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30 天學不會英語 無效退款宮方網(wǎng)站 30 天學不會英語 無效退款宮方網(wǎng)站 1 陜西省漢中市省級重點中學高三第二次聯(lián)考 英語 滿分 150 分 考試時間 120 分鐘 第 卷 選擇題 共 95 分 第一部分英語知識運用 共三節(jié) 滿分 50 分 第一節(jié)語音知識 共 5 小題 每小題 1 分 滿分 5 分 從每小題的 A B C D 四個選項中 找出其畫線部分與所給單詞的畫線部分讀音相同的選項 1 variousA varietyB voyageC transportD parent 2 stomachA technicalB machineC churchD touch 3 officeA noticeB blockC officialD correct 4 developA checkB evenC directD deliver 5 sweaterA diseaseB theatreC featherD scream 第二節(jié)語法和詞匯知識 共 15 小題 每小題 1 分 滿分 15 分 從每小題的 A B C D 四個選項中 選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項 6 Did the students come just now All but onehere A isB wasC havebeenD were 7 They dislike John andis not surprising A thatB whichC whatD he 8 How did yougetin touch with Mr Ball Well itseemsto methat you ve forgottenmehis address A totellB tellingC tohave toldD being told 9 theplane will take offatfour this afternoon is not known yet A ThatB IfC WhetherD Whenever 10 The woman wascarrying abag A black small plasticB small plastic black C small black plasticD plastic small black 11 Didgetthrough the driving test No Afew failed A everybody notallB anybody noone C everybody noneD anybody not all 12 allhis friends and money gone he felt totally hopeless A ForB SinceC BecauseD With 13 Dodrop intoseeus next time you cometothe city A Yes IdoB Sure I will C With pleasureD You are welcome 14 Make sure thegas isbeforeyougotobed A turnedonB turned overC turneddownD turnedoff 15 I like people that have agoodof humor A senseB feelingC touchD sight 16 While watching TV A theboy cameinB the doorbell rang C my mother wascookingD I heard aterrible noise 17 They foundtherewastoweigh such an elephant A big eneugh nothingB nothing enough big C nothing big enoughD enough nothing big 18 does bestin maths physicsandEnglish A Doyou think whomB Do you think who C Whodoyou thinkD Whomdoyou think 19 Don tworry too much aboutmistakes They arenatural partof learning A the aB 不填 aC the 不填D the the 20 You don tagree with me I know Butyou llseeI m right A ontimeB at timesC allthetimeD in time 30 天學不會英語 無效退款宮方網(wǎng)站 30 天學不會英語 無效退款宮方網(wǎng)站 2 第三節(jié)完形填空 共 20 小題 每題 1 5 分 滿分 30 分 閱讀下面短文 從短文后各題的 A B C D 四個選項中 選出適合填入對應空白處的最佳選項 DEARABBY Ina recent column awoman wrotetosay thatoneof her guestsata dinner party had21afork andshe didn tknow howtorecover it I wasn tthat guest 22overthelast 10 years I have taken three things from homes where I have been a23 Abby I cannot understand24I took thesethings I havethoughtover astohow25cangetthesethings back I can tdoit26andadmit that I took them This is a small town andI m well27here Ifjust oneof thesepeople talked about it I would be28 Abby what swrong with me Theyarereally29things I thought aboutseeinganexpert butshould I be30 goingtoanexpert itwouldbeallover towninnotime I m sure thousands of people31mewishtohavethecourageto return32 Should Ijustwait until it s33 then putthethingsinthemailboxes of their34owners Guilty Conscience 罪惡感 DEAR GUILTY CONSCIENCE 35 Itwill makeyou feel better butitwill not36yourproblem Youneedtoseekhelp to37outwhy you took thosethings so you won t38that behavior Seeanexpertinanother townorcity nearby to39your privacy 隱私 Please takemy40 andletmehear from you again I care Abby 21 A foundB stolenC laidD dropped 22 A sinceB thoughC butD so 23 A guestB hostC relativeD friend 24 A whenB howC whereD why 25 A youB theyC sheD I 26 A openlyB secretlyC strangelyD nervously 27 A dressedB knownC organizedD kept 28 A disappointedB satisfiedC finishedD praised 29 A valuableB unimportantC necessaryD terrible 30 A heardB sentC keptD seen 31 A likeB exceptC withD for 32 A everythingB anythingC somethingD nothing 33 A lateB earlyC darkD familiar 34 A rightfulB carefulC reasonableD unknown 35 A NeverB AlwaysC NoD Yes 36 A satisfyB solveC explainD direct 37 A turnB pickC findD carry 38 A realizeB continueC stopD mention 39 A protectB describeC preventD introduce 40 A presentB letterC exampleD advice 第二部分閱讀理解 共 25 小題 第一節(jié)每小題 2 分 第二節(jié)每小題 1 分 滿分 45 分 第一節(jié)閱讀下列五篇短文 從每小題后所給的 A B C D 四個選項中 選出最佳選項 A Every human being has a unique 唯一 arrangement oftheskinonhis fingersandthis arrangement is unchangeable Scientistsandexperts have provedtheuniqueness of finger printsanddiscovered thatnoexactly similar pattern is passedon from parentstochildren though nobody knowswhy this isthecase Theridge 脊狀 structureona person sfingers does notchange with growthandis not affectedby surfaceinjuries Burns cutsandother damagetotheouter part oftheskin willbereplacedintime by newonewhich bears a reproduction oftheoriginal pattern Itis only whentheinner skinis injured thatthearrangement willbedestroyed Some criminals make use of this factto removetheir own finger prints but this is a dangerousandraresteptotake Finger prints canbemade very easily with printer sink They canberecorded easily With special methods identification 識別 canbeachieved successfully within a short time Because ofthesimplicityandeconomy of this system finger prints haveoften been usedasa method of solving criminal case Asuspected man may deny a chargebut this maybein vain His finger prints can provewhoheis even if his appearancehas been changed by ageoraccident When a suspec leaves finger prints behindatthesceneof a crime theyaredifficulttodetect withthenaked eye Special techniquesareusedto develop them Some ofthemarks foundareincomplete but identification is possible if a print of a 30 天學不會英語 無效退款宮方網(wǎng)站 30 天學不會英語 無效退款宮方網(wǎng)站 3 quarterofaninch squarecanbeobtained 41 Scientistsandexperts haveproved thatthepattern of a human being sfinger skin A in similartohis mother s B is valuabletohimself only C is like that of others withthesametypeof blood D is different from thatofallothers 42 If your fingersarewounded by knife fireorother means thestructureof skin will A bechanged partly B be replaced by a different one C bethesamewhenthewound is recovered D becomeugly 43 Somecriminals removetheir ownfinger prints by A using printer sinkB injuringtheinner skin C damagingtheouterskinD damagingthecolour 44 Finger prints haveoften been usedasa method of solving criminal casebecauseit A is complicated but reliableB is simpleandnotexpensive C is expensive but easytodoD can bring alotof money B Boll a German scientist who wasthe staroftheManhattan Project is lecturingata NewYorkuniversityonthe50th anniversary ofthedropping oftheatomic bombonJapan The speech has become part of his summer routine 例行事務 self justifying what was donenearthe endof WorldWar Thescientific triumph of his work infact has been disturbing his life silently troubling his moral beliefs He has been overcomewith scenes oftheruin oftheJapanesecity Hiroshima Dreams have become nightmares headmits Then his wife anAustrian Jew whoseparents were sufferers oftheNazi death camps designs a curing journey forher husband ringing togetherBollandAmai a womanfrom Hiroshima who lost her faceintheworld sfirst atomic explosion Following his speech Amai wearing a facefebuilt bytheskilled hands ofanAmerican doctor makes her waytoboll Now 56anda documentary 紀錄片 filmmaker she wantstointerview him about his roleinmakingthebomb Boll looksto Amaitorecover himself after reconsidering whathehas done And when Amai sees through Boll sfacetohis inner miserable state sherecognizes ashadowy reflection ofthedespairandtiredness that overcometheJapaneseafterthewar andbegins to figureoutthepricehehas paid forvictory 45 Boll A has been enjoyingthevictory overtheJapanese B is a professorattheStateUniversity of NewYork C wasoneofthescientists whomade atomic bombs D has madehimself certainhehaddonenothing wrong 46 Amai A is a documentary filmmaker whowas notpersonally involvedinWorldWar B lost herfaceintheworld sfirst atomic bombingandis now wearing anew face C cannot forgiveandforget thosewho havedoneso much harmtoherandher country D seesthedespair ofthebomb makersandenjoysthepricethey have paid for what they did 47 Boll swife A will not forgivethaNazis becauseher parents werekilledintheNazi death camps B failstounderstand how troubled her husband feels aftertheruin of Hiroshima C arrangesthemeeting forBolltosavehim fromthefrequent nightmares abouttheatomic bombing D hopes thatAmaiwill help Boll continue his lifecareerasanatomic bomb maker afterher death 48 What istheauthor ofthepassagetryingtotellthereaders A Killers hardly ever seekforgiveness from their victims 犧牲品 B People can always justify whateverthey have donewrong C Bollandhis wifetakegreat prideinthesuccessoftheManhattan Project D Victoryinwar will neverbegained without payingtheprice C Hank Viscardi was 26 years old whenheputonhis first pair of long trousersandhis first pair of shoes Forthefirst timehe saw himselfashehadalways wantedtobe afull fivefeet eight inches tall Hankhadbeen born withoutlegs Untilhewasseven his world wasa world of repeated operations Atlasthehadnolegs but stumps 殘肢 thatcouldbefitted with akind of special boots 30 天學不會英語 無效退款宮方網(wǎng)站 30 天學不會英語 無效退款宮方網(wǎng)站 4 Out ofthehospital Hank often found people staringathim with cruel interest Children laughedathimandcalled him ApeMan becausehis armsdragged 拖 ontheground He wenttoschoollike otherboys His grades weregoodandheneeded only eight years instead oftheusual twelve After graduation Hank worked his way through college He swept floors waitedontable orworkedinoneofthe college offices Duringallthis busy life Hankhadbeen moving aroundonhis stumps But onedaythedoctortold him even the stumps werenotgoingtolast much longer Hank would soon havetouse awheelchair Hank felt himselfgocoldallover However thedoctorsaid therewas a chancethathecouldbefitted with artificial legs Finally alegmaker wasfoundand theday camewhen Hank stood up beforethemirrorandsaw himself forthefirst time five feeteight inches tall Butthis was notthe endyet Hehadtolearntouse his new legs Againandagainhemarchedthelength oftheroom and marched back again Therewere times whenhefell downonthefloor buthepulled himself upandwent backtotheendless marching He went outonthestreet He climbedthestairsandlearnedtodance He built aboatandlearnedtosail it When WorldWar came hetalkedtheRed Cross into giving him a job He tooktheregular training He marchedand drilled along withtheother soldiers Few knew thathewas legless This wasthetruestory of Hank Viscardi theman without legs 49 It canbeinferred fromthestory that fivefeet eight inches is A an averageheight foranadultB too tall foranaverageperson C tooshort foranaverage personD Hank srealheight 50 Thewriterimpliesinthestory thattheRed Cross A was only toogladtogive him a job B gave him a job becausehewas a good soldier C gavehim a job afterhetalkedtosomebodyheknewintheorganization D was notwillingtogive him a jobatfirst 51 When Hank marchedanddrilled along withtheothersoldiers A hedid everyingtheothersoldiers did B he did most ofthethingstheothersoldiers did C hetooksome regular exams D hetooksome special training 52 Thewritersuggests that Hank Viscardi A hadnofriends B never saw himselfasdifferent from others C was very shy D was tooproudtoaccept help from others D Solongasteachers failtotell teaching from learning they will continuetodofor children what only children candofor themselves Teaching childrentoread is not passing readingontothem Itis certainly not endless hours spentinactivities about reading Douglas insists that reading cannotbetaughtdirectlyandschools should stop tryingtodotheimpossible Teachingandlearningaretwo entirely different processes They differinkindandpurpose The purpose of teaching isto createtheconditionsand theclimate that will makeitpossible for childrentodesignthemost efficient system for teaching themselvestoread Teaching is also apublic activityitcanbeseenandobserved Learningtoread includesallthat each individual doestomake sense oftheworld of printed language Almostallofitis private forlearning is a job ofthemind andthat processis notopentopublic scrutiny If teacherandlearner rolesarenotinterchangeable what canbedonethrough teaching that willaid thechildinthequest 探 索 for knowledge Douglas hasonemain rule forallteaching instructions Make learningtoread easy which means making reading a meaningful enjoyableandfrequentexperience forchildren Whentheroles of teacherandlearnerareseen forwhat they are andwhenboth teacherandlearner play their separateroles properly then much ofthepressureandfeeling of failure for both is removed Learningtoread is made easier when teachers createanenvironment wherechildrenaregiventheopportunitytosolvetheproblem of learningtoreadby reading 53 Theteaching of reading willbesuccessfulif A teachers can enable studentstodevelop their own way of reading B teachers can designthemost efficient system forreading C teachers can improve conditionsatschoolforthestudents D teachers can maketheir teaching activities observable 54 Theword underlined scrutiny most probably means A doubtB permissionC observationD exploration 30 天學不會英語 無效退款宮方網(wǎng)站 30 天學不會英語 無效退款宮方網(wǎng)站 5 55 Accordingtothepassage learningtoreadwillnolongerbea difficult task when A teaching helps childreninthesearch forknowledge B teacherandlearner rolesareinterchangeable C reading enricheschildren sexperience D childrenarehighly encouraged 56 Themain idea ofthepassageis that A reading is morecomplicated thangenerally believed B reading ability is Something achieved ratherthan taught C teachers should encouragestudentstoreadaswidelyaspossible D teachers shoulddoaslittleaspossibleinhelping students learntoread E Some people believe that international sport creates goodwill betweenthenationsandthat if countres play games together they will learntolive together Others say thattheoppositeis true that international competitions encouragefalsenational pride andleadtomisunderstandingandhatred There is probably some truthinboth arguments butinrecent yearstheOlympic Games have donelittletosupporttheview that sportencourages international brotherhood Not only was therethetragic incident includingthemurder of athletes buttheGames werealso ruined by incidents caused mainly by smaller national contests One country received its second place medals with visible anger afterthehockey 曲棍球 final Therehadbeen noisy scenesatthe endofthehockey match thelosers objectingtothefinal decisions They weresure thatoneof their goals should not havebeen disallowedandthat their opponents victory wasunfair Their manager wasingreat anger whenhesaid This wasn thockey Hockeyand theInternational Hockey Federationarefinished Thepresident oftheFederation said later that such behavior could resultinthesuspension oftheteam foratleast threeyears Incidents of this kind will continueaslongassport is played competitively rather than forthelove ofthegame The suggestion that athletes should competeasindividuals orinnonnational teams mightbetoo muchtohopefor Butinthe presentorganization oftheOlympics thereis fartoo much that encourages aggressivepatriotism 愛國主義 57 Accordingtotheauthor recenttheOlympic Games have A created goodwill betweenthenations B brought about only falsenational pride C hardly showedany international friendship D ledtomoreandmoremisunderstandingandhatred 58 What didthemanager mean by saying Hockeyand theInternational Hockey Federationarefinished A His team wouldnolonger takepartininternational games B Hockeyand theFederationareboth ruined bytheunfair decisions C ThereshouldbenomoreHockey matches organized bytheFederation D TheFederation should break up 59 Theauthor givestheexampleinParagraph 2toshow A how falsenational prideledtoundesirable incidentsininternational games B that sportsmen havebeen moreobedient thanthey usedtobe C that competitivenessinthegames discourages international friendship D thatunfair decisionsarecommonintheOlympic Games 60 What conclusion canbedrawn fromthepassage A Theorganization oftheOlympic Games mustbeimproved B Athletes should competeasindividualsintheOlympic Games C Sport shouldbeplayed competitively rather than forthelove ofthegame D Moreandmoreathletes will competefortheir own honor 第二節(jié)根據(jù)對話情景和內容 從對話后所給的選項中選出能填入每一空白處的最佳選項 選項中有兩個為多余 選項 Bob Youwould haveenjoyedthefilm if youhadcomewithmelast night Kate I dliketohavecomebutitjustwasn tpossible 61 Bob Itwas about aman who wantedhiscarrepaired sohetookittoa garage Kate Yes 62 Bob Well whenhewent backtoget the carhefoundthat someonehadstolen it Itwasn tthereany more Kate 63 Bob He wenttothepolice And whenhegot therehewastold by them that they couldn thelp him Kate Oh 64 30 天學不會英語 無效退款宮方網(wǎng)站 30 天學不會英語 無效退款宮方網(wǎng)站 6 Bob Apoliceofficer Themanaccused 控告 him of beinginthegang thathadtakenthecar Kate 65I wish Ihadcome with you now A Andwhat didhedothen B Who did that C And what happened then D Itsounds interesting E Itsounds terrible F What wasitabout G Wasitabout a robbery 第 卷 非選擇題 共 55 分 第三部分寫作 共三節(jié) 滿分 55 分 第一節(jié)單詞拼寫 共 10 小題 每小題 1 分 滿分 10 分 根據(jù)下列各句句意和空白之后的漢語提示詞 在答題線上寫出對應單詞的正確形式 每空只寫一詞 66 As 農業(yè) develops fast peasantsaregetting richerandricher 66 67 December is the 十二 month oftheyear 67 68 Theboy was 懲罰 forlying yesterday 68 69 Smoking is strictly 禁止 inthegas station 69 70 The 歐洲 football players play football much better thanthoseinAsia 70 71 Johnson wasbadly paidinthis company so his familyhadtolive in 貧窮 71 72 What syourmotherdoing Is she 準備 dinner 72 73 Wesawthem cometogetherbut leave 單獨 73 74 Thelecturewillbeheld next 星期三 74 75 Sorry I mustbeoffnow hesaidandthen left 匆忙 75 第二節(jié)短文改錯 共 10 小題 每小題 1 5 分 滿分 15 分 此題要求改正所給短文中的錯誤 請根據(jù)上下文對標有題號的每一行作出判斷 如無錯誤 在該行右邊橫線上畫 一個勾 如有錯誤 每行只有一個錯誤 則按下列情況改正 此行多一個詞 把多余的詞用斜線 劃掉 在該行右邊橫線上寫出該詞 并用斜線劃掉 此行缺一個詞 在缺詞處加一個漏字符號 在該行右邊橫線上寫出應加的單詞 此行錯一個詞 在錯詞下畫一橫線 在該行右邊橫線上寫出改正后的單詞 注意 原行沒有錯誤的不要改 It seasiertogodownhill thanclimb uphill so it s76 easiertofall intobadhabits thaninto good ones 77 Bad habits don tcomesudden They comelittle by78 little Schoolboys first pickup a littleatschoolbut79 onthestreet When they cannot writethem homework 80 they copy from their schoolmate If they seebigger81 boys smoke they also wanttolearntosmokewhen82 theygetbigger thehabits become morestronger and83 stronger so that they cannolonger getting rid of84 them What necessaryitis thatwegetrid of the85 badhabitsinthebeginning 第三節(jié)書面表達 滿分 30 分 假如你們學校 英語愛好者俱樂部 將對 良好飲食習慣 這一話題進行討論 請根據(jù)下列提示 用英語寫一篇 發(fā)言稿 內容要點應包
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