler ; flag ; lamp;/I/ : apple ; bowl ; tell ; old ;M m /m/ : am; map; my mouth; milk ;N n/n/ :no; know; new; hand

4、;O o/?/ :old ; home; nose; coke;/o/ : dog ; not ; clock ; box ;/?/:son; month ; mother ; love ;P p/p/ :map jeep ; pig ; pen; apple ;Q q/kw/:quite ; quilt ; quick ;R r/r/ :red; radio ; brother ; racket ;S s/s/ :sit ; miss ; this ; smile ; books/z/ : nose; those ; rose ; rulers ;T t/t/ :it ; sit ; not

5、; that ; table ; littleU u/ju:/:use; usually ; excuse;/ ?/ : bus; us; sun ; duck ;i?i :put ; pull ; push ;V vIvl :five ; vase ; very ; seven ;W wIwl :we; window ; watch ; want;X xIksl:box ; six ; fox ;Y yla ?:my; fly ; why ; bye ;Ijlyes; yellow ;/ ? happy ; baby; very ;Z z Izl : zoo; zero ;三、常用字母或字母

6、組合發(fā)音規(guī)律。(一)與元音字母 A相關的單詞:1. e ? a在開音節(jié)中,發(fā)字母音,后面有不發(fā)音的e :face ; grade ; cake; lake ; make; take ; sn?ke; name; plane ; date ; plate ;2. ?一 a在閉音節(jié)中-dad; sad; bag; cgn; fan ; man ?nd; hand; thank ; mR cat ; fat ; that ; hat ; family ;3. a :ar 組合:ca; st也;card ; scarf; mOfket;hard ;park ; arm ; farm ;4. e?ai

7、組合:taj ;rajny ; train ; wajt ;wajter ;waitress;5. e?air 組合:aj ;hair ; chair ; stairs ;6. e?ay 組合:day ; toda ; pl型; may Maysay ; way;stay ;7. ? ay 組合:Monday; Tuesday ; Friday ;8. ?al 組合:talk ; walk; chaJk ;9. ?l all 組合:a!L ; ball ; small ; t _ ; wall ; mall ; call ; fall ;10. a :s as 或 ass 組合: ask ;

8、class ; glass ; pass ; grass ; last ;11. ? a 在 w 后面:wash ; what ; watch ; want ;12. ? aw 組合: draw(二)與元音字母 E相關的單詞:1. i:e 在開音節(jié)中,發(fā)字母音:be ; he ; she ; me we; these ; Chine ;2. ee在閉音節(jié)中:bed ; red ; leg ; spell ; hgn ; then ; whn ; pgn ; ten ; dress ; let ;3. 7ere 組合:here4. e ? ere 組合:there ; where5. i:ea

9、組合:sea ; tea ; peach ; teacher ; read ; please ; eat; meat ; seat ; dream ;6. eea 組合:head ; bread ; feather ; weather ;7. 7ear 組合: ear ; dear; hear; near;8. e ? ear 組合:bear ; pear ;9. ?ear 組合:early ; year ; learn ;10. i:ee 組合:bee ; threj ; tre; see ; need ; feel ; green ; sleep ; feet ; meet ; feed

10、;(三)與元音字母I相關的單詞:1. a ? i在開音節(jié)中,發(fā)字母音:hL ; ice ; nipe ; rice ; ride ; bike ; like ; time; fine ; nine ; write ;kite;2. ? i 在閉音節(jié)中: which ; chick ; sick ; big ;pjg ; milk ; him ; swim ;jn ;begjn; ship ; is ;3. ?ir 組合: bird ; shirt ; skirL ; sij ; girt ; circle ; thirty ; thirteen ; thirsty ;4. a ? igh 組合

11、:light ; right ; flight ; tight(四)與元音字母 O相關的單詞:1. ? o在開音節(jié)中,發(fā)字母音:go ; no ; so ; phone ; those ; close ; nose ; rose ; home rope ; hole ;2. ? o 在閉音節(jié)中: clock ; dog ; on ; long ; sgng ; shop ; stop ; hot ; not ; dgnkey ;3. ? o: mother; brother ; come; some; mon key;4. ?or 組合:or ;f也;short ; forty ; horse

12、 ;store;5. ?oa 組合:road; boat ; coat ; goat; soap ;6. u:oo 組合:too; z9 ; cool ; school ; room; moon; afternoq ; spoon ; kangaroo ;7. ?oo 組合:good; foot ; classroom ; look ; book; cookies ;8. a?ou 組合:cloudy ; house;mouse;about ; mouth;mountain;9. a?ow組合:cow; how; now;brown;down; flower ;10. ? ow 組合:slow

13、; know;(五) 與元音字母 U相關的單詞:1. ju:u在開音節(jié)中,發(fā)字母音:excuse ; use;2. ? u 在閉音節(jié)中:run ; sun ; cup; but; bus ; cut ; mum under ; hug ; duck ;3. ?:ur 組合:nye ; turn ; hurt ; fu ;(六) Y與I的發(fā)音相?以在開音節(jié)中F a廠:1.trtr 組合:tree ;truck ; try ; street ; straight ;traffic2.drdr組合:drink ;dress ; drive ; driver ; draw ; dresser ;3.f

14、ph 禾口 gh 組合:elepha nt ; teleph one ; laugh ; photo4.t ?ch組合:chicke n;chair ; China ; Chinese ; watch;5.kch組合:school ;Christmas ; headache;6.kck組合:chicke n;duck ; black ; blackboard ; sick7.wwh組合:what; where; when; why; which ; white ;wheel ;sky ; fly_ ; Jul人; my try_ ; why ; eye ; bye ;(七)輔音字母組合_lig

15、hts ;dream ; hundred ;A a()4、nineA. lineBodish()1、cakeA. takeB. cat()5、driveA. liveB. bright()2、nameA. bag _B. pla ne_()6、pigA. fini shed_ B. pilot()3、ChinaA. aboutB. want()7、bikeA. timeB. city()4、afterA. classB. wash_()8、swimA. kite_ B. sit()5、WhatA. watchB. father()9、drinkA. fishB. time()6、catA. f

16、lagBbaby_()10、findA. high_B.附:五個元音因素練習。chicke nO o()7)8)9)10、late、have、animal、makeA. gameA. happy_A. appleA. pla ne _B. anyB. pastB. pastB. awayE e(I i)1)2)3)4)5)6)7)8)9)10、me 、he、she、let、lessonmessA. these _A. Chi neseA. best _A. eve ningA. deskA. meB. bed_B. eggB. weB. redB.open B. letter)1)2)3、he

17、n、vegetable A. henA. penA. he、eng、pen ring、mistake、milkA. letter . B. Chi nese _ B. apple B. me B. eggA. shi neA. bigA. pickB._missB. findB. child()1)2)3)4)5)6)7)8)9)10U u()1 、)2、)3、)4 、)5、n oseA. dog_ B. boatthoseA. goB. notloseA. stop_B. olddoA. who_B. nohomeA. coldB. boxwhoseA. who _ B. closealso

18、A. photoB. toni ghtcolaA. mostB. losenotA.cookB. clocksockA. those_ B.shopduckA. hurry _B. cutebusA. TuesdayB. butcupA. lu nch _B. excuseblueA. rulerB. Januaryautum n A. popular _ B.difficult辨音練習(一)一、找出畫線部分讀音與所給的單詞畫線部分讀音相同的一項。AB C()1. black _come cinema chair_()2. moonwhoope nwoma n()3.artwhatgarde

19、napple()4.usbutyoumusic()5.milkfivelikein()6.teachtealear ndress()7.laughuncleaunthouse()8.doctorpaperworkhorse()9.clea nsleepbeh indhelp()10.da needayrabbitart()ll.motherthirtykitche nthis()12. nursesn akenosethose()13.closewholookpho ne、讀音相同打V不同的打X。()1. closego()2.chair hair()3. room book()4.girl

20、first()5.come dance()6.forget egg _()7.fatherbathroom二)8.woma n man_( ) 9. pot stove()10. matchbla nket()11. cow show()12.telescope does()13. tinsite-()14. theirthi ng()15.lookbook_()16.fi ne _fridgeL)17.have whose_( )18.great_ bread三、找出劃線部分與其余三個單詞發(fā)音不同的選項。ABCD()1.garden_pare nt_large_laugh()2. play

21、_ vase_daymake _()3. study _ jump sunstude nt()4. elepha nt _of_phone first _()5. book _ moon zooroom()6. with _ thin_math bathroom _()7. sofa _ teleph one over _song()8. evening me _chickensweet _()9.pig _ orange_gran dpatogether_()10.children thi ng _ behi ndsit四、找出劃線部分與其余三個單詞發(fā)音不同的選項。()1. A. map B

22、. family C. bag D. _ bedABCD()11. help _chesste ntchildren_()12. thesebedmeshe()13. nicefivehillbeside()14. tiger _ringpicturethin()15. clothesover_ potcoat()16.schoochess _ teachchildre n()17.circlegirlTuesdayn urse()18. of _laughfatfly_()19.us _sunspponwatches()20.can_class_circlecat()3. A. dear B

23、. their C. whereD. pa _()4. A. when_B. here _C. hat D. who()2. A. eat BmeetC_skiD.his一、圈出劃線部分的發(fā)音不同的選項。1. tree street_great2. manyanyscarf3. masksfathersclassrooms31.4. hisletterriddlesweaterbreadteab5. fortyshortsteacherreakfast6. balj_parkwalk talk32.7. blocksoftglovenu mbersomephotopuppe8. socksho

24、twhoset9. shoeswhosegood33.10. bookfoodfootballtoyboygoat11. asksbasketsgrasscoin12. armsstarsmarkets34.13. classesglassesbasketballsjacketrabbitpandas14. goatboatraintamp15. ninetytimeci nema35.16. dryfly_happypla nesta ndelepha nt17. heredearthereorange18. picturesure36.19. whowhosewhe nloveoldcol

25、d20.hellowaterwashwatchbo37.xchessshered21.vestcowcurta incoinci38.n emalunchun clenumber22.hyngryshowsnowyellow_now39.23. wherewhatwhitethirtyherturkeywritethirsty24. cancarcousin40.nice_wheretherewear25.pearshoessweatersjea ns_41.socksflowertrousersblouse26.tha nkwiththathousebrother42. whe nwatch

26、betwee n27.writen amegametable43.fatherA. thatB. thirtyC. Thursday28. cityice_dancD. mathedoctor44. A. fast_B. radioC.29.cakeD. shapelivefishcinema45. A. stove_B. openC.coingoD. gloves30.46. A.they_eightrainmouthB. thpnkC. threekeyD.thjs、找出與所給單詞畫線部分讀音相同的的一項。()1. black _A.()2.moon_ A.comeB.whoB. open

27、grandmaC. chairC. woma n()3. art what garde n()4. teach _ lear nteaA.B.C. appleA.-B.C. sweaterA.()5. dancerabbitB.C. day()6. tomorrow A. pho ne_sockC. tomatoafter noonB.辨音練習(六)一、找出劃線部分與其余三個單詞發(fā)音不冋的選項。()1. A. clothesB.homeC. helloD.sorry()2. A. dutyB. stude ntC. busD. excuse()3. A. clockB.thoseC. goD.

28、coat()4. A. busB.putC. cupD.up _()5. A. dow nB. brow nC. yellowD.how()6. A. deskB. n extC. dressD.we()7. A. cakeB. hatC. babyD. same()8. A. lookB.roomC. schophD.broom()9. A. thi nkB. tha nkC. they_D.three()10. A. schoolB.Chin eseC. chairD.teacher _()11. A. with _B.the nC. clothes_D. mon th()12. A. m

29、ea n _B.meant _C. bread_D . heavy _()13. A. popularB 二halfC. auntD. last _()14. A. foodB.noodleC. footD. broom()15. A. dontBL hopeC. agoD.body()16. A. dow nB. crowC. howD. tow n()17. A. bagB. mapC. tha nkD. class()18. A. noB. rowC. oneD. old_ -()19. A. five -B. bikeC. fineD. En glish()20. A. desk B.

30、 yesC. eleve nD. pencil()21. A. goodB.bookC. after noonD. goodbye()22. A. go 7B. someC. sonD. mother()23. A. wi ndowB. howC. nowD. dow n()24. A. usB. mumC. dutyD. but_()25. A. Ch inaB.schoolC. chairD.teacher()26. A. comeB. niceC. coatD. clock()27. A. thi nk_B.tha nkC. En glishD. stude nt()28. A. bus

31、B.putC. cupD. up()29. A. motherB. thirty-C.fatherD. brother()30. A. my _B. familyC. duty_D. sorry()31. A. pleaseB. meetC. frie ndD. jeep()32. A. nice_B.lice nse _C. come _D. pencil_()33. A. sister _B. sit_C. son_D. his()34. A. daughterB. morningC. orD. wrong()35. A. fatherB. dadC. bagD. family()36.

32、A. team _B.jeep _C. yellow _D. me、找出與所給單詞畫線部分讀音相同的的一項。()1.reason_A. breakfastB. greatlyC. reach_D. really_()2.n ative _ A. advice 13. grammarC. base_1D. master _()3.improveA. progressB. moveC. politicalD. follow()4.startedAJpn dedB. graspedC. forced _D. stayed_()5.praise A. n ewspaperB. mouthsC. bas

33、eD. grasp()6.housesA. facesB. horsesC. busesD. roses()7.forced AJmprovedB. graspedC. stayed_D. limited_()8.breatheA. clothesB. healthC. eighth _D. tenth_()9.mach ineA. millio n_B. possibleC. wrist _ D. police_()10.sorry _A. reportB. foreig nC. orderD. importa nt()11.refuse_A. questi onB. stupidC. tr

34、ue _D. trunk_()12.smoothA. woodBstoodC. book_ D.food_()13.forward_A. orderB._foreheadC. sensorD. quarrel_()14.spear _A. heardB. chairC. deerD.bear()15.exactlyA. exhibiti on _B. exercise C. excuseD. example _()16.hammerA. gran ted_B. astr on aut C. sn akeD. surface _()17.con clude A. un derstood B. s

35、tupid C. refuseD. prove_()18.observeA. officer_B. won derC. seldomD. object_()19.exactlyA. expressB. exam ineC. excitedD. excelle nt()20.feathej_ A. lea ntB. breatheC. greatly _D. break_()21.suppose_A. costB. improveC. whose _D. only_()22.possible_A. thinkerB. mach ine C. terrible_ D. police_()23.wo

36、rthA. theoryB._souther nC. within _D. smooth_()24.debt _A. objectB. excuseC. ever_D.scene_()25.rather _A. surfaceB. n ecklaceC. gra ntD. palace_()26.banker_ A. millio nB. pla nt_C. unkind _D. angry_()27.found _ A. mouseButroubleC. countryD. souther n _()28.n ature_A. intern ati onal B. nation C. n a

37、tural_ D. n ati onal_()29.n orther nA. lawyerB. sorryC. horribleD. sorrow)30.reu niteA. rebelB. returnC. regardD. remarry)31.bankerA. millio nB. poi nt C.pla ntD.an gry_)32.Russia nA. pieceB. officialC. excelle ntD. officer)33.loomsA. graspB. knocksC. mapsD. desig n)34.foundA. famousB. countryC. sou

38、thD. trouble)35.forcedA. fetchedB. pleasedC. prete nded D. ordered)36.uncleA. undressB. pla ntC.bank 【D. unfit)37.marryA. branchB. pla ntC. bathD. banker)38.breatheA. breathB. featherC. pleased .D. heavier)39.bearA. wearB.spearC.fearlessD. research)40.pleasureA. Russia nB. con clusi on C. pleased D.

39、 sure)41.grantA. branchB. entranceC.dangerD. banker)42.row A. flowerB.known C.towerD.cow)43.sweatA. breakfastB. greatlyC. weaveD. meal)44.wormA. stormB. wordC;.warmD. worn)45.loomA. footB.foolish C.tookD.brook)46.troop _A. lookB.good C. took _D. coco on_)47.bury _A. thusB. gun shotC. colu mnD. meant

40、)48.colu mnA. climbB. angryC. thi nkD. within)49.periodA. messageB. seriousC. defe nd1 D. reality)50.wonderA. colu mn_B. discoverC. acrossD. drago n)51.an xiousA.changeB. unk indC. roundD. banker)52.measure;A. greatlyB._weaveC. break_D. sweat _)53.fellow _A. addressB. rejectC. resist _D. select)54.w

41、atchA. stra ngerB. wan derC. favorD. sn atch)55.hotel _A. con traryB._clothi ngC. cloth _D. won der)56.n atureA. branchB. battleC.dangerD. n atural)57.in dustry_ A. nu mberB. excuseC. bury _D. support _)58.scarce _ A. warmB._regardC. harmful_D. prepare _)59.health _A. realB. cheatC;.realize _lD. thr

42、ead_)60.nurse_A. in creaseB. wise_C. nose _D. suppose)61.alreadyA. alongB._altogetherC. allowD. chalk)62.roll _A. costB. lonelyC.canoe D. produce)63.message A. material B. la ndedC. isla ndD. savage)64.wanderA. watchB pla ntC.sank _D.sand_)65.shallowAjcowB._powderC. sorrowD. flower)66.ton gue _ A. a

43、ngryB._sjn gerC. En glish_D. stron ger_)67.in creaseA visitB. practiceC. mouthsDpese ntly)68.extra_A. exceptB/xplainC. exhibitio n D. exam)69.columnA. ton gueB. producedC. polluteD. fond _)70.shouldA. troubleB. couldC. routeD. shoulder)71.meant_A. saysB._paidC. remai n _ D. break)72.serve _A. heardB

44、. ast onishC. terribleD. proper)73.proud _ A. dan gerous B. brought C. en ough D. powder)74.broad _ A. boatB. _atonishC. coat_D. shore)75.dema nd_ A. an swer_ B. wanderC. practice D. grand _)76.fishesA. gradesB. halvesC. bridges_D. stories)77.smoothA. theory_B. n orther nC. cloth _ D. healthy)78.Asi

45、a_A. areaB. straightC. extra _D. diamond)79.ocean_A. spaceB. pois onC. n ati on _ D. perce nt()80.rece ntA. resistB. rejectC. reun iteD. Suez)81.arrowA. flow nB. flowerC. powder D.crowd)82.exte ndA. exam ineB. exactC. expectD. exist)83.specialA. perce ntB. patchC. punishD. pace)84.toughA. surro undB

46、. courage C. thoughtD. through)85.calmA. hallB. grand(C. example D. although)86.positi onA. desig nB. dista ntC. in creaseD. measure)87.buryA. aheadB. bulletC. pollute D.salute)88.n ati onalA. operati on B. n atureC. n aturalD. n ati on)89.heroA. heardB. letterC. periodD.measure)90.capta inA. orpha nB. chicke n C. certa inD. aim)91.packa


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