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1、開封市2011屆高三英語第二次質(zhì)量檢測試題 本試卷分第卷(選擇題)和第卷(非選擇題)兩部分。第卷和第卷共10頁。注意事項: 1答答題前,考生生在答題卡上上務(wù)必用直徑徑05毫米米黑色墨水簽簽字筆將自己己的姓名、準(zhǔn)準(zhǔn)考證號填寫寫清楚。2每小題選出出答案后,用用2B鉛筆把把答題卡上對對應(yīng)題目的答答案標(biāo)號涂黑黑,如需改動動,用橡皮擦擦干凈后,再再選涂其他答答案標(biāo)號,在在試題卷上做做答無效。第卷第一部分 聽聽力(共兩節(jié)節(jié),滿分300分) 做題時時,先將答案案標(biāo)在試卷上上。錄音內(nèi)容容結(jié)束后,你你將有兩分鐘鐘的時間將試試卷上的答案案轉(zhuǎn)涂到答題題卡上。第一節(jié)(共5小小題;每小題題15分,滿滿分75分分) 聽下

2、面面5段對話。每每段對話后有有一個小題,從從題中所給的的A、B、CC三個選項中中選出最佳選選項,并標(biāo)在在試卷的相應(yīng)應(yīng)位置。聽完完每段對話后后,你都有110秒鐘的時時間來回答有有關(guān)小題和閱閱讀下一小題題。每段對話話僅讀一遍。1. Whenn willl therre be a birrthdayy partty?A. Nextt Sundday. B. Nextt Mondday. C. Thiss Sundday.2. Whatt addrress iis givven byy the womann? A. 1120, Eastt 32ndd Streeet. B. 1120, Eastt 4

3、2ndd Streeet. C. 1220, Eastt 32ndd Streeet.3. Whatt did the mman buuy wheen he was iin Parris? A. A larrge leeatherr suitt casee. B. A larrge leeatherr brieef casse. C. A larrge leeatherr cigaarettee casee.4. Whatt doess the man wwant tto knoow? A. How tto proonouncce thee wordd. B. The mmeaninng of

4、 the wword. C. How tto speell thhe worrd.5. Why did tthe wooman sstop tthe maan froom whiistlinng? A. She wwas trrying to goo to ssleep. B. She wwas woorkingg on aa probblem. C. She wwas wrritingg a paaper.第二節(jié)(共155小題;每小小題15分分,滿分2225分) 聽下面面5段對話或或獨自。每段段對話或獨自自后有幾個小小題,從題中中所給的A、BB、C三個選選項中選出最最佳選項,并并標(biāo)在試卷的的

5、相應(yīng)位置。聽聽每段對話或或獨自前,你你將有時間閱閱讀各個小題題,每小題55秒鐘;聽完完后,各小題題將給出5秒秒鐘的作答時時間。每段對對話或獨白讀讀兩遍。聽第6段材料,回回答第6至第第8題。6. How many miless did the wwoman swim everyy weekk?A. 35 mmiles. B. 45 mmiles. C. 555 milees.7. Why has tthe wooman ggiven up swwimminng? A. Becauuse shhe is too oold too swimm. B. Becauuse shhe cannnot cc

6、ompette witth othhers.C. Becaause sshe caannot win aany innternaationaal commpetittions.8. How old wwas shhe wheen shee becaame faamous? A. Twentty. B. Fiifteenn. C. SSixteeen.聽第7段材料,回回答第9至第第10題。9. Whatt are the ttwo sppeakerrs tallking aboutt? A. A fillm. B. A leccture. CC. A ppersonn.10. Whyy does

7、s the womann thinnk thaat thee lectturer talkeed a llot off rubbbish? A. Becauuse shhe bellievess new kindss of mmachinnes wiill bee inveented. B. Becauuse shhe bellievess coall willl becoome immportaant aggain. C. Becauuse shhe bellievess atommic poower wwill bbe thee onlyy sortt of ppower.聽第8段材料,回

8、回答第11至至第13題。11. Wheere dooes thhe connversaation probaably ttake pplace? A. In thhe libbrary. B. Inn the classsroom. C. Inn the booksstore.12. Whaat is the mman dooing? A. Returrning some bookss. B. Lookiing foor a bbook. C. Writiing a reseaarch ppaper for hhistorry.13. Whaat doees thee womaan telll

9、 thee man to doo? A. To reeturn the ddue boooks. B. TTo reffer too the card list. C. To maake usse of the ccomputter.聽第9段材料,回回答第14至至第16題。14. Whaat didd the man pput upp on tthe waall yeesterdday? A. The ppicturre he drew on hiis vaccationn. B. The ppicturre he took. C. His ppicturre takken laast yee

10、ar.15. Whaat kinnd of pictuures ddoes tthe maan nott likee? A. The ppicturres prrepareed forr cameeras. B. The ddaily life pictuures. C. The ppicturres taaken bby othhers.16. Howw manyy cameeras ddoes tthe maan usee a loot? A. Many. B. TTwelvee. C. TTwo.聽第10段材料料,回答第117至第200題。17. Whoo is tthe sppeake

11、rr? A. A mannager of a smalll supeermarkket. B. A mannager of a big ssupermmarkett. C. A mannager of a smalll brannch off a biig suppermarrket.18. Whaat doees thee speaaker mmainlyy talkk abouut? A. The pprevenntion of shhopliffting. B. The ccausess of sshopliiftingg. C. The ppsychoologiccal(心理理的)tr

12、eend off shoppliftiing.19. Whoo consstituttes(構(gòu)成成)the greatt partt of sshopliifterss? A. Peoplle in theirr earlly thiirtiess. B. Peoplle in theirr twennties. C. Teenaagers in grroups.20. Whaat metthod ddoesnt thee manaager uuse inn prevventinng shoopliftting? A. Puttiing chhains or allarms on gooods

13、. B. Hirinng stoore deetectiives. C. Usingg clossed-ciircuitt teleevisioon.第二部分 英英語知識運用用(共兩節(jié),滿滿分45分)第一節(jié) 單項項填空(共115小題;每每小題1分,滿滿分15分)從A、B、C、DD四個選項中中,選出可以以填入空白處處的最佳選項項,并在答題題卡上將該項項涂黑。21. -WWe hadd _ reallly dryy Deceember this year.-I cannt reemembeer _ wintter whhen itt rainned soo litttle. A. a; a B.

14、a; / C. /; thee D. tthe; aa22. Howwever, at ttimes this balannce inn natuure iss distturbedd, _ a nuumber of poossiblly unfforeseeen efffectss. A. lyingg in B. ccallinng in C. takinng in D. resuultingg in23. If tap wwater were as daangeroous ass somee peopple thhink, _ wwould be geettingg sickk. A.

15、a lott moree of uus B. mmore aa lot of uss C. a lot oof us more DD. a llot off moree us24. -WWhat sshouldd I doo withh the passaage? -_ thhe maiin ideea of each paraggraph. A. Findiing ouut B. FFound out C. TTo finnd outt D. FFind oout25. TV-Turnooff Weeek, _ miillionns of peoplle aroound tthe woorl

16、d pparticcipatee everry yeaar, trries tto enccouragge peoople tto turrn on life. A. whichh BB. on whichh C. iin whiich D. wwhere26. -HHow abbout bbuyingg Sam a mobbile pphone? Afteer alll, he isntt a booy anyy moree. -II thinnk it necesssary, for we soometimmes waant too makee suree if hhe _ homee f

17、or dinneer. A. comess BB. willl comme C. hhas coome D. wwould come27. Thee factt thatt peopple arre afrraid tto go out aat nigght iss ofteen a rresultt of pperceiived (感感知的) ddangerr _ actuaal dannger. A. otherr thann B. mmore tthan C. rratherr thann D. bbetterr thann28. Thee Chinnese yyuan rrose tt

18、o a nnew hiigh _ thee US ddollarr on MMondayy, Chiina Daaily hhas reeporteed. A. throuugh B. off C. foor D. aggainstt29. -IIm gooing tto vissit Chhina nnext mmonth. -_. II wishh I coould ggo witth youu. A. Congrratulaationss! B. Soorry, I cannt goo. C. Good for yyou! D. Ohh, howw soonn?30. Lossing w

19、weightt is nnot ann easyy taskk. A llot off peopple whho losst weiight ggain iit bacck oveer timme andd end up baack _ theey staarted. A. wheree BB. thoough C. ssince D. aafter31. -WWas Maartin sorryy for what he haad donne? -_. IIt wass justt likee him. A. Not rreallyy B. Neever mmind C. Alll riggh

20、t D. Noot surrprisiingly32. A ssurveyy of tthe oppinionns of experrts _ thaat thrree hoours oof outtdoor exerccise aa weekk _ good for oones healtth. A. show; are B. shhows; is C. sshow; is D. shhows; are33. Whaats yyour oopinioon of Mr. LLis rrequesst thaat we _ sspend half an hoour reeadingg Engli

21、ish alloud eevery morniing? A. wouldd BB. shoould C. mmust D. ccould34. -TTony, come down and hhelp mme witth thee heavvy boxx! -CCome oon! I _ aall daay lonng. Geet Petter too do tthat! A. work BB. wass workking C. hhad woorked D. haave beeen woorkingg35. Alll her time _ eexperiimentss, shee has no

22、 tiime too see filmss. A. devotted too do B. devvoted to dooing C. devotting tto doiing D. iss devooted tto doiing第二節(jié) 完形形填空(共220小題;每每小題155分,共300分) 閱讀下下面短文,從從短文后各題題所給的四個個選項(A、BB、C和D)中中,選出可以以填入空白處處的最佳選項項,并在答題題卡上將該項項涂黑。My fathher ennjoys bike ridinng. Evver siince II was littlle, I have alwayys lovved

23、gooing bbikingg withh my ddad. 36 , as I beccame aa teennager, otheer thiings bbegan to drraw myy 377 . SSuddennly, iit beccame iimporttant tto do thinggs witth 338 . I jusst saww my ddad evvery eeveninng at home. Why did II havee to 39 my Suundayss to aall day bbike ttrips with him? I wass reallly

24、noot intterestted inn it. When my inndiffeerencee(冷漠)hhurt hhim, mmy fatther aalwayss keptt 400 , but hhe wouuld ussuallyy let me knnow whhen hee was plannning aa bikee tripp 411 I wanteed to come with him.It was a Sunnday mmorninng, annd I wwas 42 llow sppiritss. Twoo of mmy friiends had ggone to t

25、hhe movvies wwithouut invvitingg me. Just then my faather 43 my rroom. “It iis a bbeautiiful day. Want to goo for a 444 , todaay, BBeck?” “Leave me alone!” I impatiently 45 . Those were the last words I said to him before he left the house that 46 .Severall hourrs latter, tthe poolice calleed us, 47

26、 us thhat Daad hadd a trrafficc acciident. My fatheers iinjuriies weere seeriouss. It took severral daays beefore he coould 48 speakk. Besside his bbed I held his hhand ggentlyy, 49 of huurtingg him.“Daddy. I am soorry.” “Itts okkay, mmy deaar. Ill bee okayy.” “Noo,” I said, “I 550 what I saiid to y

27、ou tthat dday. YYou knnow, tthat mmorninng?” “Myy dearr, I donnt 51 anythhing aabout that day. I onlly remmemberr kisssing yyou goood nightt the nightt befoore.” He maanagedd a weeak smmile. I ffelt 52 for mmy thooughtlless rremarkk, forr I 53 wanteed himm to lleave me allone iin my heeart. My teeac

28、herr oncee toldd me tthat 54 have immeaasurabble poower. They can hhurt or thhey caan heaal. Annd we all hhave tthe 55 to chhoose our wwords. I inntend to doo thatt veryy careffully from now oon.36. A. ThereeforeB. InnsteaddC. beesidessD. Hooweverr37. A. attenntionB. siight C. efffortD. ennergy38. A

29、. DadB. frriendssC. teeacherrs D. brrotherrs39. A. starttB. saave C. deevoteD. waaste40. A. silenntB. buusy C. assleepD. awwake41. A. unlesssB. inn caseC. ass soon asD. evven if42. A. inB. abboveC. frrom D. uunder43. A. leftB. chheckeddC. enntereddD. clleanedd44. A. rideB. waalk C. piicnicD. gaame45

30、. A. whispperedB. waarnedC. annnounccedD. shhoutedd46. A. noonB. moorninggC. affternooonD. evveningg47. A. persuuadinggB. quuestiooningC. innformiingD. reequiriing48. A. eventtuallyyB. geeneralllyC. sttrictllyD. anngrilyy49. A. tireddB. affraidC. awwareD. faall50. A. discuussB. thhink C. unndersttan

31、dD. meean51. A. envyB. foorgetC. reemembeerD. liike52. A. tireddB. exxciteddC. caarefullD. reegretfful53. A. oftennB. neever C. evven D. oonce54. A. apoloogiesB. proomisessC. smmilesD. woords55. A. experrienceeB. hoonorC. riight D. ddesiree第三部分 閱閱讀理解(共共20小題;每小題2分分,共40分分)第一節(jié)(共155小題;每小小題2分,共共30分)閱讀下列短

32、文,從從每題所給的的四個選項(AA、B、C和和D)中,選選出最佳選項項,并在答案案卡上將該項項涂黑。AIt was aboutt middday. IId leeft woork eaarly iin thee mornning tto cassh a cchequee. I wwalkedd alongg to tthe baank, aand foound tthat tthere werennt tooo manny peoople aabout ten oor eleeven custoomers in thhere, whichh was prettty unuusual for t

33、those centrral ciity baanks. I wwaitedd untiil it was mmy turrn andd justt wentt up tto thee deskk and startted too talkk to tthe baank clerkk. He had aa reallly sttrangee exprressioon on his fface - jusst sorrt of blankk starre at leastt I thougght hee was lookiing att me aand thhen I realiized hhe

34、 wass starring oover mmy shooulderr. I bbegan to tuurn roound tto seee whatt he wwas loookingg at. At thhe samme momment tthe ouutsidee bankk guarrd camme flyying tthrouggh thee doorr and lay fface ddown oon thee flooor andd folllowingg him throuugh thhe dooor werre thrree frrighteening maskeed menn

35、. Theey werre carrryingg gunss; at leeast II thinnk thee one in frront wwas caarryinng a ggun. WWhetheer or not tthey ssaid aanythiing att that pointt I caant rremembber too thiss day, or wwhetheer peoople jjust aautomaaticallly puut theeir hands up Ive juust noo ideaa. Forr a feew momments theree w

36、as just totall sileence, suddeenly bbrokenn by tthe teelephoone ringiing annd I rremembber thhinkinng andd wondderingg who was oon thee otheer endd of tthe teelephoone. NNobodyy wentt to aanswerr the telepphone, so tthis tthing just kept on riingingg and ringiing. TThen ttwo off the maskeed menn wen

37、tt to tthe coounterr, jummped oover iit andd got the cashiiers aand thhe bannk cleerks tto staart fiillingg the bags with cash. Whille thee two were gettiing thhe monney, tthe onne at the ddoor wwho waas covveringg us wwith tthe guun wass a biit friightenned. HHe staarted swearring aat theem, annd t

38、ellling them to huurry uup, too get a movve on. They jumpeed bacck oveer thee counnter. One oof theem sliipped as hee landded onn the floorr and fell over and tthe otther ttwo swwore aat himm agaiin. Thhey leeft thhroughh the door. Warnning us, “DDont move, stayy likee thatt withh yourr handds up fo

39、r tten miinutess.” Annd theen theey just disapppeareed. Aggain bback tto tottal siilencee. Peoople pput thheir hhands down, I puut my handss downn but I jusst staayed eexactlly wheere I was.56. Whaat doees thee writter meean byy sayiing “a preetty uunusuaal nummber ffor thhose ccentraal bannks” iin

40、thee firsst parragrapph? A. More custoomers than usuall weree stayying iin thee bankk. B. Less bank clerkks thaan exppectedd weree in tthe baank. C. Theree weree ofteen morre thaan a ddozen custoomers in thhe bannk. D. More bankss shouuld bee openn to sserve custoomers in thhe citty cennter.57. Thee

41、 bankk clerrk worre a bblank expreessionn on hhis faace prrobablly beccause _. A. he waas feeeling upsett at tthat mmomentt B. he feelt puuzzledd and senseed sommethinng terrriblee C. he waas reqquiredd to kkeep ssilencce D. he waas thrreatenned wiith a gun bby robbbers58. Whiich off the folloowing

42、is trrue acccordiing too the passaage? A. The ccustommers ddidntt waitt in lline bbut juumped the qqueue becauuse off the confuusion. B. All tthe peeople in thhe bannk exccept tthe wrriter put ttheir handss up aautomaaticallly. C. Noboddy anssweredd the phonee becaause aall thhe cleerks wwere bbusy

43、wwith wwork. D. the bbank wworkerrs werre forrced tto filll thee robbbers bags with cash.59. Whaats tthe beest tiitle oof thiis passsage? A. A Strreet GGang B. A Strannge Baank C. A Bannk Robbbery DD. A HHorribble AddventuureBWinter depreessionn (or winteer bluues)iss a coommon suffeering for tthose

44、 who llive iin ourr nortthern climaate. IIts cllinicaal namme is seasoonal aaffecttive ddisordder(SAAD)andd up tto 5 of thhe poppulatiion(esspeciaally iin norrthernn stattes)maay sufffer ffrom iit. SAAD is charaacteriized bby(其特點點是)feeelingss of ssadnesss andd deprressioon thaat occcur inn the winte

45、er monnths wwhen tthe teemperaature dropss and the ddays ggrow sshort. The depreessionn is ooften assocciatedd withh exceessivee eatiing orr sleeeping and wweightt gainn. Wommen arre twiice too threee timmes moore liikely to suuffer from the wwinterr deprressioon thaan menn.There aare maany efffecti

46、ive trreatmeents ffor wiinter depreessionn, somme of whichh you can do too helpp yourrself. Incrreasinng youur daiily exxposurre to as muuch naaturall lighht as possiible can bbe hellpful to maany. AAny tiime thhat yoou havve thee oppoortuniity too gainn acceess too moree sunliight iin thee wintter

47、moonths, you shoulld tryy to ddo so. Takiing waalks tthrougghout the dday(evven iff you dont norrmallyy do sso), ssittinng nexxt to a souuth-faacing windoow at your officce, inn a cllassrooom, oor at home will increease yyour ssunligght exxposurre. Exxercissing nnext tto a winndow oor outtdoorss whe

48、nn posssible is annotherr actiivity that can hhelp. Altthoughh it mmay bee diffficultt to ddo, maaintaiining your scheddule aand liifestyyle wiill heelp to keeep thhe deppressiion att bay. A reegularr patttern oof sleeep iss the most imporrtant thingg to mainttain. It maay be helpfful, ffor exxample

49、e, to have your bedrooom liights on a timerr to turn on a half-hour beforre youu wakee. Thiis mayy helpp in wwakingg at aa reguular ttime eevery morniing, wwhen iit is stilll darkk outsside iin thee wintter moonths. Ligght trreatmeent haas shoown too be eeffecttive ffor seeasonaal afffectivve dissor

50、derr. Whiile yoou can bbuy exxpensiive annd speecialiized llight treattment lightting ffixturres foor youur homme or officce, soome innexpennsive alterrnativves arre alsso avaailablle. Annotherr lighhting technnique to trry is to reeplacee commmonly used lightt bulbbs in your home with brighhter ffu

51、ll sspectrrum(allso knnown aas brooad sppectruum)ligght buulbs. Whilee moree expeensivee thann reguular llight bulbss, theese buulbs pprovidde ligght thhat iss simiilar tto nattural sunliight. If none of thhese ttechniiques seem to heelp yoour deepresssive ssymptooms, yyou shhould consiider cconsull

52、ting a docctor oor a mmentall heallth prrofesssionall. Thee wintter bllues aare a form of deepresssion aand caan be readiily trreatedd withh mediicine or pssychottherappy (心理理療法)whhen otther sself-hhelp mmethodds areent eeffecttive. Dontt be aafraidd to ttalk aabout this condiition with a proofessii

53、onal; itss nothhing tto be ashammed orr afraaid off. Witth a llittlee effoort, tthe winteer bluues caan be beateen.60. Whaat do we knnow abbout wwinterr deprressioon acccordinng to the ppassagge? A. It iss veryy commmon whhere tthe weeatherr is ccool. B. It maay leaad to weighht gaiin. C. It allways

54、 occurrs in southhern sstatess. D. It seeldom affeccts meen.61. Whaat is the mmost iimporttant ffactorr in tthe trreatmeent inntroduuced iin thee secoond paaragraaph? A. Expossure tto nattural lightt. B. Spports in wiinter monthhs. C. Outdooor acctivitties. D. Exerccisingg indooors.62. Forr wintter

55、deepresssion, lightt treaatmentt _. A. is muuch moore diifficuult thhan otther kkinds of thherapyy B. is soo expeensivee thatt somee may not bbe ablle to afforrd it C. encouuragess peopple too do iindoorr exerrcisess D. needss speccializzed buulbs tto repplace ordinnary oones63. We can iinfer from t

56、he ppassagge thaat _. A. self-help methoods doo not work complletelyy B. psychhotherrapy iis mucch morre efffectivve thaan meddicinee C. mentaal heaalth pprofesssionaals doont rrecommmend sself-hhelp mmethodds D. most peoplle preefer sself-hhelp mmethodds to mediccationnsCChildreen of all aages llov

57、e bbirthdday paartiess at tthe Sttaten Islannd Zooo. Wheere ellse caan you iinvitee reall partty aniimals to jooin inn the fun? Whoo is iinviteed? Parrties at thhe Staaten IIslandd Zoo are ddesignned foor chiildrenn who are tturninng 4 yyears old aand ollder, with a maxximum groupp sizee of 115 chii

58、ldrenn and 4 aduults. Alongg withh yourr humann guessts, 22-3 llive aanimalls willl alsso be invitted innto yoour paarty rroom. No neeed foor more introoductiions. By thhe endd of yyour pparty, our teachhers wwill mmake ssure eeveryoone iss welll famiiliar with theirr new scalyy(有鱗的), featthery or f

59、uurry ffriendds. Whaat is incluuded? Eacch parrty laasts aan houur andd a haalf (ttwo hoours iif pizzza iss inclluded) and iincluddes liive annimal demonnstrattion, gamess or sstoriees, annd aniimal sskillss. Eacch memmber wwill rreceivve a bag oof atttractiive thhings to taake hoome foor funn. Bess

60、ides, birtthday invittationns willl be givenn to yoou forr giviing too yourr guessts. Birrthdayy partty theemes Chooose ffrom ffour ddifferrent tthemess: Aniimal TTrackss Disscoverr diffferentt typees of animaals ffeet aand thheir ppurposse. Trrack ssome aanimalls andd thenn makee a taake-hoome piia


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