新視野大學(xué)英語(第二版)第二冊.Structured Writing_第1頁
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1、Unit 1A larger and larger part of society isexpressing its concern about environmentalprotection. Active in their concern, teachersand students hold specific meetings to discussenvironmental protection. Also, city plannerstake environmental problems into seriousconsideration. And, though reducing po

2、llutioncan be expensive, factories often take everypossible measure to do their part. Manypeople are concerned and active because airand water pollution affects everyone andmakes it difficult for cities to survive andbusinesses to make a profit.Unit 2Computers, just like any new technology,have a ne

3、gative side. As more and morecomputers are used in production lines, manyjobs are being taken over bycomputer-controlled machines. As a result,many workers are finding themselves jobless.This constitutes a threat to social security.Another problem is computer crimes. Forexample, some people are find

4、ing ways tobreak into the bank computer systems andtransfer large sums of money to their ownaccounts. There have been many reports likethis. One more negative effect of computers isthat they bring about health problems. Sittingin front of computers all day undoubtedlyaffects peoples health. Back pai

5、n, wrist pain,failing eyesight, to name only a few.Unit 3Many people place so much emphasis onsuccess that they think any failure is bad.Failure is never pleasant because it hurtspeople. But in fact it can make positivecontribution to our life once we learn how tomake the best of it. We can learn fr

6、om adisastrous party how to give a good one. Andwe can learn from an ill-chosen first housewhat to look for in a second. Even a totalfailure can give us fresh ideas or a change ofdirection. Repeated failures lead to successand prove to be beneficial to us as weexperiment every day to find out the ri

7、ght wayof doing things.Unit 4Parents have to save a large amount ofmoney for their children to study abroad.Apart from the international flight, they haveto pay for their daily expense, such as food,entertainment,long-distancetelephone calls, and clothing. In addition, thechildren should have some m

8、oney ready tocover unexpected expenses.Unit 5There are many problems for mixedmarriages. The number one reason is thecultural differences between the mixed couple,like those in customs and lifestyle. Manypeople have prejudice against mixedmarriages. They often feel shocked to seepeople of different

9、races get married and havedoubts about such marriages. Whats more,children from mixed marriages tend to belooked down upon or even badly treated bytheir peers. Mixed marriages face many trials,and as a result, mixed couples have higherdivorce rates than couples of the same race.Unit 6My hometown and

10、 my college town haveseveral things in common. First, myhometown is a small town. It has a populationof only about 10,000 people. Located in a ruralarea, it is surrounded by many acres offarmland which are devoted mainly to growingcorn and soybeans. As for my college town, itis small too. Having a p

11、opulation of about11,000 local residents, it lies in the center offarmland which is used to raise hogs and cattle.Therefore living in my college town makes mefeel at home. I enjoy it.Unit 7My friend Jack has become a workaholic.He has too strong a desire to prove himself.According to him, good enoug

12、h is never goodenough. While others want only to finish a fewthings, he aims to doeverything by himself.Also, he is unwilling to spend time with hisfamily, playing with the dog, or going fishing.He would feel guilty if he did so, because hebelieves that all his time should be spentworking. He even w

13、ishes that he could have aday of 26 hours or even more. He has becomea workaholic whether he likes it or not.Unit 8There has been a sad tendency amongyoungsters in valuing material things moreand more. For college students, the mostpopular subjects that they prefer to choose areaccounting, computer

14、programming, business,etc. When they graduate from colleges, thejobs they prefer to choose are salesrepresentative, advertisement designing,international business, etc. Fewer and fewerpeople are choosing teaching or social servicesas their life Unit 9Some people think that books are the mainsource o

15、f himam ledge, summaries of whatpeople have acquired in their struggle withnature and society. with the rapiddevelopment of modern society, bookknowledge is updated from time to time. Forthese people, books are everything. book knowledge is not everything!Books can never cover all the things andhapp

16、enings in the world. Book knowledge isonly a recording of what has been discovered.There are many mysteries unsolved and wecan find no answers from books up to now. Soif one does not try to learn something beyondbooks, it will be difficult for one to cope withsome practical problems.We should develop our ability throughpractice and observing the world. It is notpractical to rely on books only.Unit 10London would not All the peopleof London were in the front lines. They


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