1、 Chapter 13Integrated Marketing Communications: Advertising, Sales Promotion, and Public Relations Chapter 13Integrated MarkeRoad Map: Previewing the ConceptsDiscuss the process and advantages of integrated marketing communication.Define the five promotion tools and discuss the factors that must be
2、considered in shaping the overall promotion mix.Describe and discuss the major decisions involved in developing an advertising program.Explain how sales promotion campaigns are developed and implemented.Explain how companies use public relations to communicate with their publics.Road Map: Previewing
3、 the ConceAmerican StandardYour mission prepare a promotion campaign for American Standards line of toilets.Campaign materials media ads, direct mailing, and personal contacts to build sales and market share.American StandardYour mission Public RelationsMarketing Communication Mix or Promotion MixSa
4、les Promotion AdvertisingProducts DesignProducts PriceProducts PackageStores that Sell the Product Personal SellingDirect Marketing Public RelationsMarketing 2 Factors are Changing the Face of Todays Marketing Communications:Improvement in Information TechnologyHas Led to Segmented MarketingMore Nar
5、rowcastingMarketers Have ShiftedAway From MassMarketingLess Broadcasting Market Fragmentation Led to Media FragmentationThe Changing Communications Environment Market FrThe Need for Integrated Marketing CommunicationsWith Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC), the Company Carefully Integrates an
6、d Coordinates Its Many Communications Channels to Deliver a Clear, Consistent, and Compelling Message About the Organization and Its Products.The Need for Integrated MarketIntegrated Marketing Communications (Fig. 13-1)Integrated Marketing CommunicaAdvertising Personal SellingSalesPromotionPublicRel
7、ations DirectMarketingReaches Many Buyers, Repeats Message Many Times, Impersonal, ExpensivePersonal Interaction, Relationship Building, Most Expensive Promo ToolWide Assortment of Tools, Rewards Quick Response, Efforts Short-LivedVery Believable, Dramatize a Company or Product, UnderutilizedNonpubl
8、ic, Immediate, Customized, InteractiveSetting the Overall Communication MixAdvertising Personal SalesPublPush versus Pull Promotion Strategy (Fig. 13-2)Push versus Pull Promotion StrAdvertisingAdvertising is centuries old.U.S. advertisers spend in excess of $244 billion each year; worldwide spending
9、 exceeds $465 billion.Advertising is used by:Business firms,Nonprofit organizations,Professionals, andSocial agencies. AdvertisingAdvertising is centMajor Decisions in Advertising(Fig. 13-3)Major Decisions in AdvertisingInformative AdvertisingInform Consumers or Build Primary Demandi.e DVD Players C
10、omparative AdvertisingCompares One Brand to Anotheri.e. Avis vs. HertzPersuasive AdvertisingBuild Selective Demandi.e Sony DVD PlayersReminder AdvertisingKeeps Consumers Thinking About a Producti.e. Coca-ColaAdvertising ObjectiveSpecific Communication Task Accomplished with a Specific Target Audienc
11、e During a Specific Period of TimeSetting Advertising ObjectivesInformative Advertising AdvAdvertising objectives can be classified by primary purpose: to inform, persuade, or remind. Think of examples of ads that address each of these objectives. Using Table 13-1, discuss why your examples fit the
12、chosen objective.Discussion QuestionsAdvertising objectives can be Affordable Based on What the Company Can Afford Objective-and-Task Based on Determining Objectives & Tasks, Then Estimating Costs Percentage-of-SalesBased on a Certain Percentage of Current or Forecasted SalesCompetitive-ParityBased
13、on the CompetitorsPromotion BudgetMethods of Setting the Advertising Budget for Each Product and Market. Setting the Advertising Budget Affordable Selecting the Advertising MediaAdvertising Strategy Consists of Two Major Elements and Companies are Realizing the Benefits of Planning These Two Element
14、s Jointly.Developing Advertising StrategyCreating the Advertising MessagesSelecting the Advertising MediCreating the Advertising Message:Message Strategy Advertising AppealsMeaningful, Believable& DistinctiveDevelop a Message Focus on Customer BenefitsCreative Concept“Big Idea”Visualization or Phras
15、eCreating the Advertising MessaTypicalMessageExecutionStylesTestimonial EvidenceSlice of LifeScientific EvidenceLifestyleTechnical ExpertiseFantasyMusicalPersonality SymbolMood or ImageDeveloping Advertising Strategy: Message ExecutionTypicalTestimonial EvidenceSliAdvertising Strategy:Selecting Adve
16、rtising MediaDeciding on reach, frequency, and impact.Choosing among the major media types.Media habits of target customers,Nature of the product,Types and costs of messages.Selecting specific media vehicles.Specific media within each general media type.Deciding on media timing.Scheduling advertisin
17、g over the course of a year.Advertising Strategy:Selectin Communication Effects(Copy Testing)Is the Ad Communicating Well?Advertising Program EvaluationSales EffectsIs the Ad Increasing Sales?Evaluating Advertising Advertising Program EvaluatioSales Departments inSmall CompaniesAdvertising Departmen
18、ts in Larger CompaniesAdvertising AgencyFirm that Assists Companiesin the Planning, Creation, & Implementation of TheirAdvertising ProgramsOther Advertising ConsiderationsInternational IssuesOther Advertising ConsideratioWhat is Sales Promotion? Sales Promotion Offers Short-Term Incentives to Encour
19、age Purchase or Sales of a Product or Service.Offers Reasons to Buy NOW.What is Sales Promotion? SalesRapid Growth of Sales PromotionSales promotion can take the form of consumer promotions, business promotions, trade promotions, or sales force promotions.Rapid growth in the industry has been achiev
20、ed because:Product managers are facing more pressure to increase their current sales,Companies face more competition,Advertising efficiency has declined,Consumers have become more deal oriented. Rapid Growth of Sales PromotioSales Promotion ObjectivesConsumer Promotions: increase short-term sales or
21、 help build long-term market share.Trade Promotions: get retailers to:carry new items and more inventory,advertise products, give products more shelf space, andbuy product ahead.Sales Force: getting more sales support.In general, sales promotion should focus on consumer relationship building.Sales P
22、romotion ObjectivesConsSampleCouponsCash RefundsPrice PacksPremiumsAdvertising SpecialtiesTrial amount of a productSavings when purchasing specified productsRefund of part of the purchase priceReduced prices marked on the label or packageGoods offered free or low cost as an incentive to buy a produc
23、tArticles imprinted with an advertisers name given as giftsMajor Consumer Sales Promotion ToolsSampleCouponsCash RefundsPricePatronage RewardsPoint-of-Purchase ContestSweepstakesGamesCash or Other Award Offered for Regular Use of a ProductDisplays or Demonstrations at the Point of PurchaseConsumers
24、Submit an Entry to be JudgedConsumers Submit Their Names for a DrawingConsumers Receive Something Each Time They Buy Which May Help Them Win a PrizeMajor Consumer Sales Promotion ToolsPatronage RewardsPoint-of-PurcInteractive Student AssignmentsWhich of the sales promotion tools described in the cha
25、pter would be best for stimulating sales of the following products or services? Gummy Bears new Black Cherry flavor, Proctor & Gambles efforts to bundle laundry detergent and fabric softener together in a combined marketing effort, O attempts to help consumers remember what it sells as well as its W
26、eb address.Interactive Student AssignmentTrade-Promotion ObjectivesPersuade Retailers or Wholesalers to Carry a BrandGive a Brand Shelf SpacePromote a Brand in AdvertisingPush a Brand to Consumers Major Trade Sales Promotion ToolsTrade-Promotion ToolsDiscountsAllowancesFree GoodsPush MoneySpecialty
27、Ad ItemsTrade-Promotion ObjectivesPersBusiness-Promotion ObjectivesGenerate Business LeadsStimulate PurchasesReward CustomersMotivate SalespeopleBusiness-Promotion ToolsConventionsTrade ShowsSales ContestsMajor Business Sales Promotion ToolsBusiness-Promotion ObjectivesGDecide on the Size of the Inc
28、entiveSet Conditions for ParticipationEvaluate the ProgramDetermine How to Promote andDistribute the Promotion Program Determine the Length of the ProgramDeveloping the Sales Promotion ProgramDecide on the Size of the InceWhat is Public Relations? Public Relations Involves Building Good Relations Wi
29、th the Companys Various Publics by Obtaining Favorable Publicity, Building Up a Good Corporate Image, and Handling or Heading Off Unfavorable Rumors, Stories, and Events. What is Public Relations? PublPress Relations or AgentryProduct PublicityPublic AffairsLobbyingInvestor RelationsDevelopmentPubli
30、c Relations Departments May Perform Any or All of the Following Functions:Major Public Relations FunctionsPress Relations or AgentryProdNewsSpeechesSpecial EventsWritten MaterialsAudiovisual MaterialsCorporate Identity MaterialsPublic Service Activities Web SiteMajor Public Relations ToolsNewsSpeech
31、esSpecial EventsWriRest Stop: Reviewing the ConceptsDiscuss the process and advantages of integrated marketing communication.Define the five promotion tools and discuss the factors that must be considered in shaping the overall promotion mix.Describe and discuss the major decisions involved in devel
32、oping an advertising program.Explain how sales promotion campaigns are developed and implemented.Explain how companies use public relations to communicate with their publics.Rest Stop: Reviewing the Conce14-34 Chapter 14Integrated Marketing Communications: Personal Selling and Direct Marketing14-34
33、Chapter 14Integrated 14-35Road Map: Previewing the ConceptsDiscuss the role of a companys salespeople in creating value for customers and building customer relationships.Identify and explain the six major sales force management steps.Discuss the personal selling process, distinguishing between trans
34、action-oriented marketing and relationship marketing.Define direct marketing and discuss its benefits to customers and companies.Identify and discuss the major forms of direct marketing.14-35Road Map: Previewing the 14-36The Nature of Personal SellingMost salespeople are well-educated, well-trained
35、professionals who work to build and maintain long-term relationships with customers.The term salesperson covers a wide spectrum of positions from:Order taker (department store salesperson)Order getter (someone engaged in creative selling i.e Lear Corporation)14-36The Nature of Personal Se14-37What d
36、id Robert Louis Stevenson mean when he said “everyone lives by selling something?” Discussion Question14-37What did Robert Louis Ste14-38The Role of the Sales ForceInvolves two-way, personal communication between salespeople and individual customers.Personal selling is effective because salespeople
37、can:probe customers to learn more about their problems,adjust the marketing offer to fit the special needs of each customer,negotiate terms of sale, andbuild long-term personal relationships with key decision makers.14-38The Role of the Sales For14-39The Role of the Sales Force Sales Force Serves as
38、 a Critical Link Between a Company and its Customers Since They:Represent Customers to the Company to Produce Customer SatisfactionRepresent the Company to Customers to Produce Company Profit14-39The Role of the Sales For14-40Major Steps in Sales Force Management (Fig. 14-1)14-40Major Steps in Sales
39、 Forc14-41Territorial Exclusive Territory to Sell the Companys Full Product LineCustomerSales Force Sells Only to CertainCustomers or IndustriesProductSales Force Sells Only a Portion of The Companys Products or LinesDesigning Sales Force Strategy and Structure Complex Forms Are a Combination of Any
40、 Types of Sales Force Structures14-41CustomerDesigning Sales F14-42Inside SalesForceOutside Sales ForceTravel to Call on CustomersSells to MajorAccountsFinds MajorNew ProspectsConduct Business From Their Offices Via Phone/Buyer VisitsTechnicalSupportPeopleTele-Marketer&InternetOther Sales Force Stra
41、tegy and Structure IssuesSalesAssistants14-42Inside SalesOutside Sales14-43Team SellingUse team selling to service large, complex accounts.Team finds problems, solutions, and sales opportunities.Problems: can overwhelm customers, difficulties working with teams, evaluation of sales performance.14-43
42、Team SellingUse team sell14-44 Enthusiasm Self-ConfidenceSome Traits of Good SalespeopleInitiativePersistenceJob Commitment14-44 Enthusiasm Self-C14-45Salespeople from Other CompaniesCollege Students Search the Web Classified AdsEmployment AgenciesCurrent SalespeopleRecommendations for Recruiting Sa
43、lespeople14-45Salespeople from Other Co14-46Help Salespeople Know & Identify With the Company Learn About the ProductsLearn About Competitorsand Customers Characteristics Learn How to MakeEffective PresentationsThe Average Sales Training Program lasts for Four Months and Has the Following Goals:Trai
44、ning SalespeopleUnderstand Field Proceduresand Responsibilities14-46Help Salespeople Know & L14-47Fixed Amount: Usually a SalaryVariableAmount:UsuallyCommissionsOr BonusesTo Attract Salespeople, a Company Must Have an Attractive Plan Made Up of Several ElementsExpense Allowance:For Job- Related Expe
45、nsesFringe Benefits Provide Job Security and SatisfactionCompensating Salespeople14-47To Attract Salespeople, a14-48Supervising Salespeople Directing SalespeopleIdentify Customer Targets & Call NormsTime Spent Prospecting for New AccountsUse Sales Time EfficientlyAnnual Call PlanTime-and-Duty Analys
46、isSales Force AutomationMotivating SalespeopleOrganizational Climate Sales Quotas Positive Incentives Sales Meetings Sales Contests Honors and Trips Merchandise/Cash14-48Supervising Salespeople D14-49How Salespeople Spend Their Time (Fig. 14-2)14-49How Salespeople Spend The14-50Major Steps in Effect
47、ive Selling (Fig. 14-3)14-50Major Steps in Effective 14-51ProspectingSalesperson Identifies Qualified Potential Customers.PreapproachSalesperson Learns About a Prospective Customer Before Making a Sales Call.QualifyingProcess of Identifying Good Prospects and Screening Out Poor Ones.Steps in the Sel
48、ling ProcessApproachSalesperson Meets the Buyer and Gets the Relationship Off to a Good Start.14-51ProspectingSalesperson Id14-52PresentationSalesperson Tells the Product “Story” to the Buyer Showing How the Product Solves Problems.ClosingSalesperson Asks the Customer for an Order.Handling Objection
49、sSalesperson Seeks Out, Clarifies, and Overcomes Customer Objections to Buying.Steps in the Selling ProcessFollow-UpOccurs After the Sale and Ensures Customer Satisfaction and Repeat Business.14-52PresentationSalesperson T14-53What is Relationship Marketing? Relationship Marketing Emphasizes Maintai
50、ning Profitable Long-Term Relationships with Customers by Creating Superior Customer Value and Satisfaction.14-53What is Relationship Mark14-54Interactive Student AssignmentsForm students into groups of three to five. Each group should answer the following questions:Explain the meaning of relationsh
51、ip marketing. Describe how relationship marketing might be used in selling a new car.14-54Interactive Student Assig14-55Most Mass Marketing Involves One-Way Communications Aimed At Consumers.Mass Marketing and Direct MarketingDirect Marketing Involves Two-Way Interactions With Customers.14-55Most Ma
52、ss Marketing Invol14-56The New Direct Marketing ModelSome firms use direct marketing as a supplemental medium.For many companies, direct marketing especially Internet and e-commerce companies constitutes a new and complete model for doing business.Some firms use the new direct model as their only ap
53、proach.New marketing model of the next millennium.14-56The New Direct Marketing 14-57Benefits and Growth of Direct MarketingBenefits to BuyersConvenientEasy to usePrivateProduct access and selectionAbundance of informationImmediateInteractiveBenefits to SellersConsumer relationship buildingReduces c
54、ostsIncreases speed and efficiencyProvides flexibilityGlobal medium14-57Benefits and Growth of Di14-58Customer Databases and MarketingCustomer Databases are an Organized Collection of Comprehensive Data About Individual Customers or Prospects. Allows companies to offer fine-tuned marketing offers and communications to customers.14-58Customer Databases and Ma14-59Forms of Direct Marketing(Fig. 14-4)14-59Forms of Direct Marketing14-60Forms of Direct MarketingTelephone MarketingRepresents 36% of direct marketing sales.Outbound telephone mar
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