1、ENGLISH FOR GRADUATE STUDENTSExcuse NotesUnit OneExcuses, ExcusesFrank McCourt was born in Brooklyn, New York, to Irish immigrant parents. Unable to find work in the depths of the Depression, the McCourts returned to Ireland, where they sunk deeper into the poverty McCourt describes so movingly in h
2、is memoir, Angelas Ashes. About the authorMcCourts father, an alcoholic, was often without work. He drank up what little money he earned and eventually abandoned the family altogether. Three of the seven children died of diseases aggravated by malnutrition and the squalor of their surroundings. Fran
3、k McCourt himself nearly died of typhoid fever when he was ten. Despite the horrors of McCourts childhood, he told his story with humor, brilliant description, and deep compassion for his family, even for the shiftless father who instilled in him a love of language and storytelling. After quitting s
4、chool at 13, Frank McCourt alternated between odd jobs and petty crime in an effort to feed himself, his mother, and four surviving brothers and sisters. At 19, he returned to the United States and worked at odd jobs until he was drafted into the United States Army at the onset of the Korean War. Mc
5、Court spent the war stationed in Germany and on his return to civilian life was able to pursue a college education on the G.I. Bill. Although he had never attended high school, he was able to persuade the admissions office of New York University to accept him as a student. Although his childhood int
6、erest in language and storytelling were fed by creative writing classes and his own constant reading, he did not feel ready to pursue as career as a professional writer. On graduation, he went to work for the New York City Public School system, where he taught for the next 27 years.After years of te
7、aching creative writing to young people, McCourt determined to write his own life story. Angelas Ashes sold over 4 million copies, has been published in 27 countries and has been translated into 17 languages. It won McCourt the National Book Critics Circle Award, the Los Angeles Times Book Award, th
8、e ABBY Award and the Pulitzer Prize for Biography.His second book, Tis, picked up the story of his life where Angelas Ashes left off, with his arrival in America at age 19. It shot to the top of the best-seller lists as soon as it was published. His 2005 memoir, Teacher Man, chronicled his 27-year c
9、areer in the New York City school system. Like its predecessor, it was an instant bestseller. Frank McCourt died in New York City at the age of 78. Attila (A.D. 406453), also known as Attila the Hun, was the Emperor of the Huns from 434 until his death in 453. He was leader of the Hunnic Empire whic
10、h stretched from Germany to the Ural River and from the River Danube to the Baltic Sea During his rule, he was one of the most fearsome of the Western and Eastern Roman Empires enemies: he invaded the Balkans twice and marchedthrough Gaul (modern France) as far as Orleans before being defeated at th
11、e Battle of Chalons. He refrained from attacking either Constantinople or Rome. His story, that the Sword of Attila had come to his hand by miraculous means, was reported by the Roman Priscus Lee Harvey Oswald (October 18, 1939 November 24, 1963) was, according to three United States government inve
12、stigations, the assassin of U.S. President John F. Kennedy, who was fatally shot on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas. An Ex United States Marine who defected to the Soviet Union and later returned, Oswald was arrested on suspicion of killing Dallas police officer J. D. Tippit and later connected
13、to the assassination of President Kennedy. Oswald denied any responsibility for the murders. Two days later, while being transferred under police custody from the city jail to the county jail, Oswald was shot and mortally wounded by Jack Ruby on live television. In 1964 the Warren Commission conclud
14、ed that Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated President John F. Kennedy single-handedly, a conclusion also reached by prior investigations of the FBI and the Dallas Police Department. In 1979, the United States House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) concluded, based largely on outdated acoustic ev
15、idence, that Oswald assassinated Kennedy “probably as a result of a conspiracy.Julius Rosenberg (May 12, 1918 June 19, 1953) and Ethel Greenglass Rosenberg (September 28, 1915 June 19, 1953) were American communists who were executed in 1953 after having been found guilty of conspiracy to commit esp
16、ionage. The charges were in relation to the passing of information about the atomic bomb to the Soviet Union. Their execution was the first of civilians, for espionage, in United States history. Al Capone is Americas best known gangster and the single greatest symbol of the collapse of law and order
17、 in the United States during the 1920s Prohibition era. Capone had a leading role in the illegal activities that lent Chicago its reputation as a lawless city. E.g. 1Someone stole my credit card and forged my signature. 有人偷了我的信用卡,并假冒我的簽名。2a forged passport 偽造的護照Forgeto make an illegal copy of someth
18、ing in order to deceive:偽造,鑄造E.g.1This ring is genuine gold. 這枚戒指是真金的。2All genuine knowledge originates in direct experience. 一切真知都是從直接經(jīng)驗發(fā)源的。3a genuine signature 親筆簽字4a genuine person誠懇的人5a genuine breed 純種2. genuineIf something is genuine, it is real and exactly what it appears to be:真的E.g.1) They
19、dispensed new clothes to the children in the orphanage. 他們把新衣服發(fā)給孤兒院的小孩們。2Weve allocated a sum of money to education. 我們已經(jīng)撥出了一筆教育經(jīng)費。3. distributeto give something out to several people, or to spread or supply something分發(fā),發(fā)送E.g.1You have omitted my name in from the list. 你把我的名字從名單上漏掉了。2He omitted to s
20、tate his reasons. 他未表達理由。4. omitto fail to include or do something省略,疏忽E.g.a hopeless plight絕望的境地be in a sorry pitiable, wretched plight處境困窘He is in a sad plight.他陷入了悲慘的境地。5. plight an unpleasant condition, especially a serious, sad or difficult one處境,狀態(tài)。E.g.1) I can attest to the absolute truth of
21、his story. 我可以證實他的話是千真萬確的。2) The childs good health attests his mothers care. 這孩子健康的身體證實他母親照料周到。3)I have said nothing that I am not ready to attest. 我發(fā)誓, 我說的話句句屬實。4)The handwriting expert attested to the genuineness of the signature. 筆跡專家作證該簽名無訛。6. attest to show something or to say or prove that so
22、mething is true證明。E.g.1to glance at ones watch 看一下表2) She glanced along the road to see if he was coming. 她沿路掃視著,看他是否要來了。3) He glanced at his watch and then looked at the sky. 他看了看手表,然后又看了看天空。glance at to give a quick short look 看一下;一瞥;掃視E.g. turn coins into paper money把硬幣換成紙幣Can you turn this artic
23、le into Chinese?你能把這篇文章譯成漢語嗎?2. turn intochange into進入, (使)變成E.g.1) He urged her to rest. 他催促她休息。2)When my old friend Brian urged me to accept a cigarette, it was more than I could bear. 當(dāng)我的老朋友布賴恩慫恿我接受一支香煙時,我實在熬不住了。3. Urge to having a strong wish to do something強烈欲望做某事1. I had seen Mikey writing the
24、 note at his desk, see somebody doing something “看見某人正在做某事 例: I saw her cleaning the classroom. 我看到她正在掃打教室強調(diào)正在做某事 I saw him coming towards the school building. 我看見他朝學(xué)校大樓走來. I saw them watching TV. 我看見他們正在看電視.我看見邁克正在寫假條,1. I had seen Mikey writing the note at his desk, .be supposed to do something :意
25、為“應(yīng)該 ;“被期望,它可以用來表示勸告、建議、義務(wù)、責(zé)任等, “強調(diào)客觀上 。例:He is supposed to work hard. 他應(yīng)該努力工作。 Everyone is supposed to wear a seat-belt in the car. 每個人在汽車里都應(yīng)該系平安帶。 Teachers are supposed to treat all the students alike. 老師應(yīng)該對所有的學(xué)生一視同仁。 2. Theyre supposed to be written by parents, 那些假條應(yīng)該是由他們的父母寫才對,2. Theyre supposed
26、 to be written by parents, sooner or later遲早E.g.1) He hasnt got any money, so hes bound to turn up sooner or later. 他沒有錢, 所以, 他必定會出現(xiàn)的。2) You should tell her, because shell find out sooner or later. 你還是告訴她吧, 因為她遲早會覺察的.3)You will leave your parents sooner or later. 你遲早會離開父母的3. Sooner or later, I figur
27、ed, everyone needed an excuse. 我捂出,總有一天,人人需要借口。 3. Sooner or later, I figured, everyone needed an excuse. 借口,借口弗蘭克 麥考特學(xué)生杜撰了種種假條,我把它們用作一堂課的教案1我在紐約史坦頓島的拉爾夫麥基職業(yè)學(xué)校教?創(chuàng)意寫作?已經(jīng)到第三個年頭了。一天早晨,我的一個學(xué)生,16歲的米奇,遞過來一張請假條,解釋他缺席的原因。上面寫到: 2“親愛的麥考特先生:米奇的外婆,也就是我媽,今年80歲了。由于咖啡喝多了,從樓梯上掉了下來,所以我得把米奇留在家,照顧他祖母,還有他妹妹,我自己得去碼頭上班。請
29、當(dāng)我要求學(xué)生們寫個200字的作文時,他們牢騷滿腹,抱怨寫不出什么。但是寫起請假條來,卻文思泉涌?我收集的那些請假條,真該入選?美國假條大全?。它們是在歌曲、故事、研究中從未出現(xiàn)過的才智佳作。7這簡直是美國高中寫作的典范佳作,原創(chuàng),真實,緊迫的,明晰的,簡單,說謊。我讀到: 8我家爐子著火了,順著墻紙燒,消防隊員來忙了一夜,我們一宿沒睡 9 阿諾德完成了您布置的作業(yè),昨天乘坐地鐵的時候,書包被地鐵門夾住,車開走了,所以作業(yè)也沒了。10他妹妹的狗把他的作業(yè)給吃了,但愿這該死的狗給噎死。11我們從公寓被趕了出來,那個可惡的治安官說如果我的兒子一直嚷著要他的筆記本的話,他就把我們?nèi)甲テ饋怼?2杜撰這
30、些借口的作者沒有意識到老實的借口常常乏味,如:皮特遲到了是因為鬧鐘沒響。13 一天,我打印了十多份借口假條,把它們發(fā)給我的高年級班。學(xué)生們?nèi)褙炞?,安靜地閱讀。 “麥考特先生,是誰寫的?一男孩問道。14 “是你們寫的,我答復(fù)?!俺鲇诒Wo作者的目的,我劃掉姓名。這些假條按道理是由父母寫的,不過你們和我都知道真正的作者是誰,對吧,米奇?15 “那么我們接下來要做什么?16 “這是第一堂學(xué)習(xí)借口假條寫作藝術(shù)-第一次課堂練習(xí)寫作借口假條。你們很幸運要拿出你們的佳作,把它變成值得學(xué)習(xí)的主題。 17 每位學(xué)生面帶笑容。我接著說“你們不必只寫舊鬧鐘的故事。發(fā)揮你們的想象。也許有一天,你的孩子們上學(xué)遲到或缺席
31、或做了搗蛋事,你得為他們編借口。想象一下你有個15歲大的孩子需要編寫英語成績落后的理由。 我們開始吧。18學(xué)生們編撰了種種理由,從一輛16輪大車撞上房子到學(xué)校餐廳造成的嚴重食物中毒。他們紛紛說:“再寫一個,再寫一個。我們可以多寫點嗎?19我答道:“你們寫吧. “我完成了, “亞當(dāng)給上帝的請假條 “夏娃給上帝的請假條.這些學(xué)生唰唰唰地寫著,頭都不抬。20不久,下課鈴聲響起,我第一次看到學(xué)生如此沉浸在寫作中以致要他們的朋友催促著去吃午飯: 呦,勒尼,快點,等會再做。21第二天每人都帶來他們寫好的假條,請假人從亞當(dāng)?shù)较耐蓿鼜纳系鄣饺龅?。一名女生為亞?dāng)?shù)恼T惑辯白道:夏娃厭倦了在天堂里整天撒謊,無所事
32、事。也厭倦了上帝干預(yù)他們的生活。22學(xué)生就亞當(dāng)和夏娃的罪進行劇烈討論。雖然有些跡象,但是還沒有人對上帝說難聽的話。有學(xué)生說,上帝應(yīng)該對人類第一個男人和第一個女人的處境多些理解。23我讓全班同學(xué)思考任何一個可能找個好借口的歷史人物。我把自己的建議寫在了黑板上: 愛娃布勞恩,希特勒的女朋友;朱利葉斯與伊瑟爾羅森伯格,因賣國罪被處死;猶大;阿提拉;奧斯瓦耳德;鋁彭;24“呦,麥考特先生,你能把老師們也寫上去嗎? 一學(xué)生問。25然后,我聽到有人說,“麥考特先生,校長在門口。 26當(dāng)校長和學(xué)監(jiān)走進來時,我的心直往下沉。他們都沒和我打招呼,徑直走到學(xué)生面前,盯著看學(xué)生的作文。學(xué)監(jiān)拿了一份給校長看。27學(xué)監(jiān)皺了皺眉頭,校長撅起嘴。當(dāng)他們出去時,校長要我下課后去找學(xué)監(jiān)。28我想,又玩完了,等著被炒魷魚吧。校長坐在桌子旁,學(xué)監(jiān)那么站著?!罢堖M,學(xué)監(jiān)說?!拔抑幌敫嬖V你,這堂課,這個話題先不管你到底在做什么簡直太棒了!那些孩子到達了大學(xué)水平。 29他轉(zhuǎn)向校長說:“那個為猶大找借口寫假條的,太棒了。我要和你握握手, 他邊說邊轉(zhuǎn)向我,“你的檔案里會增加一封證明你富有活力和想象力的教學(xué)的信。謝謝你。30天哪!能得到如此重要人物的贊揚。我不知是應(yīng)該在過道上飄舞,還是縱身飛起來?第二天我得意地在教室里哼唱小調(diào)。31學(xué)生們放聲大笑。他們說:“嘿,學(xué)校每天都應(yīng)該這樣,我們寫借口假條,老師們突然引
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