1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.四川省德陽(yáng)市高中2011級(jí)第三次診斷性考試英 語(yǔ) 試 題本試卷分為為第卷卷(選擇擇題)和和第卷卷(非選選擇題)兩兩部分,共1550分。考考試時(shí)間間1200分鐘??伎荚嚱Y(jié)束束,將答答題卡交交回。第I卷(選選擇題,滿滿分1000分)注意事項(xiàng):1答第第I卷前前,考生生務(wù)必將將自己的的姓名、準(zhǔn)準(zhǔn)考證號(hào)號(hào)、考試試科目用用鉛筆涂涂寫(xiě)在答答題卡上上。2165小小題選出出答案后后,用22B鉛筆筆把答題題卡上對(duì)對(duì)應(yīng)題目目的答案案標(biāo)號(hào)涂涂黑,如如需改動(dòng)動(dòng),用橡橡皮擦干干凈后,再
2、再選涂其其它答案案標(biāo)號(hào),在在試題卷卷上作答答無(wú)效。第一部分:英語(yǔ)知知識(shí)運(yùn)用用(共兩兩節(jié),滿滿分500分)從A、B、CC、D四四個(gè)選項(xiàng)項(xiàng)中,選選出可以以填入空空白處的的最佳選選項(xiàng),并并在答題題卡上將將該項(xiàng)涂涂黑。1Iff yoou bbreaak tthe rulles agaain, yoou aare surre tto bbe ppuniisheed_? II doon t ccareeAWhhat if BHHow comme CWWhatt foor DSSo wwhatt2Finnallly tthe cliimbeers gott too_ pllacee whhichh haad
3、 nneveer bbeenn viisitted by _ meenAa; 不填填 Baa; tthe C不填填; tthe Dthhe; thee3Caan yyou lennd mme aan eerasser?Sorrry, I havven t gott _Athhis Biit Ctthatt Donne4Youu _ reeturrn tthe MP33 too mee noowYYou cann keeep it tilll ttomoorroow iif yyou wisshAneeednnt Bmmay nott Cmmusttntt Dcaantt5Mr. Roockll
4、in hadd juust cloosedd hiis eeyess onn thhe ccoacch _ hiss moobille pphonne rranggAaffterr Bwwhenn Cuuntiil Dwhhilee6Hee waasnt llookkingg whheree hee _, andd hiit tthe carr inn frronttImm awwfullly sorrry to heaar tthattAweent Bwwoulld ggo Cwwas goiing Dhaad ggonee7Chiina is welll kknowwn tto bbe t
5、the fouurthh _ mman -maade sattelllitees ssucccesssfullly in thee woorlddAseend Btto ssendd Cssenddingg Doff seendiing8Amyy saaid to herr Muum tthatt itt _ woondeerfuul tto bbe wwearringg clleann cllothhes agaainAwaas ffelttBiis ffelttCffelttDfeeelss9Whhats yyourr unnclees oopinnionn abboutt yoour d
6、eccisiion?He aalwaays enccourragees mme tto ddo I tthinnk II shhoulld.AwhhatBwwhennChhowDthhat10Geenerrallly ppareentss doont eexpeect chiildrren to be rudde, tto bbe ddisoobeyyed.Anoor ttheyy exxpecctBneeithher exppectt thheyCnoor ddo ttheyy exxpecctDneeithher donnt ttheyy exxpecct11IIts ttoo latte
7、. I mmustt leeavee noow.I caant aalloow yyou to go homme iin tthiss weeathher.AliikellyBpprobbabllyCssureelyDpoossiiblyy12Beetweeen thee twwo bbookks thhe pphotto aalbuum yyou aree loookiing forr.AarreBiisChhasDhaave13II allwayys gget losst ddrivvingg onn thhis flyy ovver.Funnny yyou shoouldd saay t
8、thatt, ssomeethiing haappeenedd too mee onnce.AsttranngeBnnormmalCssimiilarrDfaamilliarr14Att thhe aage of sixx, JJim ooil paiintiing forr a timme, butt loost inttereest by andd byy.Adrrew upBttookk uppCssavee uppDkeept up15Thhe wwinnner tolld mme tthatt thhe mmoneey wwas givven to a cchilldreens hh
9、osppitaal.AwoonBtto wwinCwwinnninggDtoo bee woon16Wiill theere be anyyonee ellse we knoow aat tthe Parrty Jaanett annd WWillliamm?AbuutBbbesiideCeexceeptDbeesiddes17DDont bbe nnervvouss whhen to speeak nexxt ttimee.Thannks forr yoour advvicee.Atoo asskBaaskiingCtto bbe aaskeedDasskedd18Im ssuree Haa
10、rryy wiill remmembber, buut wwhy nott giive himm a rinng jjustt ?Ainn tuurnBiin ccaseeCiin rretuurnDinn pllacee19Mrr. YYangg waas rreaddingg hiis bbookk inn thhe ooffiice, coomplleteely tto tthe worrld.AloosinngBhhaviing losstCllosttDtoo loose20CCan youu thhinkk off teext messsagges yoou ooncee usse
11、d somme ssymbbolss too shhow howw yoou ffeltt?Yes, a feww too myy giirl friiendd.AwhhereeBwwhennCwwhicchDthhat第二節(jié) 完完型填空空(共220小題題;每小小題15分,滿滿分30分)閱讀下面短短文,掌掌握其大大意,然然后從336555各題所給給的四個(gè)個(gè)選項(xiàng)(AA、B、CC和D)中中,選出出最佳選選項(xiàng),并并在答題題卡上涂涂黑。One ffinee daay, I wwas sitttinng iin aa quuiett rooom at thee Miiclrroftt Hootell,
12、aa peeaceefull pllacee abboutt ann hoour outt off Tooronnotoo. IIt wwas jusst ppastt nooon, laate Jully, andd I wass 211 to thee deespeeratte ssounnds of a llifee oor deeathh 22 ggoinng oon aa feew ffeett awaayTheree waas aa smmalll flly 233 thee laast of itss shhortt liife s eneergiies in a uuselle
13、sss 24 tto ffly thrrouggh tthe glaass of thee wiindoowTThe whiininng (發(fā)發(fā)出嗡嗡嗡聲) winngs tolld tthe 225 sttoryy off thhe ffly s strrateegy: Trry hhardderButt itt ss noot wworkkinggThe ggreaat eeffoort offfereed nno hhopee foor iits 226 Innsteead, thhe sstruugglle wwas parrt oof tthe traapIIt wass 27 ff
14、or thee flly tto ttry harrd eenouugh to succceeed iin bbreaakinng tthrooughh thhe glaass: Thhis flyys fatte wass 28 Itt woouldd diie ttherre nnearr thhe wwinddow 299 thee rooom; teen sstepps aawayy, tthe dooor wwas 300 Byy teen ssecoondss off fllyinng, thiis ssmalll ccreaaturre ccoulld 311 thee ouut
15、siide worrldWitth oonlyy a bitt off thhe 322 noww beeingg waasteed, it couuld be freee oof tthiss seelf - iimpoosedd (自自設(shè)的) traapTThe breeaktthrooughh poossiibillityy waas 333 .It wouuld be so eassyWhy ddidnnt thee flly ttry 344 appproaach? Hoow ddid it gett soo loockeed iin tthe ideea tthatt thhis
16、355 rooutee annd ddeteermiinedd effforrt ooffeeredd thhe mmostt 36 ffor succcesss? No douubt thiis aapprroacch mmadee seensee to thee flly 37 , it wass ann iddea thaat wwoulld kkilll ittTryinng hhardder isnnt neccesssariily thee sooluttionn too acchieevinng mmoreeItt 38 ooffeer aany reaal pprommisee
17、 forr geettiing whaat yyou wannt oout of liffeSSomeetimmes, 39 , itt ss a bigg paart of thee prrobllemIf youu sttakee (拿拿冒冒險(xiǎn)) youur hhopees ffor a bbreaakthhrouugh on tryyingg haardeer tthann evver, yoou mmay 440 youur cchanncess foor ssucccesss21Alisstenningg Bwwalkkingg Cllookkingg Dtaalkiing22Ape
18、rrforrmannce Bsstruugglle Cccomppetiitioon Ddeecissionn23Agivvingg upp Bssaviing up Cbbrinnginng oout Dbuurniing outt24Afigght Baatteemptt Cwway Dsppiriit25Asadd Bbbravve Cffunnny Dgrreatt26Areaalitty Bttrouublee Cssurvvivaal Ddeeathh27Aimpposssiblle Bddiffficuult Cuunneecesssarry Dprractticaal28Ade
19、ttermmineed Bsshorrtenned Ccchanngedd Dcoontrrollled29AFroom BThrrouggh CAAcrooss DAArouund30Aopeen Blleftt Ccclossed Dguuardded31Aseee Brreacch Cffeell Dcoontaact32Apowwer Bhhopee Cttriaal Deffforrt33Alatte Bllitttle Cttherre Dwaasteed34Aanootheer Btthe othher Ceeithher Danny ootheer35Adiffferrentt
20、 - Bddiffficuult Cffamiiliaar Dpaartiicullar36Aproobleem Beexcuuse C, sttrenngthh Dprromiise37AProobabbly BRRegrretttablly CNNatuurallly DGGradduallly38Amayy noot Bmmusttntt Cwwoulld nnot Dcaantt39Aat lasst Biintaact Caas aa reesullt Daffterr alll40Akilll Bvvaluue Cttakee Dhaave第二部分:閱讀理理解(共共兩節(jié),滿滿分50
21、0分)閱讀下列短短文,從從每題所所給的四四個(gè)選項(xiàng)項(xiàng)(A、BB、C和和D)中中,選出出最佳選選項(xiàng),并并在答題題卡上將將該項(xiàng)涂涂黑。(共共20小小題,每每題2分分,滿分分40分分)ALast Aprril, onn a vissit to thee neew MMalll off Ammeriica neaar MMinnneappoliis, I ccarrriedd wiith me a ssmalll bbookk prroviidedd foor tthe repportterss byy thhe ppubllic rellatiionss offficceIIt iinclludeed
22、 aa vaarieety of “fuun ffactts aboout thee maall, foor eexammplee, 1140,0000 hoot ddogss arre ssoldd eaach weeek, theere aree 100,0000 ffulll tiime joobs, 444 seets of movvingg sttairrs aand 17 liffts, 122,7550 pparkkingg pllacees, 13,0000 toons of steeel andd $ 1 mmilllionn iss drrawnn weeeklly ffr
23、omm 8 ATMMs Openeed iin tthe summmerr off 19992, thhe mmalll waas bbuillt wwherre tthe forrmerr Miinneeapooliss Sttadiium hadd beeenIt wass onnly a ffivee - minnutee drrivee frrom thee Miinneeapooliss SttPaaul Intternnatiionaal AAirpporttWiith 4.22 miilliion squuaree feeet of flooor spaace - ttwennt
24、y - ttwo timmes thee siize of thee avveraage Ameericcan shooppiing cennterr - thee Maail of Ameericca wwas thee laargeest shooppiing andd faamilly rrecrreattionn ceenteer uundeer oone rooof iin tthe Uniitedd SttateesI knoow aalreeadyy thhat thee Maall of Ameericca hhad beeen iimaggineed bby iits des
25、signnerss, nnot onlly aas aa maarkeetpllacee , butt ass a nattionnal touurisst aattrracttionnElleveen tthouusannd aartiiclees, thee smmalll boook infformmed me, haad bbeenn wrrittten aboout thee maallFouur hhunddredd trreess haad bbeenn pllantted in itss gaardeens, $ 6255 miilliion hadd beeen speent
26、 buiildiing it, annd 3350 stooress weere alrreaddy iin bbusiinesssTThreee tthouusannd bbus touurs werre eexpeecteed eeachh yeear aloong witth aa haalf - mmilllionn Caanaddiann viisittorss annd 2200,0000 Jaapannesee toouriistss. SSalees wwas at $ 6650 milllioon ffor 20008 aand at $ 11 biilliion forr
27、20009Popp siingeers andd fiilm staars succh aas JJaneet JJackksonn annd AArnoold Schhwarrzenneggger vissiteed tthe malllIIt wwas fivve ttimees llargger thaan RRed Squuaree annd iit iinclludeed 223 milles of halllwaays andd ussed almmostt twwicee ass Knnottt ss Caamp Snooopyy41Frrom thee teext we kno
28、ow tthatt thhe MMalll off Ammeriica is _Aneear an oldd sttadiium Bcllosee too ann aiirpoortChiigheer tthann thhe EEifffel Towwer Dbiiggeer tthann moost Ameericcan parrks42Byy saayinng funn faactss iin pparaagraaph 1, thee auuthoor mmeanns tthatt _Athhey aree laargeely imaaginned Bthhey aree suurprri
29、siing figgureesCthhey givve eexacct ddesccripptioons Dthhey makke ppeopple feeel uuneaasy43Whhy ddoess thhe aauthhor menntioon ppopuularr sttarss whho hhavee beeen to thee maall?AToo shhow itss poowerr off atttraactiionBToo shhow thaat ffew ricch ppeopple likke tto sshopp thhereeCToo teell thee puub
30、liic aabouut aa neew mmoviie bbeinng mmadee abboutt ittDToo teell peooplee thhat theey hhavee chhancces of meeetinng ffamoous staars theere44Wee caan iinfeer ffromm thhe ttextt thhat _AJaapannesee viisittorss arre mmostt weelcoome to thee maallBCaanaddiann viisittorss woouldd sppendd $ 1 bbilllionn
31、att thhe mmaillCKnnottts Cammp SSnooopy wass neext to thee Maall of AmeericcaDthhe MMalll off Ammeriica wass deesiggnedd too seervee moore thaan oone purrposseB(BBC Worrld Serrvicce) Twoo seeparratee suurveeys sugggesst tthatt Brritaain s tteennageers aree ammonggst thee heeaviiestt drrug - uuserrs
32、aand driinkeers in EurropeeThhe BBrittishh gooverrnmeent hass inntrooducced a nnumbber of meaasurres to deaal wwithh thhe uuse andd suupplly oof ddruggs, parrticculaarlyy ammongg yooungg peeoplleThe EEuroopeaan SSchoool Surrveyy Prrojeect on Alccohool aand Othher Druugs inffervvt6wwed 15 andd 166 ye
33、aar ooldss inn 355 coounttriees226% of boyys aand 29% off giirlss inn thhe UUK hhad beeen aaddiicteed tto uuncoontrrollled driinkiing at leaast thrree timmes in thee prreviiouss moonthhInn thhe ssamee suurveey, 42% off booys andd 355% oof ggirlls aadmiitteed ttheyy haad ttrieed iilleegall drrugss at
34、t leeastt onnceAccorrdinng tto aanottherr suurveey, by thee Euuroppeann Moonittoriing Cenntree foor DDruggs aand Druug AAddiictiion, twwo iin ffivee 155 - yeaar - ollds in thee UKK haave triied cannnabbis(大大麻)Thiis nnumbber is higgherr thhan anyywheere elsse iin EEuroopeThee UKK haas aalsoo thhe cco
35、mmmon higghesst nnumbber of youung coccainne (可可卡因) useers, toogettherr wiith SpaainThe BBrittishh gooverrnmeent hass reecenntlyy maade neww pllanss too fiightt thhe pprobblemm off drrug abuuse in thee Unniteed KKinggdomm, aalsoo ammongg teeenaagerrsAAccoordiing to thee neew ppropposaals, yooungg of
36、ffennderrs wwilll haave to atttendd drrug treeatmmentt ass paart of commmunnityy seerviiceBriitissh ppoliice willl bbe aablee too giive peooplee blloodd teestss foor ddruggs wwhenn thhey arrrestt thhem, noot jjustt whhen theey ccharrge theem wwithh ann offfennceDruug sselllerss woorkiing neaar aa sc
37、choool oor uusinng cchilldreen tto hhelpp seell druugs willl ffacee tooughher pennalttiess (處處罰)But sschooolss allso tryy too fiightt thhe pprobblemm off drrug usee thhemsselvvesAt thee beeginnninng oof 220055 a Briitissh sstatte sschoool hass inntrooducced forr thhe ffirsst ttimee raandoom ddrugg t
38、eestiingStuudennts froom aa scchoool iin KKentt wiill havve mmoutth sswabbs (棉棉簽) takken to disscovver druug uuseEacch wweekk 200 naamess wiill be sellectted by commputter andd thhe sswabbs ssentt offf tto aa drrug tesstinng llaboorattoryyReesullts willl bbe aavaiilabble thrree dayys llateerTThe sch
39、hooll ss heead teaacheer ssayss thhat no chiild willl bbe ttestted agaainsst hhis or herr wiisheesCChilldreen wwho tesst pposiitivve wwilll noot bbe fforcced to leaave thee scchoool, butt thhosee whho sselll drrugss wiill45Frrom thee suurveeys, wee leearnn thhat in Eurropee onnly thee UKK haas tthe
40、higghesst nnumbber of _Athhe tteennageers whoo haave useed ccocaaineeBthhe 115 -yeaar -oldds wwho havve ttrieed ccannnabiisCthhe ggirlls wwho havve bbeenn adddicctedd too drrinkkinggDthhe bboyss whho hhavee trriedd illleggal druugs at leaast oncce46Whhat cann bee innferrredd acccorrdinng tto tthe pa
41、sssagge?AThhe UUK hhas thee hiigheest nummberr off drrug useersBDrrug selllerrs uuse stuudennts to selll ddruggs ffor theemCBrritiish pollicee caantt giive peooplee blloodd teestss foor ddruggsDAnny sstuddentt wiill be givven druug ttestts wwhettherr hee liikess itt orr noot47Whhat doees tthe undder
42、llineed pphraase raandoom ddrugg teestiing inn thhe llastt paaraggrapph mmeann?ATeestiing alccohoolicc - driinkiing stuudennts on purrposseBSeelecctinng sstuddentts ffor druug ttesttingg irrreggulaarlyyCSeelecctinng yyounng ooffeendeers forr drrug tesstinngDTeestiing parrticculaar sstuddentts ffor p
43、leeasuure48Whhats tthe besst ttitlle ffor thiis ppasssagee?ADrrugss inn EuuroppeBBBrittainns TeeenaggerssCTeeenaagerrs aand Druugs DIIlleegall Drrugss inn BrritaainCIts almmostt tiime to heaad bbackk too scchoool, andd weell, itt ss neeverr tooo eearlly tto sstarrt sshopppinng ffor thoose schhooll s
44、uupplliessIff yoou hhavee soome exttra cassh lleftt ovver aftter shooppiing forr baackppackks aand nummberr twwo ppenccilss, tthenn trreatt yoour kidd too soome coool eelecctrooniccs yyou cann boorroow ffromm thhem latterAcer Asppiree Onne: Nettboooks aree grreatt foor mmanyy reeasoonsParrentts wwil
45、ll loove theem bbecaausee thheyre exttremmelyy affforrdabble andd liightt coompaaredd too thhe aaverragee laaptoopTTheyy rre aalsoo iddeall foor sstuddentts wwho donn tt quuitee neeed a ccompputeer bbut wannt oone to do ressearrch, chheckk emmaill, oor jjustt suurf thee WeebYYou cann fiind a bblacck
46、 oor wwhitte vverssionn foor tthe loww prricee off $ 99Fuji Finne PPix Z200fd: Thhis subb - $ 2200 diggitaal ccameera is thee peerfeect thiing forr anny hhighh scchoool stuudenntAAvaiilabble in fivve eeye -caatchhingg coolorrs, thee Fiine Pixx Z220fdd iss a 10 - mmegaapixxel (兆像像素) cammeraaMeediaa k
47、iids willl aapprreciiatee thhe ccameera? s bloog aand aucctioon mmodee thhat letts uuserrs ttrannsfeer ppictturees bbetwweenn caamerras, ass weell as thee oone touuch mooviee reecorrdinng ooptiion thaat aalloows theem tto eeditt movviess beeforre ssharringg thhem onllineeThhis is cerrtaiinlyy ann af
48、fforrdabble cammeraa foor pphotto - looverrs oof aany agee Mimobbot: USSB fflassh ddrivves aree alll pprettty mucch tthe samme, butt iff yoou wwantt too trreatt yoour teeen tto a hhip flaash driive, chheckk ouut MMomoobottcoornEacch ddrivve iis ppackked witth ccooll waallppapeer, diggitaal mmagaazin
49、nes, annd sso oonYYou cann fiind theem iin 11GB, 2GGB, 4GBB annd 88GB cappaciitiees (容量) at the price of $35- $100Samsuung S2: Reegarrdleess of whaat yyourr teeen mayy teell youu, ttherre aare othher mussic plaayerrs oout theere pacckedd wiith pleentyy off grreatt feeatuuressSaamsuung s S2 MP33 plla
50、yeer iis nnicee ennouggh tto wwearr arrounnd thee neeck andd smmalll ennouggh tto ttakee too thhe ggymIt is avaailaablee inn fiive collorss (rred, bllackk, wwhitte, purrple, andd grreenn) , coomess inn caapaccitiies of 1GBB orr 2GGB, andd iss avvaillablle ffor thee loow ppricce oof $40 or lesss49Whh
51、at is proobabbly thee beest tidde ffor thee paassaage?AGiift Ideeas forr Hiigh Schhooll SttudeentssBNNew Prooduccts forr TeeachherssCBeest Chooicees ffor ParrenttsDRRaree Giiftss foor TTeennageers50Whhichh off thhe ffolllowiing piccturres is a mmodeel oof AAcerr Asspirre OOne?51Acccorrdinng tto tthe
52、 passsagge, whiich of thee foolloowinng iis tthe mosst eexpeensiive?AFuuji Finne PPix Z200fd BAAcerr Asspirre OOneCMiimobbot DSSamssungg S2252Thhe ppasssagee iss prrobaablyy taakenn frrom a _Areeporrt Bscciennce boook Cteextbbookk DneewsppapeerEEveryyonee knnowss hoow tthe stoory of Cinnderrellla ee
53、ndss, bbut didd yoou eeverr reeallly tthinnk aabouut hhow shee speent herr daays befforee shhe mmet thee prrincce? Herr daailyy rooutiine wass noot ffasccinaatinngSShe didd evveryythiing froom ssweeepinng tthe flooor to coookinng tthe meaalsIf sommeonne hhad askked Cinnderrellla, “Arre ttherre aany
54、kinnds of houusehholdd woork thaat yyou parrticculaarlyy haate?” sshe proobabbly wouuld havve aanswwereed, “Whhy, nonne, of couurseeHoouseeworrk iis mmy ddutyy! In thee reeal worrld, hoowevver, moost peooplee haave deffiniite disslikkes forr cerrtaiin ssortts oof hhoussehoold worrkTTwo of theese tas
55、sks aree irroniing cloothees aand wasshinng ddishhesIroniing cloothees iis mmostt haatedd beecauuse it is nott a tassk tthatt caan bbe ccomppletted quiicklly oor tthouughttlessslyy. Eaach pieece of cloothiing musst bbe hhanddledd inndivviduuallly, so irooninng aa baaskeet oof llaunndryy caan ttakee
56、houurs! Affterr irroniing a ppiecce oof cclotthinng wwithh grreatt caautiion, whhichh-reequiiress smmootthinng oout thee faabriic, andd foolloowinng tthe seaams (線縫縫) ,youu neeed to plaace it on a hhangger as sooon aas pposssiblleIIf yyou do nott follloww thhesee diirecctioons carrefuullyy, iit mmig
57、hht bbecoome wriinklled (有皺皺紋的) andd youu haave to staart oveerPPerhhapss thhat is whyy irroniing is nott a favvoriite thiing to doIt callls forr exxtreeme atttenttionn too deetaiil ffromm begginnningg too enndAnothher houusehholdd joob tthatt maany peooplee diisliike is wasshinng ddishhesOf couurse
58、e, ssomee peeoplle claaim thaat tthiss woork is no lonngerr a proobleem bbecaausee wee haave disshwaasheers noww! HHoweeverr, nno oone wouuld arggue thaat ddishhes, siilveerwaare, annd eespeeciaallyy poots andd paans wasshedd inn a disshwaasheer ddont comme oout as cleean as theey ddo wwhenn waashee
59、d bby hhanddFoor tthiss reeasoon, manny oof uus cconttinuues to wassh ourr diishees bby hhandd, bbut we aree noot nneceessaarilly hhapppy ddoinng iitCCleaaninng ddishhes is a jjob thaat nnot onlly takkes a llot of eneergyy buut aalsoo reequiiress thhe ppatiiencce tto wwashh annd ddry theemIIn aaddii
60、tioon, unllikee irroniing cloothees, wasshinng ddishhes is a tthinng tthatt ussuallly musst bbe ddonee evveryy daayII doontt knnow howw Ciindeerellla fellt aabouut tthiss paartiicullar tassk, butt I bellievve tthatt moost peooplee haate it as mucch aas II doo53Whhy ddo mmostt peeoplle hhatee too doo
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