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1、中文3683字THE IMP ORTANCE OF THE USE OF COLOR IN ART DESIGNClaire Camp bel Pima Com mun ity College , Claire Camp bell, A pprop riation, Transformation andContemporary Fiber Art:. Textile Society ofAmerica Symposium Proceedings.In art and desig n the use of color is very imp orta nt. At the same time,

2、thep erforma nee of color is infin ite, it has the meaning of existe nee, at the same time, a mysterious hidde n charm, how to use color exp ressive force, to create new works, to attract the masses.Color because of its physical properties, namely, different colors havediffere nt wavele ngths,theref

3、ore, will directly or in directly affect peopi es emoti on al, men tal and p sychological activities.Differe nt color through the reflecti on of peopi es visi on to the brain, but can cause people to feelthe dark, cold, weight, dista nee, can gen erate exciteme nt, dep ressi on, tension irritability

4、, stability,ease the p sychological effect. Such as cream makes people feel lovable, n aive, simp le; yellow,ora nge, red and relax ing; excit ing, give a person with bold, strong feeli ng; pink roma ntic breath is grumous; rose, lave nder is full of elega nt, mysterious, beautiful mood; gree n, vib

5、ra nt, moral ofyouth and hope, the symbol of new life in the spring; the dee p color, Coffee olive steady, calm;blue can p lay relaxed, cool effect; white is a sole mn, stately, pure artistic concep ti on.Art desig n is a creative activity - p erce ptual art desig n comb ined with rati onal is an ar

6、t and scie nee and tech no logy, tech no logy, scie nee, aesthetics, style, color, desig n solutions. Is thedesign of a comprehensive, such as the activities of daily living app eara nee desig n, with water as an exa mp le, exee pt the desig n of pure beauty, but also meet the fit ness of huma n bod

7、y engin eeri ng, to study what kind of grip han dle is comfortable, what kind of the cup is convenient for people drinking p roblems, and so art desig n is not just sen time ntal, still n eed to an alyze theargume nt, do a lot of exp erime nts. In additi on, art desig n and simple artistic creati on

8、 is differe nt,we should con Sider not only the creators p refere nces, but also to con sider the n eeds of con sumers and the cost of p roducti on, creatio n faster. At the same time, n eed to lear n a lot of kno wledge scie nee.Through the above an alysis we can see that the scope of the desig n a

9、rt desig n is very wide, butthe use of color is also very important, but playing each university, pro fessi onal open coursecurriculum desig n directi on have color. Then we can through the follow ing exa mples to illustrate the imp orta nee of color in art desig n.A caseGrap hic desig n is an art a

10、nd desig n directi on, however clever use of a plane advertiseme nt desig nis successful or not is one of the factors of color, the color for the plane advertisement designwork, and its importanee is obviously. Color and advertising designers, like Punchline, is aimportant strength of advertising wo

11、rks won derful, movi ng and not. There is color is not isolated,to embody the texture of p roducts, features, and can beautify the advertis ing sp ace; at the same time to ada pt with the en vir onment, climate, app reciati on and so on, but also con sider the far and n ear, big, small, visual cha n

12、ges, make the advertiseme nt more aesthetic.A p hysiological function, colorHuma ns will have differe nt p hysiological res pon ses to differe nt color, which has been proved byscienee. Red, orange, yellow and other colors to give people the feeli ng of fire, we call it warm;blue, gree n and other c

13、olors will be rem ini sce nt of the sea, the sky and the river, which we callcool.We are in the color design, color hue, lightness, purity is not the same in the mutual collocati onuse should pay atte nti on to the followi ng points:1 the inten sity of the color sen se. Gen erally sp eak ing, more w

14、arm color visual effect and highcolor pu rity and bright ness is lower tha n cool color and bright ness. In additi on, hue, light ness and p urity is more big, the color con trast is stron ger.2 colors of the advanee and retreat. Warm color and higher color purity and bright ness is forward,cool and

15、 low pu rity and gree n colors give people retreat feeli ng.3 color sense the severity of. High brightness color than low lightness feels lighter, more dee p color to feel more heavy.The above exa mple is some p hysiological functions of color, i n the p ackag ingdesign, flexible use of these will g

16、et beat all the magical effect. For example, large area as a backgro und color should try to avoid moving and strong sense of color, you avoid the relatio nship betwee n p rimary and sec on dary disorders, p reve nt con sumers to quickly un dersta nd the commodity in formatio n.Two, color and p sych

17、ologyP sychological fun cti on of colors is due to p hysiological fun cti on in the brain are formed, it was affected by age, gen der, n ati on ality, en vir onment, educati on and other factors. Such as greysystem most older people like light ness and p urity are relatively low, but childre n are l

18、ike brighta nd vibra nt colors.Color design in packaging needs to consider the color to the viewers physiological and psychological factors, but also consider the nature and characteristics of the p roduct p ackag in g.As men ti oned above Coffee and chocolate packaging are mostly brown. Packaging t

19、he color as far as possible to be able to prop erly reflect the p roducts person ality.Color in flue nee on peopi es p sychology, it can p roduce differe nt feeli ng, it can lead to mood,imagi nati on. This is because people feel about things ofte n have the associati on, the color also in itiates t

20、he emotio n. Desig n is very imp orta nt in advertis ing color this associati on and emoti on aleffect. Effects of advertis ing colors on peopi es p sychological, as a result of peopi es life exp erie nee, person ality, age, gen der, occ up ati on, hobbies, habits and customs, religious beliefs,soci

21、al con scious ness and so on are not the same and the formatio n of. Differe nt p sychologicalfeeli ngs also raises differe nt associati on of emotio n.Color matchi ng rules three, advertiseme nt desig nIde ntify 1 Main ColorHow to exp ress the sp ecific theme in advertis ing, you n eed through the

22、text, images, color and other factors to the p erforma nee of. For the color, want to a proper exte nt of foili ng the theme and the theme, the emoti onal associatio n and symbolism, the cen tral idea con forms to the advertiseme nt subject. For exa mp le: cosmetics advertis ing, this kind of p rodu

23、ct on skin care beauty, so fresh and beautiful, safe and reliable. I n the color choose n eutral colors and elega ntcolors, such as pin k, light gree k white color, give a person with health, elega nt, fresh an dte nder feeli ng.App licati on of 2 advertis ing color affecti on lawIn the aspect

24、of color preferenee and advertising design, color can have the associatio n and emoti on al, which ultimately affect peop les choice.(1) the age, gen der and exp erie nee differe nt p refere nces for color also has a great in flue nee. It ispure bright childre n, this is because this kind of color a

25、re very attractive to them, with their lively character. Wome n more tha n men love white, because white is a symbol of purity, while men like blue, because blue symbolizes the straightforward, calm, mature and open min ded. The village people are favorite color is pure color, but in the city people

26、 love the p urity is relatively low, therelatively rich, soft color and light color.(2) the n ati onal customs and p refere nces for color trends in flue nee is also very obvious, make people reflect on the color also each are not ide ntical. Such as theEuro pean multi use black to exp ress sorrow,

27、but I have more white. The western white dress to show the brides pure and no ble, but our country is in dicated in red festive.But as the international exchanges become more frequent, the custom has also gradually assimilatio n.Atte nti on 3 color in advertis ingThe advertiseme nt color tips, in du

28、ct ion, can arouse people to p roducts of in terest.People today have been surrounded by the multitude, a multitude of names color media, fashi on trend of colorcha nges in the mome nt, the eyes have become inured to the unu sual, almost can acce pt any of the color of the p rocess ing mode.Case two

29、Color is very imp orta nt in in terior decoratio n, it is the most po werful la nguage of huma n visual symbols. On holidays, frie nds and coworkers mutual frie nds, as long as you pay atte ntio n will fin d,some people eve n though the decorati on is very luxurious, spent a lot of money, but always

30、 feelto the visual feel uncomfortable, one very imp orta nt reas on is the in terior color is not uni form.Differe nces in colorUniform color design plays in the interior decoration to create some kind of cha nge or the role of style, will bring some visual differe nces and the enjo yme nt of art, l

31、et a person shine at the mome nt . Accord ing to the survey, a sp ace to en ter the first few sec onds to get the imp ressi on, seve nty-five p erce nt is the feeli ng of color, and the n only to un dersta nd the p hysical. Therefore,the color is an imp orta nt factor in in terior design can not be

32、ignored, the important role of different functions and people un dersta nd the differe nt colour gen erated its request for color isself-evide nt.One, un ified rulesIn interior design, the use of color is rich and varied, the color itself is not beautiful or not beautiful, the key is to look at how

33、to mix, how to match, but must be con siste nt with the overall style in terior in terior desig n in the p rocess of comb ining, otherwise it will app ear andun coord in ated, like a traditi onal Chin ese style, with color trend of European fashi on series ofgaudy, that the proper. Color coord in at

34、i on mea ns that the three elements of color: hue,harmonious application between lightness and purity, the formation of a unity consciousness,butto avoid too monotonous, boring and too dull. Therefore, color harm ony should show aharm onious con trast, from the backgro und (in clud ing thermal con t

35、rast, con trast, bright ness ,p urity.) So, to create a good in door en vir onment, color cannot be igno red, we have a harm onious relati onship between serious analysis and contrast, the interior color with good collocation, the atmos phere will be more good.Two, people of color feeli ng rulesDiff

36、ere nt color makes people feel effects on men tal, emoti on al, p sychological or big or small.Therefore, in determ ining the color and the use of in terior desig n在藝術(shù)設(shè)計中色彩運用的重要性在藝術(shù)設(shè)計中“色彩的運用是至關(guān)重要的”各種存在的意義,同時潛藏著一種神秘的魅力,。同時色彩的表現(xiàn)無限, 如何運用色彩的表現(xiàn)力,它具備來達到創(chuàng)造新穎效果,使作品吸引大眾群體。即不同色彩有不同波長,因此,會色彩由于其自身具有的物理性質(zhì)的關(guān)系,直接或

37、間接地影響人的情緒、精神和心理活動。不同色彩通過人的視覺反映到大 腦中,除了能引起人們產(chǎn)生陰暗、冷暖、輕重、遠近等感覺外,還能產(chǎn)生興奮、 憂郁、緊張、輕松、煩躁、安定等心理作用。如奶油色使人覺得可愛、天真、樸 實;黃色、橙色使人輕松、活潑;紅色使人興奮,給人以大膽、強烈的感覺;粉 紅色浪漫氣息濃厚;玫瑰色、淡紫色充滿雅致、神秘、優(yōu)美的情調(diào);綠色充滿生 機,寓意青春和希望,象征春天的新生;深咖啡色、橄欖色穩(wěn)重、沉著;藍色能 起到輕松、涼爽的作用;白色則產(chǎn)生一種冷峻、莊嚴(yán)、純潔的意境。藝術(shù)設(shè)計一一是感性與理性相結(jié)合的創(chuàng)造性活動 藝術(shù)設(shè)計是美術(shù)與科技、 技術(shù)、科學(xué)、審美、造型、色彩、設(shè)計融匯的一門藝

38、術(shù)。進行的是一種綜合的設(shè) 計,比如對生活日用品的外觀設(shè)計,以水杯為例,除進行純美觀的設(shè)計以外,還 要符合人體工學(xué)的適合度,如要研究什么樣的把手握起來舒服,什么樣的杯口便 于人們飲用等方面的問題,所以藝術(shù)設(shè)計不僅僅是感性的,還需要分析論證,做大量的實驗。另外,藝術(shù)設(shè)計與單純的進行藝術(shù)創(chuàng)作不同的是, 不僅要考慮創(chuàng)作 者的喜好,更要考慮消費者的需要以及生產(chǎn)成本,創(chuàng)作速度要快。同時,需要學(xué) 習(xí)很多理科的知識。通過以上的分析我們看出藝術(shù)設(shè)計所設(shè)計的范圍很廣, 然而色彩的運用也就 是相當(dāng)?shù)闹匾?,然而打各個大學(xué)中,設(shè)計方向?qū)I(yè)所開的課的基礎(chǔ)課程都有色 彩。那么我們就通過以下的例子來說明色彩在藝術(shù)設(shè)計中的重

39、要性啊。案例一平面設(shè)計是藝術(shù)設(shè)計的一個方向,然而一張平面廣告設(shè)計是否成功因素之一就是色彩的巧妙使用,色彩對于平面廣告設(shè)計工作而言,其重要性是顯而易見的。色”之與廣告設(shè)計師,猶如點睛之筆,是決定一件廣告作品精彩、動人與否的重要力量。色彩不是孤立存在的,要既能體現(xiàn)商品的質(zhì)感、特色,又能美化裝飾廣 告版面;同時要與環(huán)境、氣候、欣賞習(xí)慣等方面相適應(yīng),還要考慮到遠、近、大、 小的視覺變化規(guī)律,使廣告更富于美感。、色彩的生理功能人類對于不同的色彩會產(chǎn)生不同的生理反應(yīng), 這一點已經(jīng)通過科學(xué)的實驗得 到了證實。紅、橙、黃等顏色給人以火的感覺,我們稱其為暖色;藍、綠等顏色 會使人聯(lián)想到大海、天空和河流,我們稱其

40、為冷色。我們在進行色彩設(shè)計時,色相、明度、純度不相同的色彩在相互搭配使用時 要注意以下幾點:1. 色彩的強弱感。一般說來,暖色及純度和明度較高的色彩比冷色和明度較低的色彩視覺效果更強。此外,色相、明度和純度相差越大,色彩的對比度就越 強。2. 色彩的進退感。暖色及純度和明度較高的色彩有前進感,冷色及純度和明度較低的色彩給人以后退的感覺。3. 色彩的輕重感。明度較高的色彩比明度較低的色彩感覺要輕,越深的顏色給人的感覺越沉重。以上舉例是色彩的一些生理功能,在進行包裝設(shè)計時,靈活的運用這些就會 收到意想不到的神奇效果。例如,大面積的作為背景底色就應(yīng)該盡量避免使用前進感強的色彩,你避免主次關(guān)系的紊亂,

41、妨礙消費者快速的了解商品信息。二、色彩與心理色彩的心理功能是由于生理功能作用于大腦而形成的,它受年齡、性別、民 族、環(huán)境、受教育程度等諸多因素的影響。如老年人大都喜歡明度和純度都比較 低的灰色系,而兒童則大多喜歡明亮和鮮艷的色彩。包裝中的色彩設(shè)計需要考慮到色彩對觀者產(chǎn)生的生理和心理方面的影響,要考慮到所包裝產(chǎn)品的性質(zhì)和特點。就像前文提到的咖啡和巧克力的包裝大都用 褐色。包裝所選用的色彩盡量要能夠比較貼切的反映商品的個性。色彩對人們的心理影響很大,它可以產(chǎn)生不同的感覺,它可以引發(fā)情緒、產(chǎn)生聯(lián)想。這是由于人們對事物的感受往往產(chǎn)生聯(lián)想, 對色彩也就引發(fā)了情感。這 種聯(lián)想和情感作用在廣告色彩的設(shè)計中至

42、關(guān)重要。 廣告色彩對人們的心理感受的 影響,是由于人們的生活經(jīng)歷、性格、年齡、性別、職業(yè)、愛好、風(fēng)俗習(xí)慣、宗 教信仰、社會意識等都不盡相同而形成的。 不同的心理感覺也就引發(fā)了不同的聯(lián) 想個情感。三、廣告設(shè)計的配色規(guī)律1. 主色調(diào)的確定如何在廣告中表達其特定的主題,就需要通過文字、形象、色彩等因素來表 現(xiàn)。對于色彩而言,要恰如其分的起到烘托主題和表現(xiàn)主題,發(fā)揮其情感的聯(lián)想 和象征作用,符合廣告主題的中心思想。例如:化妝品類廣告,這類產(chǎn)品多講求 護膚美容,使人靚麗清新,安全可靠。在色彩上多選用中性色調(diào)和素雅色調(diào),如 粉紅、淡綠、奶白等色彩,給人以健康、優(yōu)雅、清香和溫柔的感覺。2. 廣告色彩感情規(guī)律

43、的應(yīng)用在色彩喜好傾向與廣告設(shè)計方面,色彩能產(chǎn)生聯(lián)想和感情,從而最終影響人 們的選擇。(1)年齡、性別和經(jīng)歷的不同對色彩喜好也有很大的影響。兒童多系好極鮮明的純色,這是因為這類顏色對他們產(chǎn)生很強的吸引力, 符合他們活潑好動的 性格。女性比男性更愛白色,因為白色象征著純潔,而男性則多喜愛藍色,因為 藍色象征豪爽、沉穩(wěn)、成熟和心胸開闊。對鄉(xiāng)村的人來說則比較喜愛顏色較純的 色彩,而城市中的人則喜愛一些純度較低, 對比較富麗、柔和的色調(diào)和淺淡的中 間色。(2)民族與風(fēng)俗對色彩的喜好傾向影響也很明顯,使得人們對色彩的反映也各不相同。如歐洲多用黑色表示悲哀,而我過就多用白色。西方用白色禮服來 表示新娘的純潔

44、高尚,而我國則用紅色表示喜慶。但隨著國際間的交往日益頻繁, 這種風(fēng)俗習(xí)慣也漸趨同化。3. 廣告中色彩的注目性廣告色彩的提示、誘導(dǎo),可喚起人們對產(chǎn)品的興趣。當(dāng)今的人們已被浩如煙 海、名目繁多的色彩媒體所包圍,色彩的流行趨勢時刻在改變,人的眼睛卻已見怪 不怪,幾乎可以接受任何對色彩的處理方式。案例二色彩在室內(nèi)裝飾中十分重要,它是人類視覺中最響亮的語言符號。逢年過節(jié), 朋友同事間互相串門時,只要你留心就會發(fā)現(xiàn),有的人家盡管裝修很豪華,花了 很多錢,可總覺得給人視覺上的感受不舒服, 很重要的原因之一就是室內(nèi)裝飾色 彩不統(tǒng)一。色彩的設(shè)計統(tǒng)一在室內(nèi)裝飾中起著改變或者創(chuàng)造某種格調(diào)的作用,會給人們帶來某種視覺上的差異和藝術(shù)上的享受,讓人 眼前一亮”。據(jù)調(diào)查,人進入某個 空間最初幾秒鐘內(nèi)得到的印象,百分之七十五是對色彩的感覺,然后才會去理解 形體。所以,色彩是室內(nèi)裝飾設(shè)計不能忽視的重要因素, 了解不同色彩所產(chǎn)生的 不同功能及人們自身對


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