



掃帚把上的沉思 諸君所看到的這根木棒, 曾經(jīng)在森林之中也走過一段風(fēng)華并茂的 諸君所看到的這根木棒, 歲月,只是如今卻孤零零、灰溜溜、 歲月,只是如今卻孤零零、灰溜溜、羞怯怯地躺在那被人遺忘的 拐角里。那時,它枝繁葉茂、汁液飽滿;可現(xiàn)在, 拐角里。那時,它枝繁葉茂、汁液飽滿;可現(xiàn)在,鐘愛于玩弄藝 術(shù)的人類卻假惺惺地要把那一簇簇枯萎凋零的枝蔓捆縛在那干 癟硬直的木棒身上,忙忙碌碌,不亦樂乎, 癟硬直的木棒身上,忙忙碌碌,不亦樂乎,欲顛覆自然恒遠(yuǎn)之法 則;而結(jié)局亦屬徒勞枉然。迎風(fēng)招展固然是福;可相反的結(jié)局卻 而結(jié)局亦屬徒勞枉然。迎風(fēng)招展固然是福; 是被人翻了個底朝上-枝椏著地,樹根指天。 是被人翻了個底朝上-枝椏著地,樹根指天?,F(xiàn)在的它就被掌 -枝椏著地 控在每一位蓬頭垢面、 家務(wù)鎖身的少婦手中, 干起了 凈了別人, “凈了別人, 控在每一位蓬頭垢面、 家務(wù)鎖身的少婦手中, 臟了自己 的活計;真可謂世事難料、人生無常啊。 臟了自己”的活計;真可謂世事難料、人生無常啊。直到最后在 少婦的手中磨損為一根根光禿禿的木棒, 那個時候要么被人棄之 少婦的手中磨損為一根根光禿禿的木棒, 戶外,要么被用作引火柴。眼觀及此,我不禁一陣嗟嘆, 戶外,要么被用作引火柴。眼觀及此,我不禁一陣嗟嘆,心中豁 這蕓蕓眾生不外乎一掃帚把矣。 初入人世之時, 他體格健壯、 然: 這蕓蕓眾生不外乎一掃帚把矣。 初入人世之時, 他體格健壯、 生機勃勃、充滿活力,還戴著一頭屬于自己的秀發(fā), 生機勃勃、充滿活力,還戴著一頭屬于自己的秀發(fā),宛若一棵懂 得思維的植物的枝枝蔓蔓; 直到那揮霍放蕩的刀斧斬斷了那綠意 得思維的植物的枝枝蔓蔓; 盎然的枝葉,只留下一副萎縮干癟的軀體。之后, 盎然的枝葉,只留下一副萎縮干癟的軀體。之后,他便要火速向 藝術(shù)求救聲援, 藝術(shù)求救聲援,配了一頭冠冕堂皇的假發(fā), 配了一頭冠冕堂皇的假發(fā),從此為那一頭不自然 從此為 的頭發(fā)而自我感覺良好;那一頭毛發(fā)香粉撲鼻, 的頭發(fā)而自我感覺良好; 而自我感覺良好 那一頭毛發(fā)香粉撲鼻,卻又顯得那么矯 揉造作??墒前?我們這柄掃帚把還要自欺欺人地粉墨登場, 揉造作??墒前?,我們這柄掃帚把還要自欺欺人地粉墨登場,為 那非自身所長的樺樹枝條而沾沾自喜;還為打掃淑女的閨房時, 那非自身所長的樺樹枝條而沾沾自喜;還為打掃淑女的閨房時, 惹得滿身塵埃而樂不可支。 天下之大,獨我至上” “ 惹得滿身塵埃而樂不可支。 天下之大,獨我至上”確是浮夸虛 榮和有失偏頗的評斷臆測,我們定要恥笑之、嘲諷之。 榮和有失偏頗的評斷臆測,我們定要恥笑之、嘲諷之。 也許你會說掃帚把就像是一棵頭朝下、根朝上的樹木。 但是凝思 也許你會說掃帚把就像是一棵頭朝下、 朝上的樹木。 一想, 便覺人類不就是一群頹廢不堪的生物嗎?動物的機能永久 一想, 便覺人類不就是一群頹廢不堪的生物嗎? 統(tǒng)立于理性之上,腦袋偏偏貼在地面上,匍匐前行。 統(tǒng)立于理性之上,腦袋偏偏貼在地面上,匍匐前行。盡管自身瑕 疵萬千,他卻能改造大千世界、糾正污言穢語、撫慰悲痛哀怨; 疵萬千,他卻能改造大千世界、糾正污言穢語、撫慰悲痛哀怨; 能夠檢索每一處骯臟可恥的惡行, 將那些隱匿深藏的腐敗墮落昭 能夠檢索每一處骯臟可恥的惡行, 之天下; 還能在一塵不染的地方憑空地?fù)]煙揚土, 之天下; 還能在一塵不染的地方憑空地?fù)]煙揚土, 地方憑空地?fù)]煙揚土 而自己就深受 著這他們試圖清除的污染的毒害。 他人生的最后的時光都在女人 著這他們試圖清除的污染的毒害。 們的奴役中度過, 而事實上卻得不償失, 們的奴役中度過, 而事實上卻得不償失, 卻得不償失 直到被磨損為一副干癟 的軀殼,就像它的大哥-“長掃帚”一樣,要么被踢出門外, 的軀殼,就像它的大哥-“長掃帚”一樣,要么被踢出門外, 大哥-要么就被女人為取暖之需而用作點火柴。 安妮試譯) 要么就被女人為取暖之需而用作點火柴。 安妮試譯) ( 附原文: 附原文: A Meditation upon a Broomstick This single stick, which you now behold ingloriously lying in that neglected corner, I once knew in a flourishing state in a forest. It was full of sap, full of leaves, and full of boughs, but now in vain does the busy art of man pretend to vie with nature by tying that withered bundle of twigs to its sapless trunk. It is now at best but the reverse of what it was: a tree turned upside down, the branches on the earth, and the root in the air. It is now handled by every dirty wench, condemned to do her drudgery, and by a capricious kind of fate destined to make other things clean and be nasty itself. At length, worn to the stumps in the service of the maids, it is either thrown out of doors or condemned to its last use of kindling a fire. When I beheld this, I sighed and said within myself, surely mortal man is a broomstick: nature sent him into the world strong and lusty, in a thriving condition, wearing his own hair on his head, the proper branches of this reasoning vegetable, until the axe of intemperance has lopped off his green boughs and left him a withered trunk; he then flies to art, and puts on a periwig, valuing himself upon an unnatural bundle of hairs, all covered with powder, that never grew on his head. But now should this our broomstick pretend to enter the scene, proud of those birchen spoils it never bore, and all covered with dust, through the sweepings of the finest ladys chamber, we should be apt to ridicule and despise its vanity, partial judges that we are of our own Excellencies and other mens defaults. But a broomstick, perhaps, you will say, is an emblem of a tree standing on its head. And pray, what is man, but a topsy-turvy creature, his animal faculties perpetually mounted on his rational, his head where his heels should be, groveling on the earth? And yet with all his faults, he sets up to be a universal reformer and corrector of abuses, a remover of grievances; rakes into every sluts corner of nature, bringing hidden corruption to the light; and raises a mighty dust where there was none before, sharing deeply all the while in the very same pollutions he pretends to sweep away. His last days are spent in slavery to women, and generally the least deserving, till, worn out to the stumps, like his brother besom, he is either kicked out of doors, or made use of to kindle flames for others to warm thems


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