1、怪獸電力公司英文臺詞怪獸電力公司英文臺詞CD 。1 Good night, sweetheart.2 Good night, Mom.3 Sleep tight, kiddo.4 Whoa!5 Oh! Aye! Oh!Oh!6Simulationterminated.7 Simulationterminated.Simulationterminated.8Simulation terminated.9 All right, Mr. Bile, isit?10 Uh. my friendscall me Phlegm.11Uh-huh.12 Mr. Bile, can you tell me w
2、hat youdid wrong?13 I fell down?14 No, no, beforethat.15Can anyone tellmeMr. Bilesbigmistake?16 Anyone?17 Lets take a look atthe tape.18Herewego.19Uh, right.puh-puh-puh-puh.20Ah!There,see?21The door. You left it wide open.22 And leavingthe door open is the worst mistake23anyemployeecanmakebecause.?2
3、4Um. itcould let in a draft?25 It couldletin26 achild!27 Oh!Mr.Waternoose!28 Thereisnothingmoretoxicor deadly than a humanchild.29A singletouch could killyou!30Leave a door open31 and a child could walkScary feet, scary feet, scary feet! 58 Oop! The kids awake! 59 Okay, scary feet, scary feet, scary
4、 feet, scary feet- 60 kids asleep! 61 Twins! In a bunk bed! 62 Ooh! I thought I hadyou there.63 Okay, Sulley, here we go.64Youready? Followit.65 Oh!Its over here!66 Oh, look over there!67 Dontlet thekidtouch you!68 Dont let ittouchyou!69 Idont know, but its been said70 I love scaringkidsin bed!71 Co
5、meon,fightthat plaque!Fightthat plaque!72Scarymonstersdonthave plaque!73 118.do youhave 119?74Do I see 120? 75 Oh, I dont believe it!76 Imnot even breakinga sweat.77 Not you!78Look! The new commercials on!79 The futureis bright at Monsters, Incorporated.80 Im inthis one! Im in this one!81 Were part
6、of yourlife. 82 We power your car. 83 We warm your home. 84 We light your city. 85 Im Monsters,Incorporated. 86 Hey, look! Betty! 87 Carefully matching every child to their ideal monster. 88 to produce superior scream 89refinedintoclean,dependableenergy.90Everytimeyouturnsomethingon91Monsters,Incorp
7、orated,isthere.92ImMonsters,Incorporated!93Weknowthechallenge-94 thewindowofinnocence isshrinking.95 Human kids are harder to scare.96 Ofcourse, M.I.is preparedforthefuture97 with the top scarers.98 the best refineries99 and research into newenergy techniques.100 Okay, here I come.101 Were working f
8、ora bettertomorrow.today!102WereMonsters,Incorporated!103WereM.I.-Monsters, Incorporated.104 We scare becausewe care.105 I cant believe it.106 Oh, Mike.107 I was on TV!108 Did you see me? Im anatural!109Hello.110 Iknow!111 Hey,wasnt I great?112 Did the whole family see it?113 Itsyour mom.114 Whatcan
9、 I say? Thecameralovesme.115Imtellingyou,bigdaddy116 youregoing tobe seeing thisfaceon TV a lot more often.117 Yeah? Like,onMonstropoliss Most Wanted?118 Youve beenjealous of my good looks 119 since the fourth grade, pal. 120 Have a good day, sweetie. 121 You, too, hon. 122 Whoo! Okay, Sulley, hop o
10、n in. 123 Nope. Uh-uh. Uh-uh. 124 Hey, hey,hey, hey, hey!125 Where you going? What areyoudoing?126Mikey,theresascreamshortage. Were walking.127 - Walking?! - Yep.128 No, no, no, my baby.129 Come on. Comeon.130 Look,she needs to be driven.131Bye, baby. I. Illcallyou!132 Hey, genius,you want to know w
11、hy133 I bought the car?Huh?134 Notreally.135 To driveit!136You know, like, on thestreet?137 Withthehonk-honkand the vroom-vroom138 and nowalkinginvolved.139 Giveit a rest, willyou,butterball?140 Comeon, youcoulduse theexercise.141 Icould use the exercise?!142Look at you. You have your own climate!14
12、3How many tentacles jump therope?144Morning,Mike!Morning,Sulley!145Hey!Morning,kids.146 Hey, kids.147 Howyoudoing?148 Bye, Mike! Bye, Sulley!149 Ow!Hey! 150 Ah, nuts. 151 Hey, hey, hey! Fellas! 152 Hey, Tony! 153 Tony! Ba-da-bing! 154 -Tony! - Hey, Tony! 155 Pow, pow, pow, pow, pow! 156 I hear someb
13、odys close to breakingtrying to make sure 159 theres enough scream to go around. 160 Hey! On the house! 161 - Hey, thanks! - Grazie! 162 Ba-da-bing! 163 Oh, great. 164 Hey, Ted! 165 Good morning!166 See that, Mikey?167 Teds walkingtowork.168 Big deal.169 Guy takes five stepsand hes there.170 Monster
14、s, Inc. Please hold.171 Monsters, Inc. Please hold. Monsters,Inc.Pleasehold.172Morning, Sulley.173Morning,Ricky.174Hey, itstheSullster!175 See you on the scare floor, buddy!176 Hey,Marge. Hey, how was jury duty?177 Morning,Sulley! 178 Hey! 179 Hey, its still leaning tothe left.180 Itis not!181 Hey,
15、fellas.182Hey, Jerry.183 Hey, Mr. Sullivan!184 Guys,I told you, call me Sulley.185 I dont think so.186 We just wanted to wish you good luck today.187 Hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey!188 Come on, getlost, you two.189 Youre makinghim losehisfocus.190 Oh. Sorry.191 See you later, fellas.192 Go get em, Mr. Sull
16、ivan!193 Quiet! Youllmakehimlose his focus. 194 Oh,no. Sorry!195Shutup!196 Monsters,Inc. Please hold.197Monsters,Inc. Illconnect you.198 Ms.Fearmonger isonvacation.199Wouldyoulikeher voice mail?200 Oh, Schmoopsie-poo.201 Googley Bear!202 Happy birthday.203Oh, Googley-woogley, you remembered! 204 Hey
17、, Sulley-wulley. 205 Oh, hey, Celia. 206weelia.207Happybirthday.208Thanks.209So, uh.arewe goinganywherespecialtonight?210I justgot usintoa littleplace211called,um. Harryhausens.212Harryhausens?!213 But its impossible to geta reservation there!214 Not for Googley Bear.215I will see you at quitting ti
18、me216 and nota minutelater.217 Okay,sweetheart.218Think romanticalthoughts.219 You and me220Me and you221 Both of us together!222You know, pal, shes the one. 223 Thats it. She is the one! 224 Im happy for you. 225 Oh, and, uh, thanks for hooking me up 226 withthose reservations.227 Oh, no problem.22
19、8Theyre under the name Googley Bear.229 Oh,goodide. 230 You know, that wasntveryfunny.231 What the.?232 Wazowski!233Whatdo you know?234 It scares littlekidsand little monsters.235 Iwasnt scared.236I have. allergies.237 Uh-huh. Sure.238 Hey,Randall,save it forthescare floor, will you?239Im in the zon
20、e today, Sullivan.240 Goingto be doing some serious scaring.241 Puttingupsome big numbers.242Wow, Randall.243Thats great.244 That should make it evenmorehumiliating245whenwebreaktherecordfirst.246 Ha, ha!247 Shh, shh, shh,shh, shh.248 Do you hearthat?249 Itsthewindsof change.250 Youhear it? You hear
21、thewinds of ch.?251 Oh,what a creep.252One of these days, I am really.253 goingtoletyouteachthatguyalesson.254Chalooby!Baby!255 Good morning,Roz256 mysucculent littlegardensnail.257 Andwhowouldwebescaringtoday?258Wazowski,you didntfileyourpaperworklastnight.259Oh,thatdarnpaperwork.260Wouldntitbe eas
22、ier if italljust blew away?261 Dont let it happen again.262 Yes, well, Ill,uh.263 Illtryto be less careless.264 Imwatching you, Wazowski.265 Always watching.266 Whoo! Shes nuts. 267 Always! 268 All scare floors are now active. 269 Assistants, please report to your stations. 270 Okay,people, eastern
23、seaboard coming on-line. 271 We got scarers coming out! 272 Ooh, theyre so awesome. 273 Hey. may the best monsterwin. 274 I plan to. 275 We are on in seven. six. 276 five. four. three. 277 two. 278 Youre the boss. Youre the boss. 279 Youre the big, hairy boss. 280 Oh, Im feeling goodtoday, Mikey! 28
24、1 Yeah! 282 Whoa! 283 Attaboy. Attaboy. 284 Another door coming right up. 285 Youre still behind, Randall.286You know, maybe I should realign thescream intakevalve.287 Just get me anotherdoor!288 A door! Yes, door!289 Well, Jerry,whatsthedamagesofar?290Wemayactually make our quota today, sir.291 Hmm
25、.Firsttime in a month.292 Huh?!293 Whathappened?294 Thekidalmost touched me!295She got thisclose to me!296 She wasntscared of you?297 She was only six!298 Icouldve been dead!299 I couldve died!300Keep it together, man.301 Hey! We got a deaddoor over here!302 - Were coming! - Coming!303- Look out! -
26、Out of the way!304 - Comingthrough! - Excuse us.305 Weve lost 58 doorsthisweek, sir.306 Oh,kidsthese days.307Theyjustdontgetscared likethey used to.308Let her rip!309Uh, sir?310 What?!311Look.312 Attention.313 We have a newscareleader:RandallBoggs.314Slumberparty. 315 Whoo! 316 Never mind. 317 Hey!
27、Watch it! 318 Well, James, that was an impressive display! 319 Oh, just doing my job,Mr.Waternoose.320Of course, I did learnfrom the best.321 If I dont see a new door atmy station in five seconds322 I will personallyputyouthroughtheshredder!323Hey,Wazowski,nice job!324 Those numbersarepretty sweet.3
28、25 Are they? 326 You know, Ihadnt evennoticed.327And,uh. how isGeorgie doing?328 Hes doing great!329 Ilove working with that big guy. 330 Keep the doors coming, Charlie. 331 Im on a roll today. 332 George and I are like brothers. 333 2319!We have a 2319!334 Red alert!Red alert!335Redalert!Redalert!R
29、ed alert!336GeorgeSanderson337please remainmotionless.338 Preparefordecontamination.339Get itoff!340Duck andcover, people!341 Oh, not the CDA.342 Move! Move! Move!343 Comingthrough,please. Stand aside.344Clear thecontaminatedarea.345 Thisis a2319 in progress.346 Keep the area clear.347 Coming throug
30、h. Watch yourself. 348 Stand back. 349 Careful. 350 All clear. 351Situation is niner-niner-zero. 352 Ready for decon. 353 Hey, thanks, guys. 354 That was a close one. 355 Okay. 356 Okay, people, take abreak!357 We gotto shutdownforahalf-hour358 and reset thesystem.359 Anentire scare floor out of com
31、mission.360 Whatelse can go wrong?361 Oh. what a day.362Were just going through a rough time, sir.363Everyone knows youre going to get us throughit.364 Tell that to the board of directors.365James,this company366has been inmyfamilyforthree generations.367 Iwoulddoanything to keep it from going under
32、.368 Oh,so wouldI, sir.369 Well.370 Say, I coulduse your help withsomething.371 Anything,sir.372 You see, weve hiredsome new scarerecruits373andfrankly,theyre.theyre,um. uh.374 Inexperienced?375 Oh,theystink!376 Uh-huh.377 And I thought maybeyoumightcome bytomorrow378 andgivethem a demonstration.379
33、 Show them what ittakes to be a top scarer, huh?380 Ill start outwith the old Waternoose jump-and-growl.381Ha! Oh, oh, yes! 382 Now, thats my boy!383Lets go,everybody! 384 Alldoors mustbereturned!385 No exceptions!386 - Oh, yeah.Whoo! 387 Ive never seen anything like you today. 388 You were on a rol
34、l, my man. 389Anotherday likethis390 andthatscarerecordsinthebag. 391Thatsright,baby!392 Uh-huh.393 Soget this- as if dinnerwasnt enough394 Im taking her to a monstertruck rally afterwards.395 Nice.396 Whatson your agenda?397 Im going to head homeand workoutsome more.398 Again? Youknow, theres more
35、to life than scaring.399Whew. Hey, can I borrowyour odorant?400Yeah. I got,uh.401 smellygarbage orolddumpster.402 You gotlowtide?403No.404How about wet dog?405 Yep. Stink it up.406You know, I amsoromantic407sometimes IthinkI should just marrymyself.408Give me a break, Mike.409 What a nightof romance
36、 I got ahead of me.410 Tonight isabout me411 andCelia.412 Ooh, the loveboat is about to set sail.413 Cause I got to tellyou, buddy414 that face of hers, it just makesmyheartgo.415Yikes!416Hello,Wazowski.417 Fun-filled evening plannedfortonight?418 Well,as a matterof fact.419Then Im sure you filedyou
37、r paperwork420correctly. for once.421 Yourstunned silenceisveryreassuring.422Oh,no.Myscarereports- I left them on my desk423 and if Imnotattherestaurantinfiveminutes424theyre going to give our table away!425 Whatam I going to tell.426 Schmoopsie-poo?427Hey, Googley Bear. Want to get going?428 DoI ev
38、er! Its just that.429 What? 430 Uh, youknow, theres a small.431 I dont understand.432 Its just that I forgot about some paperwork433 I wassupposed to file.434Mikewasremindingme. 435Thanks,buddy.436Whoo. 437 I was? I mean, I was! Yeah, I was.438 Oh, okay. Lets go then.439 Were going!440 On my desk, S
39、ulley.441 The pinkcopiesgo to Accounting 442 the fuchsia ones go to Purchasing 443 and goldenrod ones go to Roz. 444 Huh! 445 Leave the puce. 446 Pink copies go to Accounting, the fuchsia ones go toRoz.447 No, the fuchsia ones go to Purchasing.448 The goldenrod ones go to Roz. 449 Man, I have no ide
40、a what puce is. 450 Oh, thats puce. 451 Hmm? 452 Uh, hello? 453 Anyone? 454Theres a door here. 455 Hmm. 456 Hello? 457 Hey. 458 Psst. 459 Anybody scaring inhere? 460 Hello? 461 Yo! 462 Hmm. 463 Whoa! Ah! Ah! 464 Oh! 465 Here. 466Gotcha! 467 Eh! 468 Oh! 469 Yeow! 470 Eww. 471 Whew. 472 Kitty! 473 No,
41、 no-stay back.474 Hmm.475 And holdit.476Get apaperbag!477Mmm.478Oh,Michael, Ive had a lot of birthday.479 well,not a lot ofbirthdays480 but thisis the bestbirthdayever.481 Hmm.482 Whatare youlooking at?483 I was just thinking484 aboutthe first time I laid eye on you-485 how prettyyou looked.486 Stop
42、 it! 487 Yourhairwasshorterthen.488 Mm-hmm.Imthinkingabout getting it cut.489 No, no, I like it thislength.490 I like everythingaboutyou.491Just the other day492 someone asked me whoI thought493 the most beautiful monsterwasin all ofMonstropolis.494 You knowwhat Isaid?495 Whatdidyousay?496 Isaid.497
43、- Sulley? - Sulley? 498 No! No, no. 499Thats not what I was going to say.500 Mike,yourenotmaking sense.501 Hi,guys!502Whatacoincidence,runningintoyouhere!503Uh, Im just going to order something to go.504Michael.505Sulley!506Iwonderwhats good here.507 Getout ofhere. Youreruiningeverything.508 Iwentba
44、ckto getyourpaperwork509 and there was adoor.510What?511 A door?!512 Randall was init.513Wait aminute. Randall?514Thatcheater! 515 Hes trying to boost his numbers! 516 Theres something else. 517 What?! 518 Ook-lay in the ag-bay. 519 What?! 520 Look in the bag. 521 What bag? 522 Oh! 523They dont have
45、 anything I like here. 524 So take care, Celia! 525 Excuse me, sir. 526 Whats going on? 527 Celia, please try to understand. 528 I have to do something! 529 Michael? 530 On three. 531 One. two.532 A kid! 533 Boo! 534 A kid! 535 Theres a kid here- a human kid! 536 Oh! 537 Googley Bear! 538 Come on! 5
46、39 Lets get out of here! 540 Please remain calm. 541 This is not a drill. 542 We have an 835 in progress. 543 Please advise. 544 Michael?Michael?545 Oh, Celia.546 - Please comewith me. - Ow. Stop pushing. 547 Hey, get your hands off my Schmoopsie-poo! 548 Buildingclear. Ready for decontamination. 54
47、9 Well, I dont think that date could have gone any worse.550 If witnesses are tobe believed 551 therehas been a child security breach552 forthefirsttimeinmonsterhistory.553 Wecanneither confirm nor deny554 the presence of ahuman child here tonight.555 Well, a kid flewrightoverme556 and blasted a car
48、 withitslaservision!557 Itriedtorunfrom it,but itpicked me up558 withitsmindpowers andshook me likea doll!559 Itstrue! I saw thewhole thing!560 It is my professional opinion561 that now is the time to. panic!562 Oh-oh.563Oh, itscoming!564Itscoming!565Boo!566 No, no, no, no, no!567 Come here,kid.568
49、Whee.569 No,dont touchthose,youlittle.!570Oh,now571thosewerealphabetized.572 Its okay, its all right.573As long as itdoesnt come near us574 weregoing to be okay.575 Wanna ride on it!576Da, da-da. 577 Da-da-da. 578 Oh, y-you like this? 579 Fetch! 580 Hey, hey, thats it! 581 No one touches little Mike
50、y! 582 Mike, give her the bear. 583 Oh, no. 584 Make it stop, Sulley! 585 Make it stop! 586 Look! See the bear? 587 Ooh, nice bear. 588 Sulley! 589 See? 590 Ooh, bear, ooh. 591 Oh, hes a happy bear. 592 Hes not crying, neither should you 593 Or well be in trouble 594 Cause theyre gonna find us 595 S
51、o pleasestop crying 596 Right now. 597 Good, good, Sulley. Keep it up. 598 Youre doing great. 599 Ooh, the happy bear, he has no. 600 Shetouched me!601 Sulley, the bear!602 TheWhat was that? 606 I have no idea 607 but it would be really great 608 if it didnt do itagain. 609 Shh, shh, shh. 610 Shh. 6
52、11 Shh. 612 Shh. 613 Ah! 614 How could I dothis?615 How could I be so stupid?616 Thiscould destroy the company.617 The company?618 Who cares about the company?!619 Whatabout us? 620 That thing is a killing machine!621 La-la-la-la-la-la622 Ibet its justwaitingfor us to fall asleep623 and then wham!62
53、4Oh, were easy prey, my friend- easy prey.625Weresittingtargets.626 Okay,look,Ithink627Ihaveaplanhere.628Usingmainlyspoons, we dig a tunnel under the city629 andrelease itintothewild.630Spoons.631Thats it, Im out ofideas.632 Wereclosed.Hotairballoon?633 Too expensive.Giantslingshot? 634 Too conspicu
54、ous. 635 Enormous wooden horse? Too Greek! 636 No plan. No plan. 637 Cant think. Cant think. 638 Flatlining. 639 Uh, Mike? 640 I thinkshes getting tired.641 Well, then why dontyou642 findsomeplace for ittosleep?643WhileI thinkof a plan!644 Areyou sleepy?645 You wantto sleep?646 Is thatwhat youwant?6
55、47 Huh?648 Okay,allright.649Immakinga nice littlearea for youto.650No. Hey, hey, thats my bed!651 Youre goingto get your germs all over it.652 Fine.653My chair is more comfortableanyway.654What?655 Its just a closet.656 Will you goto sleep?657 Hey, thatlooks likeRandall.658Randallsyourmonster.659 Yo
56、uthinkhes going to come through the closet660 andscare you. 661 Oh, boy, how do I explain this? 662 Uh, its empty. 663 - See? - Ah! 664 No monster in here. 665 Well, now there is 666 but Im not going to scare you. 667 Im off-duty. 668 Okay. 669 How about I sit here,until you fall asleep?670 Go ahead
57、.671 Goto sleep.672 Now.673 Now. go.674 Uh,you.675 go.676 to.677 sleep.678 Hey,Mike,this mightsound crazy679 but Idontthinkthat kidsdangerous.680 Really?Well,in that case, lets keep it.681 I always wanteda pet that could killme!682 Now, look.683What if we just put her back in her door?684What?685 Mi
58、ke,thinkabout it.686 If wesend her back, its like it never happened.687Everything goes back to normal.688 Is that ajoke?689 Tellme yourejoking.690 Sulley,Id liketo thinkthat, giventhe circumstances691 Ihave been extremelyforgivingup to now692 butthatis a horribleidea!693 What arewe going todo?694Mar
59、chrightoutintopublicwiththatthing?695 ThenIguess wejust waltz right up to the factory, right?696 Icantbelieve we are waltzingrightup to thefactory. 697 Sulley, a mop, a couple of lights and some chair fabric 698 are not going to fool anyone! 699 Just think about a few names, willyou? 700 Loch Ness,
60、Bigfoot, the Abominable Snowman- 701 they all got one thing in common, pal- banishment. 702 We could benext!703 Dontpanic- we can do this.704Hey, how you doing, Frank? 705 Hey, guys. 706 Everythings going 707 to be okay. 708 Number One wants this place dusted for prints. 709 Careful with that. 710 I
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