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1、市西城區(qū) 2000 年抽樣測試(一高三英語試第一卷(三大題,共95 分單項(xiàng)填空(25125分A)A、B、C、D中找出其劃線部分與所給單詞的劃線部分讀音相同的選項(xiàng)。C市西城區(qū) 2000 年抽樣測試(一高三英語試第一卷(三大題,共95 分單項(xiàng)填空(25125分A)A、B、C、D中找出其劃線部分與所給單詞的劃線部分讀音相同的選項(xiàng)。ClB)從A、B、C、D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出可以填入空白處的最例:We last night, but we went to the concert instead.ve Bmight DwouldCshouldhaveC6 have ertoarresty Athe,B/,

2、C/, Dthe,7-ShallItalktohiminEnglishor - Do as you please. He can speak ofthem.8When childwasborn, for 3 years.Bgot married DhadgotmarriedAhadChad been9-Thehouseworkistoomuchforme,-Sorry, but I cant help it,Joan.Ivegotsomethingimportanttodo,youknow.Cto Dhaving10Deliasgoingtojoin wasagreedthedaybefore

3、yesterday.t11-HaveasweatAYes,Iwill nkyou all the DYou12You can never imagine what great difficulty I have yourhouse.Cto Dfor13Why did you throw the bottle out of the window? You somebody.AmightCcouldBcouldhave ve 14-Imtoobusytogoto11-HaveasweatAYes,Iwill nkyou all the DYou12You can never imagine wha

4、t great difficulty I have yourhouse.Cto Dfor13Why did you throw the bottle out of the window? You somebody.AmightCcouldBcouldhave ve 14-Imtoobusytogotothecinemawithyou, The film is said to be a very good one.BImsoDItstoo CWhata tsfunny! I utting my glasses on my desk, but now theyre 16Ifyoulived wit

5、hme,Id giveyouasmuch freedomasDhadBwould17Icamehomevery ast night, ,earlythisBon the Cin a Dor18Youlooknotabit n you did 5 years ago. How do you soyoung?e19So funny teverybody burstout Ashe lookedBwas she idsheDhadsheAto oconsideration,theyoughttohaveanother Cto be 21ItsaAbroket the quarrel theirfri

6、endship.Bput CgaveDtook22Ithink youve gotto the achangeisneeded,otherwiseyoullfail.t23-Whydidshespendsomuchtimesearchingshopaftershoponlyfora-Oh, she was very about her clothes.ll24IdlikeyoutomeetDavid,a Adark, handsome, tallChandsome,dark, cowboy.Btall,handsome,dark Dtall,dark,25-Iloveyou-Youmeanmo

7、re Ayou, menher,n loveherormoren she loves BI, Cyou,DI,完形填空(25ll24IdlikeyoutomeetDavid,a Adark, handsome, tallChandsome,dark, cowboy.Btall,handsome,dark Dtall,dark,25-Iloveyou-Youmeanmore Ayou, menher,n loveherormoren she loves BI, Cyou,DI,完形填空(2525分2650。The night passed peacefully. I was beginning

8、to t all was well. Then, just daybreak I heard the man of the house talking to his wife. With my ear to the tconnected our rooms, I heard want they were saying, “Okay, okay, but must I kill them both?” whichthewifeanswered,“Yes,”Then IheardnothingWhat can l you? I couldnt breathe. My body cold. God!

9、 There were the two ofwithout anything to ourselves. How could we fight againslf a dozen men gunsand other weapons? ,myfriendwasasleep.ShouldIwakehim?Ididntwant 29 a sound. Should I try to run away? I couldnt. I looked 30 the window. Maybe I could 31 out,Isaidtomyself.Butthereweretwobigdogsjust 32 m

10、e.I was still wondering what to do I heard a sound on the stairs. The door was a littleopen. Through the , I saw the husband. He was carrying a in one he hand he carried one of his big . His wife was right behind him. I ran behind the just as opened. He gave the lwoman,astheput herhandin frontofthet

11、o her and .o the room. “Go !” said Hewalkedtothe ladderandstarted it.Hewasholdingtheknifebetnhis 39 When he reached the top, he over my young friend sleng peacefully. Then the tookthe knife in his nd, and with his he tookah!aham fromthe shelf. Hecutobig piece, and left the he came. The door closed,

12、the 43 was gone, and I wasleft ithmy When morning came, the whole family came to wake us. They placed a large in front of usand an excellent meal it was, too! When we were almost 47,the came in. She was carrying one more plate of food. It had two cooked 48 on it. “We just cooked these for you,” she

13、said. “Eat one now, and take one on your t was when understood ofthoseterriblewords,“MustIkillthemboth?”y ttCcompletede閱讀理解(25小題,A2分,B145分The story of Diego Maradona, the Argentinian football player, is the story of the rise and 。of a poor man who became a world star, but paid the price me. At 33 ye

14、ars of age, he is of a career (職業(yè)生涯) which saw he 1980s, as the bright star of World a story of poor performance on the Football. In the 1990s, this career has odrug-taking, speaking ill of football ls, being forbidden and finally facing court action whichhehashadtodefendcharges指控ofshootingatseveral

15、Maradona was he poor area of Furito in Buenos Aires. Early in his life, he was to realize a dream of most poor boys, the t the way out of poverty-trap is s in sport. he world around is an activity open to all people, no matter what backgroundDiego Maradona is one of eight children. His Father is n a

16、nd mother an Italian. games of football he dirty street outside his small white, one-storeyed home in were to provide him passport護(hù)照) out of the small town. Today, poorly dressed boys run and kick balls around the street from which their hero traveled to great football artists.Football expert Franci

17、s Corneo found Diegos gift. He e one of the t the young player was natural” and there was nothing he could teach him. He had never seen anyone play like him in thirtyyearsfootballhesecond paragraphofthispassage,whatdoes“poverty-trap”ATheitionin BExtremelypoorcondition inones CPoorlivingconditionswhi

18、charehardtoehe52Afterrisingtotheheightinhisfootballcareer,hehasbeenindecline( Ahis performance is not as good as before on the fieldBhewillbe broughtinan actionagainsthisbad ), for CheshowednorespectforsomefootballDallthe53Sport isan activity open to all people, no matter what theirbackground is. Th

19、issentence us AeverybodyenjoysCPoorlivingconditionswhicharehardtoehe52Afterrisingtotheheightinhisfootballcareer,hehasbeenindecline( Ahis performance is not as good as before on the fieldBhewillbe broughtinan actionagainsthisbad ), for CheshowednorespectforsomefootballDallthe53Sport isan activity ope

20、n to all people, no matter what theirbackground is. Thissentence us Aeverybodyenjoyssportandcouldturnao Bthrough sport everybody may be matterhowpoor heused to sful es a famous he world, antstobeafamoussportstar,heve a l Dpeoplefromworking-classswillneverernationals54Wecaninfer fromthet AMaradonawil

21、lfacesible prisontermiffoundguilty)ontheshooting backgroundisveryimportantin Maradonaisafootballstar;heisasfamousasMaradonaisdownbut heisntknocked Money spent on advertising is money spent as well as any I know of. It serves directly bring about a sale of goods at reasonable , so setting up a firm h

22、ome market making sible to provide for export (出口) at good . By drawing attention it helps y to raise standards of living. By to increase demand it causes an need for labour, and is therefore a nice way to fight unemployment. It lowers the costs of : without advertisementsyour daily rwould cost four

23、 timesas much, the price programwouldneedtobedoubled,andtravelbybus orsubwaywouldcost And perhaps most important of all, advertising provides a promise of reasonable products and you buy. Besides the t twenty-seven Acts of Parliament (國會(huì)ern the terms of advertising, no regular advertiser dare produc

24、e t fails to live up thepromiseofhisadvertisements.He mightfoolsomepeopleforalittlewhilethrough advertising. He will not do so for long, for the public hasthe good sense not to buy the n once. If you see product frequently advertised, it is the proof I t the doeswhatispromisedforit,t sgood Advertisi

25、ngdoes morefor thegoodof the nany other force I can think There is one more I feel I ought to touch on. Recently I heard a well-t he was against advertising because it persuades n informs. He lingusthe realdifference. Ofcourseadvertising triesto Ifits messagewere nothingbut t wouldbe difficult to ge

26、t more people to foreventhe choice ofthe colourof a shirt isa bitpersuasive有說服力的)advertising would so t ould pay any attention. But t is what the well-55Bysentenceofthepassagethewritert AheisfairlyfamiliarwiththecostofBeverybodyknowstadvertisingisawasteofCadvertisingcostsmoreneverythingDmoneyso t ou

27、ld pay any attention. But t is what the well-55Bysentenceofthepassagethewritert AheisfairlyfamiliarwiththecostofBeverybodyknowstadvertisingisawasteofCadvertisingcostsmoreneverythingDmoneyonadvertisingisworth hepassage,whichofthefollowingisNOTheadvantagesof AGettinggreaterfame. BProvidingmoreCRaising

28、living DReducingr 57Thewritertthewell-knownis quiteright inpassing hisjudgementon erestedinnothing butthe buyersellingthedifference n andDobviouslyunfairinhisviewsonhe writers opinion, AadvertisingcanseldombringeresttomanbyprovidingBadvertisinginformspeopleofnewideasnwinsthemCthereisnothing wrongdve

29、rtisinginpersuadingtheDthebuyeris erestedingettinginformationfromantit wasnotraining in London. She steppeddown fromthe Ginarprisedto d brought her from Dover to Victoria ion and put her heavy suitcase on the People were hurrying everywhere: through the and exits, up and down the steps, the latforms

30、 and over to the ticket counters where there were already queues forming. porters seemed to be busy ilan everyone told t it was raining in England. Today, however, they were wrong. It was warm and dusty just like at She could even hear someone speaking her native language somewhere near the ion She

31、walked slowly towards the gate at the end of the platform where a railway l collecting the tickets. She handed him her tickets and walked through. She looked up the sclock. Its hands were poing to 3 : 15pm.A young woman was sitting on a bench reading an English magazine. She looked friendly Ginawent

32、upto“Excuseme,”she said. Theyoung woman glanced up to s. “Can l me the “Thecircus?”Theyoung womanlookedpuzzeled困惑). “Whatcircusdoyou Ginashook her head, “Im sorry. I have just arrived from Italy to attend a school for (海外studentsinLondon. It isnearthe“Doyouhave aletter withtheschools addresson “Oh,

33、yes. Now I remember.” Gina opened her handbag and found a on it.tcard “Ah,” said the young woman. “Its Oxford Circust you want. Its the name of an area in the middle of(海外studentsinLondon. It isnearthe“Doyouhave aletter withtheschools addresson “Oh, yes. Now I remember.” Gina opened her handbag and

34、found a on it.tcard “Ah,” said the young woman. “Its Oxford Circust you want. Its the name of an area in the middle of London. You must go down these steps and take the Tube. Follow the colours. ts the easiest way.” She showed Gina on the coloured map of the underground railway the route from Victor

35、ia to Oxford Circus. “Good luck,” she said. “And by the way, I come from 59Gina was Aexpectingafriendtomeether Battending to school matters Cgoing to study EnglishDlateforher “There were already queues forming,” means Athere were too many people waitingpeoplewerebeginningtowaitinpeoplewerealreadytof

36、orm peoplewerebeingtold toformupin61Oxford Circus is AafamousBaplacein Carailway ion to Danothername forthe middleof The young woman was puzzled because she had neverbeen toa didntknowtheworddidntknowwhatcircusGinawasreferringdidntknowwereoxfordCircusant to set aside a day to honour a lowly little g

37、roundhog (土撥鼠Why should The answer t question is not certain, but a group of people get together every Feruary 2 Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, to watch Punxsutawney “Pete” leave his burrow. What “Pete” does next, many be ve, will show whether spring is just around the corner or a long way off. You see

38、, in Pennsylvania on this date there is usually a great deal of snow on the ground, and the animal has been hibernating during the long, cold w er. He filled himself during the months and then o his burrow for a long sleep, his body fat keep him alive. But heappears on February 2, he looks very thin

39、. If the sun is shining brightly and he sees his according to old stories, it frightens him o his home where he will stay another Should it be cloudy and gray, the little animal will edly walk around for fooda sure t spring is near. While many isunwiseto acceptthemasShould it be cloudy and gray, the

40、 little animal will edly walk around for fooda sure t spring is near. While many isunwiseto acceptthemasa he groundhogs information about future happening, Accordingtothispassage,whydopeoplegathereveryyeartowatchtheHescleverandplayful,andchildrenlovetowatch Heslookingforfoodandthepeoplewanttohelphim

41、find he CManyvehim tobe a signof thecoming of DThepeoplewanttobesureheisaliveaftersuchalong 64How does the groundhog manage to stay alive during the long wople send out food for him.BHestoresbody fatbeforeer CHewakesup onnicedays tsforDItissomethingunknownto65WhatinformationdoesthegroundhogedlyIfhes

42、eeshisshadow,itwillsoonbe Ifheseeshisshadow,springwillnotarriveforanotherCIfhedoesnotseehisshadow,springwillarriveinDIfhedoesnotsehisshadow,allthesnowwilldisappear66Whatdoestheword“burrow”he passage? It means “Dcottageonahe CundergroundBeijingWorldHere we opened an excellent German bar. Guests will

43、feel the atmosphere (氣氛) of a bar in Berlin, enjoy real German beers and meals. Nightly live band performance from 21:00 hours Location:GroundLevel,WestWingBuilding,BeijingWorldTradeOperatinghours:12:00to03:00hours(Sun12:00to 05:00 hours (FriLOSTYou are the star at the Lost Horizon karaoke room. Ove

44、r 7,000 selections of , eseandEnglish songsareall foryoursinging Location:GroundLevelWestWingBuilding,BeijingWorldTradeOperatinghours:19:00to01:00hours(Sun19:00to 03:00 hours (FriIt is so simple to prepare a great meal at home t you can buy the best meats, products,wines,breads,cakesandmore derone L

45、ocation:Basement1,BeijingWorldTradeOperatinghours:19:00to21:0067BeijingWorldis a place AwhereyoucanliveBwhichseemstobeo 3 Cyoucan visitanytimeby dayoratDwhichlooksLocation:Basement1,BeijingWorldTradeOperatinghours:19:00to21:0067BeijingWorldis a place AwhereyoucanliveBwhichseemstobeo 3 Cyoucan visita

46、nytimeby dayoratDwhichlookslikesabigin 68ThewordhethreepassagesallmeansThe tfitsyouisWhereis Wherecanyouenjoy DThetsellsgoodfoodanddrinksis 69Oneofthe signshere Abuy the best tBrauhausisaplace whereoneenjoylivingatnightfrom9:00p.m.on drinkbeersmadeinenjoyagoodnightdrinkingbeers andlistening tomusic

47、onlyafter9:00 70LOST HORIZON is a place where one can Alistentoover7,000nginseveral er7,000 nginseveralnginseveralCsingandlistento Denjoysingingandlistening toover7,000 nginseveralJack:Derek,howisyourkneetoday? Derek:No,itfeelsalotbettertoday.Iwenttothedoctorandhetoldmeitwasnotserious.I should be fi

48、ne for Saturdays game.Jack:Great! But why dont you take it easy today? Maybe just practise throwing. Dont do Derek:OK.DoyouhaveanynewsaboutMichiganandwhatwecanexpectinSaturdaysJack:Yes, They areyoffice.Ifyou wanttoseethem ractice,youtwould begreat. Jack:Michiganhasastrongteam. Theyareoneofthetopfoot

49、ballteamscountrynow sincethey beatIowa kend.Cometo thinkofit, why dont goahead and checkout the game afternoon. rightnow?Andjusttknee.Illbeback tomorrowforfull Aweare infor atough BIwantyoutobe hreeHaveyouseenaIdliketoseewhatweareupIvegotsomenewinformationabouttheIsitstillgivingyou GIhavesomehowingh

50、elastthree 第二卷(三大題;共55 分單HaveyouseenaIdliketoseewhatweareupIvegotsomenewinformationabouttheIsitstillgivingyou GIhavesomehowinghelastthree 第二卷(三大題;共55 分單詞拼寫(10110分根據(jù)下列句子及所給漢語注釋,在橫線上寫出單詞的正確形式。(每空只寫一詞76Some of them were busy (準(zhǔn)備)fortheworkofthenext he afternoon they went to two or three (展覽會(huì))ofmodern78

51、Her cheeks burned, she was fearfully (口渴79The girl told me (禮貌地ther motherwasThe growth of the population of the world must be (控制).The stop sign actually made (交通)saferand82Remaining there was more and more 83If I have made any mistake, Im ready to (道歉84Mr Smith, an (澳大利亞人)teachesheir85The students

52、 need to be able to read (積極地)and短文改錯(cuò)(101.515分邊橫線上畫一個(gè)勾錯(cuò)誤(每行只有一個(gè)錯(cuò)誤),此行錯(cuò)一個(gè)詞:在錯(cuò)的詞下劃一橫線,在該行右邊橫線上寫出正確的詞注意:原行沒有錯(cuò)的不要改Dear,ItwaswithtI writetoyouwiththenniversary紀(jì)念ofyourEnglish Inearly1960s,you camebackhome fromtheUnitedAndthenyouhavedevotedyoutotheEnglishteachingofmiddlehe pastof 30 years,you made hievements成績heEnglishteaching andtheimprovementof Englishteachersmethods. youhavewritten manyadvancingtheses ).Youlovestudentsandyougainedtheirrespect,too.Nowyouandyour theses well known both inside and outside our schoolHeartycongratulationandallthebe


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