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1、文檔import java.awt.*;import java.awt.eve nt.MouseAdapter;import java.awt.eve nt.MouseEve nt;import java.util.*;import java.util.Timer;import javax.swi ng.*;import javax.swi ng.eve nt.*;import javax.swi ng.table.*;這是一個用JList和JTable完成的簡單日歷public class cale nderpublic static void main(String args)Even t

2、Queue.i nvokeLater( new Runn able()public void run()JFrame frame = new Cale ndarFrame();frame.setDefaultCloseOperati on (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); frame.setVisible(true););class Cale ndarFrame exte nds JFrameprivate static fin al lo ng serialVersio nUID = 8067844586793608064L;JPanel listPanel; /顯示月份的列表

3、面板JPa nel tablePa nel; /顯示日期的表格面板JPa nel textPa nel; / 文本面板JMenuBar menuBar; / JMenuBar,JMenu定義的變量都沒有實現(xiàn)功能JMe nu fileMe nu;JMenu editMe nu;JMenu formatMe nu;JMenu lookMe nu;JMe nu helpMe nu;JEditorPane text; /自帶復(fù)制,剪切和刪除快捷鍵功能的面板JScrollPa ne textscrollpa ne;JScrollPa ne tablescrollpa ne;JList list; II顯

4、示月份的列表JTable table; II顯示日期的表格JPa nel yearPa nel; II顯示年份的面板 JSpinner spinner; II JSpinner 空間 JLabel label = new JLabel();public static boolea n flag = true;public Cale ndarFrame()table = new JTable(new MyTableModel();tablescrollpa ne = new JScrollPa ne(table);for (int i = 0; i 7; i+)獲取表格每一列TableColu

5、mn colu mn = table.getColu mnM odel().getColu mn (i); column.setResizable(false);/ 不允許改變列的大小table.setBackgrou nd(Color.GREEN);table.setRowHeight(72); II 設(shè)定每列的大小 table.setRowSelectio nAllowed(false);/ 設(shè)定行的選擇模式 table.setDefaultRenderer(String.class, new MyTableRenderer();list = new JList(new AbstractL

6、istModel() II匿名的 list 模型類,提供 list 顯示的月份數(shù)據(jù)private static fin al lo ng serialVersio nUID = -3703164069291737586L;public Object getElementAt(int index) Stri ng obj = n ull;switch (in dex)case 0:obj = Ja n;break;case 1:obj = Feb;break;case 2:obj = Mar;break;case 3:obj = Apr;break;case 4:obj = May; break

7、;case 5:obj = Jun; break;case 6:obj = Jul; break;case 7:obj = Aug; break;case 8:obj = Sep; break;case 9:obj = Oct; break;case 10:obj = Nov; break;case 11:obj = Dec; break;return obj;Overridepublic int getSize()return 12;);list.setSelectio nM ode(ListSelectio nM odel.SINGLE_SELECTION); /設(shè)定列表的選擇模式list

8、.setCelIRe nderer( new MyListCellRe nderer(); /列表元素的繪制類MyListCelIRe ndererlist.setSelectedIndex(Calendar.getlnstance().get(Calendar.MONTH);/ JList 默認(rèn)的月份為現(xiàn) 實的月份list.addListSelecti on Liste ner(new ListSelectio nListe ner()當(dāng)某個列表被選中時,更新日期table控件public void valueCha nged(ListSelect ion Eve nt e) flag =

9、true;table.updateUI(););list.addMouseListe ner(new MouseAdapter()public void mouseClicked(MouseEve nt evt)if (evt.getClickCou nt() = 2)Stri ng s = (Stri ng) list.getSelectedValue();JOpti onPan e.showMessageDialog(list, s); );listPa nel = new JPa nel();listPa nel.setLayout (new BorderLayout();listPa

10、nel.add(list);tablePa nel = new JPa nel();tablePa nel.setBackgro un d(Color.white);tablePa nel.setLayout (new BorderLayout();tablePa nel.add(tablescrollpa ne);/ table.setBackgro un d(Color.gree n);yearPanel = new JPanel();將label控件和JSpinner控件加入年份面板上yearPa nel.setLayout (new GridLayout(0, 4);JLabel go

11、ngyuan = new JLabel(公元, JLabel.RIGHT);JLabel year = new JLabel(年);spinner = new JSp inner(new Spi nn erNumberModel(Cale ndar.getl nsta nce().get(Calendar.YEAR), null, null, 1);spinner.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() / 為 JSpinner 空間添加事件監(jiān)聽器 Overridepublic void stateCha nged(Cha ngeEve nt e) fla

12、g = true;table.updateUI(););yearPa nel.add(go ngyua n);yearPa nel.add(sp inner);yearPa nel.add(year);yearPa nel.add(label);showTime();new Timer().schedule( new TimerTask()Overridepublic void run()while (true)showTime();, 1000);tablePa nel.add(yearPa nel, BorderLayout.NORTH);/ 將年份面板加入到表格面板的北部 textPa

13、nel = new JPa nel();textPa nel.setLayout (new BorderLayout();text = new JEditorPa ne();textscrollpane = new JScrollPane(text);textPa nel.add(textscrollpa ne);text.setFo nt(new Fo nt(Sa nsSerif, Font. PLAIN, 40);tablePa nel.add(textPa nel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);menuBar = new JMenuBar(); JMenu 定義的空間都沒實現(xiàn)

14、功能 fileMenu = new JMenu(文件);editMenu = new JMenu(編輯);formatMenu = new JMenu(格式);lookMenu = new JMenu(查看);helpMenu = new JMenu(幫助); men uBar.add(fileMe nu);men uBar.add(editMe nu);men uBar.add(formatMe nu);men uBar.add(lookMe nu);men uBar.add(helpMe nu);GridBagLayout layout = new GridBagLayout(); / 設(shè)

15、成 GridBagLayout 布局 GridBagC on stra ints con stra ints = new GridBagC on stra in ts();this.setFo nt(n ew Fon t(Sa nsSerif, Fon t.PLAIN, 14);this.setLayout(layout);this.setTitle(”萬年歷);/設(shè)定標(biāo)題this.setIc onl mage (new ImageIc on (restitle.jpg).getlmage(); /設(shè)定圖標(biāo)co nstrai nts.fill = GridBagCo nstrai nts.BO

16、TH;con strai nts.weightx = 0.5;con stra in ts.weighty = 0.5;layout.setC on stra in ts(listPa nel, con stra in ts);con strai nts.weightx = 8.0;con stra in ts.weighty = 0.5;layout.setC on stra in ts(tablePa nel, con stra in ts);this.setJMe nuBar(me nuBar);this.add(listPa nel);this.add(tablePa nel);thi

17、s.setSize(this.getToolkit().getScree nSize().width * 3 / 4, this .getToolkit().getScree nSize().height * 3 / 4); /設(shè)定窗體的大小private void showTime()int hour = Cale ndar.getl nsta nce().get(Cale ndar.HOUR_OF_DAY);int mi nute = Cale ndar.getl nsta nce().get(Cale ndar.MINUTE);int seco nd = Cale ndar.getl n

18、sta nce().get(Cale ndar.SECOND);Strin gBuilder sb = new Stri ngBuilder();if (hour 10)sb.appe nd(0 + hour); elsesb.appe nd(hour);if (mi nute 10)sb.appe nd(:0 + minu te); elsesb.appe nd(: + minu te);if (second 10)sb.appe nd(:O + sec on d); elsesb.appe nd(: + sec on d);label.setFo nt(new Fon t(Sa nsSer

19、if, Fon t.BOLD, 12);label.setForegrou nd(Color.BLACK); label.setText(sb.toStri ng();class MyTableModel exte nds AbstractTableModel / 表格模型類,提供表格數(shù)據(jù) private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;Strin g colu mnN ame = new Strin g/表格列名 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,Saturday ;Ove

20、rridepublic in t getColu mn Cou nt() / 返回表格列數(shù)return colu mnN ame.le ngth;public in t getRowCou nt() / 返回表格行數(shù)return 6;public String getColumnName(int col) /獲得表格列名return colu mnN amecol;public Class getColu mn Class(i nt c)return getValueAt(0, c).getClass();public Object getValueAt( int row In dex, in

21、t colu mnIn dex)int mon th = list.getSelectedl ndex(); 獲得列表的月份int year = (Integer) spinner.getValue(); 獲得 spinner 顯示的年份Gregoria nCale ndar gc = new Gregoria nCale ndar(year, mon th, 1);int dayOfWeek = gc.get(Cale ndar.DAY_OF_WEEK) - 1; /獲得這個月的第一天是星期幾int countDayInMonth = 0;/ 某月的總天數(shù),這里的月是從0-11,表示1-12

22、月if (mon th = 0 | mon th = 2 | month = 4 | mon th = 6| month = 7 | month = 9 | month = 11)countDaylnMonth = 31; / 是 31 天的月份 else if (month = 3 | month = 5 | month = 8 | month = 10)countDaylnMonth = 30; / 是 30 天的月份 else if (gc.isLeapYear(year) & month = 1)countDaylnMonth = 29; / 閏年 2 月 else if (!gc.i

23、sLeapYear(year) & month = 1)countDaylnMonth = 28; / 非閏年 2 月String value = ; /因為返回值是 Object類型,所以不能直接返回int類型的數(shù)據(jù),所以轉(zhuǎn)換成String類型if (rowl ndex = 0) / 第一列的數(shù)據(jù)if (colum nln dex dayOfWeek)value =; elsevalue = + (colu mnln dex - dayOfWeek + 1); else/其余列的數(shù)據(jù)if (rowl ndex - 1) * 7) + (colu mnln dex + 1 + 7 - dayO

24、fWeek) = cou ntDayl nMonth) value = (rowl ndex - 1) * 7) + (colu mnlndex + 1 + 7 - dayOfWeek)+ ;return value;列表元素繪制類繼承class MyListCelIRe nderer exte nds JLabel impleme nts ListCelIRe nderer/ 自 JLabel,實現(xiàn) ListCellRenderer 接口private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;public Comp onent getListCellR

25、e ndererComp onen t(JList list, / the list Object value, / value to display int in dex, / cell in dex boolea n isSelected, / is the cell selectedboolea n cellHasFocus) / does the cell have focusStri ng s = value.toStri ng().trim(); / 獲取選中元素的字符容 setText(s); /顯示這個字符Dime nsion dime nsion = list.getSize

26、(); / 設(shè)定這個每個元素的大小 int height = dime nsion .height / 12;int width = dime nsio n.width;setSize(width, height);if (isSelected) /如果該元素被選中,則背景色為紅色setBackgro un d(Color.red);setForegro un d(list.getSelect ion Backgro un d(); else/未被選中的元素背景色顯示為灰色,前景色為粉紅色setBackgro un d(Color.gray);setForegro un d(Color.p i

27、n k);setIcon(new ImageIcon(resWmon .jpg); / 設(shè)定該元素的圖標(biāo) setE nabled(list.isE nabled();setFont(new Font(SansSerif, Font.PLAIN, 20); /設(shè)定字體大小setOpaque(true);return this;class MyTableRe nderer exte nds JLabel impleme nts TableCellRe nderer private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;public Comp onent getTableCe


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