1、淮陰工學(xué)院畢業(yè)設(shè)計(論文)外文資料翻譯(院):電子信息工程系業(yè):測控技術(shù)與儀器名:口號:1061203228外文出處:Download from IEEE xplore of(用外文寫)huaiyin institute of technology library附 件:1.外文資料翻譯譯文;2.外文原文。指導(dǎo)教師評語:所選內(nèi)容與課題相關(guān),對課題設(shè)計參考有一定的幫助;翻 譯難度一般,工作量適中;譯文基本正確,語句通順,但也存 在部分錯誤??傮w評價:中簽名:2010 年 4 月 20 日注:請將該封面與附件裝訂成冊。附件1 :外文資料翻譯譯文數(shù)字式轉(zhuǎn)速測量儀摘要介紹了一種以MCS-51系列單片機
2、8032為控制主體的數(shù)字式轉(zhuǎn)速測量儀。該 測量儀具有設(shè)計合理、精度高、測速范圍寬、功能強、可靠性好、使用靈活方便等 特點。文中詳細介紹了該儀表的工作原理,給出了它的硬件原理圖和軟件流程圖。關(guān)鍵詞:數(shù)字式測量儀器;轉(zhuǎn)速;單片機轉(zhuǎn)動體的速度是工業(yè)測控系統(tǒng)中的重要參數(shù)之一。機械式轉(zhuǎn)速表在測量轉(zhuǎn)速 時,必須將轉(zhuǎn)軸接觸被測物體,以獲得同步轉(zhuǎn)速,通過內(nèi)部齒輪變速后用表頭指針 指示轉(zhuǎn)速大小。使用機械式轉(zhuǎn)速表會干擾被測物體的運動,特別是當(dāng)被測轉(zhuǎn)動體質(zhì) 量很小時,測速表對轉(zhuǎn)動體施加的壓力就是一個不小的附加負(fù)載,這影響測量的準(zhǔn) 確性。本文介紹一種以8032單片微機為核心的測速儀。1轉(zhuǎn)速測量儀原理本測速儀的測速敏感
3、器件采用紅外線傳感器,由專門的探測裝置發(fā)射紅外線, 同時接受從被測物體反射回來的紅外線,通過光電轉(zhuǎn)換變?yōu)殡娒}沖信號,不影響物 體的轉(zhuǎn)動。發(fā)射管和接受管都固定在探測架上,通過透鏡聚焦,半透明膜既能使反 射的紅外光線射向轉(zhuǎn)動物體,又能使由轉(zhuǎn)動物體反射回來的紅外線通過半透明膜射 向接受管。在轉(zhuǎn)動體上沿圓周均勻貼上若干反射紙,它能定向反射紅外線,使接受 管接受到反射回來的紅外線。光電轉(zhuǎn)換原理見圖1。在光電三極管3DU5C上加一適當(dāng)偏壓,當(dāng)3DU5C受紅外線照射時,處于導(dǎo)通狀態(tài),A點為低壓電平,3DG6截止,B點為高電平;當(dāng)沒 有紅外線照射時,光電三極管截止,A點呈現(xiàn)高電平,使3DG6集電極B點為低電
4、平,B點的脈沖信號經(jīng)過反相器1、2的整形,再經(jīng)門3反相,便得到頻率與轉(zhuǎn)速大小相應(yīng)成比例變化的轉(zhuǎn)速脈沖信號。轉(zhuǎn)速脈沖信號送入8032單片機的定時/計數(shù)器,經(jīng)過單片機的軟件處理計算出轉(zhuǎn)速。本機在測量轉(zhuǎn)速時采用了 M/T法和定時法兩種方法。M/T法是在檢測時間Tc 內(nèi),根據(jù)轉(zhuǎn)速脈沖m1和計時脈沖m2來計算轉(zhuǎn)速。如在固定周期Tc內(nèi),計取轉(zhuǎn)動 脈沖fp和計時脈沖fc的脈沖個數(shù)分別為m1和m2,計時脈沖的頻率為f,轉(zhuǎn)動體 每轉(zhuǎn)輸出的脈沖數(shù)為P,則轉(zhuǎn)速n=60fm1/pm2(r/min)。定時法是在給定的時間間隔1s內(nèi),對轉(zhuǎn)速脈沖進行計數(shù)。如在1 s內(nèi)測得的轉(zhuǎn)速脈沖數(shù)為m1,轉(zhuǎn)動體每轉(zhuǎn)輸出的脈沖個數(shù),即極數(shù)
5、為P,則轉(zhuǎn)速n=60m1/p(r/min)。2轉(zhuǎn)速測量儀的硬件結(jié)構(gòu)圖2為由8032單片機構(gòu)成的轉(zhuǎn)速測量儀電路圖。8032屬于MCS-51系列單片 機,與常用的8031芯片相比,8032多了一個功能較強的T2定時/計數(shù)器和128字 節(jié)內(nèi)部RAM,其中T2計數(shù)器具有16位自動重載和捕獲能力,既可作定時/計數(shù)用, 又可作為波特率發(fā)生器用。本系統(tǒng) T2用于定時,即計取定時脈沖信號,定時脈沖 信號直接從8032芯片的地址鎖存信號端ALE引出,并經(jīng)過74LS74雙D觸發(fā)器兩 分頻后獲得。當(dāng)晶振采用6 MHz時,定時脈沖的頻率fc為0.5 MHz。T0計數(shù)器計取轉(zhuǎn)速脈沖fp,T1計數(shù)器用于計取定時脈沖fc,
6、觸發(fā)器DFF1, DFF2和與門1,2,3,4組成計數(shù)控制電路,能使 T0和T1計數(shù)器同時啟停。系統(tǒng)采用動態(tài)顯示方式。P0口通過帶允許控制端的8D鎖存器74LS377擴展了一個8位輸出口,作為5位LED 數(shù)碼管顯示的段選碼數(shù)據(jù)線。P1.3-P1.75根口線作為五位LED顯示的位選線。P3.0、P3.1接S1和S4開關(guān),S1為極數(shù)P設(shè)定選擇開關(guān),S4為極數(shù)輸入脈沖鍵。P3.2和 P3.3分別接S2和S3開關(guān),S2開關(guān)為測速方法選擇鍵,選擇用 M/T法測速,還是 用定時法測速。S3為轉(zhuǎn)速/頻率選擇開關(guān),用來選擇測轉(zhuǎn)速還是測頻率。當(dāng)用定時 法測轉(zhuǎn)速時,系統(tǒng)可以很方便地測出所測頻率。3軟件設(shè)計及抗干擾
7、措施系統(tǒng)的程序設(shè)計主要包括主程序、中斷程序、代碼轉(zhuǎn)換子程序、顯示子程序等。兩種測速方法硬件結(jié)構(gòu)完全相同,只是軟件流程不同,通過P3.2 口來設(shè)定測速方法。F面分別論述兩種測速方法的工作原理。M/T法中,首先由8032的P1.1端輸出啟動脈沖信號,該啟動脈沖清零 DFF1 和DFF2兩個觸發(fā)器,使Q1端輸出低電平,封鎖門2、3、4, Q-1端為高電平打開 門1,而觸發(fā)器DFF2的Q-2端輸出為高電平,為啟動工作做好準(zhǔn)備。當(dāng)接受到轉(zhuǎn) 速脈沖信號fp的上升沿時,觸發(fā)器DFF1翻轉(zhuǎn),Q-1為低電平,封鎖門1, Q1為高 電平,打開門2、3、4,從而使T2開始定時,m1, m2同時開始計數(shù)。當(dāng)T2定時到
8、100 ms時,向8032申請中斷。在中斷程序中,8032的P1.2端輸出停止脈沖信號,置位觸發(fā)器DFF2,Q-2端輸出低電平,封鎖門2、3、4, T0、T1同時停止計數(shù)。同時在中斷程序中讀出轉(zhuǎn)速信號脈沖數(shù) m1和定時信號脈沖數(shù)m2,在主程序中根據(jù)m1、m2,P和f算出轉(zhuǎn)速n=60fm1/pm2,并轉(zhuǎn)換為BCD碼,查表送至數(shù)碼管 顯示,完成一次數(shù)據(jù)的米集和顯示。在定時法中,由于要產(chǎn)生1 s的定時信號,而本系統(tǒng)中定時最大值為 131 ms,故在定時法中,采取連續(xù)定時10次100 ms的方法,當(dāng)?shù)搅?100 ms定時時,定時器T2溢出向8032申請中斷。在中斷程序中對中斷次數(shù)進行累計,如果累計中斷
9、次數(shù) 未到10次,則不作任何運算就返回,T2繼續(xù)下一次的100ms的定時,T0繼續(xù)計數(shù)轉(zhuǎn)速脈沖,當(dāng)中斷次數(shù)達到10次時,在中斷程序中,置位 P1.2,停止計數(shù),并且 讀出T0的計數(shù)值m1,在主程序中進行相應(yīng)運算算出轉(zhuǎn)速,并轉(zhuǎn)換為BCD碼,T2TOLED顯示。這里定時計數(shù)器采用了具有 16位自動重裝載功能的T2計數(shù)器,當(dāng)溢出產(chǎn)生中斷的同時,計數(shù)器自動重載計數(shù)初值,繼續(xù)定時。因此它的定時是連續(xù) 的,不受響應(yīng)中斷和處理中斷程序的影響。 而如果采用沒有重載功能的定時器如或T1,貝U當(dāng)定時器溢出時,須在響應(yīng)中斷后,在中斷程序中重置定時器初值。定時 器的定時是斷續(xù)的,影響定時精度,繼而影響測速精度??梢姴?/p>
10、用8032中的T2計數(shù)器定時是本系統(tǒng)一個特點,它能顯著提高測速精度。本測速儀在0-49r/min范圍內(nèi),精度可達 0.1 r/min,在50-99 999r/min范圍內(nèi),精度可達 1 r/min。本測速儀可以測量不同極數(shù)的脈沖發(fā)生器發(fā)生的脈沖,如前述的紅外線探測 器,當(dāng)改變貼在轉(zhuǎn)動體上反射紙的數(shù)量時, 轉(zhuǎn)動體每轉(zhuǎn)發(fā)出的脈沖數(shù)P也相應(yīng)改變, 此時如果仍按照程序中原定的P值進行計算,就會運算出錯。因此本系統(tǒng)提供了現(xiàn)場設(shè)置極數(shù)的功能:P3.0 口接極數(shù)設(shè)定選擇開關(guān),當(dāng)P3.0高電平時,表明需要設(shè)置 極數(shù),此時系統(tǒng)等待由P3.1 口輸進的脈沖信號,每一個脈沖信號可使系統(tǒng)的極數(shù)寄 存器數(shù)值加1,并顯示
11、在LED數(shù)碼管上。在定時法測速時,當(dāng)不進行n=60m1/p的運算,直接將1 s內(nèi)的轉(zhuǎn)速脈沖數(shù)m1 變換為BCD碼顯示,所得的數(shù)值顯然就是輸入脈沖信號的頻率。因此系統(tǒng)設(shè)置了 轉(zhuǎn)速/頻率選擇功能。P3.3 口接轉(zhuǎn)速/頻率選擇開關(guān)S3,當(dāng)P3.3為高電平時,表示測 頻率。同時,系統(tǒng)軟件還設(shè)置了一些邏輯錯誤診斷功能,如當(dāng)轉(zhuǎn)速超過99 999 r/mi n.系統(tǒng)將顯示PPPPP表示超出本測速儀所測范圍,又如當(dāng)在M/T法測速時,選擇了 測頻率,則顯示EEEEE,提示用戶出錯等。由于測速儀一般都在工業(yè)生產(chǎn)現(xiàn)場工作, 工作環(huán)境干擾來源多,因此在設(shè)計中, 采用了抗干擾措施,如電源濾波、去耦、注意地線的走向,接地
12、點的安排等硬件抗干擾辦法,以CPU、RAM自檢、軟件冗余、軟件陷阱等軟件抗干擾技術(shù)。DDF:(jDFF8O3i丁.T- R _ D Q,CF Q,ALEFSES1CP D_ 74LS377E Q74LS373b b i*B.a.5叮圖2數(shù)字式轉(zhuǎn)速測量儀電路圖參考文獻1 Yurish S.Y, Kirianaki N.V. Design of High Performances Digital TachometersandTachometric Systems Based on the Method of the Depended Count, In Proceedings of the VII
13、-th In ternati on al Conference CADSM 2003, Lviv-Slavsko, UKRAINE, 18-22February, 20032 Kiria naki N.V., Dey nega V.P., Yurish S.Y., Micro processor Tachometers of NewGeneration for Turbogenerators of Thermal and Nuclear Electric Power Stations.Automatic, Measureme nts and Con trql 1995, No. 292, pp
14、. 52-60.3 Yurish S.Y., Kirianaki N.V., Shpak N.O., Novel Rotation Speed MeasurementConcept for ABS Appropriated for Microsystem Creation. In:AdvaneedMicrosystems for Automotive Applications 99 (Ed. by Ricken D.E. and Gesner W.,Sprin ger, 1999, pp .215-223.附件2:外文原文(復(fù)印件)Digital Meter for Measuring Rot
15、ational Sp eedAbstract A digital meter for measuri ng the rotati onal sp eed is in troduced in this pap er. It is con trolled by an MCS-51 series sin gle-ch ip microco mpu ter 8032. It contains the following features: rational design, high accuracy, wide measurability range and po werful fun ctio n
16、and depen dability. Moreover, it is very nimble and convenient to use.The work principle is p rese nted in detail in the paper and the block diagram and p rogram flowchart are give n as well.Key works: digital measuri ng app aratus; rotatio n sp eed; si ngle-chi p micro-co mpu terThe rotor speed con
17、trol system of industry is one of the important parameters.Mecha ni cal tachometer measuri ng sp eed, the rotor con tact with the measured object must be to get the synchronous sp eed, through the internal gear shift in struct ion after the poin ter sp eed with the size of the header. Use of mecha n
18、i cal tachometer measured object can in terfere with moveme nt, esp ecially whe n measured rotor mass is very small, sp eed tables on the rotor p ressure is not a small additi on al load, which affects the measureme nt accuracy. This paper describes a 8032 sin gle-ch ip microco mpu ter as the core t
19、o the non-con tact Digital Tachometer.1 sp eed measuring p rinc ipleThe gun sp eed-se nsitive devices with in frared sen sors, la un ched by the sp ecialized infrared detection devices, while receiving reflected back from the measured object in frared, p hotoelectric con versi on into electrical pu
20、Ises through the sig nal, does not affect the rotati on of the object. Tubes and pipes are fixed in the detect ion of acce ptable shelf, through the lens focus, semi-tra nsparent film not on ly to the reflected in frared light fired rotating objects, they can rotate the object by the reflected infra
21、red light through the tran sluce nt membra ne back fired for man ageme nt. Alo ng the circumfere nee of a rotati ng body eve n p aste some reflect ion pap er, it directed reflecti on in frared to receive the reflected acce ptance of the in frared con trol.P hotovoltaic con versi on show n in Figure
22、In the op tical triode 3DU5C add ing an approp riate bias, whe n 3DU5C by in frared irradiatio n, at the con ducti on state, A point for the low level, 3DG6 end, B point is high; whe n no in frared radiatio n, the p hotoelectric tran sistor closed A high point p rese ntati on, so 3DG6 low collector
23、point B, B point of the pu Ise sig nal through the inv erter 1,2 p lastic, and the n the door 3 RP, freque ncy and sp eed will be proportional to the size of the corresponding changes The speed puIse signal.Sp eed pu Ise sig nal in to the 8032 microc on troller timer / coun ter, through the microc o
24、n troller to calculate sp eed software p rocess ing.Figure 1 Schematic p hotoelectric con versi onWhe n the mach ine used in the measureme nt sp eed M / T method and tim ing method were used. M/T M / T method is the detect ion time Tc, the time accord ing to sp eed pu Ise m1 and m2 to calculate the
25、speedpuIse. If a fixed period Tc, the total time taken and pu Ise rotati on pu Ise fp fcs Pu Ise on m1 and m2, tim ing pu Ise freque ncy f, rotor out put pu Ises per revoluti on for the p, the sp eed n = 60fm1 / pm2 (r / min). Such as the sp eed measured over 1 s pu Ises for the m1, rotor out put pu
26、 Ise nu mber per revoluti on, that great nu mber of p, the sp eed n = 60m1 / p (r / min).2 hardware sp eed measurement instrumentFigure 2 constitute the grounds of speed 8032 MCU measuring circuit. 8032 isMCS-51 series sin gle chip, comp ared with the com mon 8031 chip, a feature more tha n 8032 str
27、o ng T2 timer / cou nters and 128 bytes of in ternal RAM, which T2 counter with 16-bit auto-reload and cap ture, can for timer / coun ter with, but also used as a baud rate gen erator. The system used for time T2, which take into acco unt regular pu Ise, regular puIse signal directly from the 8032 c
28、hip address latch signal ALE client leads, and through the 74LS74 dual D flip-flop frequency, was two points. When using 6 MHz crystal oscillator, the time pu Ise freque ncy fc is 0.5 MHz. TO accrual sp eed pu Ise counter fp, T1 time pu Ise coun ter for tak ing into acco unt fc, trigger DFF1, DFF2 a
29、nd 1,2,3,4 component count and gate con trol circuit, can also start and stop coun ters T0 and T1. P0 port to allow control through the end of 8D with latch 74LS377 exte nds an 8-bit out put, as a five segme nt LED digital dis play of the data line selecti on code. P 3.0, P 3.1 access switches S1 an
30、d S4, S1 for the very few P set selector switch, S4 input pu Ise for the very few keys. P 3.2 and P 3.3 are conn ected S2 and S3 switch, S2 switch method for the sp eed selectio n key; select the use of M / T method sp eed, or velocity measureme nt with time.S3 for the sp eed freque ncy select switc
31、h, to select the measuri ng sp eed or freque ncy measureme nts.Whe n using regular method to measure the sp eed, the system can be easily measured by measuri ng the freque ncy.3 software design and anti-interference measuresSystem programming includes the main program, interrupt procedures, code con
32、 versi on rout in es, dis play rout in es, etc. The hardware structure of two measureme nt methods are ide ntical, but differe nt software p rocess, to set the sp eed through the P 3.2 port app roach. The followi ng two measureme nt methods were discussed works.M / T method, first of all by the end
33、of 8032 the P1.1 out put start pulse sig nal, the start pu Ise cleared DFF1 and DFF2 two triggers, so that Q1 en ded out pu t low, block ing the door 2,3,4, Q- 1 side open the door for the high one, and trigger DFF2 the Q-2-e nded out put is high, ready for the start of work. Whe n the sp eed pu Ise
34、 sig nal fp receives the rising edge, the fli p-flop DFF1 turn, Q-1 is low, block ing the door 1, Q1 is high, open the door 2,3,4, so that start time T2, m1, m2 and started coun ti ng. In the interrupt p rogram, the P 1.2 8032 en ded out put pulse sig nal to stop, set bit trigger DFF2, Q-2 low-side
35、out pu ts, block ing the door 2,3,4, T0, T1 and stop counting. In terr upt the p rogram while read ing sp eed sig nal pu Ises and tim ing sig nal pu Ises m1 m2, in the main p rogram, in accorda nee with m1, m2, P and f calculated sp eed n = 60fm1/ pm2, and conv erted to BCD code sent to the digital
36、look- up table dis play, comp lete a data collectio n and dis play.In the regular method, due to the tim ing sig nal gen erated 1 s, while the maximum time the system 131 ms, it is the law in time to take 10 con secutive 100 ms time method, whe n the time to 100 ms, the timer T2 overflow in terr upt
37、 to the 8032 app licati on.In terr upt in the in terru pt p rocess of the cumulative nu mber of times, if the cumulative nu mber of times un til they break 10, not to make any op erati on on the return, T2 to the next 100ms the time, TO to count sp eed pu Ise, whe n the in terr upt whe n the nu mber
38、 reached 10 in interrupt the p rogram, set bit P 1.2, stop coun ti ng, and read ing the count value T0 m1, corres ponding in the main p rogram to calculate the sp eed of op erati on, and con verted to BCD code, send LED dis play. Time here with 16-bit coun ter with auto-load ing feature of the T2 co
39、un ter, whe n T2 overflow in terr upt the same time, the coun ter counts automatically reload the in itial value, con ti nue to regularly. So its time is con ti nu ous, without interrup ti on and res ponse p rocedures for deali ng with the impact of disr up ti on. If not overloaded by features such
40、as timers T0 or T1, the n whe n the timer overflow, it should be in res ponse to failure, reset the timer interrupt p rogram, the in itial value. Timer timing is intermittent, the impact of timing accuracy, thereby affecting measureme nt p recisi on. Visible by 8032 in the T2 coun ter timer is a fea
41、ture of the system, it can significantly improve measurement precision. The guns range in 0-49r/min accuracy up to 0.1 / min, at 50-99 999r/min range of accuracy up to 1 r / min.The gun can measure the number of different pole puIse generator puIse occurs, such as in frared detectors above, whe n ch
42、a nging the rotat ing body attached to the amount of reflecti on pap er, issued by the rotor per revolutio n pu Ise nu mber p is also cha nged accord in gly, At this poin t, if still in accorda nee with the p rocedures in the origi nal p value calculation, calculation error will be. Therefore, the s
43、ystem provides very few of the features set the sce ne: P 3.0 I take very few set selector switch, whe n P 3.0 is high time that n eed to set the po le, the n the system wait ing for input into the mouth by the P 3.1 pu Ise sig nal, each pu Ise makes the system very few register value plus 1, and di
44、s played in the LED digital tube.Velocity measurementat the time, and when not to n = 60m1 / p the operators directly to the sp eed of 1 s pu Ises m1 tran sformed into BCD code shows that the value obtained is obviously the input puIse frequency. Therefore, the system set up speed freque ncy op ti o
45、ns. P 3.3 port access sp eed freque ncy select switch S3, whe n P 3.3 is high time that test freque ncy.Mea nwhile, the system software has set a nu mber of logical fault diag no sis functions, such as sp eeds above 99 999 r / min, the system will dis play PPPPP, that go bey ond the scope of this gu
46、n is measured, and as if the M / T velocity measureme nt, theSelect the measureme nt freque ncy, it shows EEEEE, prompts the user error and so on.As the gun is gen erally in the in dustrial field in the work ing en vir onment of sources of interferenee, so in the design, using anti-jamming measures,such as power supply filteri ng, deco up li
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