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1、Formmatiion andd Vaariaatioon oof tthe Greeat Paccifiic GGarbbagee PaatchhAbsttracctIn tthiss paaperr, wwe bbuilld aa moodell byy uttiliize dynnamiic aanallog to exppounnd tthe forrmattionn off thhe ooceaan ggarbbagee paatchh.Our desstinnatiion is to traack thee liitteer ddebrris andd fooreccastt it

2、ts ffutuure conndittionns tto hhelpp maanaggingg itt. AAfteer tthe anaalyssis, wee fiind thaat tthe vellociity of traash allleviiatees aas ttimee gooes on. Trrashh dooes itss mootioon iin ttwo proobabble wayys, onee iss duue tto rresiistaancees ggiveen bby ssea watter, annd aanottherr iss duue tto d

3、dampped vvibrratiion. Byy ussingg cllasssic phyysiccal theeoriies, wee caaptuure maiin mmotiivess prropeelliing traash intto tthe South Paccifiic GGyree. TThatts hoow tthe greeat garrbagge ppatcch fformms.Accoordiing to theemoddel andd thhe iits ressultt, wwe fformmulaate thee moonittoriing proograa

4、m.Comppareed wwithh thhe pphyssicaal ttrutth, thee moodell allso hass soome unssatiisfaactoory asppectts, butt itt haas ssomee reeferrencce.IntrroduuctiionWherre eeverr iss thhe wworllds laargeest dummp? It is loccateed iin tthe Paccifiic OOceaan, aboout onee thhoussandd siix hhunddredd kiilommeteer

5、s wesst oof CCaliiforrniaa, caalleed tthe Greeat Paccifiic OOceaan GGarbbagee Paatchh. Acccorrdinng tto pperttineent datta11, it is tenn miilliion tonns oof ddebrris littterr thhat is pillingg upp thheree, llikee a plaastiic ssoupp whhen peooplee arre llookkingg ahheadd. AAnd 80 perrcennt oof tthe t

6、raash is froom mmainn coontiinennts, 100 peerceent connsissts of useed nnetss orr ottherr fiishiing toools andd thhe ootheer 110 pperccentt off trrashh iss frrom passsinng-bby sshipps. Mosst oof tthe garrbagge iislaandss arre iin ooceaanicc gyyress.Noowaddayss, aa wiide varrietty oof ttechhniccal an

7、dd sccienntiffic proobleems asssociiateed wwithh thhis debbriss maass areecommingg too liightt. BBut unttil noww, nno oone cann reeasoon ooutiits covveraage areea eexacctlyy annd tthe greeat ecoonommic losssess eccoloogiccal imppactt annd tthe Paccifiic OOceaan GGyree haas ccaussed.Longg-teerm efffe

8、cttiveemetthodds aare seaarchhed to objjecttiveely chaaraccterrizeethee Gyyre.Thee occeann cuurreent is tthe mecchannismmof thee Grreatt Paaciffic Oceean Garrbagge PPatcch. In ourr paaperr, wwe wwillltakke tthe souuth paccifiic ooceaan ggarbbagee paatchh foor eexammplee, ffocuusinng oon hhow thee de

9、ebriis llittter driiftss inn thhe ffluiid, asssembbless inn quuanttityy, ddisttribbutees unnderrthee efffecct oof ooceaan ccurrrentts iin.Aftterwwardds, in acccorddancce wwithh ouur mmodeel,wwe pprojjectt prroceessrreassonaablee suuggeestiionss too moonittor thee Gyyre, trrackkingg itts grrowtth.Ass

10、uumpttionnsRegaardllesss off tiime andd geeogrraphhicaal pposiitioons iimpaactss onn thhe sspeeed oof tthe oceean currrennts, wee coonsiiderr thhe sspeeed aas cconsstannt vvaluue.Accoordiing to thee daatumm2, wee deesiggnatte tthe speeed of thee weest winnd ddrifftvp1as 1.44 kmm/h, thhat of Perru CC

11、urrrenttvp2as 1 km/h, thaat oof tthe souuth equuatooriaal wwarmm cuurreent as vp33 kkm/hh, tthatt off thhe nnortth AAusttrallia currrennt aas vvp41.44 kmm/h.Regaard thee fllow of thee cuurreentss ass sttatiionaary floow aand thee seeawaaterr ass Neewtooniaan ffluiid, whiich meaans thee viiscoositty

12、oof tthe seaawatter is connstaant.Conssideer tthe levvel of thee seea iis iin llamiinarr fllow.The masss ppoinnts mmotiion in thee seea ccan be infflueenceed bby tthe oceean currrennt nno mmattter howw faar tthe malll ppoinnt iis aawayy frrom it.The masss ppoinnts mmotiion is synntheesizzed by thee

13、suub-mmoveemennt oof pper oceean currrenntreegarrdleess of efffectts oof ootheer ffacttors.The ModdelIn oour moddel, wee wiill utiilizze ddynaamicc annaloog tto eexpooundd thhe fformmatiion of thee oceaan ggarbbagee paatchh.Thee moodell suubsttituutessstrraigght linnes forroceean currrennts whiich f

14、orrm tthe gyrre, iin tthe moddeltthe oriienttatiion of thee sttraiightt liine reppressenttatiive of thee fllow dirrecttionn annd tthe speeed vallue rettrosspecct tto tthe asssumpptioon NNo.44. SSequuenttiallly, wee siimpllifyy thhe pphyssicaal ttrutth aas tthatt shhownn inn thhe ffiguure 1. (Due to

15、thee chhangge oof tthe dirrecttionn off thhe PPeruu Cuurreent on passsagge, thee siimpllifiied moddel repplacces toww sttraiightt liiness, wwhicch aare of thee saame speeed butt diiffeerennt ddireectiion, off thhe PPeruu Cuurreent.)Figuure 1:tthe Disstriibuttionn off thhe OOceaan CCurrrentts iin tth

16、e Souuth Paccifiic OOceaanThenn,ouur mmodeel ttalkks ooverr hoow tthe oceean currrennt eeffeect thee maass poiints mmoveemennt, morre sspeccifiicallly, thhe eeffeect on thee veeloccityy off thhe ddireectiion parralllel to thee liine andd peerpeendiicullar to thee liine.Lets ddisccusss thhe eeffeect

17、on thee maass poiints vveloocitty oof tthe dirrecttionn paaralllell too thhe llinee fiirsttly.Accoordiing to thee asssummptiion No.3 aand No.4 aand thee reelattivee innforrmattionn3, wwe ccan desscriibe thee occeann cuurreent floow aas oone-dimmenssionnal steeadyy fllow. Onn thhe bbasiis oof NNaviie

18、r-Stookess Eqquattionn shhow bellowY meeanss thhe mmasss foorcee off thhe ddireectiion Y-aaxiss, iin oour moddel; mmeanns tthe dennsitty oof ssea watter; meeanss thhe kkineemattic visscossityy off seea wwateer, , meeanss thhe ddynaamicc viiscoositty oof ssea watter. Wee caan ssimppliffy tthe equuati

19、ion aboove andd geet tthe onee beelowwInteegraate andd geet (1)So wwe pplugg toow bbounndarry ccondditiionss (22) sshowwn bbeloow iintoo thhe fformmulaa (11)inteegraal cconsstannt iis ddeteermiinedd ,Sincce, so(2)We ccan makke aa cooncllusiion thaat tthe masss ppoinnts vveloocitty iin tthe dirrectti

20、onn paaralllell too thhe ooceaan ccurrrentt iss thhe ssamee ass thhat of thee occeann cuurreent.Secoondlly wwe ffocuus oon tthe masss ppoinnt veeloccityy inn thhe ddireectiion perrpenndicculaar tto tthe oceean currrennts ddireectiion.Haviing conssulttedsoome matteriialss4,we deccidee thhat thee occe

21、ann cuurreents iimpaact on flooateers in thee diirecctioon pperppenddicuularr too thhe ooceaan ccurrrentts ddireectiion is equuivaalennt tto wwavee daampeed oosciillaatioon.Thee faarthher awaay ffromm thhe wwavee soourcce, thee weeakeer tthe osccilllatiion is, whhichh meeanss inn ouur mmodeel tthatt

22、 thhe ssmalllerr thhe ffloaaterrs vveloocitty iin tthe dirrecttionn peerpeendiicullar to thee occeann cuurreents ddireectiion is. Annd tthe vellociity vallue is (3)A meeanss osscilllattionn raangee,; meeanss thhe ddamppingg cooeffficiientt, ; d mmeanns tthe disstannce thee poointt frrom thee soourcc

23、e oor tthe linne; thee evvoluutioon mmeanns vveloocitty iis tthe eneergyys evvoluutioon.The disstannce d iis ddeteermiinedd byy thhe fformmulaa beeloww (4) Thhen we shoouldd deecidde tthe equuatiionss off thhe sstraaighht llinees off thhe ooceaan ccurrrentts. Acccorddingg too thhe ffiguure 1 aand ou

24、rr esstimmatiion of thee innterrceppts, thhe eequaatioons aree shhownn beelowwSo tthe disstanncess thhat anyy poointt awway froom tthe linnes areeSubsstittutiing d1,d2,d3,d4,d5 foor dd inn thhe fformmulaa (33), we cann geet tthe vellociitiees iin tthe dirrecttionn peerpeendiicullar to thee occeann c

25、uurreentss diirecctioons vc11, vvc2, vc3 , vc44 ,vvc5.Becaausee thhe ffarttherr thhe ppoinnts awway froom tthe oceean currrennt tthe smaalleer iits vellociity in thee peerpeendiicullar dirrecttionn iss,wee reealiize thee smmalller itss veeloccityy iss thhe bbiggger itss prresssuree iss acccorrdinng

26、tto Beernooullli EEquaatioon44. Thhereeforre, in thee diirecctioon pperppenddicuularr too thhe ooceaan ccurrrentts fflowwingg diirecctioon,thee foorcee diirecctioon iis ooppoositte tto tthe vellociity graadieent, diirecctinng tto tthe linne.Now forr anny ppoinnt iin tthe cooordiinatte,tthe vellociit

27、y is knoown. Whhen it movves to anootheer nnew possitiion, thhe vveloocitty aat tthiss tiime, whhichh keeepss thhe mmasss poointt moovinng, is dettermmineed bby tthe neww reelattionnshiip bbetwweenn thhe pposiitioon aand thee liine.We eestaabliish thee cooorddinaate bassed on thee laatittudee annd l

28、longgituude, thhe oorigginaal ppoinnt llocaatedd innthee poointt off innterrsecctioon oof eeastternn lonngittudee 1550 ddegrreess annd ssouttherrn llatiitudde 660 ddegrreess, iilluustrrateed iin tthe figguree 1. v1, vv2, vv3, vv4 annd vv5 aare thee veeloccitiies of thee cuurreentss, aand () arre cco

29、unnterrcloockwwisee anglles bettweeen tthe dirrecttionns oof vveloocitty aand thee X-axiis aaxlee ass shhownn inn thhe ffiguure 1.We ddisccusss hoow eeverry ooceaan ccurrrentt immpaccts a mmasss poointt seeparrateely.A mmasss poointt unnderr thhe wwestt wiind driifts iimpaact,thee suub-vveloocitties

30、s inn thhe ddireectiion of X-aaxiss annd YY-axxis aree (5)v1xmmeanns tthe masss ppoinnts vveloocitty iin tthe dirrecttionn off X-axiis; v1yy meeanss thhe mmasss poointts vveloocitty iin tthe dirrecttionn off Y-axiis.Simmilaarlyy avvaillabllefoormuula cann bee goot bbeloow (66) (77)(8)(9)So uundeer t

31、the acttionn off thhe ffivee sttreaams of oceean currrennts, thhe vveloocitty oof XX-axxis is (100)andtthe vellociity of X-aaxiss iss (111)Assuuminng tthatt thhe iinittiall poosittionn off anny ppoinnt iis , wee haave tesstiffiedd thhe vveloocitty aat aany timme iis aavaiilabble, soo thhe pposiitioo

32、n oof tthe poiint at anyy tiime is alsso ddoubbtleess. Wee caan ssolvve tthe vallue by inttegrral.(12) Whhen thee nuumbeer oof ppoinnts is bigg ennouggh tto ssimuulatte tthe traack of thee liitteer ddebrris,we cann usse mmatllab to illlusttratte tthe possitiionss off poointts,tthe tenndenncy of litt

33、terr acccummulaatioon, whhichh beeneffitss deesiggn aand impplemmenttourr pllanss too moonittor thee oceaan ggarbbagee patcch. Att laast, wee siimullatee thhe pproccesss off thhe aaccuumullatiion as shoown in thee fiigurre 22 beeloww.Figuure 2: thee Teendeencyy off thhe AAccuumullatiion of thee Liit

34、teer DDebrrisLittter debbriss iss faar aawayy frrom thee Gyyre at thee beeginnninng, forr exxampple, thhe llittter dummpedd frrom thee Soouthh Ammeriica flooatss inn thhe pplacce nnearr A. Wiith thee efffecct oof tthe currrennts andd tiime goiing, itt keeepss moovinng , foolloowinng tthe laww wee an

35、nalyyzedd beeforre, aloong dettermmineed eeye loccus shoown in thee fiigurre 22 unntill itt reeachh thhe aareaa E wheere thee reesulltannt fforcce oon tthe littterr iss neear to zerro. It is thee saame as thee liitteer iin tthe areea oof BB annd DD. BBut forr C, ouur mmodeel sseemms aapprroprriatte

36、tto tthe plaace C, andd wee wiill anaalyzze tthe reaasonn laaterr.Moniitorringg ProggrammIn tthe areea ooff thee shhoree off thhe nnortth oof AAusttrallia (thhe zzonee shhownn inn thhe ffiguure 2 wwhosse xx raangees ffromm -220000 too 0 andd y ranngess frrom 0 tto 440000) aand of thee weesteern coaa

37、st of thee Soouthh Ammeriica (thhe zzonee shhownn inn thhe ffiguure 2 wwhosse xx raangees ffromm 80000 to 100000 andd y ranngess frrom 0 tto 440000 ), whheree liitteer ddebrris acccumuulattes in a llargge aamouunt or thee diistrrictt peeoplle hhighhly amaass, wee caan sset fiffty monnitoorinng pplat

38、tforrms in alll, wwhicch aare undder thee coontrrol of exppertts aand schholaars whoo wiill do meaasurremeent terrmlyy too maasteer tthe dennsitty aand thee diistrribuutioon oof tthe greeat garbbagee patcch ggyree inn thhe ppaciificc occeann.In tthe zonne bbetwweenn thhe ssoutth eequaatorriall waarm

39、 currrennt, whoose x rrangges froom 00 too 80000 andd y ranngess frrom 30000 tto 550000, aand thee weest winnd ddrifft, whoose x rrangges froom 00 too 80000 andd y ranngess frrom -10000 to 10000,wwe ccansset cerrtaiin ddrogguess inn evveryy unnit areea, in ordder to meaasurre tthe amoountt off thhe

40、llittter.In aaddiitioon tto tthe iteems,thee moonittoriing shiips shoouldd bee arrranngedd too thhe GGyree too coolleect sammplees, whiich invvolvvethhe ddenssityy, tto fforeecasstvaariaatioon ttenddenccy bby ddataa sttatiistiics.Withh thhe ddeveeloppmennt oof tthe tecchnoologgy, somme hhighh addvan

41、ncedd tooolss caan bbe ddeplloieedinn thhis fieeld to monnitoor oor hhanddle thee liitteer.The ressourrcinng tthe monnitoorinng pproggramm neeedss issofffshoore plaatfoormss,drroguues, thhe mmoniitorringg shhipss annd sso oon, thee moonittoriing insstruumennts connsisstinng oofseensoor uunitts, andd

42、 unnitss foor ccolllecttingg annd sstorringg daata, unnitss foor pproccesssingg daata, unnitss foor ccommmuniicattionn annd rrelaativveauuxilliarry eequiipmeentss. IIn aaddiitioon, a llargge qquanntitty oof aand exccelllenttmannpowwer ressourrce is in demmandd.Itt iss noot oonlyy hiigh techh testtin

43、gg faciilittiess anndthhe ttaleent of higgh qquallityy buut aalsooenvviroonmeentaal pphillosoophyy thhat cann moonittor or eveen ssavee thhe hhumaan bbeinngs.Modeel EEvalluattinggAdvaantaagessThrooughhthee annalyysiss off thhe mmainn reeasoon wwhicch ccausses thee liitteer ddebrris to movve iin tthe

44、 seaa,ourr moodell asscerrtaiins thhatiit iis tthe Gyrre tthatt drrivees tthe littterr deebriis. Theen wwe ffindd ouut tthe sollutiion to thee prrobllem howw too deeterrminne tthe vellociity of masss ppoinnts. Byy innteggrall, iit iis eeasyy too deescrribeethee trrackk off liitteer ddebrris moovemme

45、ntt annd iits possitiion at anyy tiime. Thhat is connvenniennt ffor us to forrecaast thee exxtennd ,dennsitty aand disstriibuttionn.Comppareed wwithh thhe pphyssicaal ttrutth iilluustrrateed iin tthe figguree 3 in thee poosittionn inn whhichh thhe llittter acccumuulattes,it is obvviouuslyy thhat our

46、r moodell appprooachhes to thee phhysiicall trruthh.Figuure 3: thee Phhysiicall Trruthh off thhe PPaciificc Occeann Gaarbaage PattchOur moddel cann fooreccastt thhe wwholle ggarbbagee paatchhsdriiftaage, annd ootheerwiise cann siimullatee a masss ppoinnts.Thhat willl bbe eeconnomiicall too trrackk s

47、oome masss ppoinnts to gaiin tthe whoole garrbagge ppatcch iinfoormaatioon.LimiitattionnsBy aanallysiis iin ddetaail, thheree arre aalsoo soome devviattionns caan bbe ffounnd bbetwweenn thhe rresuultss off ouur mmodeel aand thee phhysiicall trruthh. TTo ssomee deegreee, ourr moodellsacccuraacy is lo

48、ww, aand thee reeasoons aree liisteed bbeloow.In oour moddel, wee taake thee daatumm off thhe ssomee maain oceean currrennts, buut tthe commpleex ccondditiionss arre cchanngeaablee inn thhe ssea, thhe ssourrce of thee daatumm maay bbe uunfaaithhfull.Our moddel getts rrid of thee efffecct ccaussed by

49、 typphooons ,raainsstorrms andd ottherr faactoors, buut iin ffactt, iit iis mmoree coompllicaatedd thhan thaat wwe cconssideer iin tthe moddel.Be rresttricctedd byy thhe ddatuum aand ourr teeam memmberrs abbiliitiees, we donnt ttakee thhe AAusttralliannconntinnentts eeffeect on thee noorthh Auustrra

50、liian currrennt iintoo acccouunt deeeplyy.Heencee,thhe ttracck oof tthe littterr deebriis iis wwideely divverggentt wiith thee phhysiicall trruthh.Refeerenncess1 htttp:/baaikee.baaiduu.coom/vvieww/400230028.htmm.2hhttpp:/m/viiew/467767.htmm3SShurren Yanng, Zhiiminng WWangg, GGuanngyuu Hee, HHaiqqingg Cuui,EEngiineeerinng FFluiid MMechhaniics, Peetrooleuum IInduustrry PPresss.4HHaizzhouu Liin, Zhee Yaang, Boo Xiin, Haiiminng ZZhann, tthe Cauuse of thee Centtrall Paaciffic Garbbagee Paatchh baasedd onn thhe ddampped osccilllatiion andd dyynammic anaalogg, ppubllishhed on The


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