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1、考試需知:考試前每一列學(xué)生把課本放在第一排??荚嚂r間為2 . 5個小時,試卷1為閉卷考試,前面40分鐘用于完成試卷1。待 老師收上試卷1后,發(fā)下課本,學(xué)生做試卷2,試卷2為開卷考試。 可攜帶紙質(zhì)詞典進(jìn)考場,不許攜帶電子詞典及手機(jī)進(jìn)考場。Test Paper 1I Filling the blanks:1. Gen erally speak ing, in terms ofcon textuality,thecom muni cati onin the West is low-c on textual while that in the East ishigh-contextual2. Gen

2、erally speak ing, in terms of world views, the West adopts Dualisticview, while the East adopts holistic view3. Gen erally speak ing, in terms of thought patter ns, the West followsAnalytic and abstract thinking, while the East follows synthetic and concrete thinking4. Gen erally speak ing, in terms

3、 of discourse patter ns, the West usesDeductive pattern while the East uses inductive pattern5 In the Axial Age, the great thi nkers in Chi na areConfucius Lao Tze, MoTze, and the great thinker in India is Siddhartha Gautama, the great figure in Palesti ne are Hebrew prophets and the great thi nkers

4、 in the West are Plato , Homer and ArchimedesII . Choose the best answer:1. Non-verbalmessages are classified into two comprehensive categories:those that are primarily produced by the body, such as,; and those that the in dividualcomb ineswith the setti ng, such asA. physical con tact, eye con tact

5、, parala nguage; space, time, manB. facial expression, touch, taste; space, time, sileneeC. appearanee, movement, gesture; surrounding, occasion, manD. movement, smell, paralanguage; space, time, silenee2. In Chinese writing, there are usually mor e adjectives, proverbs and allusions than in English

6、 writing. Some Western scholars name this styleflowery ”, stati ng that its aim is to give a more fan cifulimpressi on tha nin formatio n, and the in formatio n is usually of beauty, fragra nee, happ in ess, and any othergoodness ” aspects so as to attract people. We may term thisstyle as-oriented.

7、Western writing is more direct with objectiveinformation.To them, much-repeated words may mean less after a while.We may term the Western writing as _-oriented. CA. adjective, objectiveB. Chin ese, Wester nC. impressio n, in formatio nC. i ndirect, direct3. As to the huma n n ature orie ntatio n, th

8、e traditi onal Western belief holds that, while the Asia n people believe that.BA. basically good; basically badB. evil but perfectible, basically goodC. the mixture of good and evil; the mixture of good and evil;D. unknown4. As to the Man-Nature orie ntati on, the traditi onal Western belief holds

9、that, while the Asia n people believe that.DA. subjugati on to n ature; harm ony with n atureB. harm ony with n ature; mastery over n atureC. harm ony with n ature; subjugati on to n atureD. mastery over n ature; harm ony with n ature5. As to time orie ntati on,gen erallyspeak ing,the USA is, thePhi

10、lipp in es,Mexico, and Lati n America are , and Asia, Brita in,Greece, France are.CA. on-time orie nted; in-time orie nted; late-time orie ntedB. youth-orie nted; adult-orie nted; elderly-orie ntedC. future-orie nted; prese nt-orie nted; past-orie ntedD. prese nt-orie nted; future-orie nted; past-or

11、ie nted6. I n terms of activity orie ntati on, the USA is, the Philipp in es, Mexico,and Lati n America are, and Asia is.DA. doin g-orie nted; play in g-orie nted, bein g-orie ntedB. play in g-orie nted; bein g-orie nted; doin g-orie ntedC. bein g-orie nted; doin g-orie nted; bein g-i n-beco ming or

12、ie ntedD. doin g-orie nted; bein g-orie nted; bein g-i n-beco ming orie nted7. The dividing worldview is also referred to as mechanistic view. It goes by the followi ng differe nt n ames:DA. reas on versus result; religio n versus art; objectivity versus imag in ati onB. in sti net versus in tuiti o

13、n; scie nee versustech no logy; imagi nati on versussubjectivityC. tuitionversus intuition;regionversus religion;subjugationversus subjectivityD. reason versus intuition;scienee versus religion; objectivity versussubjectivity8. The Greek thinks in order to. It is speculati on. The Hindu thi nks inor

14、der to. It is meditati on. The Chin ese thi nks in order to.It is con templati on.CA. do; die; liveB. spectacle; meddle; con temptC. un dersta nd; thi nk; self-cultivateD. thi nk; self-cultivate; un dersta nd9. Your body doesnknow how to lie ” indicatesBA. someth ing is wrong with your body and you

15、can only sta nd.B. body Ian guage is importa nt.C. body con tact is dan gerous.D. we can separate mi nd from body.10. Gen erally speak ing, in the US, people make frie nds by shari ng ,while in China, people make frie nds by shari ng.BA. pers onal relati on ship; activitiesB. activities; pers onal r

16、elati on shipC. love; bloodD. blood; love11. In terms of physicalcon tact,the highcon tactcoun triesare,while the low contact coun tries are.CA. the US, Brita in,most Norther nEuropea ncoun tries;Arab world,Mediterra nean coun tries, Indon esiaB. the US, Brita in, Japa n; East Europea n coun tries,

17、Russia, Middle EastC. Arab world, Mediterraneancountries,Indonesia; the US, Britain,mostNorther n Europea n coun triesD. Arab world,Mediterraneancountries,China; the US, Britain, mostNorther n Europea n coun tries12. Gen erallyspeak ing,in terms of con textualityof com muni cati on,thehigh-c on text

18、ualpeople are ,whilethelow-c on textualcoun triesareAA. Lati n America ns, Chin ese, Japa nese; the America ns, Germa n, SwissB. the America ns, Germa n, Swiss; Lati n America ns, Chin ese, Japa neseC. Native America ns, Chin ese, Korea ns; the America ns, Japa nese, BritishD. the America ns, Japa n

19、ese, British; Native America ns, Chin ese, Korea ns13. Each person has a bubble ” of space (territory). Studies show that peoplefrom ,have a smaller personal territorytha n do people from,.AA. South America, Arab countries,and many Asian countries; NorthAmerica, Britai n, Germa nyB. North America, B

20、ritain, Germany; South America, Arab countries, andmany Asia n coun triesC. South America, Britain. Germany; North America, Arab countries, andmany Asia n coun tries.D. North America, Arab countries,and many Asian countries; SouthAmerica, Britai n, Germa ny14. I nculture, the nu clear family is much

21、 more importa nt to thein dividual tha n the exte nded family, while in ,culture, the exte nded family is very importa nt.CA. Hispa nic; America n, Asia n, Arabia n, Africa nB. Arabia n; America n, Asia n, Africa n, Hispa nicC. America n; Asia n, Africa n, Arabia n, Hispa nicD. Africa n; America n,

22、Asia n, Arabia n, Hispa nic15. In nu clear-familyculture, people rely mainly on , ,for help, while in exte nded-family culture, people rely mai nly onfor help.CA. families, frie nds, professi on als; familiesB. families, frie nds, professi on als; in stituti onsC. frie nds, professi on als, in stitu

23、tio ns; familiescomes first, while in Bwould feel that they hadD. frie nds, families, in stituti ons; professi on als16. Innu clear-familyculture, usuallyexte nded-family culture,usually comes first.A. family; in dividualB. i ndividual; familyC. husba nd; wifeD. wife; husba nd17. When it comes to fr

24、iendship,an American friend if the friend gave up a real need to study to go shopping.One duties and obligations toward friends,does not expect friendstoward on eself.; one resp on sibilities one feels free , if they prefer to be _ whicheven best friends are understood to to assume bu rdensome, US i

25、s a person that that the friend may in the West, people in a relati on ship inA close friend in the however,to ask for help, recognizing,give you a reason. This is maybe that, so they one person is being given. For Westerners support and. BA. depended too much; limitless;material; get separateB. imp

26、osed too much; have limits; l ongemotio nal; spe nd time together.C. imposed too little; have limits;finan cial; get invo Iveddo not feel comfortable more and frie ndshipthe other is dependent on what isis mostly a matter of providingsmall;say OK ”; dependent; receiving;-term; say No ”; independent;

27、 giving;short -term; say Yes ”; free;earning;givi ng;D. depended a little; limitless; big; say Sorry ”; independent; spiritual; get together.virtually18. In China, the duties and obligations of friendships seemfor all practical purposes. Chin ese frie nds give each other much help and assistanee tha

28、n Western friends do. Forexample, they give each other and might help each otherfor aperiod of time. A frie nd in Chi na is some one who, sensing that you are in n eed in some way, of fers to assist you.CA. impossible; more spiritual; thin gs; practically; short; whe n being askedB. eno rmous; less

29、spiritual; mon ey; finan cially; long; un willi nglyC. unlimited;more concrete; money; financially;long; without waiting tobe askedD. limited; more con crete; thin gs; materially; certa in; if required19. In times emoti onal likely tofriends give each other Chinese friend is more to a friend, while

30、anof trouble, both American and Chinesesupport, but they do it differently. Abe to giveadviceAmerica n frie nd will be to give advice, in stead shemay raise questio ns to en courage her frie nd to con sider carefully what mayhappe n if she does one thi ng in stead of ano ther.CA. cautious; detailed;

31、 ready; specificB. ready; ambiguous; cautious; guideli neC. ready; specific; cautious; directD. un willi ng; direct; ready; specific20. When it comes to the relationshipbetween parents and married sons, inChina, a man relationship with his parents is than that with hiswife. Thus in the eve nt of any

32、 quarrel betwee n his wife and his mother, aman should. At most he might hope to, and thiswas regarded as . In America, a mans relati on ship with hisparents is than that with his wife. He would be expected to. He might even be counseled to the vicinity of his parents home to ease the conflict.DA. m

33、ore important;side with his mother; side with his father; honorable;more importa nt; side with no one; move intoB. less importa nt; side with no one; say someth ing; hono rable; less importa nt; side with his father; get away fromC. less importa nt;side with his wife; rema in sile nt; dish ono rable

34、;moreimporta nt; side with his wife; move intoD. more importa nt;side with his mother; rema in n eutral; disho no rable;lessimporta nt; side with his wife; move awayin True or false: upward, for the Hi ndu is to look in ward, for the Con fucia ns is to look outward. (F ) erallyspeak ing

35、,China is an equal society, America is a hierarchysociety. ( F )Gen erally speak ing, inChin ese society, the power dista nee is small, whilein America, the power dista nee is large. ( F ) Both the Asian and Western countriesface ” has the same social significanee face is also the face of one group.

36、( F ) The dividi ng worldview relies stro ngly on (T )have the concept of for these countriesinfacts ” as opposed toA very rough generalization is that thinking for the Greekface ”, and that one “ ” opinionsis to look6. Values are explicitly stored in our mi nd. We are always aware of them, andwe ma

37、ke judgme nts accordi ng to them. (F)7. Values are separate from each other. Each one work alone. ( F )8. Values can be compared on a continuum rather than one of only two possible choices. People everywhere possess the same values to different degrees, and the importa nee of that com mon value, how

38、 it gets acted out, isa matter of degree. ( T)9. Lover ” and “ 愛人” have the same meaning. ( F )10. In both China and Wester n coun tries,it is very com mon and usual foradults to fon dle other people babies and very small childre n to show their affect ion and frie ndli ness. ( F )IV .Translation:1.

39、 Translate the following English into Chinese:1) Nature and Man are ble nded in to one harm onious ide ntity.天人合一2) Nature affects human affairs and human behavior finds response in Nature.天人感應(yīng)3) Nature accords with human wishes.天從人愿4) Your character will be tin tedred ” (good) if you are in the com

40、pa ny offedness ”,but black ” (bad) if you are in close contact with ink.近朱者赤,近墨者黑5) God helps those who help themselves. 天助自助者6) Look before you leap.三思而后行7) A single arrow is easily broken, but not a bunch.輕霜凍死單根草,狂風(fēng)難毀萬木林He who stirs ano ther porridge ofte n bur ns his own.狗拿耗子,多管閑事2. Translate th

41、e following Chinese into English:1) 容忍 toleranee of others2) 中 庸之道 moderation, following the middle way3) 修養(yǎng) self-cultivation4) 不 重競爭 non-competitiveness5) 信用 trust-worthiness6) 貞節(jié) chastity in women7) 寡欲 having few desires服從、孝敬、尊崇、贍養(yǎng)父母filial pietyV . Tell the meaning of the following gestures in dif

42、ferent countries:Gesture 1Gesture 2Gesture 31. In the US, En gla nd, Swede n it is used together with the verbal messageLet keep ourfin gers crossed to mea n that _ the person is hoping for good luck.InGreece and Turkey it mean s the break ing of a frie ndship.In parts ofItaly it means _ OK.2. In th

43、e US it means Great, perfect, acceptable,OK.In Belgium andFran ce, it means _ zero.In Brazil, Turkey, Greece and Malta it has _ an obscenemeaning. In Japa n it meansmoney.In Tuni sia, it is usedas threat.3. It means Slow dowS, “elax” or Wait a second.Test Paper 2下列各題請參閱了所指定的課本內(nèi)容后,用中文回答,可翻譯課本的內(nèi)容作為答案。

44、弋 Answer the following questions1. What are the implications of the individualismin the West and thecollectivism in the East? (P66-68)2. Offer your interpretations with examples about the Chinese and the Western modes of thinking. ( P93-97 )W . Case analysis:1. Study the following Chinese poem and E

45、nglish statements and see what messages you can draw from it that are releva nt to in tercultural com muni cati on study. (P28-29)1) 橫看成嶺側(cè)成峰,遠(yuǎn)近高低各不同,不識廬山真面目,只緣身在此山 中。2) You will not know your own culture well un til you com muni cate with ano ther,3) If we do not recognize our humanity in others, we

46、 will not recognize it in ourselves.2. Read the quotati onfrom Abraham Lin col n and work out what value heexpressed. Explai n this value.(P59-60)We do wish to allow the humblest man an equal cha nee to get rich with every one else. Whe n one starts poor, as most do in the race of life, free society

47、 is such that he knows he can better his condition;he knows thatthere is no fixed condition of labor for his whole life.3. Study the case and then try to answer the questions that follow. (P86-92)Wu had just started working for a Swedish company that had extensive bus in ess commitme nts in China. A

48、 large part of his work concerned advis ing his expatriate colleagues on Chin ese bus in ess practices. This invo Ived both writ ing reports and recomme ndati ons and address ing meeti ngs.As he was very anxious to succeed, Wu always researched his topics thoroughly and tried to make his presentatio

49、nsas clear as possible.However, he gradually became aware that something was wrong. It often seemed that nobody listened to him and his advice was ignored. When he spoke at meet in gs, he felt that people were impatie nt and unin terested in what he had to say. He got more and more unhappy and began

50、 to feel that his colleagues were not in terested in his opinions because he was Chin ese.This, he thought, was racism.The company had a policy of annual review, which meant that every staff member met with the managing director once a year to discuss his or her progress. When the time came for Wu review, he managing director gave him a copy of the compan


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