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托??荚嚲W(wǎng) TOPIC 宇宙認知 版本一 說的是對宇宙的認知問題 文章開始講了兩個人們在研究宇宙問題時候遇到的兩個問 題 第一是你只能定位 卻不能明白他們到底有多遠 例子是你看天空時候 你只看到物體 在天上的某個位置不懂離你多遠 第二個問題是 你不知道星系物體間的相對距離 因為觀測的結果是由人們收集到到星 體亮度和星體離地球的距離決定的 第二段提到哈勃望遠鏡 人們受制于觀測設備的限制不能更多的理解外太空的星球 有一種 PARALLAX 什么的方法可以解決這個問題 之后用左右手在眼前距離的變化 解 釋了 PARALLAX 的工作原理 觀測點會影響視覺的效果 根據(jù)這個原理開發(fā)出了這種技術 可以幫助太空工作人員了解宇宙結構 但是這種結構僅適用于地球附近的這樣一個范圍 太 遠了這個技術就用不著了 最后作者認為隨著觀測設備的進步人類一定可以更好地探索宇宙的結構 版本二 講的是測量行星的 distance 尤其是在 galaxy 里面的行星是很難觀測的 一開始是說用肉眼看到的行星可能你感覺一樣亮 但其實他們的 distance 是 different 的 這里有一道考題 答案就是 distance different 然后說道望遠鏡可以觀 測行星 such as 哈勃望遠鏡 有問題問為什么提到哈勃望遠鏡 但是有一個問題是 用望 遠鏡觀測只能觀測到 brightness 我覺得意思就是說觀測的時候只能看到行星反射太陽光的 一面 這種 bright 有的強 有的很弱 有的甚至很難看出強弱的關系 所以很難確定行星 的 distance 然后文中舉了一個例子 我記得非常清楚 在這里詳細闡述 這個例子就是 源于大家生活中的常識 當你把手指放在兩眼之間 你變換左右眼去看它 會發(fā)現(xiàn)它移動了 位置 手指距離你越近這個移動的位置變化越大越明顯 因為我當時考的時候自己還試了一 下 但是如果手指離你很遠 這個位置變化就不是很明顯了 考題 這個例子說明了啥 大 致是這個意思 然后說 這個方法 就是剛剛說的手指的距離 可以通過測量這個距離來測 量行星離地球的 distance 其實行星也是這樣 當行星的 distance 超過了這個距離的時候 這個偏差就非常小 很難觀測出來 有考題 答案就是 above 這個某個距離的時候難觀測 Parallax Parallax is a displacement or difference in the apparent position of an object viewed along two different lines of sight and is measured by the angle or semi angle of inclination between those two lines i The term is derived from the Greek parallaxis meaning alteration Nearby objects have a larger 托福考試網(wǎng) parallax than more distant objects when observed from different positions so parallax can be used to determine distances Astronomers use the principle of parallax to measure distances to celestial objects including to the Moon the Sun and to stars beyond the Solar System For example the Hipparcos satellite took measurements for over 100 000 nearby stars This provides a basis for other distance measurements in astronomy the cosmic distance ladder Here the term parallax is the angle or semi angle of inclination between two sight lines to the star Parallax also affects optical instruments such as binoculars microscopes and twin lens reflex cameras that view objects from slightly different angles Many animals including humans have two eyes with overlapping visual fields that use parallax to gain depth perception this process is known as stereopsis In computer vision the effect is used for computer stereo vision and there is a device called a parallax rangefinder that uses it to find range and in some variations also altitude to a target A simple everyday example of parallax can be seen in the dashboard of motor vehicles that use a needle style speedometer gauge When viewed from directly in front the speed may show exactly 60 but when viewed from the passenger seat the needle may appear to show a slightly different speed due to the angle of viewing TOPIC 英國工業(yè)化對 LANDSCAPE 的影響 版本一 一開始講了工業(yè)化的發(fā)展過程 之前農(nóng)業(yè)占主要地位 后來工業(yè)慢慢趕上 然后說了英國和歐洲的工業(yè)萌芽過程 對比英國中產(chǎn)階級 考點 為什么能更早的實現(xiàn)工 業(yè)化 工業(yè)化的過程導致了 CANAL 的出現(xiàn) 這個就很大程度改變了英國的 LANDSCAPE 之后說 了這個 CANAL 主要集中在工業(yè)發(fā)達地區(qū) 并且改變了當?shù)厝说纳罘绞?工業(yè)帶來人口集中提高了房價 然后隨著鐵路的出現(xiàn) 人們的生活又反正了變化 后面有提到交通使人們的建筑材料的 使用也發(fā)生了變化 因為可以用從很遠的地方發(fā)來的材料來用 這影響了本地的材料市場 也改變了人們的生活 有 2 個題目這個段落 版本二 講英國工業(yè)化的 其中有一道題我記得很清楚 問歐洲其他國家和英國的 merchants 有神馬區(qū)別 意思應該是說城里的 merchants 到 rural area 去發(fā)展 industrialization 托??荚嚲W(wǎng) 為什么英國的發(fā)展的好 是因為英國的商人 access land property in rural area 英 國的工業(yè)化是集中在某些個村子或者 area 里的 這是一道題的答案 后面講 canal system 說一個人 是個工程師 問題 問關于這個人 except 哪個 其他都 true 答案就是說這個 人既是工程師優(yōu)勢 builder 因為我仔細找了下文中沒有說他是 builder canal system 就 是水道 new work 先發(fā)展 后來發(fā)展了 railway 就把建筑材料帶來了 所以一種建筑材料 local 的 就淘汰了 有題 TOPIC 愛琴海文明的黑暗時期 版本一 就說了希臘文明經(jīng)歷過一段黑暗的時期 整個文章大體說的就是這個時期發(fā)生衰退 經(jīng) 濟怎么衰退了 和別的地方的貿(mào)易沒有了 人口減少了等等問題 之后有提到在某個工藝品的制造水平上卻提高了 這附近有細節(jié)題問這個工藝品它和以 前有什么提高 版本二 Dark Greek 就是講希臘的黑暗期 有一段時間大概是 1000 多到 900 多 BC 的時候 希 臘的經(jīng)濟很蕭條 表現(xiàn)為 中央集權化不厲害了 軍隊不厲害了 最重要的是人口流失 很 多人口流失到別的地區(qū)里 題目 問哪個不對 答案 有具體地名 A 的一個選項 選擇原因 好像因為答案的意思是 A 是希臘的一部分 其實它不是雖然希臘的很多東西衰退 但有些希 臘的地區(qū)仍然保持和原來一樣的水平 有題 有些地方甚至有很多 new inventions 之后提 到了制作陶器的 technology 以下順序為原文中意思順序 發(fā)明了一個 wheel 使得陶器制 作如何 以前的陶器是畫 line 和 circle 用工具還是不用工具 記不得了 后面說 instead of hand free 然后這個就是一道題的選項后來的陶器可能是 glaze 技術改良了吧 不太記 得了 這地方題很多 The Greek Dark Age ii The Greek Dark Age or Ages and Geometric or Homeric Age ca 1200 BC 800 BC are terms which have regularly been used to refer to the period of Greek history from the presumed Dorian invasion and end of the Mycenaean Palatial civilization around 1200 BC to the first signs of the Greek poleis in the 9th century BC These terms are gradually going out of use since the former lack of archaeological evidence in a period that was mute in its lack of inscriptions thus dark has been shown to be an accident of discovery rather than a fact of history iii The archaeological evidence shows a widespread collapse of Bronze Age civilization in the eastern Mediterranean world at the outset of the period as the great palaces and cities of the Mycenaeans were destroyed or abandoned Around this time the Hittite civilization suffered serious disruption and cities from Troy to Gaza were destroyed Following the collapse fewer and smaller settlements suggest famine and depopulation In Greece the Linear B writing of the Greek language used 托??荚嚲W(wǎng) by Mycenaean bureaucrats ceased The decoration on Greek pottery after ca 1100 BC lacks the figurative decoration of Mycenaean ware and is restricted to simpler generally geometric styles 1000 700 BC It was previously thought that all contact was lost between mainland Hellenes and foreign powers during this period yielding little cultural progress or growth however artifacts from excavations at Lefkandi on the Lelantine Plain in Euboea show that significant cultural and trade links with the east particularly the Levant coast developed from c 900 BC onwards and evidence has emerged of the new presence of Hellenes in sub Mycenaean Cyprus and on the Syrian coast at Al Mina Dark Age Culture iv With the collapse of the palatial centres no more monumental stone buildings were built and the practice of wall painting may have ceased writing in the Linear B script ceased vital trade links were lost and towns and villages were abandoned The population of Greece was reduced v and the world of organized state armies kings officials and redistributive systems disappeared Most of the information about the period comes from burial sites and the grave goods contained within them To what extent the earliest Greek literary sources Homeric epics 8th 7th century and Hesiod s Works and Days 7th century describe life in the 9th 8th centuries remains a matter of considerable debate The fragmented localized and autonomous cultures of reduced complexity are noted for such diversity of their material cultures in pottery styles conservative in Athens eclectic at Knossos burial practices and settlement structures that generalizations about a Dark Age society are misleading vi Tholos tombs are found in early Iron Age Thessaly and in Crete but not in general elsewhere and cremation is the dominant rite in Attica but nearby in the Argolid it was inhumation Some former sites of Mycenaean palaces such as Argos or Knossos continued to be occupied other sites experiencing an expansive boom time of a generation or two before they were abandoned James Whitley has associated with the Big man social organization based on personal charisma and inherently unstable he interprets Lefkandi in this light vii Some regions in Greece such as Attica Euboea and central Crete recovered economically from these events faster than others but life for the poorest Greeks would have remained relatively unchanged as it had done for centuries There was still farming weaving metalworking and potting in this time albeit at a lower level of output and for local use in local styles Some technical innovations were introduced around 1050 BC with the start of the Proto geometric style 1050 900 BC such as the superior pottery technology which resulted in a faster potter s wheel for superior vase shapes and the use of a compass to draw perfect circles and semicircles for decoration Better glazes were achieved by higher temperature firing of clay However the overall trend was toward simpler less intricate pieces and 托??荚嚲W(wǎng) fewer resources being devoted to the creation of beautiful art During this time the smelting of iron was learnt from Cyprus and the Levant exploited and improved upon using local deposits of iron ore previously ignored by the Mycenaeans edged weapons were now within reach of less elite warriors Though the universal use of iron was one shared feature among Dark Age settlements viii it is still uncertain when the forged iron weapons and armour achieved superior strength to those that had been previously cast and hammered from bronze From 1050 BC many small local iron industries appeared and by 900 almost all weapons in grave goods were made of iron The distribution of the Ionic Greek dialect in historic times indicates early movement from the mainland of Greece to the Anatolian coast to such sites as Miletus Ephesus andColophon perhapsasearlyas1000BC thoughthe contemporaneous evidence is scanty In Cyprus some archaeological sites begin to show identifiably Greek ceramics a colony of Euboean Greeks was established at Al Mina on the Syrian coast and a reviving Aegean Greek network of exchange can be detected from 10th century Attic Proto geometic pottery found in Crete and at Samos off the coast of Asia Minor ix i Shorter Oxford English Dictionary 1968 Mutual inclination of two lines meeting in an angle ii http en wikipedia


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