2、hhe Lawws of , havving iits reegisteered oofficee at (hereiinafteer callled tthe BBuyer ) onn one part; and Shipyyard, a corrporattion oorganiized aand exxistinng undder thhe Lawws of Peoplles RRepubllic off Chinna, haaving its rregisttered officce at , thee Peopples Repubblic oof Chiina (hhereinnaf
3、terr callled thhe Seeller) WITNESSSES In conssideraation of thhe muttual ccovenaants ccontaiined hhereinn, thee Selller aggrees to buuild, launcch, eqquip aand coomplette at the SSellerrs Shhipyarrd andd to ssell aand deeliverr to tthe Buuyer aafter complletionn and succeessfull triaal onee (1) Vess
4、eel as more fullyy desccribedd in AArticlle I hhereoff, to be reegisteered uunder the fflag oof andd the Buyerr agreees too purcchase and ttake ddeliveery off the aforeesaid Vesseel froom thee Selller annd to pay ffor thhe samme in accorrdancee withh the termss and condiitionss hereeinaftter seet fo
5、rrth. ARTICLEE I DEESCRIPPTION AND CCLASS 1. DESCCRIPTIION: The Vesssel iis a mmetricc tonss deaddweighht, att desiigned draftt of mmeterss (herreinaffter ccalledd the Vesssel) of thhe claass deescribbed beelow. The VVessell shalll havve thee Selllers Hull No. aand shhall bbe connstruccted, equipppe
6、d aand coompletted inn accoordancce witth thee folllowingg Speecificcationns: (1)Speccificaation (Drawwing NNo. ) (2)Geneeral AArranggementt (Draawing No. ) (3)Midsship SSectioon (Drrawingg No. ) (4)Makeers liist (DDrawinng No. ) Attacheed herreto aand siigned by eaach off the partiies too the Contr
7、ract (hereiinafteer colllectiively calleed thee Speecificcationns), makinng an integgral ppart hhereoff. 2. CLASSS ANDD RULEES The Vesssel, incluuding its mmachinnery aand eqquipmeent, sshall consttructeed in accorrdancee withh the ruless and regullationns (heereinaafter calleed thee Claassifiicatio
8、on Socciety) andd shalll be distiinguisshed iin thee recoord byy the symbool of , , , , , andd shalll alsso commply wwith tthe ruules aare reegulattions as fuully ddescriibed iin thee Speccificaationss. The Selller sshall arrannge wiith thhe Claassifiicatioon Socciety assiggn a rrepressentattive oor
9、 reppresenntativves (hhereinnafterr callled thhe Cllassifficatiion Suurveyoor) tto thee Selllers Shipyyard ffor suuperviision of thhe connstrucction of thhe Vesssel. All feees andd charrges iincideental to Cllassifficatiion annd to complly witth thee rulees, reegulattion aand reequireementss of tthi
10、s CContraact ass desccribedd in tthe Sppecifiicatioons isssued up too the date of thhis Coontracct as well as rooyaltiies, iif anyy, payyable on acccountt of tthe coonstruuctionn of tthe Veessel shalll be ffor thhe acccount of thhe Selller, exceppt as otherrwise proviided aand aggreed hereiin. Thhe
11、keyy planns, maateriaals annd worrkmansship eenteriing innto thhe connstrucction of Veessel shalll at aall tiimes bbe subbject to innspecttions and ttests in acccordaance wwith tthe ruules aand reegulattions of thhe Claassifiicatioon Socciety. Decisioons off the Classsificaation Socieety ass to ccom
12、pliiance or nooncomppliancce witth Claassifiicatioon rulles annd reggulatiions sshall be fiinal aand biindingg uponn the partiies heereto. 3. PRINNCIPALL PARTTICULAARS ANND DIMMENSIOONS OFF THE VESSEEL (a) Hulll: Length overaall abbt: . m Length betweeen peerpenddiculaars . m Breadthh . m Depth . m
13、Design Draftt . m (b) Proopelliing Maachineery The Vesssel sshall be eqquippeed, inn accoordancce witth thee Speccificaationss, witth typpe Maiin Enggine. 4. GUARRANTEEED SPEEED The Selller gguaranntees that the ttrial speedd, aftter coorrecttion, is too be nnot leess thhan naauticaal milles peer ho
14、uur on the lloadedd condditionn stippulateed in the SSpecifficatiion. The triial sppeed sshall be coorrectted foor winnd speeed annd shaallow waterr effeect. TThe coorrecttion mmethodd of tthe sppeed sshall be sppecifiied inn the Speciificattions. 5. GUARRANTEEED FULLE CONNSUMPTTION The Selller ggua
15、ranntees that the ffuel ooil coonsumpptionss of tthe Maain Enngine is noot to exceeed graams/ bbrake horsee poweer/ hoour att normmal coontinuuous ooutputt at sshop ttrial basedd on ddiesell fuell oil havinng a llower calorrific valuee of , kiloocalorries pper kiilograam. 6. GUARRANTEEED DEAADWEIGGH
16、T The Selller gguaranntees that the VVESSELL is tto havve a ddeadweeight of noot lesss thaan, meetric tons at thhe dessignedd loadded drraft oof metters iin seaa wateer of 1.0255 speccific graviity. The terrm, DDeadweeight, as used in thhis Coontracct, shhall bbe as definned inn the Speciificattions
17、. The acttual ddeadweeight of thhe Vesssel eexpresssed iin mettric ttons sshall be baased oon callculattions made by thhe Selller aand chheckedd by tthe Buuyer, and aall meeasureementss neceessaryy for such calcuulatioons shhall bbe perrformeed in the ppresennce off the Buyerrs suuperviisor (s) orr
18、the partyy authhorizeed by the BBuyer. Should theree be aany diisputee betwween tthe Seeller and tthe Buuyer aand thhe Buyyer inn suchh calcculatiions aand/ oor meaasuremments, the decission oof thee Classsificcationn Sociiety sshall finall. 7. SUBCCONTRAACT: The Selller mmay, aat itss solee disccre
19、tioon andd respponsibbilityy, subbcontrract aany poortionn of tthe coonstruuctionn workk of tthe Veessel to exxperieenced subcoontracctors, but delivvery aand fiinal aassembbly innto thhe Vesssel oof anyy suchh workk subccontraacted shalll be aat thee Selllers Shipyyard. The SSellerr shalll remmain
20、rresponnsiblee for such subcoontraccted wwork. 8. REGIISTRATTION: The Vesssel sshall be reegisteered bby thee Buyeer at its oown coost annd exppense underr the laws of att the time of deeliverry andd acceeptancce theereof. ARTICLEE I COONTRACCT PRIICE & TREMSS OF PPAYMENNT 1. CONTTRACT PRICEE: The p
21、urrchasee pricce of the VVessell/7 iss Unitted Sttates Dollaars (UUS $), net receiivablee by tthe Seeller (hereeinaftter caalled the Contrract PPrice), whhich iis excclusivve of the ccost ffor thhe Buyyers Suppllies aas proovidedd in AArticlle V hhereoff, andd shalll be subjeect too upwaard orr down
22、nward adjusstmentt, if any, as heereinaafter set fforth in thhis Coontracct. 2. CURRRENCY: Any andd all paymeents bby thee Buyeer to the SSellerr undeer thiis Conntractt shalll be made in Unnited Statees Dolllars. 3. TERMMS OF PAYMEENT: The Conntractt Pricce shaall bee paidd by tthe Buuyer tto thee
23、Selller inn insttallmeents aas folllows: (a) 1stt Insttallmeent: The summ of UUnitedd Stattes Doollarss (US $ ) , reprresentting ppercennt ( %) of the CContraact Prrice, shalll becoome duue andd payaable aand bee paidd by tthe Buuyer cconcurrrentlly witth thiis conntractt beinng sinnged aand prrovid
24、eed thaat Selller sshall have submiitted to thhe Buyyer thhe Reffund GGuaranntee iin thee formm anneexed hheretoo as EExhibiit A issuued byy Bankk of CChina, Beijjing, the PPeoplees Reepubliic of Chinaa, andd provvided furthher thhat thhe Selller sshall have receiived tthe fiirst cclass interrnatioo
25、nal bbankss Lettter off Guarranteee in aaccorddance with Paraggraph 6 of this Articcle. (b) 2ndd Insttallmeent: The summ of UUnitedd Stattes Doollarss (US $ ), repreesentiing peercentt ( %) of tthe Coontracct Priice, sshall becomme duee and payabble annd be paid withiin thrree (33) bannk bussinesss
26、dayss afteer thee cuttting oof thee firsst steeel pllate oof thee Vesssel inn the Selleers wworkshhop. TThe Seeller shalll notiify wiith a telexx or ttelefaax nottice tto thee Buyeer staating that the 11st stteel pplate has bbeen ccut inn its worksshop aand deemand for ppaymennt of the iinstalllment
27、t as ssoon aas thee cuttting oof thee steeel is made. (c) 3rdd Insttallmeent: The summ of UUnitedd Stattes Doollarss (US $ ), repreesentiing peercentt ( %) of tthe Coontracct Priice, sshall becomme duee and payabble annd be paid with in thhree (3) baank buusinesss dayys aftter keeel-laaying of thhe
28、firrst seectionn of tthe Veessel. The keel-layinng shaall bee notiified by thhe Selller wwith aa teleex or teleffax nootice to thhe Buyyer sttatingg thatt the said keel-layinng hass beenn carrried oout. TThe Seeller shalll sendd to tthe Buuyer aa teleex or teleffax deemand for ppaymennt of this inst
29、aallmennt as soon as thhe keeel-layying iis carrried out. (d) 4thh Insttallmeent: The summ of UUnitedd Stattes Doollarss (US $ ), repreesentiing peercentt ( %) of tthe Coontracct Priice, sshall becomme duee and payabble annd be paid withiin thrree (33) bannk bussinesss dayss afteer lauunchinng of th
30、e VVessell. Thee launnchingg of tthe Veessel shalll be nnotifiied byy the Selleer witth a ttelex or teelefaxx notiice too the Buyerr statting tthat tthe laaunchiing off the Vesseel hass beenn carrried oout. TThe Seeller shalll sendd to tthe Buuyer aa teleex or teleffax deemand for ppaymennt of this
31、instaallmennt as soon as thhe Vesssel iis lauunchedd. (e) 5thh Insttallmeent (PPaymennt upoon Delliveryy of tthe Veessel): The summ of UUnitedd Stattes Doollarss (US $ ), repreesentiing peercentt ( %) of tthe Coontracct Priice pllus anny inccreasee or mminus any ddecreaase duue to modifficatiions aa
32、nd/ oor adjjustmeents oof thee Conttract Pricee in aaccorddance with proviisionss of tthe reelevannt Artticle hereoof, shhall bbecomee due and ppayablle andd be ppaid bby thee Buyeer to the SSellerr conccurrenntly wwith ddeliveery off the Vesseel. Thhe Selller sshall send to thhe Buyyer a telexx or
33、ttelefaax demmand ffor thhis innstalllment ten (10) ddays pprior to thhe schheduleed datte of delivvery oof thee Vesssel. 4. METHHOD OFF PAYMMENT (a) 1stt Insttallmeent: The Buyyer shhall rremit the aamountt of tthis iinstalllmentt in aaccorddance with Articcle , Paraagraphh 3 (aa) by teleggraphiic
34、traansferr to tthe reeceiviing baank noominatted byy the Selleer, foor creedit tto thee accoount oof thee Selller, oor thrrough otherr receeivingg bankk nomiinatedd by tthe Seeller. (b) 2ndd Insttallmeent: The Buyyer shhall rremit the aamountt of tthis iinstalllmentt in aaccorddance with Articcle ,
35、Paraagraphh 3 (aa) by teleggraphiic traansferr to tthe reeceiviing baank noominatted byy the Selleer, foor creedit tto thee accoount oof thee Selller, oor thrrough otherr receeivingg bankk to bbe nomminateed by the SSellerr fromm timee to ttime aand suuch noominattion sshall be nootifieed to the BBu
36、yer at leeast 110 dayys priior too the due ddate ffor paaymentt. (c) 3rdd Insttallmeent: The Buyyer shhall rremit the aamountt of tthis iinstalllmentt in aaccorddance with Articcle , Paraagraphh 3 (aa) by teleggraphiic traansferr to tthe reeceiviing baank noominatted byy the Selleer, foor creedit tt
37、o thee accoount oof thee Selller, oor thrrough otherr receeivingg bankk to bbe nomminateed by the SSellerr fromm timee to ttime aand suuch noominattion sshall be nootifieed to the BBuyer at leeast 110 dayys priior too the due ddate ffor paaymentt. (d) 4thh Insttallmeent: The Buyyer shhall rremit the
38、 aamountt of tthis iinstalllmentt in aaccorddance with Articcle , Paraagraphh 3 (aa) by teleggraphiic traansferr to tthe reeceiviing baank noominatted byy the Selleer, foor creedit tto thee accoount oof thee Selller, oor thrrough otherr receeivingg bankk to bbe nomminateed by the SSellerr fromm time
39、e to ttime aand suuch noominattion sshall be nootifieed to the BBuyer at leeast 110 dayys priior too the due ddate ffor paaymentt. (e) 5thh Insttallmeent (PPayablle upoon delliveryy of tthe Veessel): The Buyyer shhall, at leeast tthree (3) bbank bbusineess daays prrior tto thee scheeduledd datee of
40、ddeliveery off the Vesseel, maake ann irreevocabble caash deepositt in tthe naame off the Buyerr withh the bank nominnated by thhe Selller, for aa periiod off thirrty (330) daays annd covveringg the amounnt of this instaallmennt ( aas adjjustedd in aaccorddance with the pprovissions of thhis Coontra
41、cct), wwith aan irrrevocaable iinstruuctionn thatt the said amounnt shaall bee releeased to thhe Selller aagainsst preesentaation by thhe Selller tto thee saidd Bankk, of a coppy of the PProtoccol off Deliivery and AAccepttance signeed by the BBuyers autthorizzed reepreseentatiive annd thee Selller.
42、 IIntereest, iif anyy, acccrued from such depossit, sshall be foor thee beneefit oof thee Buyeer. If the delivvery oof thee Vesssel iss not affeccted oon or beforre thee expiiry off the aforeesaid 30 daays deepositt periiod, tthe Buuyer sshall have the rright to wiithdraaw thee saidd depoosit pplus
43、aaccrueed intterestt uponn the expirry datte. Hooweverr, wheen thee new schedduled Delivvery DDate iis nottifiedd to tthe Buuyer bby thee Selller, tthe Buuyer sshall make the ccash ddeposiit in accorrdancee withh the same termss and condiitionss as sset ouut aboove. 5. PREPPAYMENNT: The Buyyer shhal
44、l hhave tthe riight tto makke preepaymeent off any and aall innstalllmentss befoore deeliverry of the VVessell, by givinng to the SSellerr at lleast thirtty (300) dayys priior wrrittenn notiice, wwithouut anyy pricce adjjustmeent off the Vesseel forr suchh preppaymennt. 6. SECUURITY FOR PPAYMENNT OF
45、 INSTAALLMENNTS BEEFORE DELIVVERY: The Buyyer shhall, concuurrenttly whhen thhis Coontracct beiing siigned, deliiver tto thee Selller ann irreevocabble annd unccondittionall Lettter off Guarranteee in tthe foorm annnexedd hereeto ass Exhiibit B inn favoor of the SSellerr issuued byy a fiirst cclass
46、interrnatioonal bbank (hereiinafteer callled tthe GGuaranntor) acceeptablle to Bank of Chhina aand thhe Selller. This guaraantee shalll secuure thhe Buyyers Obliggationn for the PPaymennt of all 22nd, 33rd annd 4thh insttallmeents oof thee Conttract Pricee. 7. REFUUNDS All payymentss madee by tthe B
47、uuyer pprior to deeliverry of the VVessell shalll be in thhe natture oof advvance to thhe Selller, and iin thee evennt thiis Conntractt is rrescinnded oor cannceledd by tthe Buuyer, all iin acccordannce wiith thhe speecificc termms of this Contrract ppermittting such resciissionn or ccancelllatioon,
48、 thhe Selller sshall refunnd to the BBuyer in Unnited Statees Dolllars the ffull aamountt of aall suums allreadyy paidd by tthe Buuyer tto thee Selller unnder tthis CContraact, ttogethher wiith innteresst (att the rate set oout inn resppectivve proovisioon theereof) fromm the respeectivee paymment d
49、date (s) too the date of reemittaance bby tellegrapphic ttransffer off suchh refuund too the accouunt sppecifiied byy the Buyerr. As securrity tto thee Buyeer, thhe Selller sshall delivver too the Buyerr, conncurreently with this Contrract bbeing signeed, a Refunnd Guaaranteee to be isssued by thhe
50、Bannk of Chinaa, Heaad Offfice, Bankiing Deepartmment, Beijiing, tthe Peeoples Reppublicc of CChina in thhe forrm as per EExhibiit A anneexed hheretoo. Howeverr, in the eevent of anny disspute betweeen thhe Selller aand thhe Buyyer wiith reegard to thhe Selllerss obliigatioon to repayy the instaallm
51、ennt or instaallmennts paaid byy the Buyerr and to thhe Buyyers rightt to ddemandd paymment ffrom BBank oof Chiina, HHead OOfficee, undder itts, guuaranttee, aand suuch diisputee is ssubmittted eeitherr by tthe Seeller or byy the Buyerr for arbittratioon in accorrdancee withh Artiicle hereeof orr fo
52、r appeaal or appeaals inn accoordancce witth thee Engllish llaws, Bank of Chhina sshall withhhold aand deefer ppaymennt unttil thhe arbbitrattion aaward betweeen thhe Selller aand thhe Buyyer iss publlishedd. Bannk of Chinaa shalll nott be oobligaated tto makke anyy paymment uunlesss the arbittratio
53、on awaard orrders the SSellerr to mmake rrepaymment aand anny rigght off appeeal avvailabble too the Selleer undder Ennglishh lawss is wwaivedd or iis nott exerrcisedd by tthe Seeller in acccordaance wwith EEnglissh lawws. Iff the Selleer faiils too honoor thee awarrd or judgmment, then Bank of Chhi
54、na sshall refunnd to the eextentt the arbittratioon awaard (oor anyy courrt juddgmentt) ordders. ARTICLEE ADDJUSTMMENT OOF THEE CONTTRACT PRICEE The Conntractt Pricce of Vesseel shaall bee subjject tto adjjustmeents aas herreinaffter sset foorth. It iss hereeby unndersttood bby botth parrties that a
55、ny rreducttion oof thee Conttract Pricee is bby wayy of lliquiddated damagges annd nott by wway off penaalty. 1. DELIIVERY (a) No adjusstmentt shalll be made, and the CContraact Prrice sshall remaiin uncchangeed forr the firstt thirrty (330) daays off delaay in delivvery oof thee Vesssel beeyond the
56、 DDeliveery Daate ass defiined iin Artticle herreof, then, in ssuch eevent, begiinningg at ttwelvee ocllock mmidnigght off the thirttieth day aafter the ddate oon whiich deeliverry is requiired uunder this Contrract, the CContraact Prrice oof thee Vesssel shhall bbe redduced by deeductiing thhere ff
57、rom tthe suum of Uniteed Staates DDollarrs (USS $ ) per dday. Unless the ppartiees herreto aagree otherrwise, the totall reduuctionn in tthe Coontracct Priice shhall bbe dedductedd fromm the fifthh insttallmeent off the Contrract PPrice and iin anyy evennt (inncludiing thhe eveent thhat thhe Buyyer
58、coonsentts to take the VVessell at tthe laater ddeliveery daate affter tthe exxpirattion oof dayys dellay off deliivery as deescribbed inn Paraagraphh 1 (cc) of this Articcle) sshall not bbe morre thaan onee hunddred aand ( ) dayys at the aabove speciified rate of reeductiion affter tthe thhirty (30
59、) days allowwance, thatt is UUnitedd Stattes Doollarss (US $ ) bbeing the mmaximuum. (c) If the ddelay in thhe delliveryy of tthe Veessel contiinue ffor a periood of ( ) ddays (beingg the totall of nnon-peermisssible delayys andd permmissibble deelays) afteer thee Deliivery Date as deefinedd in AArt
60、iclle , then in suuch evvent, the BBuyer may, at itts opttion, resciind orr canccel thhis Coontracct in accorrdancee withh the proviisionss of AArticlle X oof thiis Conntractt. Thee Selller maay at any ttime aafter the eexpiraation of thhe afooremenntioneed ( ) dayss, if the BBuyer has nnot seerved
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