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1、Week 6,Essay Writing: general,Tip: dont be vague,1a. It is good to study abroad. 2a. There are two advantages to studying abroad. 3a. Studying abroad can help students in many ways.,1a. It is good to study abroad.,1b. Studying abroad can provide many opportunities, such as .,2a. There are two advant

2、ages to studying abroad.,2b. The two major advantages of studying abroad are ,3a. Studying abroad can help students in many ways.,3b. Studying abroad can help students by giving them broader insight and more knowledge. Or 3c. Studying abroad can give students broader insight and more knowledge.,Tip:

3、 written versus spoken English,1.Please take your friends seriously and learn to. 2. As everyone knows. 3. Friends are something like books.,Essay Writing,Descriptive Essays Comparison/Contrast Essays Process Essays Classification Essays Cause-Effect Essays Argumentative/Persuasive Essays,Steps in e

4、ssay writing,Step 1: begin with a point, or thesis Step 2: Support the thesis with specific evidence Step 3: Organize and connect the specific evidence Step 4: Revising sentences,Step 1: begin with a point, or thesis,Understanding thesis statements thesis statement: central idea presented in an essa

5、ys introduction paragraph A good thesis statement 1)tells the reader an essays topic 2) presents the writers attitude, idea, or points about the topic.,Eg. Owning a pet has several important benefits,Our company president should be fired for three reasons. The Internet has led to new kinds of frustr

6、ation in everyday life. Our cafeteria would be greatly improved if several changes were made. Celebrities are often poor models because of the way they dress, talk, and behave.,writing a good thesis,a good thesis statement: includes a topic that is neither too broad nor too narrow; presents the writ

7、ers attitude, idea, or points about the topic.,writing a good thesis,1.Write statement, not announcement x. The subject of this paper will be my parents. x. I want to talk about the crime wave in this country. x. The “baby boom” generation is the concern of this essay.,My parents each struggled with

8、 personal demons. The recent crime wave in our city has several apparent causes. The “baby boom” generation has changed American society in key ways.,writing a good thesis,2. Avoid statement that are too broad x. Disease has shaped human history. x. Insects are fascinating creatures. x. Men and wome

9、n are very different.,In the mid1980s, AIDS changed peoples attitudes about dating. Strength, organization, and communication make ants one of natures most successful insects. Men and women are often treated very differently in the workplace.,Marriage ( general topic) Honeymoon (limited topic) Thesi

10、s: A honeymoon is perhaps the worst way to begin a marriage.,Family ( general topic) Older sister (limited topic) Thesis: My older sister helped me overcome my shyness.,writing a good thesis,3. Avoid statements that are too narrow (dead-end Statement) x. The speed limit near my home is sixty-five mi

11、les per hour. x. A hurricane hit southern Florida last summer. x. A person must be at least thirty-five years old in order to be elected president of the United States.,The speed limit near my home is sixty-five miles per hour for several reasons. Federal officials made a number of mistakes in their

12、 response to the recent Florida hurricane. The requirement that a U. S. president must be at least thirty-five years old is unfair and unreasonable.,writing a good thesis,4.Make sure statements develop only one idea x. One of the most serious problems affecting young people today is bullying, and it

13、 is time more kids learned the value of helping others. x. Studying with others has several benefits, but it also has drawbacks and can be difficult to schedule. x. Teachers have played an important role in my life, but they are not as important as my parents,One of the most serious problems affecti

14、ng young people today is bullying. Studying with others has several benefits. Teachers have played an important role in my life.,x. The way our society treats elderly people is unbelievable. x. Up to 70 percent of teenager marriage end in divorce. x. Action must be taken against drugs. x. I failed m

15、y biology course.,Step 2: support the thesis with specific evidence,Outlining,Movie going is a problem. 1. inconvenience of going out 2. tempting snacks 3. other movie goers,The first day on a new job can be nerve-racking. a. meeting new people b. finding your way around a new place c. _,My sister h

16、as three qualities I admire. a. patience b. thoughtfulness c. _,College is stressful for many people. a. worry about grades b. worry about being accepted c. _,Our neighborhood park is an unsafe place to visit. a. aggressive dogs b. broken glass c. _,The importance of specific details,Specific detail

17、s 1. excite the readers interest; 2. serve to explain a writers points.,Many people in the theatre show themselves to be inconsiderate. They make noises and create disturbances at their seats. Included are people in every age group, from the young to the old. Some act as if they were at their home i

18、n their own living room watching the TV set.,Many people in the theatre show themselves to be inconsiderate. They make noises and create disturbances at their seats. Included are people in every age group, from the young to the old. Little kids race up and down the aisles, usually in giggling packs.

19、 Teenagers try to impress their friends by talking back to the screen, whistling, and making what they consider to be hilarious noises. Adults act as if they were at home in their own living room and comment loudly on the ages of the stars or why movies arent as good anymore.,The importance of adequ

20、ate details,Eg.1 I would not want to be a teenager again. First of all, because I would not want to worry about talking to girls. I still remembered how scary it was to call up a girl and ask her out. My heart would race, my pulse would pound, and perspiration would trickle down my face, adding to m

21、y acne by the second. I never knew whether my voice would come out deep and masculine, like a television anchormans or squeaky, like a little boys. Then there were the question: would she be at home? If she was, would she want to talk to me? And if she did, what would I say? He one time I did get up

22、 the nerve to take a girl to a movie, I was so tongue-tied that I stared silently at the box of popcorn in my lap until the feature finally started.,Organize and connect the specific evidence,Essay writing,Introduction Conclusions Titles,Introductory paragraph,Functions of the introduction 1. attrac

23、ts the readers attention ; 2. supplies any background information that the reader may need to understand the essay; 3. presents a thesis statement, usually at the end of the introductory paragraph; 4. indicates a plan of development (optional),The Yale Daily News lists the following as inviting open

24、ers: An intriguing example A provocative quotation A surprising scenario A related anecdote An insighful query to solve,common methods of introduction,1. Explain a general background Begin with a broad, general statement of the topic and narrow it down to the thesis statement.,Eg1. Bookstore shelves

25、 today are crammed with dozens of different diet books. The American public seems willing to try any sort of diet, especially the ones that promise instant, miraculous results. And authors are more than willing to invent new fad diets to cash in on this craze. Unfortunately, some of these fad diets

26、are ineffective or even unsafe. One of the worst fad diets is the “palm Beach” plan. It is impractical, doesnt achieve the results it claims, and is a sure route to poor nutrition.,Eg2. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 45 million Americans continue to smoke, even af

27、ter one of the most intense public health campaigns in history, now over 40 years old. Each year some 438,000 smokers die from smoking-related diseases, including lung and other cancers, cardiovascular disorders, and pulmonary diseases.,Eg3. We Americans are incredibly lazy. Instead of cooking a sim

28、ple meal, we pop a frozen dinner into the oven. Instead of studying a daily newspaper, we are contented with the capsule summaries on the network news. Worst of all, instead of walking even a few blocks to the local convenience store, we jump into our cars. This dependence on the automobile, even fo

29、r a short trips, has robbed us of a valuable experiencewalking. If we drove less and walked more, we would save money, become healthier, and discover fascinating things about our surroundings.,2.Make a Quotation: Quote a statement that you either agree or disagree with and use it as a starting point

30、 to build into your thesis statement.,Eg.1: Jon Peters, President of Marineland Park, argues that, “captivity for the whales is the best thing for them. Our habitat pool is just like the Pacific Ocean: our killer whales cant even tell the difference. Theyre very happy here.” However, research has sh

31、own that captivity does a great deal of harm to whales.,Eg. 2 Henry David Thoreau, an American poet, once wrote, “Our life is frittered away by detail simplify, simplify!” These words of advice are difficult to follow in a society where a hectic pace of life is the norm and the attainment of more ma

32、terial goods is encouraged. However, I believe that this philosophy of living simply has quite a bit of merit. The difficulty of following this philosophy is knowing where we should begin. If we examine Henry David Thoreaus life carefully, I believe we will find a number of ways in which to simplify

33、 our own lives and yet live richly.,Eg. 3 “Fish and visitors,”wrote Benjamin Franklin, “begins to smell after three days.” Last summer, when my sister and her family came to spend their two-week vacation with us, I became convinced that Franklin was right. After only three days of my familys visit,

34、I was thoroughly sick of my brother-in-laws corny jokes, my sisters endless complains about her boss and their childrens constant invasion of our privacy.,3. Make a concession: Begin with an acknowledgement of part of your opponents argument as being valid.,Eg. We hear a lot about the negative effec

35、ts of television on the viewers. Obviously, television can be harmful if it is watched constantly to the exclusion of other activities. However, when television is watched in moderation, it is extremely valuable, as it provides relaxation, entertainment and education.,Write an introductory paragraph

36、 in your own words: We hear a lot about the negative effects of _. Obviously, _ can be harmful if _. However, when _, it is extremely valuable, as it _.,4. Give a story or a specific example:,Eg. 1 (a real story of the author): During my trip to California last July, I stopped for a quick meal, neve

37、r imagining what I was getting into. As soon as I walked into that pizza parlor and heard nothing but Spanish, I felt out of place. True, I had studied Spanish in school and could carry on a simple conversation. But for the first time in my memory, I was the minority person. I tried to look and act

38、calm, but I was very uneasy. My understanding of racial bigotry began in that moment and has grown ever since.,Eg.2 (an imagined story or situation): Picture this: A couple is driving to an event in an unfamiliar location, obviously lost. Rather than quarrelling about one partners refusal to stop an

39、d ask for directions, they simply press a button, the correct routing is obtained, and they are once again on their way. They solve the problem by using a Global Positioning System (GPS).,Eg. 3 (a specific example): The Pentagon has twice as many bathrooms as are necessary. The famous government bui

40、lding was constructed in the 1940s, when segregation laws required that separate bathrooms be installed for people of African descent. This building isnt the only American icon that harkens back to this embarrassing and hurtful time in our history. Across the United States there are many examples of

41、 leftover laws and customs that reflect the racism that once permeated American society.,Eg. 4 Early Sunday morning the young mother dressed her little girl warmly and gave her a candy bar, a picture book, and a well-worn stuffed rabbit. Together, they drove downtown to a Methodist church. There the

42、 mother told the little girl to wait on the stone steps until children began arriving for Sunday school. Then the young mother drove off, abandoning her five-year-old because she couldnt cope with being a parent anymore. This incident is one of thousands of cases of child neglect and abuse that occu

43、r annually. Perhaps the automatic right to become a parent should no longer exist. Would-be parents should be forced to apply for parental licenses for which they would have to meet three important conditions.,5. Ask a question or a set of questions: A question or a series of questions can be very e

44、ffective in orienting your reader and outlining the issues you plan to discuss in your text.),Eg.1: Have you ever run in a marathon? Most marathons are twenty six miles. Have you ever heard of one-hundred mile marathons? The state of Colorado hosts a one-hundred mile marathon each year. People from

45、all over the United States and the world run in this marathon. Some of the top runners in this race have been members of the Tarahumara Indian tribe in the Sierra Madre mountains of Mexico. Tarahumaras do not train for marathons, but their lifestyle and culture promote, develop, and support this typ

46、e of athletic endeavor.,Eg.2: What is love? How do you know that we are really in love? When we meet that special person, how can we tell that our feelings are genuine and not mearly infatuation? And, if they are genuine, will these feelings last? Love, as we all know, is difficult to define. But mo

47、st people agree that true and lasting love involves far more than mere physical attraction. Love involves mutual respect, the desire to give rather than take, and the feelings of being wholly at ease.,6. Make an analogy: You might employ a striking comparison to make a point or introduce your reader

48、 to an unfamiliar topic. Usually, you draw a comparison to something common in order to explain something uncommon or unfamiliar,Eg.: A habitat at Marineland Water Park is a cell not unlike what youd find at the Kingston Penitentiary, or at the Kent Correctional facility. The difference, of course,

49、is that every inmate at Waterworld has been wrongfully persecuted and incarcerated. The inmates are serving life sentences without having committed any crimes.,7. Start with an idea or situation that is the opposite of the one you will develop. This approach works because your readers will be surpri

50、sed, and then intrigued, by the contrast between the opening idea and the thesis that follow it.,Eg1. When I decided to return to school at age thirty-five, I wasnt at all worried about my ability to do the work. After all, I was a grown woman who had raised a family, not a confused teenager fresh o

51、ut of high school. But when I started classes, I realized that those “confused teenagers” sitting around me were in much better shape for college than I was. They still had all their classroom skills in bright, shiny condition, while mine had grown rusty from disuse. I had to learn how to locate inf

52、ormation in a library, how to write a report, and even how to speak up in class discussions.,Eg2. The ad in full color on a glossy magazine page, shows a beautiful kitchen with gleaming counters. In the foreground, on one of the counters, stands a shiny new food processor. Usually, a female hand is

53、touching it lovingly. Around the main picture, are other, small shots. They show mounds of perfectly sliced onion rings, thin rounds of juicy tomatoes, heaps of matchstick-sized potatoes, and piles of golden, evenly grated cheese. The ad copy tells you how wonderful, how easy, food preparation will

54、be with a processor. Dont believe it. My processor turned out to be expensive, difficult to operate, and very limited in its use.,8. Explain the importance of your topic to the reader. If you convince your readers that the subject in some way applies to them, or is something they should know more ab

55、out, they will want to keep reading.,Eg. Disease like scarlet fever and whooping cough used to kill more young children than any other cause. Today, however, child mortality due to disease has been almost completely eliminated by medical science. Instead, car accidents are the number one killer of o

56、ur children. And most of the children fatally injured in car accidents were not protected by car seats, belts, or restraints of any kind. Several steps must be taken to reduce the serious dangers car accidents post to our children.,Tip : Things to avoid in an academic essay,Avoid overused or colloqu

57、ial expressions Nowadays, studying abroad has become a hot topic Nowadays, with the fast improvement of Chinas economy Nowadays, more and more youngsters are eager to study abroad Nowadays, more and more college students choose to go abroad to Nowadays, there is a phenomenon that more and more stude

58、nts,Concluding paragraph,A concluding paragraph is your chance to remind the reader of your thesis idea and bring the paper to a natural and graceful end.,Things to avoid in conclusion: Dont end by making unnecessary announcement, such as “In conclusion, let me remind you”; Dont end by making lofty

59、claims, such as “This discovery will forever”; Dont simply repeat your thesis or main points;,Methods of conclusion,1. End with a summary and final thought. a. tell the reader what youre going to tell them. b. tell them c. tell them what youve told them,Eg1. : Catalog shopping at home, then, has several advantages. Such shopping is convenient, saves you mone


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