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1、 英語(yǔ)專業(yè)學(xué)生經(jīng)典的聽(tīng)力材料 Unit 8Architecture Part I Warming up A. Tapescript: For hundreds of years, it has been an imperial capital ofEurope. Its rulersraided the Western world toenrichthe coffers of theempire. They spenttheirwealthonmagnificentpalacesandgrandpublicbuildings.Theybuiltanoperahousethatrivalsany

2、inEurope.Theyfoundedgreatmuseumsandlibraries.Theyconstructedmassive,ornategovernmentbuildings.Andtheyraisedopulentpalacesforthemselves.AtourofViennais a tour of these monuments to excess. The Old Town is a fascinating place towalk. Most of the narrow streetshavebeenturnedintopedestrianmallslinedwith

3、shops,coffeehousesand restaurants. In one section, the original Romanruinsunder the streetscan be seen by going to anunderground museum. TheNaturalHistoryMuseumandtheMuseumofFineArtsoccupymatching buildings on Maria Theresa Plaza, a small square across fromtheHofburg.HofburgistheHabsburgsin-townpala

4、ce.Itisbig,with2,600rooms, but not ornate. Hofburg is ajumbleof buildings constructedatdifferenttimesandifferentstyles,fromBaroque,GothicandClassical to Renaissance and Roco. Its oldest parts date from the13thcentury, but most were built from the1700son. B1. The Palais du Louvre: Location: heart of

5、Paris 1 / 9 Beginning year of construction:1527 Time when first used as a public art gallery:1793 The Louvre Pyramid: Designer: Ieoh Ming Pei Use: the main entrance to the Palais du Louvre Height:21m Width:33m Materials: steel tubes, cables, sheet glass Tapescript: The Palais du Louvre standsat the

6、heart of Paris, and houses one of theworldsgreatestcollectionsofworksofart.Theoriginalpalacedatesfrom 1527,and it was extended and added to over the next four centuries.Itwasfirstusedasapublicartgalleryin B2 1. She likes the Louvre Pyramid because of thetransparency, and it has alighteffect. 2. She

7、likes the Louvre Pyramid for its contrast ofshapes. It emphasizesthebeautyof the Louvre. 4.Shethinksitwouldhavebeenthebiggestmistaketotrytobuildsomethingsimilarto the Louvre. 2 / 9 Tapescript: Ecology生態(tài)學(xué)ecological system生態(tài)系統(tǒng) Consultant顧問(wèn) Model模式 Minimize減小,減少 Part II eco-conscious constructionAThe w

8、orlds first eco-city/ off the coast Agricultural land / half a million /$1.3 billion / a sustainability consultant Sustainable development A more ecologically friendly model / minimize impact on nature / solar and wind power / power and fertilizers / electric cars B1. 1.adream-housewhichissustainabl

9、ebytheenvironment-anenvironmentally-sustainable dream-house 2. windows that face south -south-facing windows 3. a kitchen that is well lit -a well-lit kitchen 4. paint that is based on milk or uses milk as a base -milk-based paint 3 / 9 5.solutionswhicharebeneficialtotheenvironmentally-beneficial so

10、lutions Tapescript. 2. As you drive onto the small farm property, youre immediately struckby a series of large south-facing windows. 4. In all facets of construction, Logan is emphasizing both biodegradablebuilding products and nontoxic materials. Hes using milk-based paint, for-example. 5.Inmanycas

11、es,manyenvironmentally-beneficialsolutionspayforthemselves in as little as 6 or 7 or 8 months. Tapescript. 1.Loganhasincorporatednearlyeveryaspectofamoderneco-conscious design. 2. Every room in this house has a window that faces south,regardless ofwhere its located. 4.Asaresult,Loganshousewillhavene

12、itherafurnacenorair-conditioning. 5. Theso-calledsuper-insulation is required to store the solar heat. 6. Logan is also using thermal mass,ordirt, to keep the house both warmin the winter and cool in the summer. 7. Hes using milk-based paint, for example, andrelativelylittle of that. 8. This room an

13、d the inside of this room -virtuallyall the finishes didnot need to be painted. 9.Paintingisafairlyun-environmentalactinthatissomethingthatinvolves chemistry. 10.Initially,Logan will get all his water from a well. 4 / 9 11. The roof has gutters and willeventuallycollect rainwater for generaluse. B3.

14、 Main features: south-facing windows: day-lighting, solar heat no furnace no air-conditioning solar heater: hot water three-foot outside walls: adobe + insulation + adobe thermal mass milk-based paint ceiling: galvanized inside wall: plaster no carpet not connected to a water system: well, rainwater

15、 Tapescript: A-Alan J-Jones L-Logan 5 / 9 A: Many environmentalists and energy experts say that the wave of thefuture wont be any one miracle cure, but rather overall conservation ofavailableresources.Theapproachisbeingspearheadedbyaquietrevolutionintheeco-consciousconstructionbusiness.ColoradoPubli

16、cRadiosPeterJonesrecentlyvisitedabuildingsitenearBoulderandbrings us this report. J: L: J: Asaresult,Loganshousewillhaveneitherafurnacenorair-conditioning.Forhotwater,hellteeanactivesolarheater.Butefficient use of the sun is only one of the buildings many eco-consciousfeatures. L: The outside walls

17、- if you include a foot of adobe, a foot of insulation,and another foot of adobe- are three feet thick. J: Theso-calledsuper-insulationisrequiredtostorethesolarheat,butLogan is also using thermal mass, or dirt, to keep the house both warm inthe winter and cool in the summer. J: In all facets of cons

18、truction, Logan is emphasizing both biodegradablebuilding products and nontoxic materials. Hes using milk-based paint, forexample, and relatively little of that. L: This room and the inside of this room- virtually all the finishes did notneed to be painted. The ceiling is made out of galvanized meta

19、l and 6 / 9 thewallsareplaster.Paintingisafairlyun-environmentalactinthatissomethingthatinvolveschemistry,itinvolvesdoingitoverandovermany times in the lifetime of the building. J: And dont look for any carpeting in Logans house. L: J: Initially, Logan will get all his water from a well. The house w

20、ont beconnected to a city water system. But he says the roof has gutters and willeventually collect rainwater for general use. Logan is paying $75 a squarefoot to build his house, and estimates environmental features added 10 -15% to the up-front costs. But he says hell save money in the long run.L:

21、 Inmanycases,manyenvironmentally-beneficialsolutionspayforthemselves in as little as 6 or 7 or 8 months. A low-flow showerhead inmost situations will pay for itself in a month. Part III Tomorrows house A. 1.Whatishomeautomation?Inyouropinion,whataresomeofthethings that could be examples of home auto

22、mation? 2. What are some of the main interests in creating automated houses? 3.Canhomeautomationofferbenefitsandlifestyleimprovementsforelderly and disabled people? Imagine how. B. Safety: Securitystemsthatlimithomeaccesstospecifictimesofthedayand tell you which doors and windowsare open 7 / 9 Energ

23、y-efficiency: Lights thatturn themselves offwhen you leave a room Sensorsthathelpopenskylights,turnonceilingfansandclosethedraperies whenthe house reaches a certain temperature Convenience Appliances that tell youwhen something is wrong with them Lifestyleimprovementsforelderlyanddisabledpeople: Tap

24、escript: Currentadvancesinhomeautomationofferhomeownersconvenience,security, energy savings and a lot of gee-whiz technology. Soundintriguing?Howaboutlightsthatturnthemselvesoffwhenyouleavearoom?Astereothatquietsitselfwhenthephonerings?Orappliances that tell you when something is wrong with them? Al

25、thoughmosthomeautomationsystemsnowonthemarketareexpensiveandavailableonlyinnewhomes,withinthenexttwoyearsyoucanexpectanexplosionofproductsthattransformhomesintoarchitectural geniuses. Takesecurity,forexample.Ifthereisafire,anautomatedhousewilldetect it, turn off the gas, close the dampers in the ventilation system, turnonthelights,unlockthedoors,setoffanalarmandcallthefiredepartment. More advanced systems might even tell you where the fire isand through which room you should escape. Inthecaseofanintruder,atriggeredmotiondetectorcanturnonfloodlights in the yard and ins


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