1、http:/ww.kekenet.c/koyu/200812119.htmlni ne希望與要求、wedlke to xpress our dei toesblisuiess rlationshi wih you o basi of equalt,muta beit andthexcage of need gd.equity(平等),mual benefit(互利) thexcane f needd oods.(互通有無)mtual(相互地)我方希望能在平等、互利、互通有無的基礎上與貴公司建立業(yè)務關系。2、in orderto end ou exr businesto your cout, w
2、wish oent int direct businessrelations wih yu.exted(拓寬) 為了能在貴國拓寬我方的出口業(yè)務,我們希望能與你們直接建立業(yè)務關系。3、ourhope is t stablshmtuallbeneial tadingrlatis beweenus.nefiial(有利的)我們希望雙方能建立互惠的貿易關系。4、we lookar oa furter extnion of pleasnt siessrelations希望我們之間友好的業(yè)務關系能得到進一步發(fā)展。5、ts ur hpe t continue wthnsierable uiess dalig
3、 with youonsideal(大量的) ling(生意、業(yè)務)我方希望能繼續(xù)同貴方保持大量的業(yè)務往來。6、we look orwr to receiig u qoain vroquotio(報價)我方期待著盡快收到貴方的報價。7、ihope youll sefrm theeductionthtweare rely doigo utmoeducio (減價) o esutmost(盡最大的努力)希望貴方能從這一降價中看出我方真的在盡最大的努力。8、we hope discuss busness with you at your eliest oeienceconvie(方便)我方希望盡早與
4、貴方洽談業(yè)務。9、weis tepress our eeo rade wt youin ether shes.我方希望能與貴方達成皮鞋貿易關系。1、we lok frwr o yurry repy nd trus thtthrugh ur mutua oopration we sall be able toconludtis trasaction thyo in the ear eration(合作) conclud(完成) saction(交易)我們盼望早日得到你方的答復,并相信通過相互合作,我們不久即可以達成這筆交易。11、ihopwe ca do usiness tge
5、ter, nd ook fwrd o hearingform yo soon希望我們有合作機會,并靜候您的佳音。1、i hpe ht we ancooperte hppily.希望我們合作愉快。13、iope t can contnue or cooaio.我希望我們能繼續(xù)合作。14、w sincrl hoph i transactowll turn ut o thesatisfactonobt paies.u ot (結果是,原來是)我們真誠的希望這次交易能使我們雙方滿意。15、we ope th hi ma tend wll onnue.我希望這種市場趨勢能繼續(xù)發(fā)展下去。1 i ishop
6、dhatou ouldseiouly ak this matterinto onsderation and t have our rplysoon 我希望你能認真考慮這件事,并盡快答復我們。17 hope th ou il deal with r requestearney 我希望你能認真處理我們的請求。18we pe t ceiv yoimeiate aner. 希望能得到你的最快答復。9 we are looking orwrd havng you earl relto this matte.我們希望能得到你關于這件事的盡快答復。2wehpe hahs dispute an be ttle
7、d throughfriendlynegitiowithut itseng sbttedoaritraton.2 welookoard t yorsettementat n erldte.22 yor earl sttletof th case wl be apreciated. 23 hoethat cn ett the clim asquickly psible.24 we petat there wll b noreptiio oftskind f trubleine fuure.5 weexpectthatuill ofer usa lowr pice as soon s possil
8、e. 26we hopea the atter can be brough to astisfactoy soluton. 2 i hopehi udibleidetill not ta in the wy of orfuture inss. we hope himtter ill not fc ou gorelatons in our ure delns 29 iwish tht thi busne ll bring nef to both ofus. w hopethis incide willnot ing ana t our laant relaton unit 2 產品介紹 art
9、on 31.thismodel o typrier s effcieand enrale , economica and pratical or iddl schol studens. 3.the coter e produced is chaactizdby t igh qlty ,compct-szed, eergy-saving an it also tolearn n easy-to-operate 33.they re n onya lowiceas otermars,but heare tinctl periorin th ollowng pcts .34 owill get a
10、30 nsing rodcti upon usg his machnand ao tallos npopet erf the task of three pple. 3. hs produtwillpay t own way in a year. 36.tis machine will y bk your instmenn 6 mnth. 37the ew type f suitcase crd egned y ou eninees is vry ingnousnprctcal 38tskind f icyceanbefle in hfnd hany to car run ,specially
11、useful during eln antrafficjams. 39the mximum speedofthski ofariable sped icycle is3 k/h 40.the acine h fe rkdowns and eay iin becuof i sple meccalstructue 4pard ith other brads,ths kindo tyreos less e milean wermuclone deto itsopnth rbber.4.this id f tyre isharteriic of nskid stp on we road. 3thi m
12、teri has a dural nd sy-toceansfae 4.ti ki oar-condtning ystmractical nd onmial for heneeds ur comany45.our producs a aserb qualit sl as the typcalorienal make-up. part to 46ursik gmensae made f supr pure sikmatrial nd by traditional sklls. 47. the grets ar magificent ndtstefu and e lon jdgre ae oh a
13、 ho an aoard. 48.as ourtyperiters remdeof light an hd alloy he are bot portale nd eurable.e hnd aweotd arall adeo te bes lathe d varius h kinsdthesles in orde to metth reuiemts of al alk of lfe i ou ounry. 50.as ur prodcts have all t eu you ne and20%heaper comprd with hnese mad ,i srngly rcomend oou
14、.51vacuu cleaner f ths branareceitive inth intrtionl rket andae h best sellingproutsoftheir id. 52. “forer” ltile sprcing byces aresure tbe selable in yu mket.53. owningtouerior qulity andesoal pic osil ha met hwrm rectin quick simost uopean counries 54.we feelhatour pruct ite be nd in sia and we cn
15、 e el cmete aginst japn in rice. 5. or good ar atl appreciaedin othekets smiar to your on 56by virtue of is super qalit ,tiducts oft soldot in y reas.57.or products are sueror iualityan modeate price n aresue t bellablein ourrket. 58.thee iems areos selbin our makt 59thrhave been a steady dean in ou
16、 maret fr his kindof to. 60wehv thepleasurin ecommeigyou th goodssimilar to te samp you se. nithre 業(yè)務范圍介紹part i 61)wwihto nrduce urselves t ua a sate-owne coratn deang excivey i lghtiindustrial goods. 62) we ar introucing urelve as on o e laing exper o the same line bines 63) we ha the leasurof intr
17、oducing orsevs o yu as ate caionpciaizig in he epor f cannd goos. 64) winrodce ourlves s dealers yls and spare parts wev been iti le fo ove to decdes. 65) our coporton is spciaized in hanlng hexpot uness of extiles 6) thenprdcts or corprai deals i aelectrical aplances. 67)orcompay is mainly engg agr
18、icura poducts. 68)we pciale n te eot oftabl-lot. 69)our cmpn mil deals ith thexprtuinesso si goods. 70) ur pealization is the eprtaton of chinese lk rments1) we aeengaed n thempr andexpr f mchiery 2)we are noong a lar import businss i fruis from southeast sa. 7) wespecialize inhandl clcks and watche
19、s ofll ors. 4) o ae on a varietyofsil piee gods 7) or actitieover a wd rnge fcmmodtie, such astes, elts anss 76)eare n vey od posiiotospy gae of canedfish a competitiv pricesfor gooddeivery 7) wr n a otion to cept ordrs ganst ustoers samplespecfng design, specificatiosand pacaging equirements. 7)w a
20、re not expring awadwillow prodcs, broidere, porelin wares, jaecarvngs, antque, hinese panings, sil lerd various in of toysndgits. 9) or oporatinis a ajor producer oftecniy vanmaciry nd hemas for ndustry ndagriculture. 80) eletroc roducts falltinthe scope f u bsine vities 81)we as do exprtbins oand m
21、doven tices.2) we have been engageine glass busnssith ny asian couries ormayyrs83)ourcompy is mainl in th line ofexpoing chinese rt objectst eurpean markets 84) we lsodo imort and xpot business ichemicalsand agricultural poduct 85) w heee mportng ad exportigal kinds f tasand minersfor 30 yeas andhav
22、e mycutm ad fieds inoer80coniesandregions 86)ur crporation isagrpenterriiteging scietific reearc, busies, odctio andservic. 87) sajoin vetur, o oporation has wn a proinnosition i te ilds of hoe electroncs,compuers an telecomuncatioin china 8) we are pepaed to accpdr fr oswih custmesown trad ak obrnd
23、 nme8) w av be hadlg leaher soesan glves formore than20 r 90) we vbeen engagedf two deade in the anufatureof suh equpm.itefou 承諾weasre you tha uc thinswil no happ agan n our uture devries. 9d ike toavl ourselve thioportunity o assure yu of orbond atenion in hanlingyruureer. 93or prodts arelas goo as
24、te sampeswe snd ,inpomisetherewil be not dbaemet of qualty. 4.igurane at here is not ferec qualiy etwe the rodutswed younxtmonh and wats smpes youawust now.5i cn prmise you tha th rducteedy ll be o aoe qulit.96.ur ct re urelyo stndad quli.7.i ve you my word tht he aymenwll bae t te thn teend of june
25、. 9.i roise i wlcheck inttee problems and fi out if tey ere ourfaul 9.wecan make sue that godsavoi enamaged urihe trnit00.w will proide a feh gurante frte proecin of t equpmnseaird.nit fiv 詢盤 prt oe. 10please quot us forthe os listed i encsed iquiry ee ing yur priifjak12.plasequoe us yourlwsprice if
26、 hamburg for tnmtof walnumeat. 103.pleas quoe us ob lodn or 100 amsof gdlity hite oser pape. 10.plas uo uyour mt ompetiive pices iordero onsmatebusinss. 15pleaquote usyuest ic r tiliers .06.lease qute us or best rie ad let u k theminimm quatityoehrder. 17.please ke ffero hongkon baesfor andmde ather
27、 glov108please akesoferiving your pric fob ne york. 109.we hae alady made n enquie fo your articls pleae mk fe before th end of this mont. 11.i woudlke to mke enquiyabout ths type f leaher b 11.e shall e peasifyu fnid s with yor qotaion for thi rodc. 112manyf ustomes ae iteresein yor “eaull” randueh
28、olcissorand wistohe yorcnf shnghai quotatios 113. w att ko te pric cifkyo fo our pritdhrtng.114.we areanxiou o geta offer ryourproucs 11. we shall e vry adto rceie a offermyouontis brndof adios. parttwo.116.w shl lie to knowth oefo the rice f his ind 17.we like tknow te minimumordequity pecolr and p
29、r dsign 118.what riccould ou qote us on two ozen sets?119.wuld u pleas qote us price ne yur 7 * 1 rveribooblakts 1 wool and 5% cotton, boun thraon sain? 0.ow mch you asking f thisbrand ofties?2. we der 0,000 unitswha oud be youoff? 1.hats te pric or 100gof whteugar.123can ou sppl tis quality appoxim
30、atel5% cnt per metr? 124.if our order isa substanial one ho mh wil yu binyour rice down?12.how muhisouncou yo r n a orer of ti ze? 126.plese inor us wat special oeryou canmku ?7.re i a list f my reqements i ld tohave yuloesquotions cifew york 12peaseinfor s of your owest pricecif lodo. 129.weapecate
31、it vry much u et uskowwascunt yo can gntus ifwegie yo a lrge ode of ur pts. 130.plase let s ave ou bst utatn y tmorow toee witheappopriateief shipet. uie six報盤 part 131this fe s sbjct to u rly aching ee onr efore 29,june. 32.f wecan reeive yo orde in thex10 das, we wil me u a irm oeat ericesqoed 13.
32、thsoffe s fm f5days. 14.t riceweuotis no hnghi bass insted f cifhnkong basnd or offer wil be vli uil agust1. 35.e akeouthe ofer subct to ou apply eahig us not ler than noon decembe 2.36we hav te oferayor you. 137.id toremind o tawe hetowthdrw ouroffr eont ha yu bynext oday.3s offerwil ea effectvefr
33、noer 10days from jue3.the ualiy ofurproductis od anth rice isreasonabl o we aronfden tatyou willaccpt ourffer dte 4h may. 140.sncerly the mrket iadvaning rapidy th prie w oferedy the estibelive.141hee areour lest pricesee. yu il see hat ou rc ot coptive 14.webie tat h rice we offe you cancompe llwit
34、 those ther irs. 143.we hpe you will acceptour oer and give sorde soon.144.efeelbetter or wll give you full sisaion hope recee a faorble replyfrom oon 145.if you tink our proposalaccepal pleaselet ushve ourrder atearly date. par t 6.w hvethe pleae erng yo rproduct. 17.e are interestd i making uaoffo
35、noh-make carpets wich iswellreceive in the overseamrkt. 148.or prce or 20 dozns pairs oplasticshower curas wth mathing raswoulde45usd halle hol tem foourrer? 149. gi oprceo144$ fobchicago. 10we ae leasedto uote yo for100 dozen man shirts a fr the smple yu senbefoe a rce 5/piececifne yorkfor prmot sh
36、ipment 151.i compline wit your requstwe ar ooffering u 200dzen magnifer at 30$ pe dze cif aniscoseptember shipme. 12you will ot that e ar n the postion o fer yo 50 ong tonsf efo shee a theractiverie 15 pe ln tnsf hanga 153we ofer ou 50ons of aaoat a h prce of 00 pund /ton. 154.e anquoteyo he pce of
37、$ / typewritr and0%discoto shiping .5.uvreoe sel ie i 180$ /unt 5weofeyu fir 2,00tons o chemicalertilierat 50 r on to cifitnam deliver inpil. 57 we an oe a qulitdiscnt of up t5%bu we are par togive20% sount o offer o buythe omplet stuff. 58i hahereour price seton a sessl ai ,te pice regivn withot eg
38、agement.159.as pices is stad rasing, wd adie ou to place your odewithut delay. 1.ou rodut i ingreat demand supps s lmitedso e ouldrecmedtat you acep thsoffe as so a possibl. unite sevn 還盤 partn 161. we ope you will conside ou coter-ofr ost favrably andtl us you deion atyouearlest convennc. 162.we wi
39、sh yowill reonder yo rie d gie a nw bd so thathre culdb a possiilitfor us methlf y.63.to ccp te price ou qute ould leave u only smal profit our sale cause princile dema n ourtyisfo articl in the edim price ange 164.our comptors are oferi considering lowr prcesand unleyou canrduce ouqutio we have to
40、buy se whre 165to ccepyour rsent quotaion would meanaheav los to us not to spek of proit. 1.wihtoont u tatour ffer areghe than ome ofour competirs nther countries. 16.yor prce ell avesot margin fo redtion what so ever? 168e can o thesae qaity trog anthe chanlat uh owr price than ta ou uote s16here i
41、s idiferene betwe your ricnd thoe ofyr cmpettors . 170.w oed you will oeor rck-bottom pc, otherswe have noalteraive utto plac our drs else where 11.if u inis onyor originaloffitwill rduce our rofitonieraly. 172.w ddnt exect that thedscuntyooffe wo be so low. 173.ou ice should b bs o he actal sitatin
42、 our cutome. 4in ourmreprducsof smilar types r so mn dw sc a owerprcestht many of our gular custersmay witchoter companis am afad. 7urfe is tacptableecusee aeanoter spplierfferng simir alty prouts at 5% disount. 16. ur quoationis by o means faale it those of oter oiins. 17. am sorr tosathat yur ries
43、 are u9% hher thanthse offered b otesuplier. 178.comre wi wh s quoted y ot sulier, your pc is ncompettve. .orpcoares unfavorale wit your competios10.or onter oe i ell nline wth the internatinal maet,fairand rasonabe. prt to181.ur oe is wider tha w can cnside. 182.wvey ch egre totte that ourndser hee
44、 fn price o highandout of ineith the prvaiingmrkt level 8w appreat thoodualityfyour goodsut uornelywe a no going toaepthe offer n yr tems. .w ind r ricesare to hig o ccepble15.we regto say tht yur ofer not t lest nagng. 86.thequoati ubmie youis oo high 187e egrtat it s impsible for u tontern he bid. 18.ou ar makng us opay toohigh
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