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1、An A-Mazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your LifeWhoMMoveedMyCheeese?Spenncerr Joohnsson, M.D.Foreeworrd bby KKennnethh Bllanccharrd, Ph.D.Co-AAuthhorss off Thhe OOne Minnutee MaanaggerThe Worrlds MMostt Poopullar Mannageemennt MMethhodWho Movved My Cheeesee?CONTTENTTSPartts oof AAll

2、 of UsThe Stoory Behhindd Thhe SStorryby KKennnethh Bllanccharrd, Ph.DA Gaatheerinng: ChiicaggoThe Stoory of Whoo Moovedd Myy Chheesse?Fourr ChharaacteersFinddingg ChheesseNo CCheeese!The Micce: Sniiff & SScurrryThe Litttleepeooplee: HHem & HHawMeannwhiile, Baack In Thee MaazeGetttingg Beeyonnd FFea

3、rrEnjooyinng TThe AdvventtureeMoviing Witth TThe CheeeseeThe Hanndwrritiing On Thee WaallTasttingg Neew CCheeeseEnjooyinng CChannge!A Diiscuussiion: Laaterr Thhat Samme DDayPARTTS OOF AALL OF USThe Simmplee annd TThe CommpleexThe fouur iimagginaary chaaraccterrsdepiicteed iin tthiss sttoryythe micce

4、: SSnifff andd Scuurryy, anddthe litttleepeooplee: Hemm aand Haaware inttendded to reppressentt thhe ssimpple anddthe commpleex ppartts oof ooursselvves, reegarrdleessof oour agee, ggendder, raace, orr naatioonallityy.Someetimmes we mayy acct llikeeSnifffWho sniiffss ouut cchannge earrly, orrScurrry

5、Who scuurriies intto aactiion, orrHemWho denniess annd rresiistss chhangge aas hhe ffearrsit wwilll leead to sommethhingg woorsee, oorHawWho leaarnss too addaptt inn tiime wheen hhe sseesschannginng lleadds tto ssomeethiing bettterr!Whatteveer ppartts oof uus wwe cchooose to usee,we aall shaare somm

6、ethhingg inn coommoon:a neeed to finnd oour wayy inn thhe mmazeeand succceeed iin cchannginng ttimees.The Stoory Behhindd Thhe SStorryby KKennnethh Bllanccharrd, Ph.D. I am thrrillled to be telllinng yyou thhe sstorry bbehiind thee sttoryy oof WWho Movved My Cheeesee? bbecaausee itt meeanss thhe bbo

7、okk haas nnow beeen wwritttenn, aand is avaailaablee foor aall of us to reaad, enjjoy andd shharee wiith othherss. Thhis is sommethhingg Ive wanntedd too seee hhapppen eveer ssincce II fiirstt heeardd Sppenccer Johhnsoon ttelll hiis ggreaat Cheeesee sstorry, yeaars agoo, bbefoore we wroote ourr booo

8、k Thee Onne MMinuute Mannageer ttogeetheer. I remmembber thiinkiing theen hhow goood tthe stoory wass annd hhow hellpfuul iit wwoulld bbe tto mme ffromm thhat mommentt onn.Who Movved My Cheeesee? iis aa sttoryy abboutt chhangge tthatt taakess pllacee inn a Mazze wwherre ffourr ammusiing chaaraccterr

9、s llookk foor Cheeeseecheeesee beeingg a mettaphhor forr whhat we wannt tto hhavee inn liife, whhethher it is a jjob, a rellatiionsshipp, mmoneey, a bbig houuse, frreeddom, heealtth, reccognnitiion, sppiriituaal ppeacce, or eveen aan aactiivitty llikee jooggiing or gollf. Eaach of us hass ouur oown

10、ideea oof wwhatt Chheesse iis, andd wee puursuue iit bbecaausee wee beelieeve it makkes us happpy. Iff wee geet iit, we oftten beccomee atttacchedd too itt. AAnd if we losse iit, or its ttakeen aawayy, iit ccan be traaumaaticc. Thhe Mazze in thee sttoryy reepreesennts wheere youu sppendd tiime loook

11、inng ffor whaat yyou wannt. It cann bee thhe oorgaanizzatiion youu woork in, thhe ccommmuniity youu liive in, orr thhe rrelaatioonshhipss yoou hhavee inn yoour liffe. I telll tthe Cheeesee sttoryy thhat youu arre aabouut tto rreadd inn myy taalkss arrounnd tthe worrld, annd oofteen hhearr laaterr fr

12、rom peooplee abboutt whhat a ddifffereencee itt haas mmadee too thhem. Beelieeve it or nott, tthiss liittlle sstorry hhas beeen ccredditeed wwithh saavinng ccareeerss, mmarrriagges andd liivess! Onne oof tthe manny rreall-liife exaamplles commes froom CCharrliee Jooness, aa weell-resspecctedd brroad

13、dcassterr foor NNBC-TV, whho rreveealeed tthatt heeariing thee sttoryy off Whho MMoveed MMy CCheeese? saavedd hiis ccareeer. Hiis jjob as a bbroaadcaasteer iis uuniqque, buut tthe priinciiplees hhe llearrnedd caan bbe uusedd byy annyonne. Heeres wwhatt haappeenedd: CCharrliee haad wworkked harrd aan

14、d hadd doone a ggreaat jjob of brooadccasttingg Trrackk annd FFielld eevennts at an earrlieer OOlymmpicc Gaamess, sso hhe wwas surrpriisedd annd uupseet wwhenn hiis bbosss toold himm heed beeen rremoovedd frrom theese shoowcaase eveentss foor tthe nexxt OOlymmpiccs aand asssignned to Swiimmiing andd

15、 Diivinng. Noot kknowwingg thhesee spportts aas wwelll, hhe wwas fruustrrateed. He fellt uunapppreeciaatedd annd hhe bbecaame anggry. Hee saaid he fellt iit wwasnnt faiir! Hiss anngerr beegann too afffecct eeverrythhingg hee diid. Thhen, hee heeardd thhe sstorry oof WWho Movved My Cheeesee? Affterr

16、thhat he saiid hhe llaugghedd att hiimseelf andd chhangged hiss atttittudee. HHe rreallizeed hhis bosss hhad jusst movved hiss Chheesse. Soo hee addaptted. HHe llearrnedd thhe ttwo neww spportts, andd inn thhe pproccesss, ffounnd tthatt dooingg soometthinng nnew madde hhim feeel yyounng. Itt waasnt

17、llongg beeforre hhis bosss rrecoogniizedd hiis nnew atttituude andd ennerggy, andd hee sooon gott beetteer aassiignmmentts. He wennt oon tto eenjooy mmoree suucceess thaan eeverr annd wwas latter indductted intto PPro Foootbaalls HHalll off FaameBrooadccastters AAlleey. Thhats jjustt onne oof tthe m

18、anny rreall-liife stooriees IIvee heeardd abboutt thhe iimpaact thiis sstorry hhas hadd onn peeoplleffromm thheirr woork liffe tto ttheiir llovee liife. Im ssuchh a strrongg beelieeverr inn thhe ppoweer oof WWho Movved My Cheeesee? tthatt I gavve aa coopy of an earrly pree-puubliicattionn edditiion

19、to eveeryoone (moore thaan 2200 peooplee) wworkkingg wiith ourr coompaany. Whhy? Beecauuse likke eeverry ccomppanyy thhat wannts to nott onnly surrvivve iin tthe futturee buut sstayy coompeetittivee, TThe kenn Bllanccharrd CComppaniies aree coonsttanttly chaangiing. Thhey keeep mmoviing ourr CCheees

20、e. WWhille iin tthe passt wwe mmay havve wwantted loyyal empployyeess, ttodaay wwe nneedd fllexiiblee peeoplle wwho aree noot pposssesssivee abboutt tthe wayy thhinggs aare donne aarouund herre. Annd yyet, ass yoou kknoww, lliviing in connstaant whiite watter witth tthe chaangees ooccuurriing alll t

21、hhe ttimee att woork or in liffe ccan be strresssfull, uunleess peooplee haave a wway of loookinng aat cchannge thaat hhelpps tthemm unnderrstaand it. Ennterr thhe CCheeese stoory. Whhen I ttoldd peeoplle aabouut tthe stoory andd thhen theey ggot to reaad WWho Movved My Cheeesee? yyou couuld almmost

22、t feeel thee reeleaase of neggatiive eneergyy beeginnninng tto ooccuur. Peersoon aafteer ppersson froom eeverry ddepaartmmentt weent outt off thheirr waay tto tthannk mme ffor thee boook andd toold me howw heelpfful it hadd beeen to theem aalreeadyy inn seeeinng tthe chaangees ggoinng oon iin oour c

23、ommpanny iin aa diiffeerennt llighht. Bellievve mme, thiis bbrieef pparaablee taakess liittlle ttimee too reead butt itts iimpaact cann bee prrofooundd. Ass yoou tturnn thhe ppagees, youu wiill finnd tthreee ssecttionns iin tthiss boook. Inn thhe ffirsst, A GGathheriing, foormeer cclasssmaatess taal

24、k at a cclasss rreunnionn abboutt trryinng tto ddeall wiith thee chhangges happpenningg inn thheirr liivess. TThe seccondd seectiion is Thee Sttoryy off Whho MMoveed MMy CCheeese?, wwhicch iis tthe corre oof tthe boook. Inn Thhe SStorry yyou willl ssee thaat tthe twoo miice do bettterr whhen theey a

25、are facced witth cchannge beccausse ttheyy keeep thiingss siimplle, whiile thee twwo llitttle-peooplees commpleex bbraiins andd huumann emmotiionss coompllicaate thiingss. IIt iis nnot thaat mmicee arre ssmarrterr. We alll knnow peooplee arre mmoree inntellliggentt thhan micce. Hoowevver, ass yoou w

26、watcch wwhatt thhe ffourr chharaacteers do, annd rreallizee booth thee miice andd thhe llitttleppeopple reppressentt paartss off ouurseelveestthe simmplee annd tthe commpleexyyou cann seee iit wwoulld bbe tto oour advvanttagee too doo thhe ssimpple thiingss thhat worrk wwhenn thhinggs cchannge. Inn

27、thhe tthirrd ssecttionn, AA Diiscuussiion, peeoplle ddisccusss whhat Thee Sttoryy meeantt too thhem andd hoow ttheyy arre ggoinng tto uuse it in theeir worrk aand in theeir livves. Soome reaaderrs oof tthiss boooks eearlly mmanuuscrriptt prrefeerreed tto sstopp att thhe eend of Thee Sttoryy, wwithho

28、utt reeadiing furrtheer, andd innterrpreet iits meaaninng ffor theemseelvees. Othherss ennjoyyed reaadinng AA Diiscuussiion thaat ffolllowss beecauuse it stiimullateed ttheiir tthinnkinng aabouut hhow theey mmighht aapplly wwhatt thheyd llearrnedd too thheirr owwn ssituuatiion. Inn anny ccasee, II h

29、oope eacch ttimee yoou rre-rreadd Whho MMoveed MMy CCheeese? yoou wwilll fiind sommethhingg neew aand useefull inn itt, aas II doo, aand thaat iit wwilll heelp youu deeal witth cchannge andd brringg yoou ssucccesss, wwhatteveer yyou deccidee suucceess is forr yoou. I hoppe yyou enjjoy whaat yyou dis

30、scovver andd I wissh yyou welll. Reememmberr: MMovee wiith thee Chheesse!Ken BlaanchharddSan Dieego, CaaliffornniaWhoMMoveedMyyCheeesee?A GaatheerinngChiccagoo Onne ssunnny SSundday in Chiicaggo, sevveraal fformmer claassmmatees, whoo weere goood ffrieendss inn scchoool, gattherred forr luunchh, hha

31、viing atttendded theeir higgh sschoool reuunioon tthe nigght befforee. TTheyy waanteed tto hhearr moore aboout whaat wwas happpenningg inn eaach othhers llivees. Aftter a ggoodd deeal of kidddinng, andd a goood mmeall, ttheyy seettlled intto aan iinteeresstinng cconvver-sattionn. Anngella, whoo haad

32、 bbeenn onne oof tthe mosst ppopuularr peeoplle iin tthe claass, saaid, LLifee suure turrnedd ouut ddifffereentlly tthann I thooughht iit wwoulld wwhenn wee weere in schhooll. AA loot hhas chaangeed. IIt ccerttainnly hass, Natthann ecchoeed. Theey kkneww hee haad ggonee innto hiss faamillyss buusinn

33、esss, wwhicch hhad opeeratted preettyy muuch thee saame andd haad bbeenn a parrt oof tthe loccal commmunnityy foor aas llongg ass thhey couuld remmembber. Soo, ttheyy weere surrpriisedd whhen he seeemedd coonceerneed. He askked, BBut, haave youu nooticced howw wee doontt waant to chaangee whhen thii

34、ngss chhangge? Carrloss saaid, II guuesss wee reesisst cchannginng bbecaausee weeree affraiid oof cchannge. CCarllos, yoou wweree Caaptaain of thee foootbballl teeam, JJesssicaa saaid. I nneveer tthouughtt Id hhearr yoou ssay anyythiing aboout beiing afrraidd. Thhey alll laaughhed as theey rreallize

35、ed tthatt allthooughh thhey hadd goone offf inn diiffeerennt ddireectiionssfrrom worrkinng aat hhomee too maanaggingg coompaanieesttheyy weere expperiienccingg siimillar feeelinngs. Evveryyonee waas ttryiing to coppe wwithh thhe uunexxpecctedd chhangges thaat wweree haappeeninng tto tthemm inn reece

36、nnt yyearrs. Andd moost admmittted thaat ttheyy diid nnot knoow aa goood wayy too haandlle tthemm. Thhen Micchaeel ssaidd, I uusedd too bee affraiid oof cchannge. Whhen a bbig chaangee caame aloong in ourr buusinnesss, wwe ddidnnt knoow wwhatt too doo. SSo wwe ddidnnt adjjustt annd wwe aalmoost loss

37、t iit. TThatt iss, he conntinnuedd, unttil I hhearrd aa fuunnyy liittlle sstorry tthatt chhangged eveerytthinng. HHow so? NNathhan askked. WWelll, tthe stoory chaangeed tthe wayy I loookedd att chhanggeffromm loosinng ssomeethiing to gaiininng ssomeethiingandd itt shhoweed mme hhow to do it. Affterr

38、 thhat, thhinggs qquiccklyy immprooveddatt woork andd inn myy liife. AAt ffirsst II waas aannooyedd wiith thee obbvioous simmpliicitty oof tthe stoory beccausse iit ssounndedd liike sommethhingg wee miightt haave beeen ttoldd inn scchoool. TThenn I reaalizzed I wwas reaallyy annnoyyed witth mmyseelf

39、 forr noot sseeiing thee obbvioous andd dooingg whhat worrks wheen tthinngs chaangee. WWhenn I reaalizzed thee foour chaaraccterrs iin tthe stoory reppressentted thee vaarioous parrts of mysselff, II deecidded whoo I wanntedd too acct llikee annd II chhangged. LLateer, I ppasssed thee sttoryy onn to

40、o soome peooplee inn ouur ccomppanyy annd ttheyy paasseed iit oon tto ootheers, annd ssoonn ouur bbusiinesss ddid mucch bbettter, beecauuse mosst oof uus aadapptedd too chhangge bbettter. Annd llikee mee, mmanyy peeoplle ssaidd itt heelpeed tthemm inn thheirr peersoonall liivess. HHoweeverr thheree

41、weere a ffew peooplee whho ssaidd thhey gott noothiing outt off itt. TTheyy eiitheer kkneww thhe llesssonss annd wweree allreaady livvingg thhem, orr, mmoree coommoonlyy, ttheyy thhougght theey aalreeadyy knnew eveery-thiing andd diidnt wwantt too leearnn. TTheyy cooulddntt seee wwhy so manny oothee

42、rs werre bbeneefittingg frrom it. WWhenn onne oof oour senniorr exxecuutivves, whho wwas havvingg diiffiicullty adaaptiing, saaid thee sttoryy waas aa waastee off hiis ttimee, ootheer ppeopple kidddedd hiim ssayiing theey kkneww whhichh chharaacteer hhe wwas in thee sttoryymeeaniing thee onne wwho l

43、eaarneed nnothhingg neew aand didd noot cchannge. WWhatts thee sttoryy? Anggelaa asskedd. IItss caalleed WWho Movved My Cheeesee? Thhe ggrouup llaugghedd. I tthinnk II liike it alrreaddy, Caarloos ssaidd. Wouuld youu teell us thee sttoryy? MMaybbe wwe ccan gett soometthinng ffromm itt. SSuree, Micch

44、aeel rreplliedd. Idd bee haappyy tooitt dooesnnt takke llongg. Andd soo hee beegann:The Stoory of Whoo Moovedd Myy Chheesse? ONNCE, loong agoo inn a lannd ffar awaay, theere livved fouur llitttle chaaraccterrs wwho rann thhrouugh a mmazee loookiing forr chheesse tto nnourrishh thhem andd maake theem

45、 hhapppy. Twwo wweree miice nammed Snnifff aand Sccurrry andd twwo wweree liittllepeeopllebbeinngs whoo weere as smaall as micce bbut whoo loookeed aand actted a llot likke ppeopple todday. Thheirr naamess weere Heem andd HHaw. Duue tto ttheiir ssmalll ssizee, iit wwoulld bbe eeasyy noot tto nnotiic

46、e whaat tthe fouur oof tthemm weere doiing. Buut iif yyou loookedd clloseely enooughh, yyou couuld disscovver thee moost amaazinng tthinngs! Evveryy daay tthe micce aand thee liittllepeeoplle sspennt ttimee inn thhe mmazee loookiing forr thheirr owwn sspecciall chheesse. Thhe mmicee, SSnifff aand Sc

47、uurryy, pposssesssingg onnly simmplee roodennt bbraiins, buut ggoodd innstiinctts, seaarchhed forr thhe hhardd niibbllingg chheesse ttheyy liikedd, aas mmicee offtenn doo. Thhe ttwo litttleepeooplee, HHem andd Haaw, useed ttheiir bbraiins, fiilleed wwithh maany bellieffs aand emootioons, too seearcc

48、h ffor a vveryy diiffeerennt kkindd off Chheessewwithh a cappitaal CC wwhicch ttheyy beelieevedd woouldd maake theem ffeell haappyy annd ssucccesssfull. Ass diiffeerennt aas tthe micce aand litttleepeooplee weere, thhey shaaredd soometthinng iin ccommmon: Evveryy moorniing, thhey eacch pput on theei

49、r joggginng ssuitts aand runnninng sshoees, lefft ttheiir llitttle hommes, annd rraceed oout intto tthe mazze llookkingg foor ttheiir ffavooritte ccheeese. Thhe mmazee waas aa laabyrrintth oof ccorrridoors andd chhambberss, ssomee coontaainiing delliciiouss chheesse. Butt thheree weere alsso ddarkk

50、coorneers andd bllindd allleyys lleaddingg noowheere. Itt waas aan eeasyy pllacee foor aanyoone to gett loost. Hoowevver, foor tthosse wwho fouund theeir wayy, tthe mazze hheldd seecreets thaat llet theem eenjooy aa beetteer llifee. Thhe mmicee, SSnifff aand Scuurryy, uusedd thhe ssimpple triial-and

51、d-errrorr meethood oof ffinddingg chheesse. Theey rran dowwn oone corrriddor, annd iif iit pprovved emppty, thhey turrnedd annd rran dowwn aanottherr. TTheyy reememmberred thee coorriidorrs tthatt heeld no cheeesee annd qquiccklyy weent intto nnew areeas. Snnifff woouldd smmelll ouut tthe genneraal

52、ddireectiion of thee chheesse, usiing hiss grreatt noose, annd SScurrry wouuld racce aaheaad. Theey ggot losst, as youu miightt exxpecct, wennt ooff in thee wrrongg diirecctioon aand oftten bummpedd innto wallls. Buut aafteer aa whhilee thhey fouund theeir wayy. Liike thee miice, thhe ttwo litttleep

53、eooplee, HHem andd Haaw, alsso uusedd thheirr abbiliity to thiink andd leearnn frrom theeir passt eexpeerieencees. Howweveer, theey rreliied on theeir commpleex bbraiins to devveloop mmoree soophiistii-caatedd meethoods of finndinng CCheeese. Soomettimees ttheyy diid wwelll, bbut at othher timmes th

54、eeir powwerfful humman bellieffs aand emootioons toook ooverr annd cclouudedd thhe wway theey llookked at thiingss. IIt mmadee liife in thee maaze morre ccomppliccateed aand chaalleengiing. Noonetthellesss, SSnifff, Scuurryy, HHem andd Haaw aall disscovvereed, in theeir ownn waay, whaat ttheyy weere

55、 loookinng ffor. Thhey eacch ffounnd ttheiir oown kinnd oof ccheeese onee daay aat tthe endd off onne oof tthe corrriddorss inn Chheesse SStattionn C. Evveryy moorniing aftter thaat, thee miice andd thhe llitttleppeopple dreesseed iin ttheiir rrunnningg geear andd heeadeed ooverr too Chheesse SStatt

56、ionn C. Itt waasnt llongg beeforre ttheyy eaach esttabllishhed theeir ownn rooutiine. Snnifff annd SScurrry conntinnuedd too waake earrly eveery dayy annd rracee thhrouugh thee maaze, allwayys ffolllowiing thee saame rouute. Whhen theey aarriivedd att thheirr deestiinattionn, tthe micce ttookk offf

57、ttheiir rrunnningg shhoess, ttiedd thhem toggethher andd huung theem aarouund theeir neccksso theey ccoulld gget to theem qquiccklyy whheneeverr thhey neeededd thhem agaain. Thhen theey eenjooyedd thhe ccheeese. Inn thhe bbegiinniing Hemm annd HHaw alsso rraceed ttowaard Cheeesee Sttatiion C eeverry

58、 mmornningg too ennjoyy thhe ttastty nnew morrsells tthatt awwaitted theem. Buut aafteer aa whhilee, aa diiffeerennt rrouttinee seet iin ffor thee liittllepeeoplle. Heem aand Haww awwokee eaach dayy a litttlee laaterr, ddresssedd a litttlee slloweer, andd waalkeed tto CCheeese Staatioon CC. AAfteer

59、aall, thhey kneew wwherre tthe Cheeesee waas nnow andd hoow tto gget theere. Thhey hadd noo iddea wheere thee Chheesse ccamee frrom, orr whho pput it theere. Thhey jusst aassuumedd itt woouldd bee thheree. Ass sooon as Hemm annd HHaw arrriveed aat CCheeese Staatioon CC eaach morrninng, theey ssetttl

60、edd inn annd mmadee thhemsselvves at homme. Theey hhungg upp thheirr jooggiing suiits, puut aawayy thheirr ruunniing shooes andd puut oon ttheiir sslippperrs. Theey wweree beecommingg veery commforrtabble noww thhat theey hhad fouund thee Chheesse. TThiss iss grreatt, Hemm saaid. TTherress ennouggh


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  • 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當(dāng)內(nèi)容,請(qǐng)與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
  • 7. 本站不保證下載資源的準(zhǔn)確性、安全性和完整性, 同時(shí)也不承擔(dān)用戶(hù)因使用這些下載資源對(duì)自己和他人造成任何形式的傷害或損失。



