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精品文檔 1 1 歡迎下載 1 歡迎下載 常用英語動詞短語大全常用英語動詞短語大全 一 動詞一 動詞 bebe 構(gòu)成的短語動詞構(gòu)成的短語動詞 1 1 bebe knownknown asas bebe famousfamous asas 作作 為為 而聞名而聞名 bebe knownknown forfor 因因 而出名而出名 bebe knownknown toto 為為 所知所知 bebe knownknown byby 憑憑 而知而知 TheThe hillhill isis knownknown forfor thethe templetemple LuXunLuXun isis knownknown toto usus asas a a writerwriter OneOne cancan bebe knownknown byby hishis wordswords andand deedsdeeds 2 2 bebe marriedmarried toto 與與 結(jié)婚結(jié)婚 SheShe isis marriedmarried toto a a musicianmusician 3 3 bebe tiredtired ofof withwith 對對 厭煩厭煩 HeHe isis tiredtired ofof withwith thisthis kindkind ofof lifelife He He isis boredbored withwith thisthis kindkind ofof lifelife 4 4 bebe terrifiedterrified atat 被被 嚇一跳嚇一跳 HeHe isis terrifiedterrified atat thethe snakesnake 5 5 bebe burdenedburdened withwith 負重負重 HeHe isis burdenedburdened withwith a a heavyheavy loadload 6 6 bebe crowdedcrowded withwith 擠滿擠滿 TheThe shopshop isis crowdedcrowded withwith peoplepeople 7 7 bebe dresseddressed inin 穿著穿著 SheShe isis dresseddressed inin redred 8 8 bebe experiencedexperienced inin 對對 有經(jīng)驗有經(jīng)驗 HeHe isis experiencedexperienced inin mendingmending bikesbikes 9 9 bebe equippedequipped withwith 裝備裝備 TheyThey areare equippedequipped withwith gunsguns andand foodfood 1010 bebe furnishedfurnished withwith 提供 布置提供 布置 TheyThey areare furnishedfurnished withwith enoughenough foodfood 1111 bebe engagedengaged inin sthsth 從事 忙于從事 忙于 精品文檔 2 2 歡迎下載 2 歡迎下載 be be busybusy withwith sth sth HeHe hashas beenbeen engagedengaged inin writingwriting novelsnovels 1212 bebe engagedengaged toto 與與 訂婚訂婚 MyMy daughterdaughter isis engagedengaged toto a a nicenice doctordoctor 1313 bebe aboutabout toto dodo sthsth 正要做 正要做 1 1 waswas justjust aboutabout toto gogo swimmingswimming whenwhen ourour guideguide sawsaw meme andand stoppedstopped meme 1414 bebe fitfit toto dodo bebe fitfit forfor 勝任 勝任 適合于適合于 HeHe isis fitfit toto dodo thethe workwork TheseThese booksbooks areare notnot fitfit forfor childrenchildren 1515 bebe worthworth doingdoing 值得做值得做 TheThe filmfilm isis worthworth seeingseeing againagain 1616 bebe proudproud ofof 以以 而自影驕傲而自影驕傲 I I amam proudproud ofof beingbeing a a ChineseChinese 1717 bebe usedused toto sthsth doingdoing sthsth 習慣于 習慣于 MyMy grandpagrandpa isis notnot usedused toto livingliving inin thethe noisynoisy citycity 1818 bebe contentcontent toto dodo sthsth with n with n 甘愿于干甘愿于干 滿足于 滿足于 I I amam contentcontent withwith youryour workwork thisthis timetime 1919 bebe contentcontent withwith 對對 感到滿意感到滿意 YouYou shouldshould bebe contentcontent withwith whatwhat youyou havehave 2020 bebe upup toto 應由應由 輪到 輪到 It sIt s upup toto herher toto answeranswer thethe questionquestion 2121 bebe meantmeant intendedintended forfor 打算給 打算給 打算用作打算用作 IsIs thisthis valuablevaluable paintingpainting meantmeant forfor me me 2222 bebe connectedconnected withwith 與與 有聯(lián)系有聯(lián)系 HeHe waswas alsoalso connectedconnected withwith thethe governmentgovernment 精品文檔 3 3 歡迎下載 3 歡迎下載 2323 bebe crazycrazy aboutabout 對對 狂熱狂熱 ManyMany youngyoung peoplepeople areare crazycrazy aboutabout Hip HopHip Hop 二 動詞二 動詞 breakbreak 構(gòu)成的短語動詞構(gòu)成的短語動詞 1 1 breakbreak outout 爆發(fā)爆發(fā) 2 2 breakbreak inin 打斷 闖入打斷 闖入 3 3 breakbreak intointo 闖入 破門而入闖入 破門而入 4 4 breakbreak awayaway fromfrom 脫離脫離 5 5 breakbreak down down 機器 車輛機器 車輛 壞了 失壞了 失 敗了 摧毀 分解 人身體跨了敗了 摧毀 分解 人身體跨了 6 6 breakbreak throughthrough 突破突破 7 7 breakbreak offoff 折斷 中斷 斷絕折斷 中斷 斷絕 8 8 breakbreak upup 驅(qū)散 拆散驅(qū)散 拆散 分手分手 三 動詞三 動詞 carrycarry 構(gòu)成的短語動詞構(gòu)成的短語動詞 1 1 carrycarry onon 進行開展 維持 繼續(xù)進行開展 維持 繼續(xù) 2 2 carrycarry outout 執(zhí)行 進行 執(zhí)行 實行 執(zhí)行 進行 執(zhí)行 實行 貫徹貫徹 3 3 carrycarry awayaway 拿走拿走 4 4 carrycarry offoff 奪走 搶走奪走 搶走 5 5 carrycarry forwardforward 發(fā)揚發(fā)揚 結(jié)轉(zhuǎn)結(jié)轉(zhuǎn) 6 6 carrycarry throughthrough 幫 某人 渡過幫 某人 渡過 難關(guān) 難關(guān) 使 某人 保持勇氣使 某人 保持勇氣 7 7 carrycarry aboutabout 隨身攜帶隨身攜帶 四 動詞四 動詞 callcall 構(gòu)成的短語動詞構(gòu)成的短語動詞 1 1 callcall onon 拜訪某人 號召拜訪某人 號召 2 2 callcall atat 拜訪某地拜訪某地 3 3 callcall forfor 需要 要求 邀約需要 要求 邀約 人人 取取 物物 SuccessSuccess calledcalled forfor hardhard workwork callcall forfor a a doctordoctor 去請醫(yī)生去請醫(yī)生 4 call4 call inin 請來請來 收回收回 MotherMother isis badlybadly i11i11 soso callcall inin a a doctordoctor atat onceonce 5 5 callcall upup 打電話 征召 回想起打電話 征召 回想起 I I calledcalled TomTom upup andand toldtold himhim thethe newsnews InIn mostmost countriescountries menmen areare calledcalled upup atat thethe ageage ofof 1818 AsAs I I grewgrew upup inin a a smallsmall towntown atat thethe footfoot ofof a a mountain mountain thethe visitvisit 精品文檔 4 4 歡迎下載 4 歡迎下載 toto thethe villagevillage calledcalled upup scenesscenes ofof mymy childhoodchildhood 五 動詞五 動詞 catchcatch holdhold 構(gòu)成的短語動詞構(gòu)成的短語動詞 1 1 catchcatch taketake getget holdhold ofof sthsth 抓住某物 抓住某物 CatchCatch GetGet TakeTake holdhold ofof thethe roperope andand I llI ll pullpull youyou upup 2 2 catchcatch upup withwith 趕上趕上 WorkWork hardhard andand I I gingin suresure youyou areare ableable toto catchcatch upup withwith othersothers inin classclass 3 3 catchcatch firefire 著火 燒著著火 燒著 LastLast nightnight a a bigbig buildingbuilding caughtcaught firefire 4 4 catchcatch sightsight ofof 發(fā)現(xiàn) 看到發(fā)現(xiàn) 看到 WhenWhen thethe micemice caughtcaught sightsight ofof thethe catcat thethe micemice runrun awayaway asas quicklyquickly asas possiblepossible 5 5 holdhold upup 舉起 阻滯舉起 阻滯 交通等交通等 耽擱 耽擱 HeHe heldheld upup oneone ofof hishis fingersfingers andand showedshowed itit toto thethe classclass InIn thethe rushrush hourhour thethe traffictraffic isis holdhold upup 6 6 holdhold backback 阻止 控制阻止 控制 WeWe mustmust holdhold themthem backback fromfrom fightingfighting 7 7 holdhold one sone s breathbreath 憋住氣 屏息憋住氣 屏息 HowHow longlong cancan youyou holdhold youryour breathbreath underunder water water 8 8 holdhold outout 堅持 拿出堅持 拿出 WeWe mustmust holdhold outout untiluntil helphelp comescomes 六 動詞六 動詞 comecome 構(gòu)成的短語動詞構(gòu)成的短語動詞 1 1 comecome into into 進入進入 狀態(tài)狀態(tài) comecome intointo being being 事物 局面等事物 局面等 產(chǎn)產(chǎn) 生 形成生 形成 TheThe customcustom camecame intointo beingbeing longlong longlong agoago 2 2 comecome alongalong 過來 快點過來 快點 ComeCome along along It sIt s nearlynearly eighteight 精品文檔 5 5 歡迎下載 5 歡迎下載 o clocko clock 3 3 comecome outout 出來 出版出來 出版 HowHow diddid thethe printingprinting comecome out out 4 4 comecome truetrue 實現(xiàn)實現(xiàn) I I amam suresure youryour dreamdream willwill comecome truetrue oneone dayday 5 5 comecome backback toto lifelife 蘇醒過來蘇醒過來 WhenWhen thethe woundedwounded soldiersoldier camecame backback toto lifelife hehe foundfound himselfhimself inin hospitalhospital 6 6 comecome toto thethe pointpoint 說到要點 觸及說到要點 觸及 問題實質(zhì)問題實質(zhì) 7 7 comecome aboutabout 發(fā)生 造成發(fā)生 造成 TheThe eventevent camecame aboutabout asas hehe hadhad predictedpredicted itit 8 8 comecome acrossacross 碰見碰見 You reYou re thethe mostmost beautifulbeautiful womanwoman I veI ve everever comecome acrossacross 同義詞組 同義詞組 runrun acrossacross I I camecame acrossacross anan oldold friendfriend inin thethe streetstreet 9 9 comecome toto allall endend 結(jié)束結(jié)束 YourYour dutiesduties herehere havehave comecome toto anan endend 1010 comecome toto lightlight 為人所知 顯露為人所知 顯露 TheThe robberyrobbery didndidn t t comecome toto lightlight untiluntil thethe nextnext dayday 1111 comecome upup withwith 提出 想出提出 想出 HeHe camecame upup withwith a a newnew suggestionsuggestion 七 動詞七 動詞 dodo 構(gòu)成的短語動詞構(gòu)成的短語動詞 1 1 dodo wellwell inin 在某方面做得好在某方面做得好 MyMy cousincousin isis a a sailorsailor andand hehe isis doingdoing veryvery wellwell inin thethe navynavy 2 2 dodo goodgood toto 對對 有好處有好處 DoingDoing morningmorning exercisesexercises willwill dodo goodgood toto youryour healthhealth 3 3 dodo harmharm toto 對對 有害處有害處 TooToo muchmuch noisenoise doesdoes harmharm toto ourour healthhealth 精品文檔 6 6 歡迎下載 6 歡迎下載 4 4 dodo withwith 處理處理 WhatWhat diddid youyou dodo withwith ourour goods goods 5 5 dodo sbsb a a favourfavour 幫某人的忙幫某人的忙 WillWill youyou dodo meme a a favourfavour toto carrycarry itit upstairs upstairs 6 6 dodo upup 系紐扣 梳理系紐扣 梳理 LookLook youryour bottombottom isnisn t t donedone upup dodo upup oneone s s hairhair 梳理頭發(fā)梳理頭發(fā) 八 動詞八 動詞 getget 構(gòu)成的短語動詞構(gòu)成的短語動詞 1 1 getget inin touchtouch withwith 同同 取得聯(lián)系取得聯(lián)系 2 2 getget upup 起床起床 HeHe getsgets upup veryvery earlyearly everyevery dayday 3 3 getget backback 回來 取回回來 取回 1 1 willwill getget backback nextnext weekendweekend 4 4 getget onon 上車上車 YouYou shouldnshouldn t t getget onon thethe busbus untiluntil itit hashas stoppedstopped completelycompletely 5 5 getget overover 克服 度過克服 度過 YouYou llll soonsoon getget overover thesethese difficultiesdifficulties 6 6 getget offoff 下車下車 TheThe busbus stoppedstopped andand thethe passengerspassengers gotgot offoff 7 7 GetGet togethertogether 相聚相聚 WeWe shouldshould gogo toto a a restaurantrestaurant toto getget togethertogether 8 8 getget onon alongalong wellwell withwith 與與 相相 處融洽處融洽 I I amam gettinggetting onon wellwell withwith mymy classmatesclassmates 9 9 getget intointo 進人 陷入進人 陷入 DonDon t t getget intointo thethe habithabit ofof smokingsmoking 1010 getget intointo troubletrouble 陷入麻煩陷入麻煩 1111 getget inin a a wordword 插話插話 1212 getget ridrid ofof 除掉除掉 WeWe ayeaye doingdoing ourour bestbest toto getget ridrid ofof pollutionpollution 1313 getget throughthrough 通過 接通 完成 通過 接通 完成 精品文檔 7 7 歡迎下載 7 歡迎下載 經(jīng)歷經(jīng)歷 I I triedtried toto telephonetelephone youyou butbut I I couldncouldn t t getget throughthrough 1 1 willwill bebe withwith youyou asas soonsoon asas I I getget throughthrough thisthis workwork 1414 getget toto 到達到達 HeHe hadhad toto getget toto thethe otherother sideside ofof streetstreet toto attendattend a a meetingmeeting 1515 getget aboutabout aroundaround roundround 傳開 傳開 傳出去傳出去 TheThe newsnews ofof thethe disasterdisaster soonsoon getget aboutabout 1616 getget acrossacross 使理解使理解 TheThe teacherteacher triedtried toto explainexplain thethe problemproblem butbut thethe explanationexplanation diddid notnot getget acrossacross toto thethe classclass 1717 getget awayaway 離開離開 1 1 waswas inin a a meetingmeeting andand couldncouldn t t getget awayaway 1818 getget downdown to doing sthto doing sth 安心做 安心做 開始認真干開始認真干 YouYou mustmust getget downdown toto youryour studiesstudies thisthis yearyear 九 動詞九 動詞 givegive 構(gòu)成的短語動詞構(gòu)成的短語動詞 1 1 givegive upup 放棄放棄 I I persuadedpersuaded himhim toto givegive upup thethe foolishfoolish planplan 2 2 givegive inin 屈服 投降屈服 投降 HeHe wouldnwouldn t t givegive inin toto thethe enemyenemy 3 3 givegive outout 用完 耗盡用完 耗盡 OurOur foodfood andand waterwater willwill givegive outout soonsoon 4 4 getget outout ofof 從從 出來 擺脫 出來 擺脫 HeHe gotgot outout ofof debtdebt 5 5 givegive awayaway 分發(fā) 捐贈 泄露分發(fā) 捐贈 泄露 HeHe gavegave awayaway mostmost ofof hishis fortunefortune toto thethe poorpoor workwork PleasePlease dondon t t givegive mymy secretsecret awayaway 精品文檔 8 8 歡迎下載 8 歡迎下載 6 6 givegive offoff 放出放出 ThisThis engineengine givesgives offoff lotslots ofof smokesmoke andand steamsteam 7 7 givegive backback 歸還 恢復歸還 恢復 LivingLiving herehere hashas givengiven meme backback mymy healthhealth 十 動詞十 動詞 gogo 構(gòu)成的短語動詞構(gòu)成的短語動詞 1 1 gogo aheadahead 繼續(xù) 干吧繼續(xù) 干吧 HeHe wentwent aheadahead withwith thethe workwork andand gotgot itit donedone 一一 MayMay I I useuse youryour phone phone Certainly Certainly GoGo aheadahead 2 2 gogo by by 時間時間 過去 經(jīng)過過去 經(jīng)過 地點地點 Don tDon t letlet thethe goodgood chancechance gogo byby 3 3 gogo out out 燈 火燈 火 熄滅熄滅 WhenWhen theythey arrivedarrived thethe firefire hadhad gonegone outout 4 4 gogo on doing on doing 繼續(xù)做某事繼續(xù)做某事 PleasePlease gogo onon withwith youryour workwork 5 5 gogo onon toto dodo sthsth 接著做另外的事 接著做另外的事 HeHe wentwent onon toto watchwatch TVTV afterafter hehe hadhad finishedfinished hishis homehome 一一 6 6 gogo overover 檢查 復習檢查 復習 WhenWhen I I camecame intointo thethe teacher steacher s roomroom ourour teacherteacher isis goinggoing overover ourour homeworkhomework 7 7 gogo throughthrough 完成 通過 經(jīng)歷 仔完成 通過 經(jīng)歷 仔 細檢察細檢察 DuringDuring thethe nightnight thethe computerscomputers gogo throughthrough thethe informationinformation SheShe wentwent throughthrough oneone hardshiphardship afterafter anotheranother MotherMother wentwent throughthrough thethe drawerdrawer lookinglooking forfor thethe sweatersweater I veI ve gonegone throughthrough tootoo muchmuch moneymoney thisthis weekweek 8 8 gogo allall out tryout try dodo oneone s s best best 竭盡全力竭盡全力 TheyThey wentwent allall outout toto buildbuild thethe 精品文檔 9 9 歡迎下載 9 歡迎下載 damdam 9 9 gogo aboutabout 開始著手 到處走動 傳開始著手 到處走動 傳 開開 HowHow doesdoes oneone gogo aboutabout gettinggetting thethe informationinformation 1010 gogo againstagainst 違背違背 TheyThey areare goinggoing againstagainst ourour wisheswishes 1111 gogo backback 回家 追溯回家 追溯 ThisThis festivalfestival goesgoes backback toto RomanRoman timestimes 1212 gogo forfor 運用于 應用于運用于 應用于 TheThe medicinemedicine wentwent forfor nothingnothing 1313 gogo inin forfor 參加 愛好參加 愛好 SheShe wentwent inin forfor a a singingsinging competitioncompetition 1414 gogo withwith 相配相配 I I wantwant somesome shoesshoes toto gogo withwith thesethese trouserstrousers 1515 gogo withoutwithout 不吃 喝 用不吃 喝 用 TheThe poorpoor boyboy oftenoften hashas toto gogo withoutwithout suppersupper 1616 gogo beyondbeyond 超過超過 ThatThat s s goinggoing beyondbeyond a a jokejoke 1717 gogo upup 上升 上漲上升 上漲 TheThe goodsgoods havehave gonegone upup inin qualityquality 1818 gogo downdown 下降 降沉 下沉下降 降沉 下沉 TheThe moonmoon hashas gonegone downdown 十一 動詞十一 動詞 havehave 構(gòu)成的短語動詞構(gòu)成的短語動詞 1 1 havehave a a wordword withwith sbsb 和某人說句 和某人說句 話話 CouldCould youyou sparespare a a fewfew minutes minutes I I wantwant toto havehave a a wordword with with 2 2 havehave wordswords withwith 爭吵爭吵 TheyThey veve hadhad wordswords withwith herher aboutabout moneymoney 3 3 have deep effectshave deep effects onon 對對 有有 深深 遠遠 影響影響 TheThe bookbook hashas greatgreat effectseffects onon 精品文檔 10 10 歡迎下載 10 歡迎下載 hishis lifelife 4 4 havehave difficultydifficulty inin findfind difficultydifficulty inin havehave troubletrouble in in doingdoing 做做 有困難有困難 WeWe havehave findfind difficultydifficulty inin writingwriting thethe compositioncomposition WeWe havehave troubletrouble inin writingwriting thethe position 十二 動詞十二 動詞 keepkeep 構(gòu)成的短語動詞構(gòu)成的短語動詞 1 1 keepkeep onon doingdoing sthsth 繼續(xù)或反復做 繼續(xù)或反復做 某事某事 MarxMarx keptkept onon studyingstudying EnglishEnglish andand usingusing itit whenwhen hehe livedlived inin LondonLondon 2 2 keepkeep upup 堅持 保持 堅持 保持 KeepKeep upup youryour couragecourage andand youyou willwill succeedsucceed 3 3 keepkeep upup withwith 跟上跟上 SheShe cancan t t keepkeep upup withwith othersothers 4 4 keepkeep backback 保留 阻止 隱瞞 拒留保留 阻止 隱瞞 拒留 SheShe waswas inin deepdeep sorrowsorrow butbut sheshe keptkept backback herher tearstears 5 5 keepkeep awayaway fromfrom 遠離遠離 KeepKeep childrenchildren awayaway fromfrom thethe firefire 6 6 keepkeep outout ofof 使使 不進入不進入 InIn ancientancient times times thethe GreatGreat WallWall waswas builtbuilt inin orderorder toto keepkeep thethe enemyenemy outout ofof thethe countrycountry 7 7 keepkeep oneone s s wordword 遵守諾言遵守諾言 I I amam suresure youyou willwill keepkeep youryour wordword 8 8 keepkeep inin touch touch contactcontact withwith 與與 保持聯(lián)系保持聯(lián)系 WeWe havehave keptkept inin touchtouch withwith eacheach otherother byby writingwriting lettersletters 9 9 keepkeep silentsilent 保持沉默保持沉默 HeHe keptkept silentsilent aboutabout thethe mattermatter 1010 keepkeep preventprevent stopstop fromfrom 精品文檔 11 11 歡迎下載 11 歡迎下載 doingdoing sthsth 制止 制止 防止防止 做某事做某事 TheThe heavyheavy rainrain keptkept usus fromfrom goinggoing outout 1111 keepkeep offoff 使使 遠離遠離 PleasePlease keepkeep offoff thethe grassgrass 十三 動詞十三 動詞 knockknock 構(gòu)成的短語動詞構(gòu)成的短語動詞 1 1 knockknock atat 敲敲 門 窗等門 窗等 YonYon shouldshould knockknock atat thethe doordoor beforebefore comingcoming inin 2 2 knockknock downdown 撞倒撞倒 TheyThey makemake suresure thethe cowscows notnot knockknock thethe youngyoung treestrees downdown oror eateat thethe leavesleaves 3 3 knockknock sb sb offoff sw sw 撞掉下來撞掉下來 A A childchild ranran intointo thethe streetstreet andand knockedknocked thethe womanwoman offoff herher bicyclebicycle 4 4 knockknock aboutabout 連續(xù)打擊 碰撞 漂泊 連續(xù)打擊 碰撞 漂泊 閑逛閑逛 HeHe hashas knockedknocked aboutabout allall overover AsiaAsia 十四 動詞十四 動詞 looklook 構(gòu)成的短語動詞構(gòu)成的短語動詞 1 1 1ook1ook upup 抬頭 查閱抬頭 查閱 YouYou maymay looklook upup a a newnew wordword inin a a dictionarydictionary 2 2 1ook1ook outout 小心小心 LookLook out out TheThe panpan isis onon firefire 3 3 1ook1ook intointo 調(diào)查調(diào)查 WeWe 1111 furtherfurther looklook intointo thethe mattermatter 4 4 1ook1ook forwardforward toto 盼望盼望 WeWe looklook forwardforward toto knowingknowing thethe resultsresults ofof thethe examexam 5 5 1ook1ook throughthrough 仔細看 瀏覽仔細看 瀏覽 YouYou havehave toto looklook throughthrough thethe paperspapers beforebefore youyou handhand themthem 6 6 1ook1ook upup toto 尊敬尊敬 YoungYoung childrenchildren shouldshould looklook upup toto oldold peoplepeople 7 7 1ook1ook downdown uponupon 瞧不起瞧不起 精品文檔 12 12 歡迎下載 12 歡迎下載 TheThe daysdays areare gonegone whenwhen womenwomen werewere lookedlooked downdown uponupon 8 8 1ook1ook likelike 看起來看起來 YouYou looklook likelike youryour fatherfather 9 9 1ook1ook on as treaton as treat considerconsider taketake regreg ard ard thinkthink ofof as as 把把 看作看作 HeHe lookslooks onon thethe computercomputer asas hishis friendfriend 1010 1ook1ook afterafter 照顧照顧 WhenWhen I I amam outout mymy husbandhusband lookslooks afterafter ourour babybaby 1111 1ook1ook forfor 尋找尋找 WhatWhat areare youyou lookinglooking for for 十五 動詞十五 動詞 makemake 構(gòu)成的短語動詞構(gòu)成的短語動詞 1 1 makemake a a divedive forfor 向向 猛沖猛沖 TheThe dogdog mademade a a divedive forfor thethe bonebone 2 2 makemake anan apologyapology toto sb sb forfor 向向 道歉道歉 HeHe apologizedapologized mademade anan apologyapology toto herher 3 3 bebe mademade upup ofof 組成組成 TwoTwo thirdsthirds ofof thethe earthearth s s surfacesurface isis mademade upup ofof vastvast oceansoceans 4 4 makemake upup 組成 化妝 補充 彌補 組成 化妝 補充 彌補 編造 捏造編造 捏造 5 5 GreatGreat BritainBritain andand NorthernNorthern IrelandIreland makemake upup thethe UnitedUnited KingdomKingdom ItIt tooktook herher moremore thanthan oneone hourhour toto makemake upup forfor thethe partyparty OurOur losseslosses havehave toto bebe mademade upup withwith moremore loansloans


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