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1、VOLUME85, NUMBER18PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS30 OCTOBER2000 Negative Refraction Makes a Perfect Lens J.B. Pendry Condensed Matter Theory Group, The Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College, London SW7 2BZ, United Kingdom (Received 25 April 2000) With a conventional lens sharpness of the image is always lim

2、ited by the wavelength of light. An unconventional alternative to a lens, a slab of negative refractive index material, has the power to focus all Fourier components of a 2D image, even those that do not propagate in a radiative manner. Such “superlenses” can be realized in the microwave band with c

3、urrent technology. Our simulations show that a version of the lens operating at the frequency of visible light can be realized in the form of a thin slab of silver. This optical version resolves objects only a few nanometers across. PACS numbers: 78.20.Ci, 42.30.Wb, 73.20.Mf, 78.66.Bz Optical lenses

4、 have for centuries been one of scientists prime tools. Their operation is well understood on the ba- sis of classical optics: curved surfaces focus light by virtue of the refractive index contrast. Equally their limitations are dictated by wave optics: no lens can focus light onto an area smaller t

5、han a square wavelength. What is there new to say other than to polish the lens more perfectly and to invent slightly better dielectrics?In this Letter I want to challenge the traditional limitation on lens performance and propose a class of “superlenses,” and to suggest a prac- tical scheme for imp

6、lementing such a lens. Let us look more closely at the reasons for limitation in performance. Consider an infi nitesimal dipole of fre- quency v in front of a lens. The electric component of the fi eld will be given by some 2D Fourier expansion, E?r,t? ? X s,kx,ky Es?kx,ky? 3 exp?ikzz 1 ikxx 1 ikyy

7、2 ivt?,(1) where we choose the axis of the lens to be the z axis. Maxwells equations tell us that kz? 1 q v2c222 k2 x 2 k2 y, v2c22. k2 x 1 k2 y. (2) The function of the lens is to apply a phase correction to each of the Fourier components so that at some distance beyond the lens the fi elds reassem

8、ble to a focus, and an image of the dipole source appears. However, something is missing: for larger values of the transverse wave vector, kz? 1i q k2 x 1 k2 y 2 v2c22,v2c22, k2 x 1 k2 y. (3) These evanescent waves decay exponentially with z and no phase correction will restore them to their proper

9、ampli- tude. They are effectively removed from the image which generally comprises only the propagating waves. Since the propagating waves are limited to k2 x 1 k2 y , v2c22,(4) the maximum resolution in the image can never be greater than D ? 2p kmax ? 2pc v ? l,(5) and this is true however perfect

10、 the lens and however large the aperture. Thereis anunconventionalalternativetoalens. Material with negative refractive index will focus light even when in the form of a parallel-sided slab of material. In Fig. 1, I sketch the focusing action of such a slab, assuming that the refractive index n ? 21

11、.(6) A moments thought will show that the fi gure obeys Snells laws of refraction at the surface as light inside the medium makes a negative angle with the surface normal. The other characteristic of the system is the double focusing effect re- vealed by a simple ray diagram. Light transmitted throu

12、gh a slab of thickness d2located a distance d1from the source comes to a second focus when z ? d22 d1.(7) The underlying secret of this medium is that both the di- electric function, , and the magnetic permeability, m, hap- pen to be negative. In that instance we have chosen FIG. 1.A negative refrac

13、tive index medium bends light to a negative angle with the surface normal. Light formerly diverging from a point source is set in reverse and converges back to a point. Released from the medium the light reaches a focus for a second time. 39660031-9007?00?85(18)?3966(4)$15.00 2000 The American Physi

14、cal Society VOLUME85, NUMBER18PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS30 OCTOBER2000 ? 21,m ? 21.(8) At fi rst sight this simply implies that the refractive index is that of vacuum, n ? pm, (9) but further consideration will reveal that when both and m are negative we must choose the negative square root in (9). How

15、ever, the other relevant quantity, the impedance of the medium, Z ? rmm 0 0 ,(10) retains its positive sign so that, when both ? 21 and m ? 21, the medium is a perfect match to free space and the interfaces show no refl ection. At the far boundary there is again an impedance match and the light is p

16、erfectly transmitted into vacuum. Calculations confi rm that all of the energy is perfectly transmittedinto themediumbutina strangemanner: trans- port of energy in the 1z direction requires that, in the medium, k0 z ? 2 q v2c222 k2 x 2 k2 y. (11) Overall the transmission coeffi cient of the medium i

17、s T ? tt0? exp?ik0 zd? ? exp?2i q v2c222 k2 x 2 k2 yd?, (12) where d is the slab thickness and the negative phase results from the choice of wave vector forced upon us by causality. It is this phase reversal that enables the medium to refocus light by canceling the phase acquired by light as it move

18、s away from its source. All this was pointed out by Veselago 1 some time ago. The new message in this Letter is that, remarkably, the medium can also cancel the decay of evanescent waves. The challenge here is that such waves decay in amplitude, not in phase, as they propagate away from the object p

19、lane. Therefore to focus them we need to amplify them rather than to correct their phase. We shall show that evanescent waves emerge from the far side of the medium enhanced in amplitude by the transmission process. This does not vio- late energy conservation because evanescent waves trans- port no

20、energy, but nevertheless it is a surprising result. The proof is not diffi cult. Let us assume S-polarized light in vacuum. The electric fi eld is given by E0S1? ?0,1,0?exp?ikzz 1 ikxx 2 ivt?,(13) where the wave vector, kz? 1i q k2 x 1 k2 y 2 v2c22,v2c22, k2 x 1 k2 y, (14) implies exponential decay.

21、At the interface with the medium some of the light is refl ected, E0S2? r?0,1,0?exp?2ikzz 1 ikxx 2 ivt?, (15) and some transmitted into the medium, E1S1? t?0,1,0?exp?ik0 zz 1 ikxx 2 ivt?, (16) where k0 z ? 1i q k2 x 1 k2 y 2 mv2c22, mv2c22, k2 x 1 k2 y. (17) Causality requires that we choose this fo

22、rm of the wave in the medium: it must decay away exponentially from the interface. By matching wave fi elds at the interface, we show that t ? 2mkz mkz1 k0 z ,r ? mkz2 k0 z mkz1 k0 z .(18) Conversely a wave inside the medium incident on the inter- face with vacuum experiences transmission and refl e

23、ction as follows: t0? 2k0 z k0 z 1 mkz ,r0? k0 z 2 mkz k0 z 1 mkz .(19) To calculate transmission through both surfaces of the slab we must sum the multiple scattering events, TS? tt0exp?ik0 zd? 1 tt 0r02 exp?3ik0 zd? 1 tt0r04exp?5ik0 zd? 1 . ? tt0exp?ik0 zd? 1 2 r02exp?2ik0 zd? .(20) By substitutin

24、g from (19) and (20) and taking the limit, lim m!21 !21 TS? lim m!21 !21 tt0exp?ik0 zd? 1 2 r02exp?2ik0 zd? ? lim m!21 !21 2mkz mkz1 k0 z 2k0 z k0 z 1 mkz exp?ik0 zd? 1 2 ? k0z2mkz k0z1mkz?2exp?2ik0zd? ? exp?2ik0 zd? ? exp?2ikzd?. (21) 3967 VOLUME85, NUMBER18PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS30 OCTOBER2000 The

25、 refl ection coeffi cient is given by lim m!21 !21 RS? lim m!21 !21 r 1 tt0r0exp?2ik0 zd? 1 2 r02exp?2ik0 zd? ? 0.(22) A similar result holds for P-polarized evanescent waves: lim m!21 !21 TP? lim m!21 !21 2kz kz1 k0 z 2k0 z k0 z 1 kz 3 exp?ik0 zd? 1 2 ? k0z2kz k0z1kz?2exp?2ik0zd? ? exp?2ikzd?.(23)

26、Thus, even though we have meticulously carried through a strictly causal calculation, our fi nal result is that the medium does amplify evanescent waves.Hence we conclude that with this new lens both propagating and evanescent waves contribute to the resolution of the image. Therefore there is no ph

27、ysical obstacle to perfect reconstruction of the image beyond practical limitations of apertures and perfection of the lens surface. This is the principal conclusion of this Letter. No scheme can be of much interest if the means of realizing it are not available. Fortunately several recent developme

28、nts make such a lens a practical possibility, at least in some regions of the spectrum. Some time ago it was shown that wire structures with lattice spacings of the order of a few millimeters behave like a plasma with a resonant frequency, vep, in the GHz region 2. The ideal dielectric response of a

29、 plasma is given by ? 1 2 v2 ep v2 (24) and takes negative values for v , vep. More recently we have also shown 3 that a structure containing loops of conducting wire has properties mimicking a magnetic plasma, m ? 1 2 v2 mp v2 ,(25) and, although the analogy is less perfect, it has been shown that

30、2yem has been attained in these structures 4. Thus by tuning the design parameters it is certainly possible to produce a structure closely approaching the ideal of ? 21,m ? 21,(26) at least at a single frequency. At optical frequencies several metals behave like a nearly perfect plasma with a dielec

31、tric function modeled by (24): silver, gold, and copper are perhaps the best examples. The magnetic properties of known materials are less obliging. However we can still make some progress even in this case. Consider the electrostatic limit: a system in which all dimensions are smaller than the wave

32、length of light. In this system we can neglect radiative effects decoupling electrostatic and magnetostatic fi elds:the electrostatics claim ownership of the P-polarized fi elds, and the magnetostatics claim the S-polarized fi elds. In the electrostatic limit, v c0 q k2 x 1 k2 y. (27) It follows fro

33、m (14) that lim k2 x1k2x!k z? lim k2 x1k2x!i q k2 x 1 k2 y 2 v2c22 0 ? i q k2 x 1 k2 x (28) and, from (17) lim k2 x1k2x!k 0 z ?lim k2 x1k2x!i q k2 x 1 k2 y 2 mv2c22 0 ? i q k2 x 1 k2 x ? kz.(29) Hence in this limit we see that, for the P-polarized fi elds, dependenceonmis eliminatedandonlythe dielec

34、tricfunc- tion is relevant. The transmission coeffi cient of the slab becomes lim k2 x1k2x!T P? lim k2 x1k2x! 2kz kz1 k0 z 2k0 z k0 z 1 kz 3 exp?ik0 zd? 1 2 ? k0z2kz k0z1kz?2exp?2ik0zd? ? 4exp?ikzd? ? 1 1?22 ? 2 1?2exp?2ikzd? ,(30) and hence, in this limit, we need only assume lim !21 lim k2 x1k2x!T

35、 P? lim !21 4exp?ikzd? ? 1 1?22 ? 2 1?2exp?2ikzd? ? exp?2ikzd? ? exp?1 q k2 x 1 k2 xd? (31) to obtain focusing of a quasielectrostatic fi eld, without placing any conditions on m. It is interesting to note that ? 21 is exactly the condition needed for a surface plas- mon 5 to exist: there is a link

36、between focusing action and the existence of well-defi ned surface plasmons. Let us estimate how well we can focus an image using a layer of silver. We shall assume that the object comprises an electrostatic potential with two spikes shown in Fig. 2. In the absence of the silver the electrostatic po

37、tential is blurred at a distance z ? 2d ? 80 nm away from the ob- ject and we can no longer resolve the two spikes because the higher order Fourier components of the potential are reduced in amplitude, V?x,z ? 2d? ? X kx ykxexp?1ikxx 2 2kxd?.(32) This result is shown in Fig. 2. We wish to use a slab

38、 of silver, thickness d, as a lens to restore the amplitude of the higher order Fourier com- ponents and to focus the image.We use the following approximate dielectric function for silver: 3968 VOLUME85, NUMBER18PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS30 OCTOBER2000 object plane image plane silver slab 40nm (a) z-ax

39、is 80nm 0+100-100 x-axis (nanometers) object intensity - 2 V 0+100-100 image with silver slab image without silver slab x-axis (nanometers) image intensity - 2 V (b) (c) FIG. 2.(a) Plan view of the new lens in operation. A quasi- electrostatic potential in the object plane is imaged by the action of

40、 a silver lens. (b) The electrostatic fi eld in the object plane. (c) The electrostatic fi eld in the image plane with and without the silver slab in place. The reconstruction would be perfect were it not for fi nite absorption in the silver. ? 5.7 2 92v221 0.4i .(33) Evidently the imaginary part of

41、 the dielectric function will place some practical limitations on the focusing ef- fect and, by choosing the optimum frequency for focusing of 3.48 eV, the “focused” image becomes Vf?x,z ? 2d? ? X kx ykx exp?1ikxx 2 2kxd? 0.04 1 exp?22kxd? .(34) This result is also plotted in Fig. 2. Evidently only

42、the fi nite imaginary part of the dielectric function prevents ideal reconstruction. However, considerable focusing is achieved. Intense focusing of light by exploiting surface plas- mons can also be achieved via a completely different route as Ebbesen et al. 6 and Porto et al. 7 have recently demon

43、strated. The quasistatic limit also considerably eases design cri- teria at microwave frequencies.For example we could make a near fi eld electrostatic lens operating in the GHz band by using a slab of material containing thin gold wires oriented normal to the surface and spaced in a square lat- tic

44、e cell side 5 mm. Perhaps the most interesting possibil- ity for imaging in the GHz band is the magnetostatic limit. A structure comprising a set of metallic rings as described in an earlier paper would give m ? 21 at an appropri- ate frequency, and would focus sources of magnetic fi elds into sharp images. Since many materials are transparent to magnetic fi elds, this would make an interesting imaging device for peering inside nonmagnetic objects. We have given a prescription for bringing light to a per- fect focus wit


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