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泛北論壇英漢翻譯練習16學號: 姓名: 班級: 評分:Put the following into Chinese:Towards Making China a Close Partner: CAFTA and the Pan-BeibuGulf Economic Cooperation InitiativeA Presentation to the 2nd Pan-Beibu Gulf Economic Cooperation Forum26-27 July 2007Nanning, ChinaByJosef T. Yap, Mario C. Feranil and Mari-Len Reyes-Macasaquit Dr. Josef T. Yap is the President of the Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) while Mr. Mario C. Feranil is concurrently the Officer in Charge of the Office of the Vice President and Director for Research Services. Ms. Mari-Len Reyes-Macasaquit is a Research Associate at PIDS. The research assistance of Ms. Fatima del Prado is gratefully acknowledged.A reconfiguration of the world economic order is unfolding. While a fair, equitable, and efficient global economic system is the ultimate goal, regionalism is proving to be the beacon that will get us there. The North American Free Trade Area (NAFTA) and the European Union (EU) are the pathfinders to this regional configuration, but the impending creation of an East Asian Community will prove to be the biggest bloc yet in terms of population and market size. Yet at this point, the process of establishing an East Asian Economic Community is still at its early stages. To achieve this goal, a number of issues, not all of them economic, will have to be resolved. Politically, this process is being pursued primarily via the ASEAN and the ASEAN + 3 initiative, which involves the ten member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the powerhouse countries from the Northeast, Japan, China and Korea. Economic building blocks are meanwhile characterized by a multi-layered structure involving a myriad of efforts by different partnership arrangements: bilateral, trilateral or sub-regional. Whatever form they come, these cooperative arrangements are considered to play a catalytic role towards accelerating East Asian regionalism. Trends and Progress of Economic Integration in the East Asian RegionEast Asian economic integration and regional cooperation has been experiencing an upswing in the past decade. The experiences and lessons from the 1997 financial crisis in the region; the stalled multilateral trade talks in the Doha round of the WTO; the increasing strength of the EU and the success of NAFTA as regional blocs; the rising magnitude of intra-regional trade and investment; the mitigation of political factors that hampered closer cooperation in the past; and the rapid economic expansion of China that makes East Asia a more viable market proved to be the raison dtre for this phenomenon. Moreover, the proposal that East Asia must reduce its external dependence in terms of exports and anchor its economic growth more on regional demand to stabilize the regional, even global, economy is a centripetal force that pushes the economies in the region more closely. By itself, ASEAN integration is progressing albeit not in an accelerated pace. Due to various reasons peculiar to the nations of Southeast Asia, ASEAN could not yet make substantial headway when it comes to economic integration. This led to three major responses to address these constraints namely, expand efforts in order to deepen integration among ASEAN member countries, which was the thrust of the Vientiane Action Plan of 2004 The Vientiane Action Plan, 2004-2010 explicitly states that “the overall strategy for realizing the ASEAN Economic Community involves deepening and broadening economic integration in the product and factor markets, and accelerating the integration process towards a single market and production base,” thus calling for the intensification of “current economic cooperation initiatives and measures targeted for completion on or before 2010 and implement new ones to accelerate integration in the eleven priority sectors, as recommended by the High Level Task Force (HLTF) on ASEAN Economic Integration, which is attached to the Bali Concord II.” ; explore the creation of sub-regional and bilateral free trade agreements (FTAs); and, engage to a larger extent Japan, China and Korea in the process of eventually pursuing an East Asia Free Trade Area, which according to experts may be the most feasible bloc in terms of regionalism. The latter is being based on the existing ASEAN+3 sub-regional arrangement. Data show that from ASEAN 10 to ASEAN+3 intra-regional trade jumps from 28% to 39% (2005 figures). Official figures likewise place Japan, China and Korea amongst the top major markets and suppliers of ASEAN.Table 1. Intra Regional Trade Share, 1990-2005 in percent19901995200020012002200320042005ASEAN10 +633.740.840.540.641.342.843.343.4East Asia 1543.151.952.151.753.755.656.155.6Emerging East Asia32.939.140.640.943.145.045.345.6ASEAN+329.437.637.337.137.939.439.639.2NIEs-411.915.515.514.915.515.014.413.7ASEAN1018.824.024.724.124.427.627.628.1SAARC2. Asia7. of Basic Data: IMF Direction of Trade, September 2006 ASEAN = Association of Southeast Asian Nations, EU = European Union, MERCOSUR = Mercado Comon del Sur, NAFTA = North American Free Trade Agreement, NIEs = newly industrializing economies, SAARC = South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, % = percent Source of Basic Data: IMF Direction of Trade, September 2006 (a) Intraregional trade share is defined as: Xii /(Xi. + X.i)/2 where Xii is exports of region i to region i, Xi. is total exports of region i to the world, and X.i is exports of the world to region i. (b) East Asia-15 includes Emerging East Asia-14 and Japan. Emerging East Asia-14 includes ASEAN+2 countries; Hong Kong, China; and Taipei,China. (c) ASEAN 10 includes Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao Peoples Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam. (d) ASEAN10 +3 includes ASEAN 10 plus Peoples Republic of China, Japan and Republic of Korea. (e) ASEAN10+6 includes ASEAN+3 plus Australia, India and New Zealand. (f) NIEs4 includes Hong Kong, China, Republic of Korea, Singapore and Taipei,China. (g) EU15 includes Australia, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and United Kingdom. (h) EU25 includes EU15 plus Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia. Computed from IMF, Direction of Trade Statistics, CD-ROM and CEIC database. Meanwhile, it is also worth mentioning that one of the strengths of an East Asian economic bloc is the magnitude of its production networks. Much of the growth in intra-regional trade among its nations is attributable to intra-industry growth accruing for 75% of total trade growth in East Asia between the years 1996 and 2000, the largest among major regions. Source: World Economic Outlook, 2002, IMF Chapter III table 3.8 as cited by Chow, et. al. (2005) and lifted from PIDS, 2007Still, the road towards East Asian regionalism is fraught with hurdles. Issues such as the prevalence of high transactions costs on trade compliance requirements; heterogeneity of the countries in the region in terms of economic and financial market developments, monetary and political systems, not to mention social and economic development gap; and, the so called noodle bowl syndrome characterized by the proliferation of preferential trade agreements that may complicate harmonization requirements in the future are current stumbling blocks. However, these bilateral and sub-regional trade agreements themselves may reveal to be the building blocs for the evolution of an East Asian Community. As cited by some experts, such engagement may play a positive role in the development of bilateralism through its construction of a sub-structural or base of international relations from which regional links may build. A more manageable regional bloc could already resolve major issues directly or indirectly affecting East Asian integration aside from being able to set up the basic structure, principles, contents, and relationships for the larger grouping. It is in this regard that the China-ASEAN sub-regional grouping is proving to be a trailblazer.同中國建立密切的合作伙伴關系:有關中國-東盟自由貿易區(qū)喬瑟夫 T. 雅普博士是菲律賓發(fā)展研究所所長。馬里奧 C. 弗拉尼爾先生是副所長辦公室官員兼研究服務部主任?,旣?倫蕾絲-馬卡薩基女士是菲律賓發(fā)展研究所(PIDS)的研究合作人。感謝研究助理法蒂娜 德爾 普拉多女士的協(xié)助。和泛北部灣地區(qū)經濟合作的倡議在第二屆泛北部灣經濟合作論壇上的發(fā)言2007年7月26-27日中國 南寧由喬瑟夫 T. 雅普,馬里奧 C. 弗拉尼爾和瑪麗-倫蕾絲-馬卡薩基發(fā)表世界經濟秩序正處于不斷演變的重組之中。然而建立一個公平、公正、高效的全球經濟體系將是最終的目標。事實證明區(qū)域政策會像燈塔一樣指引我們達到這個目標。北美自由貿易區(qū)(NAFTA)和歐盟(EU)是這種區(qū)域性結構的開創(chuàng)者,但即將建立的東亞共同體將成為在人口及市場規(guī)模方面最大的組織。然而,目前建立東亞經濟共同體的進程還停留在初級階段。為了達到這個目標,很多問題有待解決,而且并不是所有問題都是經濟方面的。在政治方面,這一進程主要通過東盟和東盟+3倡議實現(xiàn),其中包括東南亞國家聯(lián)盟的10個成員國和東北部實力強大的日本、中國和韓國。經濟大廈的搭建是具有多層結構的,涉及各式各樣的不同的伙伴關系:雙邊的,三邊的或次區(qū)域性的。不論采用哪種形式,這些合作關系對加快東亞的區(qū)域化都起到了催化的作用。東亞地區(qū)經濟一體化的趨勢與發(fā)展東亞經濟一體化和區(qū)域性合作在過去的十年持續(xù)增長。1997年這一地區(qū)有金融危機的經驗與教訓;世貿組織(WTO)多哈回合談判中多邊貿易對話陷入僵局;歐盟實力的不斷增強和作為區(qū)域性組織的北美自由貿易區(qū)(NAFTA)取得了巨大成功;本區(qū)域內貿易和投資幅度的不斷加大;過去由于政治因素而妨礙密切合作的問題得到緩和; 中國經濟的迅速擴張已成為東亞市場更具活力的因素;因此,有人提出,東亞必須減少對外部的依賴,通過出口和穩(wěn)固經濟在區(qū)域性需求方面的增長,以穩(wěn)定區(qū)域甚至是全球經濟。這一提議將是推動區(qū)域內經濟走得更近的一種向心力。就其本身來說,東盟一體化本身的進程速度并不快。由于東南亞國家種種特殊的原因,東盟的經濟一體化還未能取得實質性的進展。與此對應的解除這些制約的三種主要的藥方:一是努力深化東盟成員國之間的一體化,這也是2004年萬象行動計劃的重點萬象行動計劃,2004-2010年明確指出,“實現(xiàn)東盟經濟共同體的整體策略包括深化和拓寬產品及生產要素市場,加快一體化進程,形成單一的市場和生產基地”,因此,呼吁加強“當前經濟合作的倡議和措施,在2010年或之前完成并實施新的舉措以加快11個優(yōu)先領域的整合。以上是由高層專責小組(HLTF)在巴厘第二協(xié)約中對東盟的經濟一體化所提的建議?!?。探索建立次區(qū)域及雙邊自由貿易協(xié)定(FTAs);以及讓日本、中國和韓國在最終建立東亞自由貿易區(qū)的進程中發(fā)揮更大的作用。據專家介紹,這將是最為可行的區(qū)域性組織。后者是建立在東盟10+3次區(qū)域結構之上的。數據表明從東盟10到東盟10+3區(qū)域內貿易額由28%躍至39%。(2005年數據)。官方數據同樣顯示日本、中國和韓國已成為東盟最主要的市場和供應國。表1. 區(qū)域內部貿易份額, 1990-2005 百分比表示19901995200020012002200320042005東盟10 +633.740.840.540.641.342.843.343.4東亞1543.151.952.151.753.755.656.155.6東亞新興地區(qū)32.939.140.640.943.145.045.345.6東盟+329.437.637.337.137.939.439.639.2新型工業(yè)經濟區(qū)域-411.915.515.514.915.515.014.413.7東盟1018.824.024.724.124.427.627.628.1南亞區(qū)域合作聯(lián)盟2.中亞7.北美自由貿易區(qū)37.943.148.849.148.447.346.445.0南方共同市場10.919.220.317.913.614.715.歐盟-2567.067.466.867.267.868.668.066.2數據來源: 國際貨幣基金組織貿易統(tǒng)計指南, 2006年9月 歐盟-15 ASEAN = 東南亞國家聯(lián)盟, EU = 歐盟, MERCOSUR = 南方共同市場,


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