1、DOI 10.1007/s00170-003-2004-4 ORIGINAL ARTICLE Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2005) 26: 559564 Patrick Martin Fabien Schneider Jean-Yves Dantan Optimal adjustment of a machine tool for improving the geometrical quality of machined parts Received: 28 July 2003 / Accepted: 24 October 2003 / Published online
2、: 8 December 2004 Springer-Verlag London Limited 2004 Abstract The manufacturing industry has to improve the quality of its manufactured products. It is the reason why industry needs tools and methods that make the control of that quality possible. In this paper, we propose a method that allows an o
3、ptimal ad- justment of the machine tools in order to respect at best a set of standard functional requirements applied to a part. The require- ments have to use the maximal material requirement defi ned by ISO standard. The proposed method works out a geometrical model. Inter- changeability boundari
4、es enriched with adjustment parameters constitute the basis of the model. Comparison between this ge- ometrical model and a fi rst manufactured part allows us to ob- tain the variations of adjustment parameters. These variations directly correct the machine tool being certain that the follow- ing pa
5、rts respect at the very best the functional requirements. At least, this method brings the fi rst step to statistically control a process. Keywords Adjustment Geometrical quality control Machining Tolerancing 1 Introduction Nowadays the market fl uctuation and the fashion ask for more and more new a
6、nd different patterns. As the batch size decreases, it is necessary to design and manufacture the best quality prod- ucts at lower cost while reducing delays. So the concept of con- current engineering 13 must be used, it is now well known in industry as well as in academic areas. The design of the
7、parts, the process planning, even the production system must be made simultaneously. P. Martin (u) F. Schneider J.-Y. Dantan Laboratoire de G enie Industriel et Production M ecanique (LGIPM), (Production Engineering and Mechanical Production Laboratory), ENSAM Metz, 4 rue Augustin Fresnel, 57078 Met
8、z, France E-mail: patrick.martinmetz.ensam.fr Tel.: +33-3-87375465 Fax: +33-3-87375470 Figure 1 shows the different items involved in integrated de- sign and manufacturing. In manufacturing engineering, we see the interactions between the product (or the workpiece), the manufacturing process (machin
9、ing, forming, assembly, etc.) and the manufacturing resources (machines, tools) in order to obtain the manufacturing process, but also the manufacturable work- piece and even the manufacturing system. The aim of the product design consists of defi ning all the operations, resources and pro- cesses n
10、ecessary for obtaining a real mechanism (set of assem- bled parts) that best fi ts functional requirements. This integration must answer to several objectives: quality of the product, due time, production reactivity, etc., and constraints: cost, market, safety, laws, etc. In order to solve this wide
11、 problem, methods, models and tools can be used. Each of them must be represen- tative for each user (design offi ce, manufacturing, marketing, production, etc.) and coherent along the several phases of the product life cycle. In this paper, we are focused on the geometrical quality of manufactured
12、products. One way of improving product quality is in controlling the geometrical tolerancing by: - Either adjusting machine tools in order to respect at the very bestasetofstandardfunctionalrequirementsappliedtoapart. - Simulating the geometrical effect of manufacturing fault causes and adjustment p
13、arameters in the respect of functional requirements. Therefore, we propose some tools and methods that allow us to solve this fi rst point. We work in a manufacturing context where mechanisms are mass-produced. The parts have common dimensions (a few hundred millimetres) and every type of part is pr
14、oduced apart from each other. We suppose they are rigid con- cerning the local distortion and the global distortion. This is the reason why adjustment and tolerancing are able to control only manufacturing faults greater than the real distortion (a few hun- dredths of a millimetre at least). Moreove
15、r, we are able to link the value of adjustment parameters to the value offunctional require- ments, which are applied to a part of a mechanism. In this way, the aim is to control the adjustment parameters on the machine tool , which allows it to satisfy the functional requirements. 560 Fig.1. Refere
16、nce diagram of our ap- proach 2 Adjustment task compared with tolerancing task To understand the problems of adjustment, at fi rst we have to defi ne the tolerancing task. Tolerancing task is a subset of the geometrical defi nition of a mechanism. Limited to the geometrical point of view, design pro
17、ducts need two studies (Fig. 2). A fi rst one consists of choosing designed solutions and manufacturing processes which will carry out a real mech- anism. The real mechanism is the answer to the functional requirements. The main aim of this study is to obtain a tech- nical drawing. The drawing takes
18、 fi nely into account all the relations between parts and especially the manufacturing generations. The second study analyses and validates the result of the pre- vious study. Two aspects of the mechanism are studied at the same time. A dimensioning that defi nes the nominal geometry. A tolerancing
19、that takes aninterest inthe small deviations between the real geometry and the nominal geometry. Thus, we are able to give now the aim of tolerancing accord- ing to the product design 4: The aim of tolerancing consists in controlling the small de- viations between the real geometry and the nominal g
20、eometry of a mechanism in order to respect at the very best its functional requirements. If the problem is to control the effect of small deviations before manufacturing, we have to solve a simulation in which product drawings show the result. If the control of small deviations takes place during ma
21、nufac- turing, we have to adjust machining-tools. Thus, adjustment is the practical and technical aspect of the general tolerancing problem. Adjustment and tolerancing have the same aim. 3 Adjustment of machine tools 3.1 Functional requirements and ISO language Regarding the defi nition of adjustmen
22、t, optimal adjustment needs a direct expression of functional requirements. Usually, as- sembly and positioning are two functional studied requirements having a geometrical expression. The concept of boundary cleverly translates the assembly condition. A part of a mechanism fi ts all the other parts
23、 if none of its manufactured points violate the interchangeability boundary. ISO standard 5 allows the use of the virtual condition with the maximum material requirement. This condition describes almost perfectly the concept of boundary and so the functional require- ment of assembly. A manufactured
24、 part fi ts for use if it is entirely on the good side of the interchangeability boundary. A part is all the better if its matter is near the boundary without violating it. Therefore, the deviation, and more exactly, the smallest devia- 561 Fig.2. Geometrical defi nition of mechamism tion between th
25、e part and the boundary evaluates numerically the respect of the function. On the other hand, the ISO standard language is not able to translate correctly the functional requirement of positioning. In fact, the standard language is not able to take strictly into account the infl uence of variation o
26、f form or the infl uence of local dis- tortion. The principal effect is that good parts according to the technical drawing do not fi t the other parts and good parts ac- cording to the function are refused 4. Thus, the product is not optimal. Actually, no one is able to optimally adjust machine tool
27、s according to the positioning condition expressed in ISO lan- guage. The ISO geometric model of tolerances takes into account the maximal form deviation of a feature but not the form fault distribution in the tolerance zone. Thus, the position deviation between two parts in an assembly is not predi
28、cable with a realis- tic correlation. It is the reason why this paper proposes a method taking into account only the assembly condition. Moreover, the assembly condition must use the maximum material requirement and the virtual condition in order to tend towards optimum. Fig.3. Adjustment: quantitie
29、s and uncertainties 3.2 Manufacturing deviations, adjustment parameters and measurement Figure 3 shows the different quantities appearing in the ad- justment and uncertainties () disturbing adjustment for a part machined. Adjusting a machine tool demands connecting the active part of the tool with t
30、he machined surface. This does not succeed the fi rst time because there are a lot of errors or uncertainties due to the adjustment operation and the machining process as well as the static or dynamic behaviour of the machine tool (the tool or the workpiece). These uncertainties are the causes of ma
31、nu- facturing deviations. To control the infl uence of some uncer- tainties as screw, displacement reversibility or slideway defects, machine-tool builders put some adjustment parameters into the numerical control unit or adjustable stops on conventional ma- chine tool. The modifi cation of these pa
32、rameters allows move- ment of the uncertainty zone compared to its nominal position. The dimension of this displayed quantity (adjustment parameter) is the length. 562 In return, the dimension of the machined quantity is more complicated, it assures the respect of the functional requirement. So in p
33、ractice, for adjustment corrections, these requirements must be translate into a dimension compatible with a length (di- mension of displayed quantity). Therefore, the aim of the meas- urement task is to evaluate the respect of the function and to give a measured quantity compatible with the adjustm
34、ent parameters. The difference between displayed quantity and measured quan- tity gives the value of the adjustment parameter correction. 3.3 Adjustment model for the determination of the correction We defi ne a model built on a geometrical representation of the in- terchangeability boundary. Variat
35、ion of some dimensions, which correspond to adjustment parameters, allows us to distort the model. For example, this allows us to fi t the best adjustment model to the geometry given by the measurement of the fi rst (or a couple of) manufactured part on the coordinate measuring machine. After moving
36、 and distorting the model, the variations of dimension give the direct value of the corrections of the ad- justment parameters. Therefore, after having introduced these corrections, the following manufactured part has more chances to fi t the best interchangeability boundary and consequently the fun
37、ctional requirement. 4 Geometricadjustment method To explain the proposed method, we use an application that is representative of the industrial adjustment problem. The fol- lowing technical drawing (Fig. 4) defi nes a manufactured part (a cover) in accordance with the words of the ISO 2692 standard
38、. Its fi rst function is to respect an assembly condition: when the cover lies on the A plane and when a shaft goes through the C cylinder, two screws have to fi t with the part. The cover is manu- factured on a conventional machine tool, it lies on the A plane, a drilling tool drills both holes wit
39、h a diameter of 12.5 mm. A boring tool fi nishes the diameter of 28 mm. Three adjustable longitudinal stops put eachtool inits work position. The machine gives the other cross-position and the direction of drilling. There is no difference with a numerical machine tool; only we deal with numerical st
40、ops. Fig.4. Technical drawing of the cover 4.1 Geometrical adjustment model The geometrical adjustment model is a construction of geomet- rical features based on the virtual condition. The features lay on exact positions. This model must include the feature (here the C cylinder) defi ning a datum us
41、ing a maximal material requirement (M). Minimal geometrical reduction elements and dimensional characteristics represent each feature (point, vector, and radius for cylinders; point and vector for plan) (Table 1). Then the model is parameterised according to the adjust- ment possibilities of the mac
42、hine tool. An L1 and L2 quantity parameterises the longitudinal hole positions. R1, R2 and R3 parameterise hole diameters (Fig. 5). L1, L2, R1, R2, R3 are characteristics in harmony with ISO 17450-1, in other words, they are near key process parameter according to Boeings defi n- ition BOI-00: O1O2
43、= L1 k , O1O3 = L2 k . 4.2 Initial adjustment, drilling, and measurement First, the machine tool is initially adjusted according to the nominal dimensions of the part. Next, a fi rst part is machined. A measurement by using a coordinate measuring machine ex- tracts points from the surface of the man
44、ufactured part. Now, a set of measured points Mi represents each feature (MiPl1, MiCy1, MiCy2, and MiCy3). 4.3 Deviation between the adjustment model and the extracted points We search now for the best fi t between the adjustment model and the extracted points. We have to specify the deviation betwe
45、en a measured point Mi and its own point I belonging to the adjust- ment model. For this purpose we use the principle of a mowing Table1. Geometrical features of the part FeatureMinimal geometrical reduction elementParamter PointVector Pl1O2 ?k none Cy1O1 ?k R1 Cy2O2 ?k R2 Cy3O3 ?k R3 Fig.5. Geometr
46、ical adjustment model 563 of the initial adjustment model 5, but using the small displace- ment torsor defi ned by the moving ( Di) of point I (Fig. 6). We use a direct expression of the deviation (ei) between the meas- ured point and the nominal point of the moved model. This method presents the co
47、nstraint to be able to determi- nate the nominal point of the moved model by the knowledge of the measured point and the geometrical properties of the nom- inal feature. However, this is always possible with the usual machined feature (analytically defi ned geometric shapes): plan, cylinder, sphere,
48、 cone, parabola, gearwheel surface, etc. The knowledge of the minimal geometrical reduction elem- ents in their initial position defi nes the initial adjustment model. A small displacement torsor (SDT) (relation 1) expresses for- mally the moving of the initial reduction elements. ?I pd ? = S / R ?
49、? ? ? ? ? , D OS ? ? ? ? ? ? u v w O,R relation 1 This relation gives the displacement parameters at the point O projected on the base R: - , and are the components of the small angular displace- ment of S in R base, - u, v and w are the components of the small displacement in translation of point O
50、 belonging to S. This SDT can also be described by a 44 matrix (relation 2) in homogeneous coordinates. D = 0u 0 v 0w 0001 S,R relation 2 Fig.6. Adjustment principle Fig.7. Deviations working out These mathematical relation allows us to easily calculated the different models (nominal, moved, etc.) o
51、f each feature (de- fi ned by its geometrical reduction elements) and its particular parameters (characteristics) attached to the part defi nition. The moved reduction elements describe the adjustment model. The deviation (ei) between the measured point (Mi) and the nominal point (I) is formally eva
52、luated from the moved re- duction elements. The original parameters of the initial model allow its distortion by addition of a variation (equations 2): R1initial R1 = R1initial+R1 L1initial L1 = L1initial+L1 R2initial R2 = R2initial+R2 L2initial L2 = L2initial+L2 R3initial R3 = R3initial+R3equations
53、 2 Thus, for every shape (plane, cylinders), the deviation (ei)ex- presses itselffrom the reduction elements ofthe initial model, the measured points, the unknowns (, , , u, v, w) of the small dis- placement torsor and the variations of the original parameters of the model (L1, l2, r1, r2, r3). Figu
54、re 7 shows the different operations that yield the devi- ation (ei) between each measured point (Mi) and its nominal point (I). The model represents the nominal part attached to the ma- chine tool, the original parameters correspond to the adjustment parameter (corrections) of the machine tool, and
55、each gap (ei) describes the deviation between the fi rst part and the nominal part. The unknowns (, , , u, v, w) allow us to fi t the differ- ent datum of the machine tool and the coordinate measuring machine. A variation of unknowns and parameters alters each devia- tion (ei). 4.4 Working out the c
56、orrections of the adjustment parameters The working out the corrections is equivalent to the resolution of an optimisation problem under constraints. The target of the resolution is to fi nd the moved and distorted model that best fi ts the measured points. Nevertheless, the measured points do not v
57、iolate the limits of the model. The mathematical description is: Target best fi t between part and adjustment model we search the minimum of the maximal deviation: max(|ei|) minimum. 564 Fig.8. Optimisation Fig.9. Best fi tting of the adjustment model according to the part Constraint none of the mea
58、sured points violate the limits of the model i, ei?0, if the direction of normal vector goes out of the matter. Parameters unknowns of the SDT (,u,v,w) and its par- ticular parameters of the model (L1,l2,r1, r2,r3). The result of the optimisation under constraints directly gives the values of it par
59、ticular parameters (corrections) so that the following part best fi ts the function requirement. Use of clas- sical solver software can solve this optimisation analytically or numerically. Figure 8 shows the return of the improvement loop. The Fig. 9 shows the fi nal relative position at the best fi t be- tween the adjustment model and the fi rst part. We have applied this method on some real machining. We note a consequent immediate improvement of the machine tool adjustment after the fi rst part. Indeed, this procedure corrects the initial static adj
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