1、Printed on: 2020/10/20,Page 1,NCE HR Assessment Project,Final Presentation December 1998,Printed on: 2020/10/20,Page 2,Table of Contents,Project background and approach . Page 3 Key Issues: Challenges facing NCE HR today . Page 11 Overarching Issues, Benchmarks need automated job description, incent
2、ive plan administration automation, market pricing automation, etc.,Printed on: 2020/10/20,Page 20,Compensation Recommendations,Strengths include: Good understanding of the company; the dimensions of the positions and how they inter-relate Accomplished technical abilities Future Improvement Opportun
3、ities/Recommendations: Evaluate the risks and consequences of allowing the business units to own compensation practices Review compensation grade structure: this may result in a simpler structure with fewer grades and ease of administration Make use of automation to speed up processes: automate job
4、descriptions and place them on the company intranet; automate incentive plan administration and market survey database which includes receiving market survey information electronically and tracking trends from year to year electronically Develop, communicate and enforce NCE-wide policy/philosophies
5、concerning pay, total compensation and base pay vs. incentive pay (below, at, or above market) across the Business Units By eliminating rework reported in the group, Compensation should be able to eliminate over 1.5 FTEs of non-value-added rework, allowing Compensation personnel to work on other val
6、ue-added activities,Printed on: 2020/10/20,Page 21,Looking at HR today and tomorrow - Ideas about current and future state of NCE HR,HR functional group analyses there is too much rework Increase utilization of intranet to provide HR data such as organization chart, head count and turnover informati
7、on There is a need for more training and cross training Incorrect/incomplete forms received from employees,Payroll/HRIC Analysis,Printed on: 2020/10/20,Page 26,Key issues reported by department personnel include (Continued): HRizon problems and technology issues System crashes No on-line account num
8、ber validation Learning curve/training Time keeper errors into TED Wrong information entered Input error Strengths include: Customer responsive Well trained and well organized staff Future Improvement Opportunities/Recommendations: Roles and responsibilities need to be clearly defined between NCE HR
9、 and IBM HR support Identify and prioritize the organizations technology needs and develop cost/benefit analyses Payroll largest cost is its systems but they could be used more efficiently functionality enhancements may improve cost effectiveness. Also, the timekeepers substantially increase the pay
10、roll FTEs and associated cost. Consider eliminating the timekeepers and implementing a system which eliminates multiple time entry, i.e. each person would be responsible for entering his/her own time in the system or it would be captured via the time clocks automatically (i.e. Kronos). Implement tra
11、ining and process root cause analysis for payroll data entry personnel to decrease the number of errors in the employee database and reduce rework. Consider reimbursing employees through payroll instead of issuing them a separate accounts payable check. By eliminating rework reported in the group, P
12、ayroll/HRIC should be able to eliminate over 1.5 FTEs of non-value-added rework, allowing Payroll/HRIC personnel to work on other value-added activities,Payroll/HRIC Recommendations,Printed on: 2020/10/20,Page 27,Looking at HR today and tomorrow - Ideas about current and future state of NCE HR,HR fu
13、nctional group analyses they currently have responsibility for policy setting, procedure development and auditing for overall compliance - no enforcement authority Move industrial hygiene to internal audit, or to a core function, to better control overall exposure, cost and compliance, as well as tr
14、anslating best practices company wide Plant safety representatives inability to interpret/know regulations Lack of clear definition of roles and responsibility between field and core Company wide confusion about who is responsible for what (safety receives calls about claims, accidents, vehicle, fac
15、ility, security, etc. which are the responsibility of other areas),Printed on: 2020/10/20,Page 38,Future Improvement Opportunities/Recommendations: Develop philosophy and strategy regarding safety and Industrial Hygiene programs determining the risk profile and tolerance to better control exposure,c
16、ost and compliance. Redesign Safety and Industrial Hygiene organizational structure by establishing oversight responsibility in shared services and compliance and prevention within the business units. Establish roles and responsibilities for the shared services and business unit positions. Explore i
17、ntegrating risk management functions with Safety and Industrial Hygiene such as fire prevention, vehicle accident prevention, and health insurance loss contract By eliminating rework reported in the group, Safety and IH should be able to eliminate over 1 FTE of non-value-added rework, allowing Safet
18、y and IH personnel to work on other value-added activities,Safety and IH Recommendations,Printed on: 2020/10/20,Page 39,Looking at HR today and tomorrow - Ideas about current and future state of NCE HR,HR functional group analyses there seems to be overlapping responsibilities, as well as overlappin
19、g need for information Consider global settlements Evaluate benefits of in house administration vs. outsourcing,Disability Management Analysis management team points fingers at one another Field Services only puts out fires; is not proactive Policies and procedures are too open for interpretation or
20、 not available at all Not enough resources in Core to answer questions on a timely basis Contacting various core units for clarifications and follow up (Benefits group is mentioned frequently) Lack of systems and written procedures (benefits/comp; compliance training is frequently mentioned) Lack of
21、 communication between units and lack of responsibility definitions Following up on benefits issues with employees is time consuming due to the lack of easily accessible information (i.e. summary plan descriptions) Lack of procedure manual Information incorrectly entered on HRizon Lack of follow thr
22、ough by benefits department Lack of communication with other HR groups phones not answered, lots of voice mail,Field Services Analysis,Printed on: 2020/10/20,Page 43,Future Improvement Opportunities/Recommendations: Assign specific HR representatives (lead and other team members) to specific custome
23、rs (see discussion on the proposed revision of the current HR organizational model): Ensure that HR consultants understand, or are not aware of, business unit strategy thereby creating a business partnering relationship with their customers Determine consultants needed skill sets (and current gaps)
24、and select/deselect accordingly Define specific roles and responsibilities for FS and Core during the transition to the new HR model (if the revised HR model is adopted ) and Re-form FS/Core back into functional groups aligned around Business Unit customers HR needs, and organized and delivered thro
25、ugh an HR Shared Services Account Representative for each Business Unit Prioritize Field Services consultants customer requests and manage their work through more specific performance expectations and measures (through Service Level Agreements) By eliminating rework reported in the group, Field Serv
26、ices should be able to eliminate over 5.5 FTEs of non-value-added rework, allowing Field Services personnel to work on other value-added activities. There are many areas (i.e. Benefits Administration and overall transition projects) that could use extra help during the HR transition. It should be po
27、ssible to redirect work efforts as project resources are needed.,Field Services Recommendations,Printed on: 2020/10/20,Page 44,Looking at HR today and tomorrow - Ideas about current and future state of NCE HR,HR Organizational recommendations Recommended structure for the future Roles and responsibi
28、lities Skills, competencies and experience,To overcome the issues reviewed in the previous sections and to begin to organize HR around the changing NCE Business Unit structure, we recommend that HR consider modifying its current organization model around customer needs, supported by more specific ro
29、les, responsibilities, skills, competencies and experience. If implemented successfully, NCEs HR group will be able to move through the transition to the Business Unit structure and be able to better ”defend” itself in the face of increased internal customer choice. The following structural changes
30、and the Transition Plan that follows should allow HR to move toward the “Business-Within-A-Business” model over the next 12-24 months.,HR Organization Model Recommendations,. .,Printed on: 2020/10/20,Page 45,Corporate Center HR,Commodity HR,Delivery HR,Retail HR,International,Commodity HR Account Re
31、p.,Customer needs identified and managed through single point of contact - An account manager Customer needs, competitive benchmarking and Service Agreements facilitate staffing to to optimal levels in Business Unit HR and Shared Services HR, compared to market HR roles and responsibilities clarifie
32、d, responsibilityand accountability defined and measured Process ownership and performance expectationsare defined and measured Duplication/overlap of effort between Core, FS and multiple contact point issues go away, customer service orientation does not Organization structured around skills, compe
33、tencyand experience Multiple opportunities exist in both Business Unit HR AND in Shared Service HR positions Performance standards clearly identified throughService Agreements HR products/services clearly defined, costed, understood - If there is not buyer, there is noneed for product/service HR cus
34、tomers and HR have a well established buying mechanism: Service Agreements,Overcoming Issues with current HR service delivery,Many of the issues listed previously stem from the implementation of the Core/Field Service model. We recommend that NCE HR move to a variation of your current operating stru
35、cture to overcome these issues, and to organize around your unique business unit customers:,NCE HR Tomorrow,Delivery HR Account Rep.,Retail HR Account Rep.,Staffing applies technology to improve organizational competitiveness Product and Service Development and Refinement - Collaborates with the Bus
36、iness Unit HR leaders to identify and produce products and services that are tailored to Business Units needs. Ensures that HR products and services support overall business goals. Shared Services Design, Development and Effectiveness - Performs work and process redesign to improve team and organiza
37、tional effectiveness. Process Facilitation - Leads groups and teams to resolve issues and improve their relationships and interactions with Business UnitsHR team, Business Units customers and within Shared Services. Resource Mobilization and Coordination - Maximizes the impact of shared services res
38、ources for meeting organizational objectives. Relationship Orientation - Develops positive relationships by valuing others concerns and contributions. Continuous Learning - Proactively seeks performance feedback and identifies approaches to improve own and that of others performance and learning. To
39、lerance for Stress, Ambiguity and Chance - Demonstrates flexibility in applying different approaches to changing work demands,Shared Services,HR Leader,Role Specific Competencies,Personal Competencies,Level-Specific Competencies Continued,Shared Services HR Leader,Competencies and Skills for the Fut
40、ure: Shared Services HR Leader,Printed on: 2020/10/20,Page 54,Corporate Center HR,Commodity HR,Delivery HR,Retail HR,International *,Commodity HR Account Rep.,Understanding Business Unit Leaders HR needs(that is their primary customer) Marketing Shared Services products/services toBusiness Unit cust
41、omers Developing Service Level Agreements with Business Unit HR Leaders Executing against the Service Level Agreement Building teams of functional personnel Managing Shared Service HR functional personnel in delivery of service Working with Shared Service Leader to identify personnel needs (Staffing
42、 volumes,skills required, etc.) Determining new Business Unit HR needs withthe Shared Service HR Leader Determining with Business Unit HR Leaderswhen needs products are not needed and should be eliminated from Shared Service Forming special project teams within SharedServices to meet periodic custom
43、er needs Providing performance feedback to SharedServices Leader on Shared Service functional group personnel,Roles track turnover,Printed on: 2020/10/20,Page 77,Transition Plan details,Excel spreadsheet - detailed HR transition project plans,Printed on: 2020/10/20,Page 78,Service Level Agreement,Ex
44、ample Service Level Agreement,Printed on: 2020/10/20,Page 79,Defining Service Offerings,This document provides guidelines for defining the individual services provided by the Shared Service Center. The level of detail achieved in service definitions will have significant implications for contracting
45、 and pricing of services.,Printed on: 2020/10/20,Page 80,Services = Process Output,For the purposes of defining the services of your individual area, think of a service as the output of a process with internal and external customers and suppliers. A process is a series of activities that consume res
46、ources (inputs) and produce a service or product (output). The activities or components of processes often cut across functional or departmental boundaries.,Printed on: 2020/10/20,Page 81,Process Hierarchy,PROCESS,SUB-PROCESS,ACTIVITY,TASK,Printed on: 2020/10/20,Page 82,Processes,Subprocesses,Activi
47、ties,Tasks,AP/Purchasing,GeneratePurchaseRequisition,OrderMaterial,PayVendor,IdentifyRequiredMaterial,IdentifyVendor,CompletePurchaseRequisition, Search vendor books Call and query to vendor Review past purchase orders Review material specs,Process Hierarchy,Printed on: 2020/10/20,Page 83,Process Hi
48、erarchy Worksheet,Definition worksheet for Defining Processes,Suppliers,Key Inputs,Key Outputs,Customers,Known Issues,Printed on: 2020/10/20,Page 84,The Shared Services Center Process Picture,Feedback,Feedback,Feedback,Supplier Internal External,Customer Internal External,Process Add Value Prevent E
49、rrors Identify Errors Correct Errors,Performance MeasurementSystem,Requirements,Requirements,Input,Output,Process Focus,Printed on: 2020/10/20,Page 85,Contracting For Services - Service Level Agreements,Once services have been defined at the process-output level, contracts or service level agreement
50、s should be developed. Some organizations have opted for complex and detailed contracts while others have developed less structured agreements. A service level agreement (SLA) can be defined as: an agreement between two or more parties; it involves an understanding of the changing needs and limitati
51、ons of each party and will probably require compromise a quantification of service level output; metrics may be developed and agreed upon which define the quality of service provided.,Printed on: 2020/10/20,Page 86,Service Level Agreement Contents,Service Level Agreements May Include: (1)listing and
52、 description and services to be provided (2)service pricing and billing procedures (3)service level targets or output performance goals (4)service usage projections, peak period service (5)problem management and escalation procedures (6)service hours, service availability (7)service level reporting
53、and monitoring (8)duration, amendment and termination of SLA,Printed on: 2020/10/20,Page 87,Performance Measures,Performance measurement is a quantification of how well activities within a process or the outputs of a process achieve a specified goal,Catalyze change,Benchmark against others,Monitor p
54、rogress,Provide direction,Focus on customer,Continuous Improvement,Printed on: 2020/10/20,Page 88,Supplier,Input,Activity 1,Activity 3,Output,Customer,Input Measure,Process Measures,Internal Output Measure,External Output Measure,(Resources),(Service),Activity 2,2 Levels of Performance Measures,Use
55、for continuous improvement,Use for service level agreements,.fdcew.,Printed on: 2020/10/20,Page 89,3 Categories of Performance Measures,Performance measures can be categorized as measures of cost, quality or time. Successful performance measurement systems seek to achieve a balance of all three.,COS
56、T,The process time to achieve “goodness”,QUALITY,The “goodness” of a product or service,TIME,The economics of “goodness”,Printed on: 2020/10/20,Page 90,HR Functional Review Details,Details of Current HR Functional Reviews,Printed on: 2020/10/20,Page 91,Benefits Analysis,Department Demographics Numbe
57、r of people on the organization chart - 13 FTEs - 18.95 Cost*: $932,537 *Figure represents labor plus benefits load and excludes HR management Rework and error correction - 7 employees stated they spend 38%* of their time (106 hours) per week on rework and error correction *This calculation is based
58、 on a 40 hour work week Customer Satisfaction Results (Scale: 0=not performing, 1=somewhat performing, 2=meeting needs, 3=excellent) Largest Gaps “HR representatives are knowledgeable and timely when responding to benefit questions.” Current Performance = 1.5 Desired State = 3.0 Gap = 1.5 “HR allows
59、 employees to have access to simple and complete benefit information.” Current Performance = 1.6 Desired State = 3.0 Gap = 1.4 “HR changes the role of the benefits department from record/file keepers to consultants helping employees understand and apply programs.” Current Performance = 1.3 Desired State = 2.5 Gap = 1.2 Overall Gap = 1.0,Printed on: 2020/10/20,Page 92,Benefits Analysis Continued,HR Employees Perspective on Problems/Issues There are sixty three plans and numerous vendors which makes it d
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