已閱讀5頁,還剩8頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、自動檢測技術(shù)的運用與開展自動檢測系統(tǒng)廣泛應(yīng)用于各類產(chǎn)品的設(shè)計、生產(chǎn)、使用、維護等各個階段, 對提高產(chǎn)品性能及生產(chǎn)率、降低生產(chǎn)本錢及整個生產(chǎn)周期本錢起著重要作用。本 文首先介紹自動檢測系統(tǒng)的概念,其次通過自動檢測系統(tǒng)的各個組成局部,詳述 系統(tǒng)的工作原理,介紹了自動檢測系統(tǒng)組建的概念、構(gòu)造以及在組建中所使用的 關(guān)鍵技術(shù)。以此為鋪墊,進而深入探討自動檢測技術(shù)在各領(lǐng)域間的應(yīng)用與推廣自動檢測系統(tǒng)的概念與組成自動檢測技術(shù)是一種盡量減少所需人工的檢測技術(shù),是一種依賴儀器儀表, 涉及物理學(xué)、電子學(xué)等多種學(xué)科的綜合性技術(shù)。與傳統(tǒng)檢測技術(shù)相比,這一技術(shù) 可以減少人們對檢測結(jié)果有意或無意的干擾,減輕人員的工作壓力,

2、從而保證了 被檢測對象的可靠性,因此自動檢測技術(shù)已經(jīng)成為社會開展不可或缺的重要局 部。自動檢測技術(shù)主要有兩項職責,一方面,通過自動檢測技術(shù)可以直接得出被 檢測對象的數(shù)值及其變化趨勢等容;另一方面,將自動檢測技術(shù)直接測得的被檢 測對象的信息納入考慮圍,從而制定相關(guān)決策。檢測和檢驗是制造過程中最根本 的活動之一。通過檢測和檢驗活動提供產(chǎn)品及其制造過程的質(zhì)量信息,按照這些 信息對產(chǎn)品的制造過程進展修正,使廢次品與反修品率降至最低,保證產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量 形成過程的穩(wěn)定性及產(chǎn)出產(chǎn)品的一致性。傳統(tǒng)的檢測和檢驗主要依賴人,并且主 要靠手工的方式來完成。傳統(tǒng)的檢驗和檢測是在加工制造過程之后進展,一旦檢出廢次品,其損失

3、已 發(fā)生?;谌斯z測的信息,經(jīng)常包含人的誤差影響,按這樣的信息控制制造過 程,不僅要在過程后才可以實施,而且也會引入誤差。自動檢測是以多種先進的 傳感技術(shù)為根底的,且易于同計算機系統(tǒng)結(jié)合,在適宜的軟件支持下,自動地完成數(shù)據(jù)采集、處理、特征提取和識別,以及多種分析與計算。而到達對系統(tǒng)性能 的測試和故障診斷的目的。1.1檢測與檢驗的概念檢測是指為確定產(chǎn)品、零件、組件、部件或原材料是否滿足設(shè)計規(guī)定的質(zhì)量 標準和技術(shù)要求目標值而進展的測試、測量等質(zhì)量檢測活動,檢測有3個目標:實際測定產(chǎn)品的規(guī)定質(zhì)量我及其指標的量值。根據(jù)測得值的偏離狀況,判定產(chǎn)品的質(zhì)量水平,確定廢次品。認定測量方法的正確性和對測量活動

4、簡化是否會影響對規(guī)定特征的控制。檢驗,又稱試驗,他是對產(chǎn)品功能和性能進展評定的一種質(zhì)量控制方法。檢 驗指的是在實際工作環(huán)境或設(shè)計規(guī)定的工作條件下,對產(chǎn)品的功能、性能和壽命 進展測定、試驗和評價的質(zhì)量控制活動。檢驗分為破壞性試驗和無損檢測試驗兩 大類。產(chǎn)品的檢驗評價是設(shè)計改良和修改、制造過程改善的依據(jù),特別是要求平 安認證的產(chǎn)品。1.2自動檢測系統(tǒng)的概念自動檢測是指在計算機控制的根底上,對系統(tǒng)、設(shè)備進展性能檢測和故障診 斷。他是性能檢測、連續(xù)監(jiān)測、故障檢測和故障定位的總稱?,F(xiàn)代自動檢測技術(shù) 是計算機技術(shù)、微電子技術(shù)、測量技術(shù)、傳感技術(shù)等學(xué)科共同開展的產(chǎn)物。但凡 需要進展性能測試和故障診斷的系統(tǒng)、

5、設(shè)備,均可以采用自動檢測技術(shù)。自動檢 測系統(tǒng)是指能自動完成測量、數(shù)據(jù)處理、顯示輸出測試結(jié)果的一類系統(tǒng)的總 稱。他是在標準的測控系統(tǒng)總線和儀器總線的根底上組合而成,采用計算機、微 處理器作控制器通過測試軟件完成對性能數(shù)據(jù)的采集、變換、處理、顯示等操作 程序,具有高速度、多功能、多參數(shù)等特點。自動檢測系統(tǒng)的原理 2.1自動檢測系統(tǒng)的組成當前自動檢測系統(tǒng)的根本組成如下圖,包括控制器、鼓勵信號源、測量儀器、 開關(guān)系統(tǒng)、適配器、人機接口、檢測程序。2.2自動檢測系統(tǒng)的工作原理控制器,自動檢測系統(tǒng)的核心,由計算機組成。它是在檢測程序的作用下, 對檢測周期的每一步驟進展控制,完成管理檢測周期、控制數(shù)據(jù)流向、

6、接收檢測 結(jié)果、進展數(shù)據(jù)處理、檢查讀數(shù)是否在誤差圍、進展故障診斷、將檢測結(jié)果送到 顯示器等功能。鼓勵信號源,主要應(yīng)用于主動式檢測系統(tǒng),它向被測單元提供檢測所需的鼓 勵信號。測量儀器,檢測被測單元的輸出信號。開關(guān)系統(tǒng),控制被測單元和自動檢測系統(tǒng)中有關(guān)部件間的信號通道。即控制 鼓勵信號輸入被測單元,和被測單元的被測信號輸往測量裝置的信號通道。適配器,實現(xiàn)被測單元與自動檢測系統(tǒng)之間的信號連接。人機接口,實現(xiàn)操作員和控制器的雙向通信。操作員用鍵盤或開關(guān)向控制器 輸入信息控制器將檢測結(jié)果及操作提示等有關(guān)信息送到顯示器顯示。當需要打印 檢測結(jié)果時,人機接口應(yīng)配備打印機。機接口、檢測程序。檢測程序,自動檢測

7、系統(tǒng)是在檢測程序的控制下進展性能檢測和故障診斷 的。檢測程序完成人機交互、儀器管理和驅(qū)動、檢測流程控制、檢測結(jié)果的分析 處理和輸出顯示、故障診斷等,他是自動檢測系統(tǒng)的重要組成局部。2.3自動檢測系統(tǒng)的組建計算機技術(shù)的開展為自動檢測系統(tǒng)的組建提供了多種可能,典型的自動檢測 系統(tǒng)包括三局部:自動檢測設(shè)備Automatic Test Equipment,ATE、測試程序集 Test Program Set,TPS和TPS軟件開發(fā)工具.自動檢測系統(tǒng)組建中的關(guān)鍵技術(shù) 包括程控接口技術(shù)、虛擬儀器技術(shù)、專家系統(tǒng)、現(xiàn)場故障檢測技術(shù)、開放或可互 操作的ATS實現(xiàn)技術(shù)。自動檢測技術(shù)的應(yīng)用檢測技術(shù)與自動化裝置的應(yīng)用

8、根底是扎實的理論以及科研和工程實踐過程中不 斷積累的新技術(shù),加上學(xué)科根底理論和光、機、電結(jié)合導(dǎo)致技術(shù)的迅速開展,更 加促進了檢測技術(shù)與自動化裝置學(xué)科的開展。自動檢測技術(shù)的開展隨著半導(dǎo)體和計算機技術(shù)的開展,新型或具有特殊功能的傳感器出現(xiàn)出現(xiàn), 檢測裝置也向小型化、固體化及智能化開展,應(yīng)用領(lǐng)域更加寬廣。首先,不斷提 高監(jiān)測系統(tǒng)的測量精度、量程圍、延長使用壽命、提高可靠性??茖W(xué)技術(shù)的開展 要求測量系統(tǒng)有更高的精度。近年來,人們研制出許多高精度的檢測儀器以滿足 各種需求。例如,用直線光柵測量直線位移時,測量圍可達二三米,而分辨率可 到達微米級;人們已經(jīng)研制出測量低至幾個帕的微壓力和高達幾千兆帕高壓的;

9、 力傳感器;開發(fā)了能夠測出極微弱磁場的磁敏傳感器等。從20世紀60年代開場, 人們對傳感器的可靠性和故障率的數(shù)學(xué)模型進展了大量的研究,使得監(jiān)測系統(tǒng)的 可靠性和使用壽命大幅度提高。其次,應(yīng)用新技術(shù)和新的物理效應(yīng),擴大檢測領(lǐng) 域。檢測原理大多以各種物理效應(yīng)為根底,近代物理學(xué)的進展如納米技術(shù)、激光、 紅外、超聲波、微波、光纖、放射性同位素等新成就為檢測技術(shù)的開展提供了更 多的依據(jù)。如圖像識別、激光測距、紅外測溫、C型超聲波無損探傷。放射性測 厚。中子探測爆炸物等非接觸測量得到迅速開展。20世紀70年代以前,檢測技 術(shù)主要用于工業(yè)部門,如今,檢測領(lǐng)域正擴大到整個社會需要的各個方面,不僅 包括工程、海洋

10、開發(fā)、航空航天等尖端科技和新興工業(yè)領(lǐng)域,而且已涉及生物、 醫(yī)療、環(huán)境污染監(jiān)測、危險品和毒品的偵查、平安檢測等方面,并且已經(jīng)開場滲 入到人們的日常生活設(shè)施之中。再次,開展集成化、功能化的傳感器。隨著半導(dǎo) 體集成電路技術(shù)的開展,硅和碑化鎵電子元件的高度集成化大量向傳感器領(lǐng)域滲 透。人們將傳感技術(shù)與信號處理電路制作在同一塊硅片上,從而研制體積更小、 性能更好、功能更強的傳感器。例如,高精度的PN結(jié)測溫集成電路;又如,將 排成陣列的上千萬個光敏元件及掃描放大電路制作在一塊芯片上,制成彩色 CCD數(shù)碼照相機、攝像機以及可攝像的手機等。今后還將在光、磁、溫度、壓 力等領(lǐng)域開發(fā)出新型的集成度很高的傳感器。第

11、四,采用計算機技術(shù),使檢測技 術(shù)智能化。自20世紀70年代微處理器問世以來,人們迅速將計算機技術(shù)應(yīng)用到 測量技術(shù)領(lǐng)域中來,使檢測儀器智能化,從而擴展了功能,提高了精度和可靠性, 目前研制的測量系統(tǒng)大多帶有微處理器。第五,開展網(wǎng)絡(luò)化傳感器及檢測系統(tǒng)。 隨著微電子技術(shù)的開展,現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)可以將十分復(fù)雜的信號處理和控制電路集成到 單塊的芯片中去。傳感器的輸出不再是模擬量,而是符合某種協(xié)議格式如可即 插即用的數(shù)字信號。從而可以通過企業(yè)部網(wǎng)絡(luò),也可以通過網(wǎng)絡(luò)實現(xiàn)多個系統(tǒng) 之間的數(shù)據(jù)交換和共享,從而構(gòu)成網(wǎng)絡(luò)化的檢測系統(tǒng)。還可以遠在千里之外,隨 時隨地瀏覽現(xiàn)場工況,實現(xiàn)遠程調(diào)試、遠程故障診斷。遠程數(shù)據(jù)采集和實時

12、操作??偨Y(jié)隨著信息技術(shù)和計算計技術(shù)的開展,大量的技術(shù)成果被應(yīng)用到自動檢測技術(shù) 當中,促進了自動檢測技術(shù)的快速開展。目前,自動檢測技術(shù)已經(jīng)應(yīng)用到社會生產(chǎn)的各個領(lǐng)域,因此其功能極為強大;自動檢測技術(shù)所需人員很少,因此可靠性 較高;自動檢測技術(shù)測得的被檢測對象的參數(shù)信息根本不會受到來自人的隨機干 擾,因此準確度較高;運用自動檢測技術(shù)的測量過程主要是自動完成的,只要測 量之間設(shè)置好時間、程序等指數(shù),就可以彳艮好地完成測量工作,因此實時性很強。自動檢測系統(tǒng)從被檢測對象出發(fā),經(jīng)傳感器等檢測元件將被檢測對象轉(zhuǎn)化為 信號,通過復(fù)雜的變換過程進展信號處理,最終將信號輸出。近年來計算計技術(shù) 和物理科學(xué)的不斷更新為

13、自動檢測技術(shù)的開展創(chuàng)造了可能。自動檢測技術(shù)能夠采 用更加先進的檢測方法,應(yīng)用圍也更加廣泛。自動檢測技術(shù)在高新領(lǐng)域的廣泛運 用,形成了具有現(xiàn)代特點的智能檢測技術(shù)。隨著自動檢測技術(shù)在高新領(lǐng)域的不斷 增長,網(wǎng)絡(luò)化、集成化、智能化將成為自動檢測技術(shù)的開展方向。Development of automatic detection technologyAutomatic testing system is widely used in the design, production, use and maintenance of all kinds of products, which plays an i

14、mportant role in improving product performance and productivity, reducing production cost and whole production cycle cost. This paper first introduces the concept of automatic detection system, secondly, through the various ponents of automatic detection system, detailed the working principle of the

15、 system, introduced the concept of automatic detection system, structure and the key technology used in the construction. Based on this, it further discusses the application and popularization of automatic detection technology in various fields.The concept and position of automatic detection systemA

16、utomatic detection is a kind of technology which can reduce the need of manual testing, and it is a kind of prehensive technique which relies on instruments and meters, involving physics and electronics. pared with the traditional detection technology, this technology can reduce the intentional or u

17、nintentional interference to the detection result, lighten the work pressure of the people, thus ensuring the reliability of the object, so the automatic detection technology has bee an indispensable part of the social development. Automatic detection technology has two main responsibilities, on the

18、 one hand, through the automatic detection technology can directly get the value of the object and its change trend and so on, on the other hand, the detection of detected objects directly measured by the information to take into account the scope of the relevant decision making. Detection and testi

19、ng is one of the most basic activities in the manufacturing process.Through the inspection and inspection activities to provide product and manufacturing process quality information, in accordance with this information on the product manufacturing process to amend, so that waste defects and reverse

20、repair rate to the minimum, to ensure product quality formation process stability and output product consistency. Traditional testing and testing are primarily dependent on people and are done mainly by hand.The traditional inspection and testing is done after the manufacturing process, and once the

21、 waste defective is detected, the loss has occurred. Based on manual detection of information, often contain human error impact, according to such information to control the manufacturing process, not only after the process can be implemented, but also introduce errors. Automatic detection is based

22、on a variety of advanced sensing technology, and is easy to bine with puter systems, with the appropriate software support, automatically plete data acquisition, processing, feature extraction and recognition, as well as a variety of analysis and calculation. and to achieve the system performance te

23、sting and fault diagnosis purposes.The concept of testing and testingDetection is defined as the test, measurement and other quality inspection activities to determine whether products, parts, ponents, parts or raw materials meet the quality standards and technical requirements of the design, and de

24、tect 3 objectives:the actual determination of the quality of products I and the value of the measure.according to the deviation of the measured value, the quality level of the product is judged and the waste defective is determined.determines whether the measurement method is correct and the simplif

25、ication of the measurement activity will affect the control of the specified characteristics.Inspection, also known as the test, he is a product function and performance assessment of a quality control method. Inspection refers to the quality control activities for measuring, testing and evaluating

26、the function, performance and life of the product under the working conditions of the actual working environment or the design. The tests are divided into two main categories: destructive test and nondestructive testing test. Inspection and evaluation of products is the basis for design improvement

27、and modification, especially for safety certification.The concept of automatic detection systemAutomatic detection refers to the performance detection and fault diagnosis of system and equipment on the basis of puter control. He is a general term for performance testing, continuous monitoring, fault

28、 detection, and fault location. The modern automatic detection technology is the product of the mon development of puter technology, microelectronics technology, measurement technology and sensing technology. Automatic detection technology can be used in all systems and equipments which need perform

29、ance testing and fault diagnosis. Automatic detection system is the general name of a kind of system which can automatically plete the measurement, data processing and display (output) test results. He is in the standard measurement andcontrol system bus and instrument bus based on the bination of a

30、 puter, microprocessor as a controller through the test software to achieve performance data collection, transformation, processing, display and other operating procedures, with high speed, multi-function, multi-parameter and so onThe principle of automatic testing systemThe position of automatic de

31、tection systemThe basic position of the current automatic detection system is shown in thefigure,include controller, excitation signal source, measuring instrument, switching system, adapter, human-machine interface,detection program.The working principle of automatic testing systemController, the c

32、ore of automatic detection system, posed of puters. It is under the action of the detection program, to control each step of the testing cycle, plete the management detection cycle, control the data flow, receive the detection results, carry out data processing, check whether the reading is within t

33、he error range, carry out fault diagnosis, send the test results to the display and other functions.Excitation signal source,It is mainly used in the active testing system, which provides the excitation signal to the test unit.Measuring instrument,Detecting the output signal of the measured unitSwit

34、ch system The signal channel between the measured unit and the related part in the automatic detection system is controlled. That is to control the excitation signal input to the measured unit, and the measured signal of the measured unit to the signal channel of the measuring device.The adapter rea

35、lizes the signal connection between the measured unit and the automatic Detection system.The human-puter interface realizes bidirectional munication between the operator and the controller. The operator uses the keyboard or the switch to input the information controller to the controller to send the

36、 test results and operation tips to the display. When a test result needs to be printed, the human-machine interface should be equipped with a printer. Machine interface, testing procedures.Detection program, automatic detection system is under the control of the detection program performance detect

37、ion and fault diagnosis. The detection procedure pletes the Man-machine interaction, the instrument management and the drive, the inspection flow control, the detection result analysis processing and the output display, the fault diagnosis and so on, he is the automatic detection system important co

38、nstituent. 2.3The establishment of automatic detection systemThe development of puter technology provides a variety of possibilities for the establishment of automatic detection system, which includes three parts: automatic testing equipment (Automatic test equipment,ate), test program Set,tps and T

39、PS software development tools. The key technologies of automatic detection system include program-controlled interface technology, virtual instrument technology, expert system, field fault detection technology, open or interoperable ATS implementation technology.Application of automatic detection te

40、chnologyThe application basis of detection technology and automation device is the solid theory and the new technology that accumulated in the process of scientific research and engineering, bined with the rapid development of technology caused by the bination of Discipline foundation theory and lig

41、ht, machine and electricity, which promoted the development of the subject of detection technology and automation device.Development of automatic detection technologyWith the development of semiconductor and puter technology, new or special sensors appear, the detection device to miniaturization, so

42、lid and intelligent development, the application of a broader field. First of all, continuously improve the monitoring system measurement accuracy, range, prolong service life, improve reliability. The development of science and technology requires the measurement system to have higher precision. In

43、 recent years, many high-precision testing instruments have been developed to meet various needs. For example, when linear displacement is measured with a linear grating, the measurement range is up to two or three m, and the resolution can reach micron level; people have developed micro pressure me

44、asurements low to several KPA and up to thousands of MPA, force sensors, and magnetic sensors that can measure extremely weak magnetic fields. Since the 1960s, a lot of research has been made on the mathematical model of sensor reliability and failure rate, which makes the reliability and service li

45、fe of the monitoring system greatly improved.Second, applying new technology and new physical effect to enlarge the detection field. Most of the detection principles are based on various physical effects, and recent advances in modern physics such as nanotechnology, lasers, infrared, ultrasonic, mic

46、rowave, optical fiber, radioisotopes and other new achievements for the development of detection technology to provide more evidence. such as image recognition, laser ranging, infrared temperature measurement, C-type ultrasonic nondestructive testing. Radioactive thickness. Non-contact measurement s

47、uch as neutron detection explosive has developed rapidly. Before the 1970s, testing technology was mainly used in the industrial sector, and now the detection field is expanding to all aspects of social needs, not only in engineering, marine development, aerospace and other cutting-edge technology a

48、nd emerging industries, but also in biological, medical, environmental pollution monitoring, dangerous goods and drug detection, Safety testing and so on, and has begun to infiltrate into peoples daily life facilities. Again, the development of integrated, functional sensors. With the development of

49、 semiconductor integrated circuit technology, the high integration of silicon and gallium arsenide electronic ponents penetrate into the sensor field. The sensor technology and signal processing circuit are fabricated on the same wafer to develop sensors with smaller volume, betterperformance and st

50、ronger function. For example, a high-precision pn junction temperature-measuring integrated circuit; If the array of tens of thousands of photosensitive ponents and scanning amplifier circuit made on a chip, made of color CCD digital cameras, cameras and mobile phones can be camera. In the future wi

51、ll also be in the light, magnetism, temperature, pressure and other fields to develop a new type of highly integrated sensors.Third, the use of puter technology to make detection technology intelligent. Since the advent of microprocessors in the the 1970s, people quickly applied puter technology to

52、the field of measurement technology, so that the detection instrument intelligent, thus expanding the function, improve the accuracy and reliability, the current development of the measurement system with microprocessors.Fourth, the development of networked sensors and detection systems. With the de

53、velopment of microelectronic technology, it is now possible to integrate very plex signal processing and control circuits into monolithic chips. The output of the sensor isno longer an analog amount, but a digital signal that conforms to a protocol format such as Plug and Play. Through the enterprise internal network, can also through the network to achieve the data exchange and sharing between multiple systems, thus constituting a networked detection system. can also be far away from afar, anytime, anywh


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