1、The Phantom Menace Script TITLEE CAARD : AA loong timme aago in a ggalaaxy farr, ffar awaay. A vasst ssea of staars serrvess ass thhe bbackkdroop ffor thee maain tittle, foolloowedd byy a roll up, whhichh crrawlls uup iintoo innfinnityy. EPISOODE 1 TTHE PHAANTOOM MMENAACE Turmooil hass enngullfedd t
2、hhe GGalaactiic RRepuubliic. Thee taaxattionn off trradee rooutees tto outlaayinng sstarr syysteems is in dissputte. Hopinng tto rresoolvee thhe mmattter witth aa bllockkadee off deeadlly bbatttlesshipps, thee greeddy TTradde FFedeerattionn haas sstopppedd alll sshipppinng tto tthe smaall plaanett o
3、ff Nabooo. Whilee thhe cconggresss oof tthe Reppubllic enddlessslyy deebattes thiis aalarrminng cchaiin oof eventts, thee Suupreeme Chaanceelloor hhas seccrettly disspattcheed ttwo Jeddi KKnigghtss, tthe guarddianns oof ppeacce aand jussticce iin tthe gallaxyy, tto ssetttle thee coonfllictt. PAN DDO
4、WNN too reeveaal aa smmalll sppacee crruisser heaadinng TTOWAARD CAMMERAA att grreatt speedd. PPAN witth tthe cruuiseer aas iit hheadds ttowaard thee beeauttifuul ggreeen pplannet of Nabooo, wwhicch iis ssurrrounndedd byy huundrredss off Trradee Feederratiion batttleeshiips. INT. REPPUBLLIC CRUUISEE
5、R - COOCKPPIT In thhe ccockkpitt off thhe ccruiise, thhe CCAPTTAINN annd PPILOOT mmaneeuveer cclosser to onee of thhe bbatttlesshipps. QUI-GGON : (offf sccreeen vvoicce) Capptaiin. The CCapttainn tuurnss too ann unnseeen ffiguure sitttinng bbehiind herr. CAPTAAIN : YYes, siir? QUI-GGON : (V.OO) TTel
6、ll thhem we wissh tto bboarrd aat ooncee. CAPTAAIN : YYes, siir. The CCAPTTAINN loookss too heer vvieww sccreeen, wheere NUTTE GGUNRRAY, a Neiimoiidiaan ttradde vicerroy, waaitss foor aa reeplyy. CAPTAAIN : (conntdd) WWithh alll ddue resspecct ffor thee Trradee Feederratiion, thhe Ambasssoddorss foo
7、r tthe Suppremme CChanncelllorr wiish to boaard immmediiateely. NUTE : YYes, yees, of coaarsee.ahhhh.ass yoou kknoww, oour bloockaade is perrfecctlyy legall, aand wed bbe hhapppy tto rreciievee thhe AAmbaassaadorr.Happpy to. The sscreeen goees bblacck. Outt thhe ccockkpitt wiindoow, thee siinissterr
8、 baattlleshhip loooms ever clooserr. EXT. FEDDERAATIOON BBATTTLESSHIPP - DOCCKINNG BBAY - SSPACCE (FX) The ssmalll sspacce ccruiiserr doockss inn thhe eenorrmouus mmainn baay oof tthe Fedderaatioon battlleshhip. INT. FEDDERAATIOON BBATTTLESSHIPP - DOCCKINNG BBAY - SSPACCE A PROOTOCCOL DROOID, TCC-14
9、4, wwaitts aat tthe dooor tto tthe docckinng bbay. Twwo WWORKKER DROIDDS, PK-4 aand EG-9 wwatcch. PK-4 : TTheyy muust be impporttantt iff thhe VViceeroyy seent onee off thhosee usseleess protoocoll geearhheadds tto ggreeet tthemm. The ddoorr oppenss, aand thee Reepubblicc crruisser cann bee seeen in
10、 thee doockiing bayy. TTwo darklly rrobeed ffiguuress arre ggreeetedd byy TCC-144. TC-144 : Imm TCC-144 att yoour serrvicce. Thiis wway, plleasse. They movve ooff dowwn tthe halllwaay. EG-9 : AA Reepubblicc crruisser! Thhats ttrouublee.donnt youu thhinkk? PR-4 : IIm nott maade to thiink. INT. FEDDER
11、AATIOON BBATTTLESSHIPP - CONNFERRENCCE RROOMM A dooor ssliddes opeen, andd thhe ttwo clooakeed sshappes aree leed PPASTT CAAMERRA iintoo thhe formaal cconffereencee rooom by TC-14. TC-144 : I hhopee yoou hhonooureed ssirss wiith thee moost commforrtabble herre. My massterr will be witth yyou shoortl
12、ly. The ddroiid bbowss beeforre OOBI-WANN KEENOBBI aand QUII- GGON JINNN. He baccks outt thhe door andd itt cllosees. Thee JEEDI lowwer theeir hooods andd loook outt a larrge winndoww at thhe llushh grreenn pllaneet oof NNabooo. QUII-GOON ssixtty yyearrs oold, haas llongg whhitee hair in a pponyytai
13、il. He is talll aand strrikiing, wiith bluue eeyess. OOBI-WANN iss twentty ffivee, wwithh veery shoort broown haiir, palle sskinn, aand bluue eeyess. SSeveerall exotiic, birrd-llikee crreatturees SSINGG inn a cagge nnearr thhe ddoorr. OBI-WWAN : II haave a bbad feeelinng aabouut tthiss. QUI-GGON : I
14、I doontt seensee annythhingg. OBI-WWAN : IItss noot aabouut tthe misssioon, Massterr, iitss sometthgiing.eelseewheere.eelussivee. QUI-GGON : DDont ccentter on youur aanxiietyy, OObi-Wann. KKeepp yoour conncenntraatioon here andd noow wwherre iit bbeloongss. OBI-WWAN : MMastter Yodda ssayss I shoould
15、d bee miindfful of thee fuuturre. QUI-GGON : .buut nnot at thee exxpennse of thee moomennt. Be minndfuul oof tthe livinng FForcce, my youung Paddawaan. OBI-WWAN : YYes, Maasteer.hoow ddo yyou thiink thee trradee viicerroy willl ddeall wiith the cchanncelllorrs demmandds? QUI-GGON : TThesse FFedeerat
16、tionn tyypess arre ccowaardss. TThe neggotiiatiionss wiill be shortt. INT. FEDDERAATIOON BBATTTLESSHIPP - BRIIDGEE NUTE GUNNRAYY annd DDAULLTRAAY DDOFIINE staand, sttunnned, beeforre TTC-114. NUTE : (shaakenn) WWhatt?!? Whhat didd yoou ssay? TC-144 : Thee Ammbasssaddorss arre JJedii Knnighhts, I bel
17、lievve. DOFINNE : I kneew iit! Theey wweree seent to forrce a ssetttlemmentt, eeh. Bliind me, weree doone forr! INT. FEDDERAATIOON BBATTTLESSHIPP - HALLLWAAY A hollogrram of NUTTE , suurrooundded by BATTTLEE DRROIDDS, apppearrs iin tthe connferrencce room halllwaay. NUTE : TTheyy muust be deaad bby
18、nnow. Bllastt, wwhatts lefft oof tthemm. The hholoograam ffadees ooff, ass a BATTTLEE DRROIDD, OOWO-1, cauutioouslly oopenns tthe dooor. A deaadlyy grreenn clloudd biilloows froom tthe rooom. BATTTLEE DRROIDDS ccockk thheirr weeapoons as a figguree sttumbbless ouut oof tthe smooke. Itt iss TCC-144 ,
19、 carrryiing thee trray of drinkks. TC14 : OOh, exccusee mee, sso ssorrry. The PPROTTOCOOL DDROIID ppassses thee arrmedd caamp jusst aas ttwo flaashiing lasser swoordss fly oout of thee deeadlly ffog, cuuttiing dowwn sseveerall BAATTLLE DDROIIDS befforee thhey can ffiree. INT. FEDDERAATIOON BBATTTLES
20、SHIPP - BRIIDGEE The bbriddge is a ccocoophoony of alaarmss. NNUTEE annd RRUNEE waatchh OWWO-11 onn thhe viewsscreeen. OWO-11 : Nott suure exaactlly wwhatt. OWO-11 iss suuddeenlyy cuut iin hhalff inn miid-ssenttencce. RUNNE ggivees NNUTEE a worrrieed look. NUTE : WWhatt inn bllazees iis ggoinng oon
21、ddownn thheree? RUNE : HHavee yoou eeverr enncouunteeredd a Jeddi KKnigght befforee, ssir? NUTE : WWelll, nnot exaactlly, butt I donnt.(pannickked) Seeal offf thhe bbriddge. RUNE : TThatt woontt bee ennouggh, sirr. The ddoorrs tto tthe briidgee SLLAM shuut. NUTE : II waant desstrooyerr drroidds uup
22、hheree att onnce! RUNE : WWe wwilll noot ssurvvivee thhis. INT. FEDDERAATIOON BBATTTLESSHIPP - HALLLWAAY - OUUTSIIDE BRIIDGEE QUI-GGON cutts sseveerall BAATTLLE DDROIIDS in hallf, creeatiing a sshowwer of spaarkss annd metall paartss. OOBI-WANN raaisees hhis hannd, senndinng sseveerall BAATTLLE DDRO
23、IIDS craashiing into thee waall. QUI-GGON makkes hiss waay tto tthe briidgee dooor andd beeginns tto ccut thrrouggh iit. INT. FEDDERAATIOON BBATTTLESSHIPP - BRIIDGEE The CCREWW iss veery nerrvouus aas ssparrks staart flyyingg arrounnd tthe briidgee dooor. QUI-GGON andd OBBI-WWAN aree onn thhe vvieww
24、 sccreeen. NUTE : CClosse tthe blaast dooors! The hhugee, vveryy thhickk bllastt dooor slaams shuut, folllowwed by a ssecoond dooor, theen a thiird. Thheree iss a hisssinng ssounnd aas tthe hugge ddoorrs sseall shhut. QUUI-GGON tabbs the ddoorr wiith hiss swwordd. TThe scrreenn gooes blaack as a rre
25、d spoot aappeearss inn thhe centeer oof tthe blaast dooor. RUNE : .TTheyyree sttilll coominng tthrooughh! On thhe ddoorr, cchunnks of molltenn meetall beeginn too drrop awaay. NUTE : IImpoossiiblee! Thiis iis iimpoossiiblee! RUNE : WWherre aare thoose desstrooyerr drroidds?! INT. FEDDERAATIOON BBATT
26、TLESSHIPP - HALLLWAAY - OUUTSIIDE BRIIDGEE Ten uuglyy deestrroyeer WWHEEEL DDROIIDS rolll ddownn thhe hhalllwayy att fuull speeed. Juust beforre ttheyy geet tto tthe briidgee arrea, thhey stoop aand traansfformm innto theeir battlle cconffiguurattionn. QQUI-GONN caantt seee tthemm buut ssensses thee
27、ir preesennce. QUI-GGON : DDesttroyyer drooidss! OBI-WWAN : OOffhhandd, IId sayy thhis misssioon iis ppastt thhe nnegootiaatioon sstagge. The WWHEEEL DDROIIDS, leed bby PP-599, rrushh thhe eentrry aareaa frrom thrree halllwaays, blasttingg awway witth ttheiir llaseer ggunss. TTheyy sttop firringg an
28、nd sstannd iin aa semi-cirrclee ass thhe ssmokke ccleaars. OBBI-WWAN andd QUUI-GGON aree noowheere to be seeen. P-59 : SSwittch to bioo.Theere theey aare! The JJedii maaterriallizee att thhe ffar endd off thhe hhalllwayy annd ddashh thhrouugh thee doorwway thaat sslamms sshutt. TThe WHEEEL DROOIDSS
29、bllastt awway at thee twwo JJEDII wiith theirr laaserr swwordds. OBI-WWAN : TTheyy haave shiieldd geenerratoors! QUI-GGON : IItss a staandooff! Leetss goo! INT. FEDDERAATIOON BBATTTLESSHIPP - BRIIDGEE NUTE andd RUUNE staand on thee brridgge, wattchiing thee viiew scrreenn ass thhe WWHEEEL DROIDDS PO
30、VV sppeedds tto tthe dooorwaay. RUNE : WWe hhavee thhem on thee ruun, sirr.theeyrre nno mmatcch ffor desstrooyerr drroidds. TEY HHOW : SSir, thheyve gonne uup tthe venntillatiion shaaft. INT. FEDDERAATIOON BBATTTLESSHIPP - MAIIN BBAY QUI-GGON andd OBBI-WWAN apppearr att a larrge vennt iin aa giiantt
31、 haangeer bbay. Thhey aree carefful nott too bee seeen. Thhoussandds oof BBATTTLE DROOIDSS arre lloaddingg onnto lanndinng craftt. QUI-GGON : BBatttle drooidss. OBI-WWAN : IItss ann innvissiblle aarmyy. QUI-GGON : IItss ann oddd pplayy foor tthe Traade Fedderaatioon. Weve gott too waarn thee Nabooo
32、annd cconttactt Chhanccelllor Valloruum. Letts spllit up. Sttow abooardd seeparratee shipss annd mmeett doown on thee pllaneet. OBI-WWAN : YYou werre rrighht aabouut oone thiing, Maasteer. Thee neegottiattionns wweree shortt. INT. FEDDERAATIOON BBATTTLESSHIPP - BRIIDGEE TEY HHOW reccievves a ttranns
33、miissiion. TEY HHOW : SSir, a traansmmisssionn frrom thee pllaneet. RUNE : IItss Quueenn Ammidaala herrsellf. NUTE : AAt llastt weeree geettiing ressultts. On thhe vvieww sccreeen, QUEEEN AMIIDALLA aappeearss inn heer tthroone rooom. Weaarinng hher elabooratte hheadddreess andd roobess, sshe sitts,
34、surrrouundeed bby tthe GOVVERNNINGG COOUNCCIL and FFOURR HAANDMMAIDDENSS, EEIRTTAE, YAANE, RAABE, annd SSACHHE. NUTE : (conntdd) AAgaiin yyou comme bbefoore me, Yoour higghneess. Thhe FFedeerattionn iss pleassed. AMIDAALA : YYou willl nnot be pleeaseed wwhenn yoou hhearr whhat I hhavee too saay, Vic
35、erroy.YYourr trradee booycoott of ourr pllaneet hhas endded. NUTE smiirkss att RUUNE. NUTE : II waas nnot awaare of succh aa faailuure. AMIDAALA : II haave worrd tthatt thhe SSenaate is finnallly vvotiing on thiis bblocckadde oof yourss. NUTE : II taake it youu knnow thee ouutcoome. I wonnderr whhy
36、ttheyy bootheer tto vvotee. AMIDAALA : EEnouugh of thiis pprettensse, Viccerooy! Imm awwaree thhe CChanncelllorrs Ambasssaddorss arre wwithh yoou nnow, annd tthatt yoou hhavee beeenccommmandded to reaach a settllemeent. NUTE : II knnow notthinng aabouut aany Ambbasssadoors.yyou musst bbe mmisttakeen
37、. AMIDAALA, suurprriseed aat hhis reaactiion, sttudiies himm caareffullly. AMIDAALA : BBewaare, Viicerroy.thee Feederratiion is goiing tooo faar tthiss tiime. NUTE : YYourr Hiighnnesss, wwe wwoulld nneveer ddo aanytthinng wwithhoutt thhe aapprrovaal oof tthe Senatte. Youu asssumme ttoo mucch. AMIDAA
38、LA : WWe wwilll seee. The QQUEEEN ffadees ooff, annd tthe vieew sscreeen goees bblacck. RUNE : SShes rrighht, thee Seenatte wwilll neeverr. NUTE : IItss tooo llatee noow. RUNE : DDo yyou thiink shee suuspeectss ann atttacck? NUTE : II doontt knnow, buut wwe mmustt moove quiicklly tto ddisrruptt alll
39、 ccommmuniicattionns down theere. INT. NABBOO PALLACEE - THRRONEE ROOOM The QQUEEEN, EIRRTAEE, SSACHHE aand herr Gooverrnorr, SSIO BIBBBLEE, sstannd bbefoore a hologgramm off SEENATTOR PALLPATTINEE, aa thhin, kiindlly mman. PALPAATINNE : .Hoow ccoulld tthatt bee trrue? I havve aassuuranncess frrom t
40、hee Chanccelllor.hhis Ambbasssaoddrs didd arrrivve. It musst bbe tthe.gget.nnegootiaate. The hholoograam oof PPALPPATIIONEE spputtterss annd ffadees aawayy. AMIDAALA : SSenaatorr Paalpaatinne?!? (turrns to Pannakaa) WWhatts happpenningg? CAPTAAIN PANNAKAA tuurnss too hiis SSARGGEANNT CAPT. PAANAKKA
41、: Chheckk thhe ttrannsmiissiion genneraatorrs. BIBBLLE : A mallfunnctiion? CAPT. PAANAKKA : Itt coouldd bee thhe FFedeerattionn jaammiing us. Yoour Higghneess. BIBBLLE : A commmunnicaatioons dissrupptioon ccan onlly mmeann onne tthinng. Invvasiion. AMIDAALA : DDont jjumpp too cooncllusiionss, GGovee
42、rnoor. Thee Feederratiion wouuld nott daare go thhat farr. CAPT. PAANAKKA : Thhe SSenaate wouuld revvokee thheirr trradee frrancchisse, andd thheyd bbe finisshedd. AMIDAALA : WWe mmustt coontiinuee too reely on neggotiiatiion. BIBBLLE : Neegottiattionn? WWevve llostt alll ccommmuniicattionns!.aand w
43、heere atrre tthe Chanccelllorss Ammbasssaddorss? HHow cann wee neegottiatte? We musst pprepparee too deefennd ourseelvees. CAPT. PAANAKKA : Thhis is a ddanggeroous sittuattionn, YYourr Hiighnnesss. OOur seccuriity volunnteeers willl bbe nno mmatcch aagaiinstt a batttlee-haardeenedd Feederratiion arm
44、my. AMIDAALA : II wiill nott coondoone a ccourrse of acttionn thhat willl lleadd uss too waar. EXT. SPAACE LANNDINNG CCRAFFT - TWWILIIGHTT (FFX) Six llanddingg crraftt flly iin fformmatiion towwardd thhe ssurffacee off thhe pplannet Nabboo. EXT. NABBOO SWAAMP - SSHALLLOWW LAAKE - TTWILLIGHHT Threee
45、laandiing craaft sloowlyy deesceend thrrouggh tthe clooud covver of thee perpeetuaallyy grray twiiligght sidde oof tthe plaanett. OOne by onee, tthe Fedderaatioon warshhipss laand in thee eeeriee swwampp. OBI-WWANs hheadd emmergges froom tthe mudd off a shaalloow llakee. FFor in thee backggrouund, t
46、hhe aactiivittiess off thhe iinvaasioon fforcce ccan be seeen iin tthe misst. OBI-WWAN takkes sevveraal ddeepp brreatths, thhen disssappearrs aagaiin uundeer tthe mudddy swampp. TTrooop TTrannspoortss (MMTTs) emeergee frrom thee laandiing craaft. EXT. NABBOO EDGGE OOF SSWAMMP / GRRASSS PLLAINNS - TW
47、WILIIGHTT (FFX) The ddroiid iinvaasioon fforcce mmovees oout of thee swwampp annd oontoo a graassyy pllainn. OOM-99, iin hhis tannk, loooks outt ovver thee vaast ARMMY mmarcchinng aacrooss thee roolliing hillss. AA smmalll hoologgramm off RUUNE andd NUUTE staandss onn thhe ttankk. RUNE : .aand theer
48、e is no traace of thee Jeedi. Thhey mayy haave gotttonn onnto onee of yoour lanndinng ccrafft. OOM-99 : If theey aare dowwn hheree, ssir, weelll fiind theem. We aree moovinng oout of the sswammp aand aree maarchhingg onn thhe ccitiies. Wee arre mmeettingg noo reesisstannce. NUTE : EExceelleent. EXT.
49、 NABBOO SWAAMP - TTWILLIGHHT QUI-GGON runns tthrooughh thhe sstraangee laandsscappe, glaanciing bacck tto ssee thee monsttrouus ttrooop ttrannspoortss, eemerrginng ffromm thhe mmistt. AAnimmalss beeginn too ruun past himm inn a pannic. An oddd, froog-llikee Guungaan, JARR JAAR IINKSS, ssquaats holld
50、inng aa cllam he hass retriieveed ffromm thhe mmurkky sswammp. Thee shhelll poops opeen. JARR JAARss grretaa toonguue snapss ouut aand graabs thee cllam, swwalllowiing it in onee guulp. JAR JJAR loooks up andd seees QUII-GOON aand thee ottherr crreatturees rrunnningg liike thee wind towwardd hiim. O
51、nee off thhe hhugee MTTTss beearss doown on thee JEEDI likke aa charggingg loocommotiive. JAAR JJAR staandss trranssfixxed, sttilll hooldiing thee cllam sheell in onne hhandd. JAR JJAR : OOh, nooooooooooooo! JAR JJAR droops thee shhelll annd ggrabbs oontoo QUUI-GGON as he passsess. TThe JEDDI iis ca
52、ughht bby ssurpprisse. JAR JJAR : (Conntdd) HHey, heelp me! Heelp me! QUI-GGON : LLet go! The mmachhinee iss abboutt tpp crrushh thhem as QUII-GOON ddraggs JJAR JARR beehinnd hhim. Juust as thhe ttrannspoort is aboout to hitt thhem, QUUI-GGON droops, annd JJAR JARR gooes spllat into thee muud wwithh
53、 hiim. Thee trranssporrt rracees ooverrheaad. QUI-GGON andd JAAR JJAR pulll tthemmsellvess ouut oof tthe mudd. TTheyy sttandd waatchhingg thhe war mmachhinee diissaapeaar iintoo thhe mmistt. JJAR JARR grrabss QUUI-GGON andd huugs himm. JAR JJAR : OOyi, moooiee-moooiee! II luuv yyouss! The ffrogg-lii
54、ke creeatuure kisssess thhe JJEDII. QUI-GGON : AAre youu brrainnlesss? Youu allmosst ggot us killledd! JAR JJAR : II sppakee. QUI-GGON : TThe abiilitty tto sspeaak ddoess noot mmakee yoou iinteelliigennt. Noww geet oouttta here! QUI-GGON staartss too moove offf, aand JARR JAAR ffolllowss. JAR JJAR :
55、 NNo.noo! MMesaa sttay.MMesaa yoous hummblee seervaauntt. QUI-GGON : TThatt woont be neccesssaryy. JAR JJAR : OOh bboott tiis! Tiss deemunndedd byyda gudds. Tiss a livve ddebeett, tiis. Messa culleed JJajaa Biinksss. In thhe ddisttancce, twoo STTAPSS buurstt ouut oof tthe misst aat hhighh sppeedd, c
56、chassingg OBI-WWAN. QUI-GGON : II haave no timme ffor thiis nnow. JAR JJAR : SSay whaat? The ttwo STAAPS barrrelll ddownn onn OBBI-WWAN. JAR JJAR : (conntdd) OOh, nooooooo! WWeessa ggannna. QUI-GGON thrrowss JAAR JJAR intto tthe mudd. QUI-GGON : SStayy doown! His hheadd poops up. JAR JJAR : .ddieeee
57、e! The ttwo trooopss fiire lasser bollts at OBII-WAAN. QUII-GOON ddefllectts tthe bollts bacck, and tthe STAAPS bloow uup. Onee-twwo. OBII-WAAN iis eexhaaustted andd trriess too caatchh hiis breatth. OBI-WWAN : SSorrry, Massterr, tthe watter friied my weaaponn. OBI-WWAN pullls outt hiis bburnnt llas
58、eer ssworrd hhanddle. QUUI-GGON insspeccts it, ass JAAR JAR ppullls hhimsselff ouut oof tthe mudd. QUI-GGON : YYou forrgott too tuurn youur ppoweer ooff agaain, diidnt yyou? OBI-WWAN nodds ssheeepliishlly. QUI-GGON : (conntdd) IIt wwont ttakee loong to reccharrge, buut tthiss iss a lesssonn I hope y
59、ouuvee leearnned, myy yooungg Paadawwan. OBI-WWAN : YYes, Maasteer. JAR JJAR : YYoussa ssav-ed my agaain, heey? OBI-WWAN : WWhatts thiis? QUI-GGON : AA loocall. LLets ggo, befforee moore of thoose drooidss shhow up. JAR JJAR : MMuree? MMuree diid yyou spaake?!? OBI-WWAN andd QUUI-GGON staart to runn
60、. JJAR JARR trriess too keeep up. JAR JJAR : (conntdd) EEx-ssqueeezee mee, bbut da motto ggrannde saffe pplacce wwoulld bbe Otoh Gunnga. Tiis wwherre II grrew up.TTis saffe ccityy. They alll sttop. QUI-GGON : AA ciity! (JJAR JARR noods hiss heead) Caan yyou takke uus ttherre? JAR JJAR : AAhhhh, wwil
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