1、第九課很高興為大家介紹心理學導(dǎo)論課程的彼得薩洛維院長Imdelightedtoroduce theguest lecture首位客座講師 for thisDean Peter Salovey.roduction to psychology course彼得是一位老同事 Peter is an old friend and colleague.應(yīng)該是在座所有人 Many of you-I think everybody here在座許多人都知道他是耶魯學院的院長 knows through his role of him as dean of Yale College.在介紹中提一下 Ill j
2、usthis context of thisroduction關(guān)于他的另外兩件事 mention two other things about him.首先 無論是做院長之前One is prior to being dean還是當了院長之后 and in factstill as a dean他一直是個活躍的科學家 hes an active scientist尤其是作為一位社會心理學家 and in particularand in particulara sol psychologist他積極地參與對健康心理學的研究 actively involved in studying healt
3、h psychology以及對如何適當運用心理學方法 the proper use of psychological methods來確定健康信息 to frame health messages他還創(chuàng)立并發(fā)展了 and also is the founder and developer這一概念 of the idea of emotionalelligence他對進行了大量研究 an idea hes done a huge amount of research on.其次 彼得一直以來都是耶魯學院的 SecondlyPeter is or was an active and extreme
4、ly well-known teacher一位活躍的非常知名的教師 at Yale College.他曾講授過耶魯學院有史以來 He taugh人數(shù)最多的課程 in Yale Collegeone pothe largest course ever一門關(guān)于法律中心理學的課程 a course on psychology in law這門課打破了這里的所有which broke every record ever had here.他可以說是一位前無古人后無來者的 And before具有色彩的心理學導(dǎo)論老師 he was a legendarytduringtand aftertroducti
5、on to psychology teacher.說他是人物是有一定道理的And I think-and he had some reason for why he was solegendary今天就歡迎他來為講述愛情 with his lecture today on the topic of love.非常感謝好了嗎 Isnks very much.t ok?好的Okay.非常感謝 布羅姆教授nk you very much professor Bloom.很高興今天能來這里給大家做講座 It really is a pleasure to come and lecture to you
6、 today的是愛on Valentines day on the topic of love.今天是節(jié)主要研究領(lǐng)域是人類情感 My main area of research is human emotion.愛是一種情感And love is an emotion.但我并不是針對個人進行研究 Its not onet I studyally至少不是在里進行研究east nothe laband不過聊起來很有意思 -but it is fun to talk about.也適用于理解 And it is a topict lends itself to這個許多社會心理學現(xiàn)象能來這里進行客座
7、自從當了院長 我很many sol psychological phenomena.也很棒 Its also great to be able to come in and guest lecture.的一件事 One of the things I very muiss sinerving as dean就是講授心理學 110 課程 is the opportunity to teach psychology 110.盡管我喜歡當院長 And although I love being dean但的很講授心理學導(dǎo)論課的日子 I do miss teachingroductory psycho
8、logy讓人們接觸到 the feeling of ex他們從未聽過的觀點時的那種感覺 我估計這場講座中要談到的一些觀點ing people to ideast maybe you hadnt heard before.WellIsome of the ideashis talkyoull have not heard before可能從未聽而由于種種原因 andfor a variety of reasons大家在今天的講座中要注意幾點 a couple of the things youll notice is今天我談到的一些實驗t some of the experiments Ill
9、talk about today現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)不能再進行了 are not the kinds of experimentst can be done anymore.上被認為是不可接受的 Theyre not considered ethically acceptable這些實驗在但在五六十年代及七十年代早期都有進行 but they were done in the fifties and sixties andearly seventies因為當時標準不同when ethical standards were different因此可以講授那些實驗 and so we can teach th
10、em.像 We just cant give you the same experien但我無法讓當時那些大學生一樣t some of the college studentst進行同樣的實驗 well talk about todayhese studies had.我還要提到的一點就是 The other thing I will mention ist許多有關(guān)浪漫愛情的心理學研究 there is a certain androcentric and heterosexual quality都是以為中心且具有異性戀的特點 to much of the sol psychological
11、research onromlove.在實驗中會看到這一點 Youll seethe experiments.通常 被試為Usuallythe participants are men and而女性往往是實驗?zāi)繕?usually thes are womenhese experiments.我并不認為這是研究愛情的唯一方法 Im not endorsing this as the only way to study love.只不過恰巧這些實驗都是這么做的 It jusppens to be the way these experiments were done所以我在開始前提醒大家注意這點
12、and so I mention this caution right from the beginning.須思考 Well have to think about大家需要思考的一件事就是 one of the things you should think about is認為 這些實驗?zāi)芊裢茝V到 do you think these experiments generalized to其他類型的二人關(guān)系之中呢 other kinds of dyadic relationships.這個問題 Andts a questiont整場中你都應(yīng)該進行思考 I think you can ask
13、throughout this lecture.好的 那首先開始吧 Okay. So lets get started.And to start things off I think需要思考一個定義 what we need to我將會給愛一個定義 Im going to define whs consider a definition.ove is不過接下來要談到的大部分實驗 but then most of the experiments Im going to talk about其實主要是關(guān)于吸引 而不是愛 are really focused more on attractionn
14、love兩人互相感who finds each other of romerest進而可能會發(fā)展成一段戀愛關(guān)系t might then developo a love relationship.不過還是從對愛的定義開始吧 But lets start widefinition of love.我將采用一位前同事的定義 And Im going to pick a definition from a former colleague羅伯特斯滕伯格Robert Sternberg他現(xiàn)在是塔夫斯大學的院長 who is now the dean at Tufts University不過他曾在耶魯任
15、教 在心理學院這里 but was here on our faculty at Yale教了將近三十年 for nearly thirty years or so.他所愛的理論認為 And he has a theory of lovet arguest love is made of three components愛由三個成分組成親密與承諾imacypasand commitment承諾有時也稱決心或承諾 or what is sometimes called這個定義相對來說很直白 And these are relatively straightforward.mitment.他認為如
16、果你沒有同時具備這三要素 He arguedt you donve love你并沒有體驗到愛 if you donve all three of these elements.親密就是親近的感覺imacy is the feeling of closeness溝通 相互結(jié)合 of connectedness with someoneof bonding.you could think of與從行為上說 親密就是share secretsOperationallyimacy as you信息 You share information with this you dont share winyb
17、ody else.t你只和這個人而不和別人 這就是親密結(jié)合源于Okay.ts really whatimacy is之間信息的the bondt comes from sharing information而這些第二個是你不會與他人所的t isnt shared with other with many oth.eople.Second element is pas是的定義因人而異 Pasis what you think it is.就是可以說是 Pasis the-we would say把引向浪漫愛情的驅(qū)力 the drivet leads to romance.You can thin
18、k of it as physical attraction or sex. tthis is a required component of a love relationship.你可以當它是生理吸引 或者是斯滕伯格認為 And Sternberg argues這是戀愛關(guān)系中必不可少的一個當然 在卡爾洪學院可沒必要非得有It is nothowever a required componentof taking a shower in Calhoun College.斯滕伯格的愛情理論中 第三個是 The third element of love in Sternbergs theory
19、 is他所說的決心或承諾 what he calls decior commitment.決心就是一個人處于一段戀愛關(guān)系中 The decit one is in a love relationship愿意為這段關(guān)系貼上戀愛the willingness to label it ach做出承諾來維持這段關(guān)系 and a commitment to maahat relationship至少持續(xù)一段時間east for some period of time.斯滕伯格認為Sternberg would argue如果你不稱這種感情為愛情 its not love if you dont call
20、 it love如果你沒有保持這段關(guān)系的那這種感情就不是愛情 to maaand if you donhe relationship.ve some desireSo if you have all three of these因此 如果你具備了這三個親密和承諾imacypasand commitment按斯滕伯格的理論 你就有愛情了 in Sternbergs theory you have love.該理論有趣的地方就在于 Now whatseresting about the theory is如果你只有三要素中的一點 what do you have if you only have
21、one或只有兩點又算什么呢 out of three or two out of three?如果你具備三點中的兩點 What do you have那會是什么感情 and how is it different又與愛情不同 if you have a different two out of three?這些就是 這種理論 These are-whatseresting about有趣之處就在于 this kind of theorizing is it give它能形成許多不同的排列組合 it gives rise to many different permuions當你把它們加以分類
22、when you break them down and start tot仔細研究 就會很有意思 look at them carefully can be quite我所做的就是采用 So what Ive done is Ive taken斯滕伯格的愛的三要素 Sternbergs three elements of loveeresting.即親密和承諾imacypasand commitment然后列出當一個人完全沒有 and Ive listed out the different kinds of relationships有一種 兩種 或是三種時ould have if you
23、 had zero one two or three可能擁有的各種不同的關(guān)系 out of the three elements.我會使用斯滕伯格在他的理論中 And Im using names or types所使用的名稱和類型t sternberg uses in his theory.這些的確是按照他所說的去講These are really from him.有些類型是顯而易見的 Some of these are pretty obvious.如果你沒有親密感 沒有If you donveimacyif you donve pas沒有承諾 那你就沒有愛情 if you donve
24、commitmentyou donve love.斯滕伯格稱之為無愛 這是個術(shù)語 Sternberg calls this non-love.實際上 他想說的是 And essentially what hes sayingts the technical term.現(xiàn)在 你和坐在身邊的人的關(guān)系 is the relationship you now have to theyousitting next to假設(shè)你身邊坐的是隨便一個人 presumingt youre sitting next to a random不是你大學里認識的t you didnt know from your col
25、lege的關(guān)系可能就是無愛is probably non-love.如果還存在別的關(guān)系If its something else可以在講座結(jié)束時一下 we could talk about i或者是一會我提到時再說 or perhaps when I get to it in a moment.of the lecture現(xiàn)在讓加入一些要素Now lets start to add elements.imacy.讓加入親密感 Lets addThis is sharing secrets聯(lián)系感 結(jié)合感 a feeling of closenessconnectedness這是在是種親近感如果
26、對但沒有bonding.擁有這種感情Lets say we havet with someonebut we donve past isno sexual arousal也就是說 沒有性喚起也沒有承諾要維持這段關(guān)系 And no commitment to maahe relationship.這就是喜歡 斯滕伯格稱之為喜歡 This is liking. Sternberg calls it liking.大多數(shù)典型的友誼中 And liking is really what is happeningost typical friendshipsnot your closest friend
27、ship都有著這種感情這里指的不是密友而是普通朋友 but friendships of a casual kind.一些 You feel closeyou share certain informationwith你感到親近 你會和這個人t并不會和其他的許多人的信息t you dont share with other- many oth但你并沒有生理上的吸引 but youre not physically attractedeople也沒有想要長期維持這種關(guān)系 and theres no particular commitment to maaining this的某種承諾 for a
28、 long period of time.如果你并未感受到親密 Nowwhat if youre notimate也沒作出承諾 youre not committed但卻充滿你感到性喚起 but youre pasate; you feelt sexual arousal.這就是斯滕伯格所稱的迷戀This is what Sternberg would call infatuation.這個術(shù)語可能同樣適用于你 Andt term probably works for you too癡迷的愛 也就是一見鐘情 infatuated love我不認識你 I dont know youand thi
29、s is love atsight.從未過任何Weve never shared any secrets因為并不相識 because I dont know you的關(guān)系 Im not committed to defining this as anything我沒有義務(wù)界定我對未來也沒有承諾 Im not committed to the future.事實上 我對未來連想都沒想過 In fact Im not thinking about the future.的只有當下Im thinking about right now我深深地被你吸引but boyam I attracted.是的
30、這就是迷戀 Right.ts infatuation and也就是斯滕伯格所說的癡迷的愛ts what Sternberg means by infatuated love.第三種只含單一要素的關(guān)系是 The third kind of one-element relationship is沒有親密感 theres noimacy right沒有結(jié)合感 沒有親密 沒有no bondingno closeness no secrets沒有吸引 也沒有性喚起 no physical attractionno sexual arousal但天吶竟要維持這段關(guān)系 but by gosh we are
31、going to maahis relationship要始終對此負責 we are committed to it for all time.斯滕伯格稱之為空洞的愛Sternberg callst empty love.空洞的愛挺有意思的 empty love is kind oferesting.的最終階段 Its often the final stage of long-term relationshipst這通常是長期關(guān)系have gone bad.互不交流 We dont share information with each other anymore沒了親密感 so there
32、s noimacy.對彼此不再有上的吸引 We dont feel physically attracted to each other anymoretheres no pas最好還是在一起 but wed better stay together for the kids沒有了但為了孩子right?或為了保存臉面最好還是在一起 Or weve got to stay together for appearansake最好在一起 or wed better stay together或者煩because finanlly it would be a disaster if we dont否則
33、經(jīng)濟狀況就會出等等 各種親密或者以外的原因 or all of the reasons othernimacy and pas都可以使人們對對方作出承諾t people might commit to each other.這就是斯滕伯格所稱的空洞的愛ts what Sternberg calls empty love.有趣的是 Now whatseresting is包辦的社會里 in societies where marriages are arranged在這種狀況往往是戀愛關(guān)系的第一階段 this is often thestage of a love relationship.這兩
34、個人可能從未謀面 These two people who have maybe never seen each other before從未過因此并無親密感可言 who have never shared secrets so theres noimacy他們從來 他們并不知道 who have never-dont know是否會被彼此的身體吸引 if theyre physically attracted to each other到了婚禮當天他們才見面 and on their wedding day revealed to each other并彼此根據(jù)法律作出承諾 and comm
35、itted legally有時這種承諾還帶有色彩 and sometimes religiously to each other.對吧 于是雙方有了承諾 Right? The commitment is there但除此之外 還什么都沒有 But moment nothing else might be there.當然 有趣的是 Whatseresting of course ist這類關(guān)系的離婚率 such relationships dont seem to have any greater chance of ending indivorce并不比因愛情而結(jié)婚的人離婚率更高n peop
36、le who marry for love.視聽 But theres a big confound但這有一點對這類關(guān)系進行的研究中有一個大問題 theres a big problem in studies of those kind of relationships.是什么問題呢 有人回答嗎 What might it be? Anybody.所述情況可能會問題呢 What might be the problemhe sement這種關(guān)系 I just madet these kind of relationships我剛和因愛情而結(jié)合的一樣 are just as likely to
37、survive都能維持下去 as people who marry for love?請講對了包辦Yes.這種情況可能會發(fā)生在 Yeah. So they may occur;更可能會發(fā)生在 theyre more likely to occur in societies不贊成離婚的社會里t frown on divorce.這些社會中離婚的社會成本很高They make it very costly solly costlyto divorce所以人們會出于種種原因在一起 so then they stay together for all kinds of reasons但不總是什么好的原
38、因 not alway好的 三選二也不壞是誰唱的呢ch good ones. Now who was it who sang the song Two Out ofThree ABad?是肉塊嗎 搖滾音樂人Wast Meoaf?oaf.是誰 就是肉塊Who was it? It was Me好的 布朗教授說是肉塊那就是肉塊了 It was Me. Professor Bloom says it was Meoaf.oaf.都說 有歌手叫肉塊嗎Youre all sayingthere was a singer called Meoaf?肉塊唱的三選二也不壞Meoaf sang the song
39、 Two Out of Three ABad.看看三選二 Lets see讓是不是真的還不壞 if two out of three abad.如果你有親密感 What if you havewe share secretsimacy充滿但彼此吸引 paswe feel physically attracted to each other并不會相互承諾but were not making any commitments here.斯滕伯格稱之為浪漫式愛情Sternberg callst romlove.這種關(guān)系有著吸引This is physical attraction緊密聯(lián)系 卻沒有承諾
40、 with close bonding but no commitment羅密歐和朱麗葉初次相見時就是如此 Romeo and Jut when theymet.一段戀愛關(guān)系開始時都類似于這樣 This is all familiar when relationship starts.彼此喜歡 被對方的身體吸引 We like each otherIm physically attracted to each other我喜歡和你在一起的時光 I-to youI enjoy spending time with you但我不會做出任何長期承諾 but Im not making any lon
41、g-term commitments.因此我甚至不愿意用愛這個詞來描述describingSo Im not even willing to use the L word in之間的關(guān)系對嗎 what it is we have. Right?中可能有不少人都經(jīng)歷過這種關(guān)系 Many of you mighve been in relationships of thissort.這就是浪漫 浪漫式愛情ts romance.ts romlove.如果彼此之間有親密感 Nowwhat if you haveimacyWe share secrets with each other特別的吸引 but
42、 theres no particular physical attraction但上沒不過都對這段關(guān)系都有承諾 but we are really committed to this relationship.斯滕伯格稱這種關(guān)系為友誼之愛This is what Sternberg calls companionaove.這就是密友之間的關(guān)系 This is your best friend.承諾彼此坦誠 We are committed to sharingimacy承諾做朋友to being friends forever但是這里不含吸引 But physical attraction
43、is not part of the equation here.這種關(guān)系在某種程度上 可能是 This is sort of the-maybe古希臘對某種戀愛關(guān)系的理想型 the Greek ideal in relationships of some kind. What if we have pasIm sexually attracted to you好的 如果你對我有性有但并不親密 but noimacy.我不怎么想了解你 I dont want to really knowt much about you也不怎么想讓你知道事情 I dont want to really shar
44、e anything of me with you不過我一心想要 but I am committed to maaining保持之間上的相互吸引 this physical attraction to you這種感覺被斯滕伯格稱為愚昧的愛Wellts what Sternberg calls fatuous love.這種求愛就如旋風一般Its a whirlwind courtship.仿佛好萊塢里的浪漫情節(jié) Its a Hollywood romance.這可能會導(dǎo)致一場閃婚 It might lead to a shotgun wedding.也許你會發(fā)現(xiàn)自己在拉斯維Maybe you
45、 find yourself in Las Vegas結(jié)婚了一天半 and you get married for a day這并不是個好主意 and a half and then realizet this wasnt such a good idea.然后也許你叫布蘭妮 你是個歌手 And maybe your name is Britney and youre a singer.不管怎么說這就是愚昧的愛懂的Well anyway youve got the idea.ts fatuous love.可以說只在性方面互相承諾 We are basically committed to e
46、ach other for sex但這種關(guān)系很難持久 but its very hard to make those relationships last a long time可能毫無共同點 because we might nove anything in common因為可能什么也不交流 we might not share anything with each other可能互不信任 we might not trust each other彼此之間也沒有特殊的聯(lián)系 we are not particularly bonded to each other.另一方面 如果你三要素兼?zhèn)?O
47、n the other handif you have all three和承諾都有imacypascommitment親密這就是斯滕伯格所稱的完整的愛This is consummaove according to Sternberg.是一種完整的愛 Compleove.這就是斯滕伯格對愛的定義 This is how he defines love.好了 現(xiàn)在知道了愛的定義 Okay. So now you have a definition of love and you can now的家庭作業(yè)就是 今晚坐下來 as aassignmentsit down tonightyou kno
48、w列張寫上所有你認識的人 and make a list of every再寫上愛的三要素 by the three elements of love在表格的小格子里打鉤 and just start putting the check marks再計算你個人與別人之間的愛的分數(shù) and tallying up your這作業(yè)不用上交 And we dont want to collect those.he boxesal love box score.也查 不過這個作業(yè)很有趣 We dont even want to see those but you can have fun witht.
49、你還可以讓別人做 Then you can ask the oth相互比較 and you can compare with each other.eople tot too如果你能通過這個練習And if you all survive this exercise你就會因此變得更好 youll be better for it.是那些未能將你殺死的事物使你變得更強 What doesnt kill you makes you stronger.這就是練習背后的意義ts the idea behindt exercise.好的 如今社會心理學對愛的研究實際上已經(jīng)成了對吸引的研究 has bee
50、n a so. Now the sol psychology of love reallyl psychology of attraction.是什么讓人們感到彼此吸引呢 What makes people find each other attractive?什么讓人們想要親近 What makes them want to beimate?什么讓人們會對彼此有身體欲求 What makes them physically desirable to each other?什么可能會導(dǎo)致承諾 What might lead to a commitment作出承諾的決定 讓一段關(guān)系持續(xù)下去 a
51、deci relationship last?真是太好了 This is just so nice.講座是愛Im giving this lecture on loveto make a commitment to makethe而倆坐排 手拉著手 and the two of you are holding hands herehe front row.真是 而且 Its really- and-三要素兼?zhèn)鋯?親密感All three elements presentimacy pas嗯 好啦 好的只是檢測一下啦Yeah. Okay. Good.Just checking.好的 Okay.有
52、趣的是 在社會心理學中的吸引So whats attractioneresting about the sol psychology of會關(guān)注七個變量 is is focused on seven variables.我把它們分為兩組 And Ive divided theseo two groups三大變量和另外四個更有趣的變量 the big three and the moreeresting four.我所指的三大變量是指這三個非常有幾乎沒必要詳細And I call them the big-the big three are的變量 three variablest the eff
53、ects are soerfultthey almost dont need to be discusseduch detail.而更有趣的四點變量才是 The moreeresting four are我這次講座要重點的the ones Im going to focus on因為它們更為微妙 because theyre a bit more subtlehis lecture而且可能聞所未聞 and they may be thingst youve never heard of before.但先大致說一下三大要素 But lets quickly talk about the big
54、 three.要理解三大要素 The way to understand the big three is就要理解一切其他條件同等的情況下with the phrase all other things being equal.在一切其他條件同等的情況下all other things being equal人們發(fā)現(xiàn)自己與空間距離較近的人 people who find themselves in close spatial proximity to each other例如在參加講座時共用一個椅子扶手的人 like sharing an armrest in a lecture更容易相互吸引
55、 will be more likely to be attracted to each other也更容易發(fā)展為戀愛關(guān)系 and form a rom這是在一切其他條件同等的情況下Okayrelationship.all other things being equal.這一點已經(jīng)通過許多有趣的方法得到證明 Now this has been tested in lots ofways.eresting在紐約市曾進行過一些研究 Studies have been donehe City of New York如果你曼哈頓 where you can if you liveanhattan你就
56、能很好地了解到 you can actually get a very nice metric of在城區(qū)里人們住所間的相對距離 how far apart people live from each other in city blocks.對吧 你可以使用一個網(wǎng)格圖 Right? You have a nice grid pattern還可以用一個城市街區(qū)的度量表 and you can use a city block metric計算每個人的住所相隔多遠 to add up the number of blocks bet住得更近的人 And people who live more
57、closely together aren peoples doors.更容易形成戀愛關(guān)系 more likely to end up in romrelationships with each other.這似乎很明顯 對吧 It seems kind of obvious. Right?大學校園里情況也一樣 This even works on college cuses.可以按英尺計算你的宿舍 We can measure in feet the distance betroomn the door to your離校園里任何一個同學宿舍的距離 and the door to every
58、 other room of a student on c這種可能性之間會有相關(guān)性 and there will be a correlation betn the likelihood of這是一種負相關(guān)Its a negative correlationus即和一個人發(fā)展為戀愛關(guān)系的可能性 -the likelihood of gettingo與你和此人的房間距離 a romrelationship wiand the number of feet之間的相關(guān)性 betn your door andts door.離得遠近 越有可能發(fā)展為戀愛關(guān)系 The fewer feet relatio
59、nship一切其他條件同等的情況下 All other things being equal.themorelikelyarom一切其他條件同等的情況下 Now是個很強的限制 is a big qualifier.all other things being equal是吧 不過如果能在統(tǒng)計上 Right? But if we could sistically控制每個其他變量 control for every other variable那我所要做的 All Id need tos measure the distance就是測量你的房間 from your door to到學校里其他人房間
60、的距離 everybody elses door on cus然后我就能在圖表上標出 and I could chart out whos going to fall in love with耶魯大學校園內(nèi)誰會愛上誰 whom on the Yale c但 這個想法有點兒 Now this idea in a way is我也不知道 I dont know.us.也許有點兒Maybe its a little counteruitive.認為 There is a kind of cultural myyou dont knowround the stranger有一種關(guān)于陌生人的文化你不認識
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